DNSMASQ fa de cach辿 DNS dins de la nostra xarxa local. Bsicament fa forwarding (repetidor) d'un servidor DNS d'internet per嘆, a m辿s, emmagatzema les IPs que va resolent.
Aix嘆 accelera la resoluci坦 de noms dins la nostra Intranet.
Presentaci坦 de Posada en Funcionament de Drupal de la jornada "Global Learn Day" organitzada per Atenea tech al Citilab de Cornell el 14 de desembre de 2012.
This document discusses the OptiPrint3D Eyeglasses Project led by Patricia Dur叩n Ospina. The project aims to develop affordable, customized 3D printed eyeglasses using environmentally friendly materials. Currently, selecting frames for patients requires health professionals to invest heavily in multiple frame options. The project team is researching 3D printing software, equipment and technologies from China and identifying strategies to develop an affordable solution for creating customized eyeglass frames through 3D printing.
DNSMASQ fa de cach辿 DNS dins de la nostra xarxa local. Bsicament fa forwarding (repetidor) d'un servidor DNS d'internet per嘆, a m辿s, emmagatzema les IPs que va resolent.
Aix嘆 accelera la resoluci坦 de noms dins la nostra Intranet.
Presentaci坦 de Posada en Funcionament de Drupal de la jornada "Global Learn Day" organitzada per Atenea tech al Citilab de Cornell el 14 de desembre de 2012.
This document discusses the OptiPrint3D Eyeglasses Project led by Patricia Dur叩n Ospina. The project aims to develop affordable, customized 3D printed eyeglasses using environmentally friendly materials. Currently, selecting frames for patients requires health professionals to invest heavily in multiple frame options. The project team is researching 3D printing software, equipment and technologies from China and identifying strategies to develop an affordable solution for creating customized eyeglass frames through 3D printing.
Ncac f ire up your board for friendmaking 3 stepsgailperry
This document provides tips for "Fired Up Fundraising" and engaging boards of directors. It discusses common issues with boards and fundraising, and presents a system with 5 steps to fire up boards: 1) sharing personal stories, 2) discussing what funds will support, 3) providing mission experiences, 4) making meetings interesting, and 5) incorporating social time. It also recommends redefining fundraising as cultivating friends first through optimism, advice, and feedback. The goal is to inspire boards and turn donors into long-term friends of the organization.
Rugby is a team sport that can be played in different formats. It was developed in the 19th century by William Webb Ellis. Teams work to advance an oval ball down the field by passing it behind them or carrying it. Points are scored through tries, drop goals, and penalty kicks. Tackling is only allowed against the player carrying the ball.
Retrospective meetings allow teams to collectively discuss lessons learned from past project successes and failures in order to improve. The goals are to learn from experience, have a formal method to preserve lessons, and ensure everyone did their best given the circumstances. Ground rules include having respectful conversations without arguments or defenses, while being understanding. A safety check is used to determine comfort levels discussing certain topics, and items are categorized as what went well, where improvement is needed, and action items.
Gatling & LoadUI : Open Source Performance Testing ToolsvodQA
LoadUI and Gatling are open source load testing tools. LoadUI is cross-platform and allows for interactive, drag-and-drop test case creation and modification during a run. It has components like VU generators, runners, and schedulers. Gatling simulations are written in Scala and can record from browsers, run multiple scenarios together, and generate graphical reports. It involves downloading, recording, running simulations, and viewing reports.
Lecture 'Servicialisation - Service Consumers Center Stage' 2012-05-24 V01.02.00servicEvolution
This lecture about Servicialisation (= 弌亠于亳亠仍亳亰舒亳) was given as the opening keynote of the 9th Russian IT Management Forum on May 24th, 2012 in Moscow.
- Servicialisation Coining, Deducing & Demarcating
- Service Consumer Role, Requirements & Rules
- Wind of change Storm of Businesses, Tasks & Conditions
- Service Consumer Activator, Addressee & Success Factor
- Service Providing Triggering, Effectuating & Rendering
- Service Identifying Service Consumer, Service Object & Benefit
- Service Specifying Service Quality, Service Attributes & Service Levels
- Service Triathlon Providing Readiness, Providing Capacity & Providing
Further documents can be found on the blog of OmniNet
'Servicialisation - thought leading concept for providing services'
'弌亠于亳亳舒仍亳亰舒亳 于亠亟舒 从仂仆亠仗亳 仂弍亠仗亠亠仆亳 仍亞'
'Service Identifying - 3 Service Identifiers'
'仗亠亟亠仍亠仆亳亠 仍亞 3 亳亟亠仆亳亳从舒仂舒 仍亞'
s. documents in German
- Konzeptpapier 'Servicialisierung - Service-Erbringung & Methodik'
- Strukturmatrix 01 'Servicialisierung & Methoden'
- Konzeptpapiere
-- Service-Konsument - Wertsch旦pfer & Umsatzbringer
-- Service-Identifizierung - Service-Typ & Wesensmerkmale
-- Service-Kategorien - Service-Objekttypen & Nutzeffekttypen
-- Service-Spezifizierung - Service-Typ & Service-Erbringungsqualit辰t
-- Service-Transaktion - Ausl旦ser & Ablauf
-- Service-Triathlon - Ausl旦ser & Adressaten
-- Service-Trilemma - Dimensionen & Beteiligte
-- Service Provider - Service-Trilemma & Gesch辰ftsmodell
The document discusses patterns and anti-patterns of daily standup meetings. It provides guidance on who should attend, what should be discussed, how to structure the meeting for efficiency. Key points include keeping the meeting focused on status updates, time-boxed to 15 minutes or less, standing instead of sitting to encourage brevity, and rotating facilitation to encourage autonomy. Anti-patterns that can undermine the meeting are identified as well, such as allowing socializing, late starts, or obstacle discussion without resolution.
Este documento proporciona la clasificaci坦n de una regata llamada "La Ruta de la Tramutana 2011" que tuvo lugar el 8 y 9 de julio de 2011. La regata cubri坦 68 millas n叩uticas entre El Balis y Llosa Pollen巽a. Se incluyen los tiempos de llegada y velocidades promedio de los diferentes yates participantes ordenados en diferentes clasificaciones: general, alfa e india-bravo.
Servicialisation - Service Specifying: Example E-mailing Service V01.05.00servicEvolution
This document outlines a concept called "Servicialisation" for reliable and payable service delivery. It introduces key terms like service identifying, specifying, composing, orchestrating, cataloguing, committing, concerting and billing. These terms are used to map the process of identifying a service, specifying it through attributes, composing it, orchestrating suppliers, cataloguing the service, committing to service levels, delivering the service and billing for it. An example of specifying an email service is provided to illustrate the 12 service attributes across 3 service levels. The service specification is positioned as the center of this process to reliably deliver services.
La pandemia de COVID-19 ha tenido un impacto significativo en la econom鱈a mundial y las vidas de las personas. Muchos pa鱈ses han impuesto medidas de confinamiento que han cerrado negocios y escuelas, y han pedido a la gente que se quede en casa tanto como sea posible para frenar la propagaci坦n del virus. A medida que los pa鱈ses comienzan a reabrir gradualmente, los expertos advierten que es probable que se produzcan nuevos brotes a menos que se realicen pruebas generalizadas y se implementen medidas de rastreo de contactos.
As a small business, it can be extremely difficult to figure out how to use social media to build the business. Many questions come up, such as where do I start; or how can I build my social media strategy when it is just me? Ja-Nae will walk you through social media 101 and how to build your business through it.
This document contains a list of social demographic categories that could be used for audience targeting, including age ranges, genders, ethnicities, life stages, and interests. Some examples are men and women aged 18-25, 35-50, Asian English men 18-30, African American men, young professionals, elderly men and women, mothers, children of various ages, teenagers, university graduates, and educated men aged 35-55.
Management and programmers are both stressed out by project estimates. Software teams often over-commit, compounding the problem. A lot goes into making better estimates and commitments, but this talk gives you a simple place to start, by expanding your vocabulary about "When Will You Be Done" to include Commitment and Target, as well as Estimate.
In "vodQA - Testing and Beyond" held in March 2012 in ThoughtWorks Pune, Anand Bagmar spoke about - "What is Behavior Driven Testing (BDT)? How does it differ from Behavior Driven Development? What tools support this kind of testing? The value proposition BDT offers."
As a follow-up to that introduction to BDT, we conducted a Behavior Driven Testing (BDT) workshop in the ThoughtWorks Pune office. This workshop was the first in a series of vodQA Geek Nights.
For more information about the workshop, visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/vodqa/
About ART:A hybrid framework named as ART (Automation Reusable Test) is used for end-to-end automation as ART framework supports automation of web, windows, and AS/400 applications. ART framework uses automation tool owned by HP i.e. Quick Test Professional (QTP) for execution of automated keyword-driven test scripts.Key Achievements: Efforts involved in test cases/scripts integration has reduced.
The document outlines Whitestone's plan to improve their online presence and promote an upcoming film. Key elements included optimizing their website based on usability testing, launching a Facebook page and Twitter strategy to engage fans, live streaming film production to interact with fans, and developing a film promotion campaign site and launch. The results showed increased fan engagement and interactions across platforms. Whitestone's founder praised how the work helped take care of their brand and connect with fans.
Apache es una popular y eficiente alternativa, que ofrece servicios web. Este web server es uno de los logros m叩s grandes del software libre y la punta de lanza del mundo de las p叩ginas web.
DHCP (siglas en ingl辿s de Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, en espa単ol 束protocolo de configuraci坦n din叩mica de host損) es un protocolo de red que permite a los clientes de una red IP obtener sus par叩metros de configuraci坦n autom叩ticamente.
The document provides steps to recover data from a Lacie CloudBox NAS server hard drive by removing it and connecting it to a Linux computer. It describes mounting the hard drive partition containing the user data, which uses a Linux RAID and LVM file system. The solution involves installing mdadm and lvm2, assembling the RAID device, scanning LVM physical volumes, displaying the logical volume, and mounting the logical volume to access the stored data files.
Dues maneres de blocar l'acc辿s a Facebook amb un router MikrotikJordi Clop辿s Esteban
This document provides instructions for blocking access to Facebook using MikroTik router software. It outlines creating an address list of all Facebook IP ranges, then denying firewall access to that list. Alternatively, it shows how to block Facebook at the application layer by filtering traffic matching "facebook.com" in the layer 7 protocol. The goal is to be able to block Facebook access since they use large blocks of IP addresses on the internet.
proxy http
Aquest document ha estat creat per Jordi Clop辿s Esteban
i est protegit per la llicencia Creative Commons by-sa 3.0
Twitter @jordiclopes
L'Squid 辿s un servei de proxy (intermediari) que permet
contralar l'acc辿s http de la nostra xarxa.
Amb Squid podrem:
determinar qui pot accedir a internet
quines webs estan permeses
veure a on accedeixen les mquines de la nostra LAN
tancar l'acc辿s a msn i a determinats fitxers.
cachejar les webs i accelerar la navegaci坦.
I molt m辿s.
El fitxer de configuraci坦 principal est a:
Els logs estan a:
I el servei s'inicia i s'apaga a:
/etc/init.d/squid3 start/stop/restart/reload
Podem netejar els comentaris del fitxer fent:
cat squid.conf | grep -v '^#|^$|^;' > squid.
Podem consultar al manual d'squid les refer竪ncies del fitxer:
A l'squid.conf afegim:
cache_mem 750 MB
cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid3 10000 16 256
Per comprovar si tenim correctament escrit el fitxer de configuraci坦
l'squid t辿 aquesta eina:
squid3 -k parse
L'Squid funciona amb ACLs (llistes de control d'acc辿s) que defineixen,
per exemple, quina 辿s la xarxa local, quines ips estan permeses,
quines webs permetem, etc.
M辿s tard sobre aquestes ACLs especificarem que volem fer.
Creem la ACL per la mquina local:
acl localhost src
Permetem l'acc辿s http a la mquina local:
http_access allow localhost
Podem definir quin rang IP est autoritzat per utilitzar el proxy:
acl la_meva_lan src
http_access allow la_meva_lan
Tamb辿 podem definir l'炭s d'un 炭nic navegador:
acl firefox browser -i firefox
http_access deny !firefox
Internet Explorer = ie
Google Chrome = chrome
Opera = chrome
acl gmail dstdomain .gmail.com
always_direct allow gmail
Podem restringir una paraula de qualsevol cerca: Per exemple
la paraula porno:
acl paraula_restringida url_regex porno
acl la_meva_lan src
http_access deny paraula_restringida
http_access allow la_meva_lan
http_access deny all
Seguint l'exemple anterior podem canviar:
acl paraula_restringida url_regex porno
acl paraula_restringida url_regex "/etc/squid3/llistat_de_paraules"
On llistat_de_paraules ser el fitxer on guardem totes les paraules. Una paraula per linia.
Similar a l'exemple anterior, podem restringir un llistat de webs:
acl webs_restringides url_regex -i "/etc/squid3/llistat_de_webs"
http_access deny webs_restringides
Cal afegir a l'squid.conf:
Si volem els errors en catal:
error_directory /usr/share/squid3/errors/Catalan/
Si volem els errors en castell:
error_directory /usr/share/squid3/errors/Spanish/
acl FOO src
acl WORKING time MTWHF 08:30-17:30
http_access allow FOO WORKING
http_access deny FOO
Bsicament existeixen dos tipus de proxys http:
No transparents (requereixen la configuraci坦 de cada
navegador web)
Transparents (no requereixen configurar el navegador per嘆
cal que el trfic web passi a trav辿s d'ells)
A Firefox anem a Herramientas --> Opciones -->
A l'squid.conf modiquem:
http_port 3128 transparent
Cal activar l'ip_forward:
echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
I redireccionar el trfic del port 80 al 3128:
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j
REDIRECT --to-port 3128
(tot en la mateixa linia!)
Per executar comandes a l'iniciar el sistema cal afegir les
comandes a /etc/rc.local
En el nostre cas per activar l'enrutament i el redirecionament
de ports cada vegada que el servidor s'inici誰, caldr afegir al
fitxer /etc/rc.local:
echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j
REDIRECT --to-port 3128