Presentació de Posada en Funcionament de Drupal de la jornada "Global Learn Day" organitzada per Atenea tech al Citilab de Cornellà el 14 de desembre de 2012.
An overview of the future of web app development from 3 angles: IDE in the cloud, Challenge of collaboration and Innovating the browser platform, related to the stuff we do at
Presentació de Posada en Funcionament de Drupal de la jornada "Global Learn Day" organitzada per Atenea tech al Citilab de Cornellà el 14 de desembre de 2012.
An overview of the future of web app development from 3 angles: IDE in the cloud, Challenge of collaboration and Innovating the browser platform, related to the stuff we do at
Beholding the giant pyramid of application development; why Ajax applications...Javeline B.V.
Building large and complex web applications using the open browser stack without any plugins is taking off (google wave), and with the support of rapidly innovating browsers like Firefox and Chrome it looks like it is bypassing proprietary platforms. This talk illustrates why the web browser and HTML5 are positioned to become the global platform for applications and how Ajax technologies like our are optimizing application development.
This document discusses Fence Fabric and Thorny Devil Spikes, which are products that can help prevent theft and vandalism at construction sites. Fence Fabric transforms ordinary fences into decorative barriers, while also increasing security. Thorny Devil Spikes are plastic security spikes that deter intruders from climbing or grabbing fences. Using these products is a low-cost way for contractors to help protect against potential losses from theft or damage during a project. Contact information is provided to learn more about how Fence Fabric and Thorny Devil Spikes can help save money and time.
Server-Side Javascript (SSJS) has been creating a lot of buzz lately, and it's not hard to see why. We have just begun to discover the possibilities opened up by running Javascript on the server, and it's something we're very excited about. That is why during this presentation we will introduce O3. O3 is a set of C++ components, which are exposed through a Javascript API, and can be used anywhere, be it in a browser or on a server... on all major operating systems. What's more, O3 also provides a set of libraries which allows you to write your own C++ components, and expose them through a Javascript API as well. Eddy and Mike of will show you how to use O3 within a simple collaborative application.
This document discusses a study on the effectiveness of using mobile instant messaging (MIM) in school management. It provides background on how communication between teachers and administrators has traditionally been done through in-person meetings. Recently, MIM apps like WhatsApp, WeChat, and LINE have grown in popularity. The study aims to understand teachers' and administrators' views on using MIM for school communication, whether it can replace traditional methods, and its overall effectiveness. It seeks to determine if MIM provides benefits to both teachers and the school, or is just used to be part of group interactions.
The document is a thesis that examines the success of teams collaborating using computer-mediated communication (CMC) versus face-to-face communication while playing the educational game MoonWorld. The thesis reviews literature on: 1) The importance of non-verbal cues like gestures in face-to-face collaboration; 2) Deficit theories that argue CMC is inferior due to a lack of cues; and 3) Studies showing CMC can be beneficial. The study then analyzes the collaboration of one team that used CMC and one that was collocated and able to communicate face-to-face while playing MoonWorld.
Policy implications for educational communications and technology programs in...Mimi Zaabah
This document discusses the pressures facing higher education programs, particularly those in educational technology, from trends toward accountability, accreditation, and quality assessments. It provides historical context on changes in higher education and discusses current environmental factors like a focus on immediate economic returns from education. Programs are pushed to demonstrate quality and value through formal mechanisms like accreditation that increasingly emphasize outputs, assessment and relevance to the job market. However, critics argue this can discourage innovation and fail to acknowledge different institutional missions. The impacts on educational technology programs and AECT's potential leadership role are considered.
Assessing technology’s role in communication between teachers and parentsMimi Zaabah
This study examines the role of communications technologies like email, cell phones, and websites in fostering parental involvement in middle schools. The study assesses whether these technologies facilitate the six types of parental involvement defined by Epstein, including obligations of parents and schools, involvement at school and home, and involvement in decision making. Both surveys and interviews were conducted with parents and teachers from three suburban middle schools of varying socioeconomic levels. The study aims to understand how technologies are used for communication, which facilitate different types of parental involvement, and what barriers prevent greater technology usage.
Science communication 2014-gelmez burakgazi-168-93-2Mimi Zaabah
Fourth and fifth grade students were interviewed about their use of mass media for science learning. The students actively chose media like TV, the internet, magazines, and newspapers to fulfill cognitive needs for information, affective needs for enjoyment, and personal and social needs. Key factors influencing their media choices were accessibility, interesting content presented creatively. The study provided insight into how media can support science learning outside the classroom.
The document summarizes the Thorny Devil Fence Spikes product. The spikes are made of UV-resistant PVC and are designed to deter intruders but not cut or pierce skin easily. They come in various sizes and configurations to install on fences, walls, posts, and chain link fences. The spikes are intended to minimize harm but maximize discomfort to prevent damage to property and deter animals, birds, and criminals from trespassing.
School based ict policy plans in primary educationMimi Zaabah
This document summarizes a research study that analyzed school-based ICT (information and communications technology) policy plans in primary education. The researchers identified three types of ICT policy plans based on the extent they addressed ICT leadership practices of setting direction, developing people, and making the organization work. They also found variety in the processes schools used to create and implement plans, such as supporting ICT training, using data to make decisions, and conducting monitoring activities. The study provides insight into the content and development of effective school-based ICT policy plans.
This paper summarizes a study that examined how 4th and 5th grade students in Ankara, Turkey use media like television, newspapers, science magazines, and the internet for science learning. The researchers conducted focus groups with 47 students from public and private schools to understand which media they use most and why. They found that science magazines and the internet were used most frequently due to their accessibility. Students reported both effective and ineffective features of each medium for learning science. The study aims to provide insights into how media can be better utilized to support young students' science education.
El documento resume los conceptos fundamentales de RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks), incluyendo sus ventajas como la tolerancia a fallos y mejora del rendimiento, los diferentes tipos (basado en software y hardware), y los niveles RAID más populares como RAID 0, 1, 0+1 y 5. Explica que RAID divide la información entre varios discos duros para proporcionar redundancia y reducir el tiempo de acceso, aparentando ser un solo disco lógico para el sistema operativo.
2. Duplicity – Instal·lació Primer de tot hem d'instal·lar el programa duplicity per poder realitzar les còpies de seguretat, desprès el GPG per poder xifrar la informació i finalment NcFTP per poder pujar la informació a un servidor FTP. Per això hem d'accedir a un terminal i executar les següents comandes: apt-get install duplicity apt-get install gnupg apt-get install ncftp Seguretat Informà tica Catalina Oliver Bennasar Escola Es Liceu
3. Duplicity – Backup FTP Per realitzar una còpia de seguretat i pujar-la a un servidor FTP hem d'executar la següent comanda: D uplicity ruta_arxius_backup <-- origen <-- destà A l'executar la comanda haurem d'introduir la contrassenya del servidor FTP i la contrassenya per xifrar la informació. Seguretat Informà tica Catalina Oliver Bennasar Escola Es Liceu
4. Duplicity – Backup FTP Una vegada s'ha executat la comanda obtenim el següent resultat: Seguretat Informà tica Catalina Oliver Bennasar Escola Es Liceu