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                                  Englis                                                  Lezione 5


     I like - I dont like                                                       Sommario:

                                                                                 Mi piace/non mi      1
 In inglese per esprimere i propri gu- Per dire che qualcosa non ci piace si     piace

 sti si usa il vero like. A differenza  usa lausiliare DO:                    Vocabolario cibo     2/3
 dellitaliano, il verbo non si accorda    I dont like       stupid people
                                                                                 Lui/lei/esso e i     4
 con loggetto che ci piace, ma con il
                                            Non mi piace      la gente stupida   verbi
                                        Anche per domandare se a qualcuno
     I like        music                                                         La routine giorna-   5
                                        piace qualcosa si usa lausiliareDO:   liera
     Mi piace la musica
    I   like         animals               Do you like     animals?              il presente dei      6/7
                                                                                 verbi - esercizi
    Mi piacciono    gli animali            Ti piacciono   gli animali?
                                                                                 La canzone:          8
                                                                                 Let me go
 Write the missing verb, according      6. I ________________ coffee.
 to your tastes:                        7. I ________________ tea.
 1. I ________________ apples.          8. I ________________ flowers.
 2. I ________________ beer.            9. I ________________ chocolate.
 3. I ________________ wine.            10. I ________________ milk.               Usefu
                                                                                         l word
 4. I ________________ pasta.           11. _________________________            Very m
                                                                                          uch =
 5. I ________________ pizza.           12. _________________________            At all
                                                                                        = per n

  Make some questions using the objects on
  your right:
  1. __________________________________?
  2. __________________________________?
  3. __________________________________?
  4. __________________________________?
  5. __________________________________?
  6. __________________________________?

Now make the questions to 2 people:                       Do you like.? Yes, I do/ No, I dont

           Name                    Things he/she likes             Things he/she doesnt like



        tomato     sweet pepper       lettuce        aubergine (UK)/
                                                      eggplant (US)    zucchini

       carrot            celery        green beans            beans       peas

     fennel       cucumber            cabbage            cauliflower     broccoli

    Brussels       asparagus        artichocke          spinach         radish

    potatoe          leek              beet               pumpkin       mushroom

                 onion            garlic              chilli / hot
                                                                                  Pagina 2
Lezione 4
Meat and fish
veal (young)/ beef

  turkey                                             lamb



                 cooked / raw
                     ham                    salami                         Condiments
                                                               olive oil


                                                                                        salt     pepper

      basil                                                        jug of water
                                                      Drinks                        bottle
Fruit                                                                               of wine


                                                                                    glass of beer
                                                                      fruit juice

                 pear       apricot           berries

                                                                                                     Pagina 3
Lezione 4
He/she/it and the verbs                                                               Quando si aggiun
                                                                                                           ge la s
                                                                                       della terza pers
   Per parlare in terza persona (lui/lei) si aggiunge una -s alla forma                                  ona valgono
                                                                                       le stesse regole
                           infinita del verbo:                                                            di quando si
                                                                                       aggiunge la s de
                                                                                                           l plurale:
 Like (piacere)    Make (fare)   Eat (mangiare)   Wash (lavare) Go (andare)
                                                                                        1. se il verbo fini
                                                                                                            sce con:
 I like            I make        I eat            I wash          I go                       -s; -sh; -ch; -x
                                                                                                                ; -o
 you like          you make      you eat          you wash        you go                     allora si aggiunge
 he likes          he makes      he eats          he washes       he goes              2. se il verbo fini
                                                                                                           sce con
 she likes         she makes     she eats         she washes she goes                    -y preceduta da
 it likes          it makes      it eats          it washes       it goes                consonante, allora
                                                                                                              si to-
                                                                                         glie la Y e si ag
 we like           we make       we eat           we wash         we go                                     giunge
 they like         they make     they eat         they wash       they go

              Drink (bere)                 Play            Try (provare)      Watch (guardare)          Do (fare -in senso
 Conjugate                          (giocare/suonare)                                                        generale)
 verbs:    I __________            I __________         I __________          I __________            I __________
                  you ________     you ________         you ________          you ________            you ________
                  he _________     he _________         he _________          he _________            he _________
                  she ________     she ________         she ________          she ________            she ________
                  it _________     it _________         it _________          it _________            it _________
                  we _________     we _________         we _________          we _________            we _________
                  they ________ they ________ they ________ they ________ they ________

  Read the the text:
                                                                           Complete the text with the right
  Hi! Im Francesca and Im 6 years old.                                   words, choosing among the ones
  I have brown hair and brown eyes.                                        in the box:
  I have two dogs and a cat.                                                             blond - dont - eat - eyes - live

  I live in Tavernelle with my family.                                                much - my name - old - very - years

  I like my family very much.                                              Hi! _____ _______ is Laura and
  I like to eat pasta and pizza.
                                                                           Im 5 _______ _______.
  I eat pasta every day (ogni giorno)!
                                                                           I have ______ hair and blue _____.
  Write some sentences about Francesca                                     I have two dogs and a cat.
  and Laura:                                                               I _________ in Tavernelle with my
  Francesca ________________________________                               family.
  ________________________________________                                 I like my sister _______ _______.
  Laura ___________________________________                                I like to eat pasta, but I ________
  ________________________________________                                 like pizza at all!
                                                                           I never   (mai)   _______ pizza!
Pagina 4
Le attivita quotidiane

                                                                  Have breakfast          Go to work/school

 Wake up                                         Have a shower
                         Get up

                                                                      Go for a walk
                                                 Have lunch                                   Play football/
                               Study                                                              soccer

                                           Listen to music        Read a book/
                    Play the piano
   Sing                                                           newspaper                  Watch TV

                                                                                      Make lunch/dinner
       Wash up/
    Do the dishes                              Clean the house
                                                                   Have a bath
                        Wash clothes

  Phone/Call a                                                                             Go dancing
     friend                                            Go out with friends/              Dance in a club
                    Have dinner (with friends)
                                                           Have a drink
                        Go out for dinner

                    Avverbi di frequenza
                      always     usually     often   sometimes   occasionally    not often   rarely   never

                    Si mettono sempre tra il soggetto e il verbo:
   Sleep            I always read a newspaper - I never go dancing

Pagina 5
Il presente dei verbi
Il presente indicativo dei                                    Work
verbi 竪 molto semplice in
                                   affermazione       negazione                  domanda
inglese: tutte le persone
hanno la stessa forma,             I                                              I
eccetto la 3a persona sin-        you      work      dont work                  you
golare, che invece vuole                                               Do                    work ?
                                  we                                             we
una -s finale.
                                 they                                           they
    Il verb                       he                                             he
             o do sig
  fare,             nifica
           ma in q                she      works    doesnt work      Does      she          work ?
  so 竪 so          uesto c
          lo un au         a-
 perde il          siliare         it                                            it
           suo sig         e

Forma negativa Per fare la negazione si mette      Forma interrogativa Per fare una domanda si
prima del verbo                                    mette prima del soggetto
    do + not (dont)       per I, you, we, they              do      per I, you, we, they

    does + not (doesnt)        per he, she, it               does        per he, she., it

 1. Il presente si usa per:
         abitudini e routine quotidiane;
         fatti, cose in generale;
         situazioni permanenti o che durano a lungo;
 2.  usato con gli avverbi come always, every day, often, usually, sometimes, rarely, never

 1. Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentences:
  1. Ella ______________ in Manchester (live/lives)
  2. Eric ______________ chess. (play/plays)
  3. We ______________ to work together. (go/goes)
  4. Jean ______________ at night. (study/studies)
  5. The children ______________ the street to school. (cross/crosses = attraversare)
  6. Mr. Elliot ______________ in an office. (work/works)
  7. They ______________ TV every day. (watch/watches)
  8. The lesson ______________ at 10. (finish/finishes)
  9. I ______________ jazz. (like/likes)
  10.You ______________ English. (learn/learns)

                                                                                                  Pagina 6
Lezione 4
Pagina 7
Lezione 4
Let me go

 Inserisci i seguenti verbi:
                                             Un po di vocabolario
   moves - sees - sees - swings - talks
          walks - wants - wants              when = quando
 When she ___________, she                   walk= camminare

 ___________ her arms
                                             swing = ondeggiare
                                             arm = braccio
 Instead of her hips
                                             instead of = invece di
 When she ___________ , she
                                             hip = anca
 ___________ her mouth
                                             talk = parlare
 Instead of her lips
                                             move = muoversi
 And Ive waited for her for so long
                                             mouth = bocca
 Ive waited for her for so long             lip = labbro
 I wonder if I could hang on                 wait for = aspettare qualcosa (transitivo)
 I wonder if I could hang on                 her = lei (non soggetto)
 Let me go, she said                         wonder = domandarsi
 Let me go, she said                         if = se
 Let me go and I will want you more          hang on = aspettare (intransitivo)
 Let me go, she said, let me go, let me go   let = lasciare/permettere (per formare imperativo)

 And I will want you                         say = dire (said = passato: ha detto/diceva/disse)
                                             will = 竪 seguito da un verbo per formare il futuro
                                             want = volere
 When she ___________ , she
                                             more = pi湛/ di pi湛
 ___________ the sun
                                             sun = sole
 Instead of the moon
                                             moon = luna
 When she ___________ , she
                                             see = vedere
 ___________ the stars
                                             star = stella
 Inside of her room                          inside = dentro
 And Ive waited for her for so long
 Ive waited for her for so long
 I wonder if I could hang on
 I wonder if I could hang on
 Let me go, she said
 Let me go, she said
 Let me go and I will want you more
 Let me go she said, let me go, let me go
 And I will want you

                                                                                              Pagina 8
Lezione 4

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English for Italian Lesson 5

  • 1. h Englis Lezione 5 English I like - I dont like Sommario: Mi piace/non mi 1 In inglese per esprimere i propri gu- Per dire che qualcosa non ci piace si piace sti si usa il vero like. A differenza usa lausiliare DO: Vocabolario cibo 2/3 dellitaliano, il verbo non si accorda I dont like stupid people Lui/lei/esso e i 4 con loggetto che ci piace, ma con il Non mi piace la gente stupida verbi soggetto: Anche per domandare se a qualcuno I like music La routine giorna- 5 piace qualcosa si usa lausiliareDO: liera Mi piace la musica I like animals Do you like animals? il presente dei 6/7 verbi - esercizi Mi piacciono gli animali Ti piacciono gli animali? La canzone: 8 Let me go Write the missing verb, according 6. I ________________ coffee. to your tastes: 7. I ________________ tea. 1. I ________________ apples. 8. I ________________ flowers. 2. I ________________ beer. 9. I ________________ chocolate. 3. I ________________ wine. 10. I ________________ milk. Usefu l word s 4. I ________________ pasta. 11. _________________________ Very m uch = molto 5. I ________________ pizza. 12. _________________________ At all = per n iente Make some questions using the objects on your right: 1. __________________________________? 2. __________________________________? 3. __________________________________? 4. __________________________________? 5. __________________________________? 6. __________________________________? Now make the questions to 2 people: Do you like.? Yes, I do/ No, I dont Name Things he/she likes Things he/she doesnt like _________________ _________________
  • 2. vegetables tomato sweet pepper lettuce aubergine (UK)/ eggplant (US) zucchini carrot celery green beans beans peas fennel cucumber cabbage cauliflower broccoli Brussels asparagus artichocke spinach radish sprouts potatoe leek beet pumpkin mushroom onion garlic chilli / hot pepper Pagina 2 Lezione 4
  • 3. Meat and fish veal (young)/ beef pork rabbit chicken turkey lamb tuna salmon cooked / raw ham salami Condiments olive oil (balsamic) vinegar sausages Herbs parsley rosemary salt pepper basil jug of water Drinks bottle Fruit of wine pineapple apple lemon peach glass of beer fruit juice orange pear apricot berries Pagina 3 Lezione 4
  • 4. He/she/it and the verbs Quando si aggiun ge la s della terza pers Per parlare in terza persona (lui/lei) si aggiunge una -s alla forma ona valgono le stesse regole infinita del verbo: di quando si aggiunge la s de l plurale: Like (piacere) Make (fare) Eat (mangiare) Wash (lavare) Go (andare) 1. se il verbo fini sce con: I like I make I eat I wash I go -s; -sh; -ch; -x ; -o you like you make you eat you wash you go allora si aggiunge -es; he likes he makes he eats he washes he goes 2. se il verbo fini sce con she likes she makes she eats she washes she goes -y preceduta da una it likes it makes it eats it washes it goes consonante, allora si to- glie la Y e si ag we like we make we eat we wash we go giunge -ies they like they make they eat they wash they go Drink (bere) Play Try (provare) Watch (guardare) Do (fare -in senso Conjugate (giocare/suonare) generale) the verbs: I __________ I __________ I __________ I __________ I __________ you ________ you ________ you ________ you ________ you ________ he _________ he _________ he _________ he _________ he _________ she ________ she ________ she ________ she ________ she ________ it _________ it _________ it _________ it _________ it _________ we _________ we _________ we _________ we _________ we _________ they ________ they ________ they ________ they ________ they ________ Read the the text: Complete the text with the right Hi! Im Francesca and Im 6 years old. words, choosing among the ones I have brown hair and brown eyes. in the box: I have two dogs and a cat. blond - dont - eat - eyes - live I live in Tavernelle with my family. much - my name - old - very - years I like my family very much. Hi! _____ _______ is Laura and I like to eat pasta and pizza. Im 5 _______ _______. I eat pasta every day (ogni giorno)! I have ______ hair and blue _____. Write some sentences about Francesca I have two dogs and a cat. and Laura: I _________ in Tavernelle with my Francesca ________________________________ family. ________________________________________ I like my sister _______ _______. Laura ___________________________________ I like to eat pasta, but I ________ ________________________________________ like pizza at all! I never (mai) _______ pizza! Pagina 4 Hair
  • 5. Le attivita quotidiane Have breakfast Go to work/school Wake up Have a shower Get up Go for a walk Work Have lunch Play football/ Study soccer Listen to music Read a book/ Play the piano Sing newspaper Watch TV Make lunch/dinner Wash up/ Do the dishes Clean the house Have a bath Wash clothes Phone/Call a Go dancing friend Go out with friends/ Dance in a club Have dinner (with friends) Have a drink Go out for dinner Avverbi di frequenza always usually often sometimes occasionally not often rarely never Si mettono sempre tra il soggetto e il verbo: Sleep I always read a newspaper - I never go dancing Pagina 5 Hair
  • 6. Il presente dei verbi Il presente indicativo dei Work verbi 竪 molto semplice in affermazione negazione domanda inglese: tutte le persone hanno la stessa forma, I I eccetto la 3a persona sin- you work dont work you golare, che invece vuole Do work ? we we una -s finale. they they Il verb he he o do sig fare, nifica ma in q she works doesnt work Does she work ? so 竪 so uesto c lo un au a- perde il siliare it it suo sig e nificato . Forma negativa Per fare la negazione si mette Forma interrogativa Per fare una domanda si prima del verbo mette prima del soggetto do + not (dont) per I, you, we, they do per I, you, we, they does + not (doesnt) per he, she, it does per he, she., it USO 1. Il presente si usa per: abitudini e routine quotidiane; fatti, cose in generale; situazioni permanenti o che durano a lungo; orari. 2. usato con gli avverbi come always, every day, often, usually, sometimes, rarely, never 1. Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentences: 1. Ella ______________ in Manchester (live/lives) 2. Eric ______________ chess. (play/plays) 3. We ______________ to work together. (go/goes) 4. Jean ______________ at night. (study/studies) 5. The children ______________ the street to school. (cross/crosses = attraversare) 6. Mr. Elliot ______________ in an office. (work/works) 7. They ______________ TV every day. (watch/watches) 8. The lesson ______________ at 10. (finish/finishes) 9. I ______________ jazz. (like/likes) 10.You ______________ English. (learn/learns) Pagina 6 Lezione 4
  • 8. Let me go Inserisci i seguenti verbi: Un po di vocabolario moves - sees - sees - swings - talks walks - wants - wants when = quando When she ___________, she walk= camminare ___________ her arms swing = ondeggiare arm = braccio Instead of her hips instead of = invece di When she ___________ , she hip = anca ___________ her mouth talk = parlare Instead of her lips move = muoversi And Ive waited for her for so long mouth = bocca Ive waited for her for so long lip = labbro I wonder if I could hang on wait for = aspettare qualcosa (transitivo) I wonder if I could hang on her = lei (non soggetto) Let me go, she said wonder = domandarsi Let me go, she said if = se Let me go and I will want you more hang on = aspettare (intransitivo) Let me go, she said, let me go, let me go let = lasciare/permettere (per formare imperativo) And I will want you say = dire (said = passato: ha detto/diceva/disse) will = 竪 seguito da un verbo per formare il futuro want = volere When she ___________ , she more = pi湛/ di pi湛 ___________ the sun sun = sole Instead of the moon moon = luna When she ___________ , she see = vedere ___________ the stars star = stella Inside of her room inside = dentro And Ive waited for her for so long Ive waited for her for so long I wonder if I could hang on I wonder if I could hang on Let me go, she said Let me go, she said Let me go and I will want you more Let me go she said, let me go, let me go And I will want you Pagina 8 Lezione 4