The document outlines presentations from four people:
1) Gerry discusses Chinese cuisine including Beijing duck, dim sum, and mapo tofu.
2) Jake discusses his enterprise which was founded in 2010.
3) Lauren discusses famous figures in Chinese history and culture including Confucius and Mao Zedong.
4) Esther discusses important sites representing Chinese heritage including the Great Wall, Terracotta Army, and Grand Canal.
The document outlines presentations from four people:
1) Gerry discusses Chinese cuisine including Beijing duck, dim sum, and mapo tofu.
2) Jake discusses his enterprise which was founded in 2010.
3) Lauren discusses famous figures in Chinese history and culture including Confucius and Mao Zedong.
4) Esther discusses important sites representing Chinese heritage including the Great Wall, Terracotta Army, and Grand Canal.
The document discusses the current agriculture scenario in Pakistan and challenges facing the agriculture sector. It notes that a large population depends on agriculture for employment and food. Key challenges include insufficient infrastructure, lack of farmer awareness, water and energy crises. It then discusses how information and communication technologies (ICT) like eAgriculture, mAgriculture, and teleAgriculture can help address these challenges by improving access to information, markets, financial services, and risk management. ICT can play an important role in rural development, poverty reduction and food security if barriers to access and digital literacy are overcome.
What's measured, matters: Lessons from the WEAI - GAAP2 Inception WorkshopIFPRI Gender
An inception workshop for the Gender, Agriculture & Assets Project Phase 2 (GAAP2) titled Developing Project-Level Indicators to Measure Womens Empowerment was held in January 2016.
In this presentation, Agnes Quisumbing of IFPRI introduces the Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI). The presentation covers the scope of the WEAI, its relevance, the indicators that make up the index, its uses and its criticisms.
Michael Clampett took a personality assessment called the Rainmaker Personality Perspective. The assessment uses the DISC model to analyze personality styles.
The document provides an overview of Michael's personality style, which is identified as an "Assessor". Assessors are outgoing in social settings but also analytical and cautious. They are good at developing relationships and controlling antagonism. The document describes key characteristics, motivations, strengths, and areas for growth for someone with an Assessor personality style.
It also provides tips on effectively communicating with someone with an Assessor style, such as sharing testimonials from others about their ideas, assisting them in developing plans of action, and avoiding being overly critical or
Identifying gender issues in your researchIFPRI Gender
The document discusses approaches to identifying and addressing gender issues in research. It argues that there is no "cookie-cutter" or one-size-fits-all approach, as gender divisions are context-specific. It provides examples of integrating qualitative and quantitative gender-disaggregated data collection from household surveys conducted in various countries, emphasizing that modules must be adapted to each local context. Survey modules aim to examine how gender may impact outcomes of interest through collection of gender-disaggregated data on topics like assets, land ownership, and family backgrounds.
The document discusses Microsoft's HoloLens augmented reality headset. It begins with definitions of holograms and how HoloLens uses augmented reality technology to overlay digital objects onto the real world. Details are provided about the parts of HoloLens like its cameras, processors, lenses and sensors. Applications are explored such as remote instruction, 3D modeling, education and gaming. The document concludes that HoloLens provides a glimpse of future technologies and has potential uses in many industries, though improvements could be made to aspects like viewing angle and battery life.
La Pasqua 辿s una
festa que es celebra
durant la primavera
tamb辿 als pa誰sos de
parla anglesa.
Els nens i nenes fan
curses per trobar ous
el diumenge de
Pasqua (Easter
Sunday). Aquestes
curses sanomenen
Easter Egg Hunt.
Sho passen dall嘆
m辿s b辿 i al final tots
tenen el seu premi.