This document outlines the Swedish education system and pathways to career goals. It describes the structure of compulsory and upper secondary education in Sweden, including the 18 national upper secondary programs that provide either vocational training or preparation for higher education. It also discusses options after upper secondary school like higher vocational education, university or college studies, adult education programs, or entering the workforce. Requirements for university admission and types of degrees are defined. Sources of further information on various aspects of Swedish education and career options are provided.
This document contains essential phrases for newcomers to Sweden in both English and Swedish. It includes common greetings and phrases for introducing oneself as well as questions about name, nationality, marital status and children. It also covers asking for and giving directions, making appointments and saying goodbye. Various terms related to employment, education and skills are listed, along with the Swedish translations for common jobs. The document serves as a helpful introduction to basic communication in Swedish.
I4M Qr codes: essential vocabulary (swedish-english)Veronica Gelfgren
This document contains phonetic vocabulary words in Swedish with their English translations. It includes basic greetings, personal details, education and employment terms, jobs, food and drink words, and phrases for scheduling future interactions. The vocabulary is organized into categories and covers essential terms for communication, introducing oneself, describing one's background and work experience.
This is a revolutionary new method you can use to learn Swedish fluently faster than ever before. No other language learning method comes close. Start making real complex sentences from the very first day. Listen to real Swedes having hours of spontaneous conversation with full transcripts plus the English translations. Grammar, vocabulary builders, pronunciation, fun puzzles and more!
The document discusses the history and development of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) phonetic alphabet. It notes that the ITU first adopted an international alphabet in 1927 which was used for civil aviation until WWII. During the war, the USAAF and RAF developed their own codes which were later merged in 1943 and adopted for civilian aviation after the war. In 1947, the ICAO adopted a new alphabet to incorporate common sounds in Spanish, English, and French, though some letters were later changed in 1956 to address problems. The document then lists the letters and numbers of the ICAO alphabet as well as providing the Swedish equivalents.
The document discusses the English alphabet and sounds of letters and words. It notes that the alphabet contains 26 letters including 5 vowels and 21 consonants. The letter Y can be either a vowel or consonant. Short vowels have a brief sound while long vowels are sustained. Some words are spelled exactly as they sound but others do not sound as their letters are spelled, such as "was" sounding like "woz".
The document provides information about translation skills for a course on translation. It discusses teaching translation, including knowing student backgrounds and explaining the translation process. It also covers qualities of good translations, translation tools, working with clients, and translator ethics. Machine translation is noted as sometimes useful for a rough draft but requires human editing.
This document summarizes 12 tenses of English grammar: present continuous, simple present, simple future, simple past, past continuous, present perfect, present perfect continuous, past perfect, past perfect continuous, future continuous, future perfect, and the passive voice. It provides examples and explanations of how to form each tense and when they are used.
An Interactive, hyperlinked slide show that makes the parts of speech more fun to learn. It is complete with internet games and movies. Should use it fully yourself before using it in front of a class
The document provides an overview of basic English grammar concepts including:
1) Present tense verbs like "be", demonstratives like "this/that", possessive adjectives like "my/your", and the present continuous tense.
2) How to form yes/no questions and wh-questions.
3) The use of prepositions of place like "at, on, in" and the ability verb "can".
The document discusses verb tenses and their classification. It describes how tenses can be categorized based on time frame into present, past and future tenses. Tenses can also be categorized based on aspect into simple, continuous, perfect and perfect continuous forms. There are 12 possible verb tenses in total. The document provides definitions and examples of each tense, such as using the present continuous to emphasize ongoing actions and the past perfect to refer to completed past actions.
Sprak och kunskapsutvecklande_arbetssatt_basAnna Kaya
Kanske ska du prata om detta f旦r dina kollegor? H辰r finns lite textbilder att l奪na om du vill.
Mer info om vad spr奪k- & kunskapsutvecklande arbetss辰tt 辰r och en del boktips finns h辰r:
H辰lsningar Anna Kaya
En Power Point f旦r att inspirera och motivera kring utvecklingsarbetet som v辰ntar under l辰s奪ret i Hultsfreds kommun. Tar bl.a. kooperativt l辰rande som hj辰lp f旦r att inspirera till elevaktiva 旦vningar.
This is a revolutionary new method you can use to learn Swedish fluently faster than ever before. No other language learning method comes close. Start making real complex sentences from the very first day. Listen to real Swedes having hours of spontaneous conversation with full transcripts plus the English translations. Grammar, vocabulary builders, pronunciation, fun puzzles and more!
The document discusses the history and development of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) phonetic alphabet. It notes that the ITU first adopted an international alphabet in 1927 which was used for civil aviation until WWII. During the war, the USAAF and RAF developed their own codes which were later merged in 1943 and adopted for civilian aviation after the war. In 1947, the ICAO adopted a new alphabet to incorporate common sounds in Spanish, English, and French, though some letters were later changed in 1956 to address problems. The document then lists the letters and numbers of the ICAO alphabet as well as providing the Swedish equivalents.
The document discusses the English alphabet and sounds of letters and words. It notes that the alphabet contains 26 letters including 5 vowels and 21 consonants. The letter Y can be either a vowel or consonant. Short vowels have a brief sound while long vowels are sustained. Some words are spelled exactly as they sound but others do not sound as their letters are spelled, such as "was" sounding like "woz".
The document provides information about translation skills for a course on translation. It discusses teaching translation, including knowing student backgrounds and explaining the translation process. It also covers qualities of good translations, translation tools, working with clients, and translator ethics. Machine translation is noted as sometimes useful for a rough draft but requires human editing.
This document summarizes 12 tenses of English grammar: present continuous, simple present, simple future, simple past, past continuous, present perfect, present perfect continuous, past perfect, past perfect continuous, future continuous, future perfect, and the passive voice. It provides examples and explanations of how to form each tense and when they are used.
An Interactive, hyperlinked slide show that makes the parts of speech more fun to learn. It is complete with internet games and movies. Should use it fully yourself before using it in front of a class
The document provides an overview of basic English grammar concepts including:
1) Present tense verbs like "be", demonstratives like "this/that", possessive adjectives like "my/your", and the present continuous tense.
2) How to form yes/no questions and wh-questions.
3) The use of prepositions of place like "at, on, in" and the ability verb "can".
The document discusses verb tenses and their classification. It describes how tenses can be categorized based on time frame into present, past and future tenses. Tenses can also be categorized based on aspect into simple, continuous, perfect and perfect continuous forms. There are 12 possible verb tenses in total. The document provides definitions and examples of each tense, such as using the present continuous to emphasize ongoing actions and the past perfect to refer to completed past actions.
Sprak och kunskapsutvecklande_arbetssatt_basAnna Kaya
Kanske ska du prata om detta f旦r dina kollegor? H辰r finns lite textbilder att l奪na om du vill.
Mer info om vad spr奪k- & kunskapsutvecklande arbetss辰tt 辰r och en del boktips finns h辰r:
H辰lsningar Anna Kaya
En Power Point f旦r att inspirera och motivera kring utvecklingsarbetet som v辰ntar under l辰s奪ret i Hultsfreds kommun. Tar bl.a. kooperativt l辰rande som hj辰lp f旦r att inspirera till elevaktiva 旦vningar.
h旦rarkopior fr奪n Helena von Malorties och Lena Sj旦qvists presentation p奪 Symposium 2015:
Dialogkaf辿 i G旦teborg inom ramen f旦r projektet Spelifiering som finansieras av Stiftelsen f旦r Internetinfrastruktur. F旦r mer info, se Initiativtagare till projektet: Terese Raymond. P奪g奪r under 2012.
1. E-cam i engelska
Smedingeskolans elever arbetar med sin muntliga f旦rm奪ga.
Sofia Larsson:
Twitter: Sportsofia
3. Syfte lokal pedagogisk planering
M奪l att str辰va mot
- utvecklar sin f旦rm奪ga att anv辰nda engelska muntligt i
olika sammanhang f旦r att ber辰tta, beskriva och f旦rklara
samt motivera sina 奪sikter,
- utvecklar sin f旦rm奪ga att reflektera 旦ver och ta ansvar f旦r
sin egen spr奪kinl辰rning och att medvetet anv辰nda
arbetss辰tt som fr辰mjar den egna inl辰rningen,
(kursplan i engelska, Lpo94)
Inneh奪ll: muntlig presentation och
sj辰lvreflektion av sina kunskaper i