Carlos Rodriguez, a dance instructor and psychology student, volunteers as a mentor in Goodwill Industries' GoodGuides Youth Mentoring Program in Berks County, PA. The program matches over 70 local teens with adult and peer mentors to help them set personal and career goals. Mentors spend at least 4 hours per month with their mentees. Goodwill is seeking additional mentors to apply for continued funding and expand the program to serve 250 youths over the next 3 years. The program aims to help disadvantaged teens have productive futures.
Art Seals has over 7 years of industrial experience including operating a forklift and working as a deckhand on barges transporting chemicals. He has an Associate's Degree in Process Technology from ITI Technical College and is a TWIC and OSHA card holder. His current role is Campus Concierge where he provides security and troubleshoots mechanical issues. Previously he has worked as a Pipefitter Helper and Painter. Art has skills in inspecting, starting up, shutting down and troubleshooting various pumps, compressors and drivers. He maintains excellent communication and understands distillation systems.
Este documento interpreta la expresi坦n "no sea localizable" en la fracci坦n III del art鱈culo 134 del C坦digo Fiscal de la Federaci坦n. Se considera que una persona "no es localizable" en su domicilio fiscal cuando la autoridad no puede encontrarla ah鱈 para notificarle un acto administrativo, a pesar de haber dejado un citatorio de 6 d鱈as. La autoridad debe levantar un acta detallada de sus intentos de notificaci坦n antes de recurrir a la notificaci坦n por estrados.
Anthony Gollab is seeking a job in communication arts and has a degree in communication arts from UIW with a focus on production. He has experience with various software like Photoshop and Premiere Pro as well as camera and audio equipment. Gollab has worked as a music director for UIW's radio station, videographer for Missions Baseball, and camera operator for Time Warner Cable Sports.
Este documento contiene los t鱈tulos de 12 canciones que tratan sobre temas del amor, la vida y la esperanza. Las canciones cubren una variedad de experiencias como el amor verdadero, el final de una relaci坦n, mantener la fe y esperar tiempos mejores.
Rural Development provides loans in rural areas to assist very low, low and moderate-income rural families in obtaining decent, safe, and sanitary housing. Rural aereas include open country and places with population of 10,000 or less and under certain conditions, towns and cities between 10,000 and 35,000. Loans may be used for construction, purchase, repair and or rehabilitation of existing housing in rural areas.
Some of New Jersey eligible areas are: Chester, Chester Twp, Harding Twp, Jefferson Twp, Kinnelon Borough, Mendham, Mine Hill, Mt. Arlington Twp, Mt. Olive Twp. Netcong, Roxbury Twp, Washington Twp. Portions of: Denville Twp, Morris Twp, Randolph Twp, Rockaway Twp, Wharton Twp.
1. Ministerul Educa釘iei, Cercetrii, Tineretului i Sportului
Centrul Na釘ional de Evaluare i Examinare
Examenul de bacalaureat 2012
Proba E.c)
Proba scris la MATEMATIC
Varianta 7
Filiera teoretic, profilul real, specializarea matematic-informatic
Filiera voca釘ional, profilul militar, specializarea matematic-informatic
Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acord 10 puncte din oficiu.
Timpul de lucru efectiv este de 3 ore.
SUBIECTUL I (30 de puncte)
5p {
1. Determina釘i numrul real m tiind c mul釘imile A = {2} i B = x | x 2 + mx + 4 = 0 sunt egale. }
5p 2. Determina釘i coordonatele v但rfului parabolei asociate func釘iei f : , f ( x) = x 2 3x + 2 .
5p 3. Rezolva釘i 樽n mul釘imea numerelor reale inecua釘ia 3log3 x < 1 .
5p 4. Calcula釘i probabilitatea ca, aleg但nd la 樽nt但mplare unul dintre numerele naturale de 2 cifre, acesta s
fie format doar din cifre impare.
5p 5. Determina釘i numrul real a pentru care vectorii u = 3i + a j i v = ai + ( 2a 3) j sunt coliniari.
5p 6. Calcula釘i raza cercului circumscris triunghiului ABC , tiind c AB = AC = 5 i BC = 6 .
SUBIECTUL al II-lea (30 de puncte)
錚1 0 0錚 錚 cos x 0 i sin x 錚
1. n M3 ( ) se consider matricele I 3 = 錚 0 1 0 錚 i A ( x ) = 錚 0 1 0 錚 , unde x .
錚0 0 1錚 錚 i sin x 0 cos x 錚
錚 錚 錚 錚
5p a) Calcula釘i det ( A ( ) ) .
5p b) Arta釘i c A ( x ) A ( y ) = A ( x + y ) pentru orice x, y .
c) Determina釘i numerele reale x pentru care ( A ( x ) )
5p = I3 .
2. Pe mul釘imea G = ( 0,1) se definete legea de compozi釘ie asociativ x y = .
2 xy x y + 1
5p a) Arta釘i c e = este elementul neutru al legii de compozi釘ie .
5p b) Arta釘i c orice element din mul釘imea G este simetrizabil 樽n raport cu legea de compozi釘ie .
5p c) Demonstra釘i c f : G , f ( x ) = 1 este un izomorfism de la grupul ( G, ) la grupul , .
+ ( )
SUBIECTUL al III-lea (30 de puncte)
e x + e x
1. Se consider func釘ia f : , f ( x ) = .
5p a) Calcula釘i lim .
x + f ( x)
5p b) Demonstra釘i c func釘ia f este convex pe .
5p c) Arta釘i c func釘ia g : ( 0, + ) , g ( x ) = f ( x ) este strict cresctoare pe ( 0, + ) .
1 2
2. Pentru fiecare numr natural nenul n se consider numerele I n = x n 1 x 2 dx i J n = sin n x dx .
0 0
5p a) Calcula釘i J1 .
5p b) Calcula釘i I1 .
5p c) Demonstra釘i c J 2n J 2n + 2 = I 2n pentru orice numr natural nenul n.
Prob scris la Matematic Varianta 7
Filiera teoretic, profilul real, specializarea matematic-informatic
Filiera voca釘ional, profilul militar, specializarea matematic-informatic