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Food in your life Chap5  Lesson1
Nutrients  The substances in food that your body needs to function properly, to grow, repair itself, and supply energy.
Hunger A natural drive that protects you from starvation  Stomach walls contract and stimulate nerve endings that tell your brain you need to eat
Nutrition  The process of nourishing your body Body takes in and uses food
Food and Culture Think about how you eat at the following: Baseball game Family dinner Thanksgiving  School lunch Your favorite place to eat A fast food restaurant  After you workout
Family and Friends What eating habits did you pick up from your family? Are you eating bad food just because you never thought of their nutritional value? Do you and your friends always eat at the same places? Is it healthy?
Advertising The  Angry Whopper  Fast food and diet food both do a great job of making you aware of their products
Time and Money Not as much time to cook Easier to get fast food Cheaper to get fast food Tim Horton's on every corner Dollar Menus
Emotions You eat when you are: Sad Happy Angry Bored How about just eating when you are hungry?
Eating Habits Appetite VS. Hunger
Eating Habits Dont eat past the point of being full Satisfy for HUNGER not your APPETITE

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Lesson1 food

  • 1. Food in your life Chap5 Lesson1
  • 2. Nutrients The substances in food that your body needs to function properly, to grow, repair itself, and supply energy.
  • 3. Hunger A natural drive that protects you from starvation Stomach walls contract and stimulate nerve endings that tell your brain you need to eat
  • 4. Nutrition The process of nourishing your body Body takes in and uses food
  • 5. Food and Culture Think about how you eat at the following: Baseball game Family dinner Thanksgiving School lunch Your favorite place to eat A fast food restaurant After you workout
  • 6. Family and Friends What eating habits did you pick up from your family? Are you eating bad food just because you never thought of their nutritional value? Do you and your friends always eat at the same places? Is it healthy?
  • 7. Advertising The Angry Whopper Fast food and diet food both do a great job of making you aware of their products
  • 8. Time and Money Not as much time to cook Easier to get fast food Cheaper to get fast food Tim Horton's on every corner Dollar Menus
  • 9. Emotions You eat when you are: Sad Happy Angry Bored How about just eating when you are hungry?
  • 11. Eating Habits Dont eat past the point of being full Satisfy for HUNGER not your APPETITE