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                                              A trip to
                                               london                                                     Lezione 1


  La partenza        1       The departure                                                             luggage

 Decidere dove       1-3
   dormire                 Prepare your luggage now we are going to London!!!
     Arrivati        4
  allaeroporto            We are going to fly with Ryanair. It is a low-cost airline that flies from Perugia S. Egi-
Cercando un mez-     5-6
                           dio to London Stansted airport. These are the timetables from Perugia to London:
 zo di trasporto

La metropolitana     7             Day        Flight Nr   Departure    Arrival          Note:
I biglietti per la   8           Monday        FR4953       11.20      12.45      from 25/3 to 26/10
      metro                     Tuesday        FR4953       10.50      12.15        from 3/7 to 28/8
                               Wednesday       FR4953       11.20      12.45      from 25/3 to 26/10
                                 Thursday      FR4953       11.20      12.45      from 25/3 to 26/10
                                  Friday       FR4953       11.20      12.45      from 25/3 to 26/10
                                 Saturday      FR4953       17.20      18.45        from 4/8 to 25/8
                                 Sunday        FR4953       15.10      16.35      from 25/3 to 26/10

                            Which day would you like to go? On ____________                On si usa con _________

                            What time is the flight? At ______________                     At si usa con __________

                            What time is the arrival? At _____________

                                  Deciding where to sleep
These are four nice hotels in London:

                      1. The Nayland              132-134 Sussex Gardens, Paddington, London W2 1UB

                                                           General          Bar, 24-Hour Front Desk, Non-
                                     278,00                                Smoking Rooms, Family Rooms, Eleva-
                                 for three nights                           tor, Safety Deposit Box, Heating, Lug-
                                                                            gage Storage, All Public and Private
                                                                            spaces non-smoking
                                             nd love
                                res ented a me and         Services         Room Service, Tour Desk,
                       , well p            elco                             Fax/Photocopying, Ticket Service
         Ve ry clean taff made us w t breakfast
                  m. S               ffee a                                 Wi-fi is available in the entire hotel
         and war ho served co ce to stay and               Internet
                    w                  la                                   and costs GBP 5 per hour.
          the lady htful. A great p . In the area
                    g                  ey
           was deli value for mon s and shops.             Hotel policies Check-in           1400 - 00:00 hours
                     t                   t
           excellen many restauran                                          Check-out        09:00 - 11:00 hours
            there are
                                                                                                                Pagina 2

                                      2. Abbey Court Hotel 74 Seymour Place ,London W2 1TP
    te, cou e friendly, po                  300,20 for       General        24-Hour Front Desk, Family Rooms,
            rt                   li
   tive. T eous and atte -                                                  Elevator, Safety Deposit Box, Hea-
   bey C
            he room             n-         three nights                      ting, Luggage Storage
           ou           s at Ab
  private rt Hotel ha -                                                      Private parking is possible on site
                              v                               Parking
 tea/cof bathrooms a e                                                       (reservation is not possible) and
          fee fac            nd
 oms als          ilities. R                                                 costs GBP 15 per day.
         o                   o
hairdry have a TV a -                                                        Free! Wired internet is available in
        er                  n
ve com , and some h d                                         Internet
                                                                             public areas and is free of charge.
        pact kit            a
                 chenett -
                                                              Hotel policies Check-in         From 14:00 hours
                                                                             Check-out        Until 10:30 hours

3. Admiral Hotel                  143 Boston Place, London W2 2RX

                     Bar, 24-Hour Front Desk, Non-Smoking Ro-
                                                                                                   340,00 for
                     oms, Family Rooms, Heating, Luggage Storage,                                 three nights
                     All Public and Private spaces non-smoking
   Services       Ironing Service, Fax/Photocopying
   Internet       Free! Wi-fi is available in the hotel rooms and                                       iral are
                  is free of charge.                                                         at the Adm artwork
                                                                                   Rooms in modern
                                                                                                               . They
   Parking        Private parking is possible on site (reservation                 corated re satellite TVs ges
                                                                                              u                  rid
                  is not needed) and costs GBP 10 per day.                          and feat de hairdryers, f lco-
                                                                                              lu                 ba
   Hotel policies Check-in         From 13:00 hours                                  also inc          s have
                                                                                                 e room s. It is loca-
                  Check-out        Until 11:00 hours                                 and som city view
                                                                                                h                 area.
                                                                                      nies wit uiet and lovely
                                                                                       ted in a

     4. So Paddington Hotel                     6-8 Broadley Street , London W21RS

                              350,00 for          General       24-Hour Front Desk, Non-Smoking
                                                                 Rooms, Express Check-In/Check-Out,
                             three nights                        Heating, Luggage Storage, All Public and
                                                                 Private spaces non-smoking
                                                   Services      Babysitting/Child Services, Laundry,
                                         a                       Dry Cleaning, Ironing Service, Fax/
                                features -
                    els rooms        hair                       Photocopying, Concierge Service
            the hot          er and
   E ach of with a show de a tea/                  Internet      Free! Wi-fi is available in the entire
            m               clu
   bathroo ooms also in nd beds with                             hotel and is free of charge.
            R                a
    dryer. aking facilities          feature
    coffee ets, whilst so   me also                Parking       No parking available.
     thick du                                      Hotel policies Check-in        14:00 - 00:00 hours
              player.                                            Check-out        11:00 - 12:00 hours
      a D VD
1. You and your family or friends are going to London for 3 days. In which hotel would you like to stay?
 Read the 4 hotel descriptions, then have a look at the city map and see near which Tube station they are.
 Make some notes in the chart below about the thing you like or you dont like, for each hotel.

                                 Location       Services   Internet       Other                    Some i
 The Nayland                                                                                      It is..
                                                                                                    (not) ch
                                                                                                   station/              rt
 Abbey Court Hotel                                                                                            near a p he tube
                                                                                               It has .                 ark 
 Admiral Hotel                                                                                               (not) fo
                                                                                                free/par              r
                                                                                                           king po
                                                                                             The ro                 ssibilitie
                                                                                                      om ha                   s ...
 So Paddington Hotel                                                                          a kitche          s
                                                                                             facilities te/coffe-making
                                                                                                       /a balco
 2. Now ask your mates about his/her favourite hotel.              The best hotel for me is
                Which hotel do you like?                           ___________________
                The Admiral.
                             it is ...
                Because      it has ...                                          I think the best hotel is               
                             the room has ...                              I like it because...
                                                                              It is (very/not very) cheap/near the tube
                                                                                     station/near a park ...
               I dont think the best hotel is                              It has internet for free/babysitting ...
           I dont like it because...                                        The room has a kitchenette/a balcony 
             It is (very / not very) expensive/far from
                   the tube station ...
             It doesnt have internet for free/babysitting ...
                                                                            4. Find the opposites:
            The room doesnt have a kitchenette/a balcony ...                                            ___ I dont like
                                                                             1. Expensive
                                                                             2. Near                     ___ Cheap
    3. We are going to London for 3 days. In which hotel                     3. There arent             ___ There isnt
                  would you like to stay?                                                                 ___ I think
                                                                             4. It has
                                                                             5. I dont think             ___ There are
    The Nayland
                                                                              6. I like                   ___ It doesnt have
    Abbey Court Hotel
                                                                              7. There is                  ___ Far
    Admiral Hotel
    So Paddington Hotel                                    5. Describe our favourite hotel
                                                           We think that the best hotel is _________________ because
                      el for us                            it is ___________________________________________.
       The best hot
                            ______                         It has _________________________________________
                 _ ______
       ______                                              ______________________________________________.
                  near the
        and it is                  __                      In the room there are _____________________________
         _____   ______                                    ______________________________________________
         tube sta
Pagina 3                                                                                                       A TRIP TO LONDON
                                                                                                                Pagina 4

Arrival - at the airport                                                         6. Match with the correct sign:

At the UK airports there are two                                                 1. Arrivals             ____
separate queues:                                                                 2. Departures           ____
  European Union, European Econo-                                                3. Baggage claim        ____
  mic Area, British and Swiss.                                                   4. Passport control     ____
  All other nationalities.
                                                                                 5. Check-in             ____
                                                                  B              6. Shops                ____
                                                       A                              D

      Silvia arrives at the airport.     Marco arrives at the airport.
         Passport, please!                   Can I see your passport, please?
         Here it is.                         Yes, here it is.
         Thank you. Have a nice day!         Thank you. Can you wait here,
         You too. Bye!
                                             Sure. Is there a problem?

       7. Who speaks? You are at the passport control: who
          says these words?                                               8. What happens? Put the correct letter(s)
                                        Police officer   You                 near the situations:
       A) Passport please!                                               - Mi chiedono il passaporto __ __
                                                                           - Mi ringraziano __
       B) Have a nice day!                                   
                                                                           - Mi salutano __ __
       C) Thank you.                                                     - Mi chiedono di aspettare __
       D) Can I see your passport, please?                   
       E) Here it is.                                                    - Ringrazio __
       F) Bye!                                                           - Mostro/do qualcosa a qualcuno __
                                                                           - Saluto qualcuno __ __
       G) Can you wait here, please?                         

Other ways to greet someone
 9. You know many greetings in English, but are they appropriate to the situation?
                            arriving going away     to a friend   formal                    does it m
                                                                               10. What                   _
1.    Good morning!                                                                     mo dopo! _
                                                                                a. Ci vedia
2.    Hi!                                                                                era! __
                                                                                b. Buona s
3.    See you!                                                                           mo! __
                                                                                 c. Ci vedia                __
                                                                                                 o domani!
4.    Good evening!                                               
                                                                                 d . Ci vediam
5.    See you tomorrow!                                                                        ormale) __
                                                                              e. Salve! (f              _
                                                                                               nformale) _
6.    How are you doing?                                                      f. Salve! (i               _
                                                                                                meriggio! _
7.    How do you do?                                                           g. Buon po
                                                                                                 otte! __
8.    Good afternoon!                                                           h. Buona n
9.    See you later!                                                            i. Ciao! _
10. Good night!                                                                  j. Buon
                                                                                               giorno! __
Looking for a transport
                                We need to go to our hotel. We have two options:

   1. go by train                                          Stansted Express
                                                           Fast, frequent and convenient trains run between the airport and Lon-
                                                           don Liverpool Street from early until late.
                                                            Trains depart every 15 minutes.
                                                            Average journey time 46 minutes to Liverpool Street and 35 minutes
                                                            to Tottenham Hale.
                                                            Express class single fare 贈22.50 (贈21.50 online booking).
                                                            Also calls at Bishop's Stortford, Harlow Town and Tottenham Hale.
                                                            For London Underground services, change at Tottenham Hale
                                                            (Victoria Line) or Liverpool Street (Circle, Metropolitan and Ham-
                                                            mersmith & City lines).
                                                                                                             E allora                 one
Stansted - London Liverpool Street - timetables                                                                              21 twenty
                                                                                                             11 eleven                 two
                                                                                                1 one                        22 twenty
                     From                          Until                     Minutes past                    12 twelve
                                                                                                2 two                          30 thirty
                                                                              each hour                      13 thirteen
                                                                                                3 three                        40 fourty
   Monday to                                                                                                             n
                     (05.30MF) 06.00 06.15         23.45 23.59* 00.30*      00 - 15 - 30 - 45                 14 fourtee
   Friday                                                                                        4 four                         50 fifty
                     06.30 06.45^ 07.00            (01.00*FS) (01.30*FS)                                      15 fifteen
                                                                                                 5 five                         60 sixty
                                                                                                               16 sixteen
   Saturday          05.30 06.00                   23.45 23.59* 00.30*      00 - 15 - 30 - 45     6 six
                                                                                                                         en      70 seventy
                                                                                                               17 sevente
   Sunday            05.30 06.00 06.30 07.00       23.45 23.59* 00.30*      00 - 15 - 30 - 45     7 seven                        80 eighty
                                                                                                               18 eightee
                                                   01.00* 01.30*                                   8 eight                     90 ninety
                                                                                                              19 ninetee                   d
                                                                                                   9 nine                      100 hundre
   MF      Monday & Friday only                    ^ 07.45 leave 2 minutes early (i.e. 07.43)                 20 twenty                 ousand
                                                                                                    10 ten                   000 one th
                                                                                                                   hundred 1
   FS      Friday & Saturday early mornings only   * Trains from 23.59 not via Tottenham Hale
                                                                                                          200 two

     11. Complete the sentences with the right information:
        a. There are ______ minutes between London Stansted and London Liverpool street.
        b. A single fare costs ______, but if you book it online, it costs ______.
        c. The first train is at ____________ , the last one is at _________.
        d. There is a train every ______ minutes.
        e. You can change for Victoria Line (underground or Tube) at _________________ .
        f. You can change for Circle line at ________________.
        g. The Stansted Express stops at the following stations:
                  1. _________________________ 2. _________________________
                  3. _________________________ 4. _________________________ (last station)

        12. Answer these questions according to your needs
        a. If your flight arrives at _______, and you need 30 minutes to arrive at the train station, what
           time do you take the train?
        b. What time do you arrive in Tottenham Hale ? And in London Liverpool Street?

Pagina 5                                                                                                                     A TRIP TO LONDON

                                                                                                                   Pagina 6
Looking for a transport
2. go by bus                Stansted Airport's bus and coach station is opposite the main terminal entrance.
                            Coach tickets can be bought at the ticket desk in arrivals (open 06:00 to 01:00),
                            in the coach station (24 hours, seven days a week) or on board.

Service                   Destination               Frequency            Journey
easyBus EB2               Baker Street, London      Up to every 20 min   75 min/ From 贈9
National Express A6       London Victoria           Up to every 10 min   85-100min/ 贈10.50
National Express A9       Stratford and London                           45-60min/ 贈8.50
                                                    Up to every 30 min
                          Liverpool Street
Terravision A50           London Victoria           Up to every 30 min   75 min/ 贈9
Terravision A51           London Liverpool Street Up to every 30min      55 min/ 贈9
Terravision A52           London Stratford          Up to every 30 min   40 min/ From 贈6

            13. You need to go to your hotel. What do you do?
            Have a look at the Tube map and according to the position of your hotel, find the best way!

            a) Fill with the missing words the following sentence:

            I. My hotel is near ________________ tube station, which is on the __________ line.

                                                                                      a. After ____ stops I have
 b) Fill with the missing words the following sentences and use the sentence            to change again at
 on the right to complete your description.                                             ____________ station.

 II. If I take the train, I will arrive at Liverpool Street station.
    I have to take the ____________ line direction _______________.
                                                                                       b. Then after ____ stops,
 III. If I take the bus, I will arrive at _____________ station.
                                                                                           I will arrive at destination.
    I have to take the ____________ line direction _______________.
                                                                                             c. After ____ stops
                                                                                                I will arrive at
The Tube
                        The London Underground (also colloquially called the Tube) is a rapid transit system that
                        serves a large part of Greater London and some parts of Buckinghamshi-
                        re, Hertfordshire and Essex.
                       It incorporates the oldest section of underground railway in the world, which opened in
                       1863 and now forms part of the Circle,Hammersmith & City, and Metropolitan lines; and
  the first line to operate electric trains, in 1890, now part of the Northern line.
  The Underground serves 270 stations and has 402 kilometres of track, 45 per
  cent of which is underground.
  It is the second largest metro system in the world in terms of route miles,
  after the Shanghai Metro.
  In 2007, more than one billion passenger journeys were recorded, making it
  the third busiest metro system in Europe, after Moscow and Paris. The tube is
  an international icon for London, with the tube map, considered a design clas-
  sic, having influenced many other transport maps worldwide.

    How to get the right tube.
    The names of the ending stations are very useful to understand in which direction you have to go.
    For instance, if you are in the Central Line (the red one), at Liverpool Street Station and you would like to go:
       to Notthing Hill Gate, you have to take the tube that goes direction West Ruislip or Ealing Brodway
       to Stratford, you have to take the tube that goes direction Woodford or Epping

                                                      At Liverpool Street station you can change to the
     The Circle line.
                                                                 yellow, pink or purple line
     Very useful, in London is the
     Circle line, coloured yellow on
     the tube map.
     It has a circular route around
     the centre of London on the
     north side of the River      Tha-
     mes linking the main line railway

Pagina 7                                                                                              A TRIP TO LONDON
                                                                                                                          Pagina 8

  The fare system
The Underground uses a zonal fare system: London is divided into 6 zones; Zone 1 is the most central, with a boun-
dary just beyond the Circle line, and Zone 6 is the outermost and includes London Heathrow Airport.
Some ticket machines accept coins, notes and credit cards, some accept coins only, and some accept cards only.
Since 2003 you can use the Oyster card, a smartcard with a contactless chip, which you can charge up with credit
and use to pay for travel. It can also be loaded with Travelcards.
It can be used on the Underground, the Overground, buses, trams, the Docklands Light Railway, and National
Rail services within London. As a visitor you have the possibility to buy one online at:

                                    Visitor Oyster card
                                                                                                Select a type           Price
                You mus
                          t touch y                                                        贈10 card + Activation fee    贈13.00
                Oyster             our
                         card on                           Delivery countr
                                   the                                      y: Italy
               yellow ca                                   - Estimated 8 to                贈15 card + Activation fee    贈18.00
                         rd reade                                           12 days
               when tra           rs
                        velling.                                                           贈20 card + Activation fee    贈23.00
                                                                                           贈30 card + Activation fee    贈33.00

How much credit do I need? Sample Tube fares:                                              贈40 card + Activation fee    贈43.00
                                                                                           贈50 card + Activation fee    贈53.00
 Zones 1 to 2                             Unlimited journeys in one day in
                                          zones 1 and 2                                *Peak Oyste
 Oyster 贈2.70 peak*, 贈2.00 off-peak                                                                   r si
                                                                                       06:30-09:30 an ngle fares apply from
 Zones 1 to 6                                   贈8.40 peak, 贈7.00 off-peak                             d from 16.00-
                                                                                       day to Friday                  19-00 Mon-
 Oyster 贈4.80 peak*, 贈2.90 off-peak       Single bus journey      贈1.35                              (except public

             Which Travelcard? You can always buy a normal paper Travelcard but you need to know which
             one! In fact there are many Travelcards. Some of them are only for a day, others for 7 days:

                                         Day Anytime               Price                   Day Anytime - Can be used at any
                                         Adult Zones 1-2           贈8.40                  time on the day of validity and for any
                                         Adult Zones 1-4          贈10.60                   journey that starts before 04:30 the
                                                                                                      following day.
                                         Adult Zones 1-6          贈15.80

  Day Off-Peak            Price
  Adult Zones 1-2         贈7.00              Day Off-Peak - Can be used from 09:30 Mondays to Fridays, all day
  Adult Zones 1-4         贈7.70               Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, on the day(s) of validity and
  Adult Zones 1-6         贈 8.50                 for any journey that starts before 04:30 the following day.

                          7 Day - Can be used for 7 days during the period                   7 Day                     Price
                           of validity and for any journey that starts before                Adult Zones 1-2           贈29.20
                              04:30 on the day following the expiry date.
                                                                                             Adult Zones 1-3           贈34.20
  Which card will you buy?                                                                   Adult Zones 1-4           贈41.80

  I think that a/an ___________ is the best for us, because we                               Adult Zones 1-5           贈49.80
  will stay in London for ____ days. It is the cheapest solution                             Adult Zones 1-6           贈53.40
London Map




Pagina 9                        A TRIP TO LONDON
                              Pagina 10
            London Tube Map

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Un viaggio a Londra

  • 1. English Learning A trip to london Lezione 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS La partenza 1 The departure luggage Decidere dove 1-3 dormire Prepare your luggage now we are going to London!!! Arrivati 4 allaeroporto We are going to fly with Ryanair. It is a low-cost airline that flies from Perugia S. Egi- Cercando un mez- 5-6 dio to London Stansted airport. These are the timetables from Perugia to London: zo di trasporto La metropolitana 7 Day Flight Nr Departure Arrival Note: I biglietti per la 8 Monday FR4953 11.20 12.45 from 25/3 to 26/10 metro Tuesday FR4953 10.50 12.15 from 3/7 to 28/8 Wednesday FR4953 11.20 12.45 from 25/3 to 26/10 Thursday FR4953 11.20 12.45 from 25/3 to 26/10 Friday FR4953 11.20 12.45 from 25/3 to 26/10 Saturday FR4953 17.20 18.45 from 4/8 to 25/8 Sunday FR4953 15.10 16.35 from 25/3 to 26/10 Which day would you like to go? On ____________ On si usa con _________ What time is the flight? At ______________ At si usa con __________ What time is the arrival? At _____________ Deciding where to sleep These are four nice hotels in London: 1. The Nayland 132-134 Sussex Gardens, Paddington, London W2 1UB General Bar, 24-Hour Front Desk, Non- 278,00 Smoking Rooms, Family Rooms, Eleva- for three nights tor, Safety Deposit Box, Heating, Lug- gage Storage, All Public and Private spaces non-smoking ly nd love res ented a me and Services Room Service, Tour Desk, , well p elco Fax/Photocopying, Ticket Service Ve ry clean taff made us w t breakfast m. S ffee a Wi-fi is available in the entire hotel and war ho served co ce to stay and Internet w la and costs GBP 5 per hour. the lady htful. A great p . In the area g ey was deli value for mon s and shops. Hotel policies Check-in 1400 - 00:00 hours t t excellen many restauran Check-out 09:00 - 11:00 hours there are
  • 2. LEZIONE 1 Pagina 2 2. Abbey Court Hotel 74 Seymour Place ,London W2 1TP Staff ar te, cou e friendly, po 300,20 for General 24-Hour Front Desk, Family Rooms, rt li tive. T eous and atte - Elevator, Safety Deposit Box, Hea- bey C he room n- three nights ting, Luggage Storage ou s at Ab private rt Hotel ha - Private parking is possible on site v Parking tea/cof bathrooms a e (reservation is not possible) and fee fac nd oms als ilities. R costs GBP 15 per day. o o hairdry have a TV a - Free! Wired internet is available in er n ve com , and some h d Internet public areas and is free of charge. pact kit a chenett - es. Hotel policies Check-in From 14:00 hours Check-out Until 10:30 hours 3. Admiral Hotel 143 Boston Place, London W2 2RX Bar, 24-Hour Front Desk, Non-Smoking Ro- 340,00 for General oms, Family Rooms, Heating, Luggage Storage, three nights All Public and Private spaces non-smoking Services Ironing Service, Fax/Photocopying de- Internet Free! Wi-fi is available in the hotel rooms and iral are is free of charge. at the Adm artwork Rooms in modern . They Parking Private parking is possible on site (reservation corated re satellite TVs ges u rid is not needed) and costs GBP 10 per day. and feat de hairdryers, f lco- lu ba Hotel policies Check-in From 13:00 hours also inc s have e room s. It is loca- Check-out Until 11:00 hours and som city view h area. nies wit uiet and lovely q ted in a 4. So Paddington Hotel 6-8 Broadley Street , London W21RS 350,00 for General 24-Hour Front Desk, Non-Smoking Rooms, Express Check-In/Check-Out, three nights Heating, Luggage Storage, All Public and Private spaces non-smoking Services Babysitting/Child Services, Laundry, a Dry Cleaning, Ironing Service, Fax/ features - els rooms hair Photocopying, Concierge Service the hot er and E ach of with a show de a tea/ Internet Free! Wi-fi is available in the entire m clu bathroo ooms also in nd beds with hotel and is free of charge. R a dryer. aking facilities feature -m coffee ets, whilst so me also Parking No parking available. v thick du Hotel policies Check-in 14:00 - 00:00 hours player. Check-out 11:00 - 12:00 hours a D VD
  • 3. 1. You and your family or friends are going to London for 3 days. In which hotel would you like to stay? Read the 4 hotel descriptions, then have a look at the city map and see near which Tube station they are. Make some notes in the chart below about the thing you like or you dont like, for each hotel. Location Services Internet Other Some i deas.. The Nayland It is.. (not) ch eap/nea station/ rt Abbey Court Hotel near a p he tube It has . ark .. internet Admiral Hotel (not) fo free/par r king po The ro ssibilitie om ha s ... So Paddington Hotel a kitche s net facilities te/coffe-making /a balco ny 2. Now ask your mates about his/her favourite hotel. The best hotel for me is Which hotel do you like? ___________________ The Admiral. Why? it is ... Because it has ... I think the best hotel is the room has ... I like it because... It is (very/not very) cheap/near the tube station/near a park ... I dont think the best hotel is It has internet for free/babysitting ... I dont like it because... The room has a kitchenette/a balcony It is (very / not very) expensive/far from the tube station ... It doesnt have internet for free/babysitting ... 4. Find the opposites: The room doesnt have a kitchenette/a balcony ... ___ I dont like 1. Expensive 2. Near ___ Cheap 3. We are going to London for 3 days. In which hotel 3. There arent ___ There isnt would you like to stay? ___ I think 4. It has 5. I dont think ___ There are The Nayland 6. I like ___ It doesnt have Abbey Court Hotel 7. There is ___ Far Admiral Hotel So Paddington Hotel 5. Describe our favourite hotel We think that the best hotel is _________________ because is el for us it is ___________________________________________. The best hot ______ It has _________________________________________ _ ______ ______ ______________________________________________. near the and it is __ In the room there are _____________________________ ______ _____ ______ ______________________________________________ tion tube sta Pagina 3 A TRIP TO LONDON
  • 4. LEZIONE 1 Pagina 4 Arrival - at the airport 6. Match with the correct sign: At the UK airports there are two 1. Arrivals ____ separate queues: 2. Departures ____ European Union, European Econo- 3. Baggage claim ____ mic Area, British and Swiss. 4. Passport control ____ All other nationalities. 5. Check-in ____ B 6. Shops ____ C A D E F Silvia arrives at the airport. Marco arrives at the airport. Passport, please! Can I see your passport, please? Here it is. Yes, here it is. Thank you. Have a nice day! Thank you. Can you wait here, please? You too. Bye! Sure. Is there a problem? 7. Who speaks? You are at the passport control: who says these words? 8. What happens? Put the correct letter(s) Police officer You near the situations: A) Passport please! - Mi chiedono il passaporto __ __ - Mi ringraziano __ B) Have a nice day! - Mi salutano __ __ C) Thank you. - Mi chiedono di aspettare __ D) Can I see your passport, please? E) Here it is. - Ringrazio __ F) Bye! - Mostro/do qualcosa a qualcuno __ - Saluto qualcuno __ __ G) Can you wait here, please? Other ways to greet someone 9. You know many greetings in English, but are they appropriate to the situation? ean? arriving going away to a friend formal does it m 10. What _ 1. Good morning! mo dopo! _ a. Ci vedia 2. Hi! era! __ b. Buona s 3. See you! mo! __ c. Ci vedia __ o domani! 4. Good evening! d . Ci vediam 5. See you tomorrow! ormale) __ e. Salve! (f _ nformale) _ 6. How are you doing? f. Salve! (i _ meriggio! _ 7. How do you do? g. Buon po otte! __ 8. Good afternoon! h. Buona n _ 9. See you later! i. Ciao! _ 10. Good night! j. Buon giorno! __
  • 5. Looking for a transport We need to go to our hotel. We have two options: 1. go by train Stansted Express Fast, frequent and convenient trains run between the airport and Lon- don Liverpool Street from early until late. Trains depart every 15 minutes. Average journey time 46 minutes to Liverpool Street and 35 minutes to Tottenham Hale. Express class single fare 贈22.50 (贈21.50 online booking). Also calls at Bishop's Stortford, Harlow Town and Tottenham Hale. For London Underground services, change at Tottenham Hale (Victoria Line) or Liverpool Street (Circle, Metropolitan and Ham- mersmith & City lines). Numbers!! E allora one Stansted - London Liverpool Street - timetables 21 twenty 11 eleven two 1 one 22 twenty From Until Minutes past 12 twelve 2 two 30 thirty each hour 13 thirteen 3 three 40 fourty Monday to n (05.30MF) 06.00 06.15 23.45 23.59* 00.30* 00 - 15 - 30 - 45 14 fourtee Friday 4 four 50 fifty 06.30 06.45^ 07.00 (01.00*FS) (01.30*FS) 15 fifteen 5 five 60 sixty 16 sixteen Saturday 05.30 06.00 23.45 23.59* 00.30* 00 - 15 - 30 - 45 6 six en 70 seventy 17 sevente Sunday 05.30 06.00 06.30 07.00 23.45 23.59* 00.30* 00 - 15 - 30 - 45 7 seven 80 eighty n 18 eightee 01.00* 01.30* 8 eight 90 ninety n 19 ninetee d 9 nine 100 hundre MF Monday & Friday only ^ 07.45 leave 2 minutes early (i.e. 07.43) 20 twenty ousand 10 ten 000 one th hundred 1 FS Friday & Saturday early mornings only * Trains from 23.59 not via Tottenham Hale 200 two 11. Complete the sentences with the right information: a. There are ______ minutes between London Stansted and London Liverpool street. b. A single fare costs ______, but if you book it online, it costs ______. c. The first train is at ____________ , the last one is at _________. d. There is a train every ______ minutes. e. You can change for Victoria Line (underground or Tube) at _________________ . f. You can change for Circle line at ________________. g. The Stansted Express stops at the following stations: 1. _________________________ 2. _________________________ 3. _________________________ 4. _________________________ (last station) 12. Answer these questions according to your needs a. If your flight arrives at _______, and you need 30 minutes to arrive at the train station, what time do you take the train? b. What time do you arrive in Tottenham Hale ? And in London Liverpool Street? Pagina 5 A TRIP TO LONDON
  • 6. LEZIONE 1 Pagina 6 Looking for a transport 2. go by bus Stansted Airport's bus and coach station is opposite the main terminal entrance. Coach tickets can be bought at the ticket desk in arrivals (open 06:00 to 01:00), in the coach station (24 hours, seven days a week) or on board. Service Destination Frequency Journey time/fare easyBus EB2 Baker Street, London Up to every 20 min 75 min/ From 贈9 National Express A6 London Victoria Up to every 10 min 85-100min/ 贈10.50 National Express A9 Stratford and London 45-60min/ 贈8.50 Up to every 30 min Liverpool Street Terravision A50 London Victoria Up to every 30 min 75 min/ 贈9 Terravision A51 London Liverpool Street Up to every 30min 55 min/ 贈9 Terravision A52 London Stratford Up to every 30 min 40 min/ From 贈6 13. You need to go to your hotel. What do you do? Have a look at the Tube map and according to the position of your hotel, find the best way! a) Fill with the missing words the following sentence: I. My hotel is near ________________ tube station, which is on the __________ line. a. After ____ stops I have b) Fill with the missing words the following sentences and use the sentence to change again at on the right to complete your description. ____________ station. II. If I take the train, I will arrive at Liverpool Street station. I have to take the ____________ line direction _______________. b. Then after ____ stops, III. If I take the bus, I will arrive at _____________ station. I will arrive at destination. I have to take the ____________ line direction _______________. c. After ____ stops I will arrive at destination
  • 7. The Tube The London Underground (also colloquially called the Tube) is a rapid transit system that serves a large part of Greater London and some parts of Buckinghamshi- re, Hertfordshire and Essex. It incorporates the oldest section of underground railway in the world, which opened in 1863 and now forms part of the Circle,Hammersmith & City, and Metropolitan lines; and the first line to operate electric trains, in 1890, now part of the Northern line. The Underground serves 270 stations and has 402 kilometres of track, 45 per cent of which is underground. It is the second largest metro system in the world in terms of route miles, after the Shanghai Metro. In 2007, more than one billion passenger journeys were recorded, making it the third busiest metro system in Europe, after Moscow and Paris. The tube is an international icon for London, with the tube map, considered a design clas- sic, having influenced many other transport maps worldwide. How to get the right tube. The names of the ending stations are very useful to understand in which direction you have to go. For instance, if you are in the Central Line (the red one), at Liverpool Street Station and you would like to go: to Notthing Hill Gate, you have to take the tube that goes direction West Ruislip or Ealing Brodway to Stratford, you have to take the tube that goes direction Woodford or Epping At Liverpool Street station you can change to the The Circle line. yellow, pink or purple line Very useful, in London is the Circle line, coloured yellow on the tube map. It has a circular route around the centre of London on the north side of the River Tha- mes linking the main line railway terminii. Pagina 7 A TRIP TO LONDON
  • 8. LEZIONE 1 Pagina 8 The fare system The Underground uses a zonal fare system: London is divided into 6 zones; Zone 1 is the most central, with a boun- dary just beyond the Circle line, and Zone 6 is the outermost and includes London Heathrow Airport. Some ticket machines accept coins, notes and credit cards, some accept coins only, and some accept cards only. Since 2003 you can use the Oyster card, a smartcard with a contactless chip, which you can charge up with credit and use to pay for travel. It can also be loaded with Travelcards. It can be used on the Underground, the Overground, buses, trams, the Docklands Light Railway, and National Rail services within London. As a visitor you have the possibility to buy one online at: http://visitorshop.tfl.gov.uk/oystercard/product/oyster-card.html Visitor Oyster card Select a type Price You mus t touch y 贈10 card + Activation fee 贈13.00 Oyster our card on Delivery countr the y: Italy yellow ca - Estimated 8 to 贈15 card + Activation fee 贈18.00 rd reade 12 days when tra rs velling. 贈20 card + Activation fee 贈23.00 贈30 card + Activation fee 贈33.00 How much credit do I need? Sample Tube fares: 贈40 card + Activation fee 贈43.00 贈50 card + Activation fee 贈53.00 Zones 1 to 2 Unlimited journeys in one day in zones 1 and 2 *Peak Oyste Oyster 贈2.70 peak*, 贈2.00 off-peak r si 06:30-09:30 an ngle fares apply from Zones 1 to 6 贈8.40 peak, 贈7.00 off-peak d from 16.00- day to Friday 19-00 Mon- Oyster 贈4.80 peak*, 贈2.90 off-peak Single bus journey 贈1.35 (except public holidays). Travelcards Which Travelcard? You can always buy a normal paper Travelcard but you need to know which one! In fact there are many Travelcards. Some of them are only for a day, others for 7 days: Day Anytime Price Day Anytime - Can be used at any Adult Zones 1-2 贈8.40 time on the day of validity and for any Adult Zones 1-4 贈10.60 journey that starts before 04:30 the following day. Adult Zones 1-6 贈15.80 Day Off-Peak Price Adult Zones 1-2 贈7.00 Day Off-Peak - Can be used from 09:30 Mondays to Fridays, all day Adult Zones 1-4 贈7.70 Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, on the day(s) of validity and Adult Zones 1-6 贈 8.50 for any journey that starts before 04:30 the following day. 7 Day - Can be used for 7 days during the period 7 Day Price of validity and for any journey that starts before Adult Zones 1-2 贈29.20 04:30 on the day following the expiry date. Adult Zones 1-3 贈34.20 Which card will you buy? Adult Zones 1-4 贈41.80 I think that a/an ___________ is the best for us, because we Adult Zones 1-5 贈49.80 will stay in London for ____ days. It is the cheapest solution Adult Zones 1-6 贈53.40
  • 9. London Map 2 3 4 1 Pagina 9 A TRIP TO LONDON
  • 10. LEZIONE 1 Pagina 10 London Tube Map