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                                     Englis                                                  Lezione 1

                                                                                      English at 1900

    Primi contatti - First contacts                                                 Sommario:

                                                                                    Saluti               1
                                                                                    Come stai?           1
     Good morning!         12.00                 Hi!
                                                                                    Come ti chiami?      1
     Good afternoon!       12.00  6.00 p.m.      Hello!
                                                                                    Saluti e presen-     1
     Good evening!         6.00 p.m.                                              tazioni

     Good night!                                  Bye!                            Domandare la         2
                                                                                    Presentare           2
    Altri modi di salutare:
                                                                                    unaltra persona
    How do you do?          How do you do?        (molto formale)
                                                                                    Quanti anni hai? 2
    How (are) you doing?
                                                                                    Numeri               2

How are you?                                                                        Gran Bretagna e 3
                                                                                    Stati Uniti
 How are you ? = Come stai/sta?
                                                                                    Nazionalit          3
 I am fine thanks, and you? = Io sto bene grazie, e tu/Lei?

          very well             molto bene                                         Un po di gram-      4
          fine / well /good (US)   bene                                            matica e lessico

          not so well/good  non cos狸 bene
                                                 Whats your name?

     What          is     your            name?
     Quale          竪      il tuo/suo      nome? = Come ti chiami?
                                                   Come si chiama?
      My                name           is ___________
       Il mio             nome           竪 _____________
 I             am ___________
     Io       sono ______________                                   Greetings and
    Informal                                      Formal
     Hi, Im Tom. Whats your name?               Good evening, Im Mr Johnson.
     Hi ,Tom. Im Sally. Nice to meet you!        Good evening, Mr Johnson, Im Mrs Smith.
     Nice to meet you too!                          Pleased to meet you.
                                                   Pleased to meet you.
Asking the nationality
          Where are you from? = Di dove sei?
          I am from   ___________ = Io sono di ______________
          I am ___________ = Io sono ______________ (nazionalit)

 Introducing another person
              Tom, this is Sarah.
                     T  Hello. Nice to meet you.
              S  Nice to meet you Tom.
                     T  Where are you from, Sarah?
              S  Im American, from Philadelphia, and you?
                     T Im American too, from San Diego.

                                              Mr Johnson, this is Mrs Smith.
                                                        J  _________to meet you.
                                              S  _____________________.
                                                        J  _______ are you from, Mrs Smith?
                                              S  Im American, _______ Philadelphia, and you?
                                                        J ______American too, from San Diego.

              How old are you?                          How old are you?       = Quanti anni hai/ha?
                                                       I am ___ years old = Io ho ____ anni

                                          1   one                 11 eleven               21 twenty one
                                          2   two                 12 twelve               22 twenty two.
                                          3   three               13 thirteen             30 thirty
                                          4   four                14 fourteen             40 forty
                                          5   five                15 fifteen              50 fifty
                                          6   six                 16 sixteen              60 sixty
                                          7   seven               17 seventeen            70 seventy
                                          8   eight               18 eighteen             80 eighty
                                          9   nine                19 nineteen             90 ninety
                                          10 ten                  20 twenty               100 one hundred

Pagina 2
                                                                                    Primi contatti - First contacts
Great Britain

                               England     English
                               Scotland  Scottish
                               Wales       Welsh
                               Ireland     Irish
                               Britain     British

The United States
   of America

 USA                    American        - (i)an   Argentinian, Belgian, Brazilian, Egyptian, German,
                                                   Indian, Italian, Jamaican, Korean, Mexican, Peruvian,
 Canada                 Canadian
 Australia              Australian
                                          -ish     British, Danish, Finnish, Polish, Spanish, Swedish,

                                          -ese     Chinese, Japanese, Potuguese, Vietnamese, Nepalese

                                                                French, Greek
                                                                                                         Pagina 3
Volume 1, Numero 1
well   _____________           name _____________
      Pronomi soggetto:
                                          fine   _____________       from _____________
      io                  I
                                          good   _____________       to meet
      tu/Lei              you                                                   ____________

      lui                 he             very   _____________       pleased    _____________
      lei                 she            old    _____________       thank you/thanks _______
      esso                it
                                          morning _____________      Where? _____________
      noi                 we
                                         afternoon ____________      What? _____________
      voi                 you
                                         evening _____________       How ? _____________
      loro                they
                                         night _____________

                                         your ______________

                    Un po di grammatica
     Il verbo essere - To be
  Questa 竪 la tabella con il verbo essere coniugato.
     Affermazione                Domanda       In inglese 竪 obbligatorio mettere sempre il
                                               soggetto di un verbo, anche quando si parla. Se
I    am      Im              Am I  ?         non si mette il soggetto non si riesce a capire di
                                               chi si sta parlando, poich辿, ad esempio, tu, noi,
you are      youre           Are you  ?
                                               voi e loro hanno sempre are come verbo. Per
he    is     hes             Is he  ?        fare una domanda in inglese si inverte la
she is       shes            Is she  ?       posizione del soggetto e del verbo.

it         is       its          Is it  ?       Traduci in italiano:
we     are          were         Are we ... ?    What is your name? = ________________
                                                  Are you married?    = ________ sposato/a?
you are             youre        Are you  ?
                                                  Where are you from? = ________________
they are            theyre       Are they ?

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  • 1. h Englis Lezione 1 English at 1900 Primi contatti - First contacts Sommario: Saluti 1 Greetings Come stai? 1 Good morning! 12.00 Hi! Come ti chiami? 1 Good afternoon! 12.00 6.00 p.m. Hello! Saluti e presen- 1 Good evening! 6.00 p.m. tazioni Good night! Bye! Domandare la 2 nazionalit Goodbye! Presentare 2 Altri modi di salutare: unaltra persona How do you do? How do you do? (molto formale) Quanti anni hai? 2 How (are) you doing? Numeri 2 How are you? Gran Bretagna e 3 Stati Uniti How are you ? = Come stai/sta? Nazionalit 3 I am fine thanks, and you? = Io sto bene grazie, e tu/Lei? very well molto bene Un po di gram- 4 fine / well /good (US) bene matica e lessico not so well/good non cos狸 bene Whats your name? What is your name? Quale 竪 il tuo/suo nome? = Come ti chiami? Come si chiama? My name is ___________ Il mio nome 竪 _____________ or I am ___________ Io sono ______________ Greetings and introductions Informal Formal Hi, Im Tom. Whats your name? Good evening, Im Mr Johnson. Hi ,Tom. Im Sally. Nice to meet you! Good evening, Mr Johnson, Im Mrs Smith. Nice to meet you too! Pleased to meet you. Pleased to meet you.
  • 2. Asking the nationality Where are you from? = Di dove sei? I am from ___________ = Io sono di ______________ Or I am ___________ = Io sono ______________ (nazionalit) Introducing another person Tom, this is Sarah. T Hello. Nice to meet you. S Nice to meet you Tom. T Where are you from, Sarah? S Im American, from Philadelphia, and you? T Im American too, from San Diego. Mr Johnson, this is Mrs Smith. J _________to meet you. S _____________________. J _______ are you from, Mrs Smith? S Im American, _______ Philadelphia, and you? J ______American too, from San Diego. How old are you? How old are you? = Quanti anni hai/ha? I am ___ years old = Io ho ____ anni 1 one 11 eleven 21 twenty one 2 two 12 twelve 22 twenty two. Numbers 3 three 13 thirteen 30 thirty 4 four 14 fourteen 40 forty 5 five 15 fifteen 50 fifty 6 six 16 sixteen 60 sixty 7 seven 17 seventeen 70 seventy 8 eight 18 eighteen 80 eighty 9 nine 19 nineteen 90 ninety 10 ten 20 twenty 100 one hundred Pagina 2 Primi contatti - First contacts
  • 3. Great Britain England English Scotland Scottish Wales Welsh Ireland Irish Britain British The United States of America USA American - (i)an Argentinian, Belgian, Brazilian, Egyptian, German, Indian, Italian, Jamaican, Korean, Mexican, Peruvian, Canada Canadian Russian, Australia Australian -ish British, Danish, Finnish, Polish, Spanish, Swedish, -ese Chinese, Japanese, Potuguese, Vietnamese, Nepalese French, Greek Pagina 3 Volume 1, Numero 1
  • 4. well _____________ name _____________ Pronomi soggetto: fine _____________ from _____________ io I good _____________ to meet tu/Lei you ____________ lui he very _____________ pleased _____________ lei she old _____________ thank you/thanks _______ esso it morning _____________ Where? _____________ noi we afternoon ____________ What? _____________ voi you evening _____________ How ? _____________ loro they night _____________ your ______________ Un po di grammatica Il verbo essere - To be Questa 竪 la tabella con il verbo essere coniugato. Affermazione Domanda In inglese 竪 obbligatorio mettere sempre il soggetto di un verbo, anche quando si parla. Se I am Im Am I ? non si mette il soggetto non si riesce a capire di chi si sta parlando, poich辿, ad esempio, tu, noi, you are youre Are you ? voi e loro hanno sempre are come verbo. Per he is hes Is he ? fare una domanda in inglese si inverte la she is shes Is she ? posizione del soggetto e del verbo. it is its Is it ? Traduci in italiano: we are were Are we ... ? What is your name? = ________________ Are you married? = ________ sposato/a? you are youre Are you ? Where are you from? = ________________ they are theyre Are they ?