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The Complete system for managing and organizing data as well
as producing documents for a Chamber of Commerce
e-Chamber can be utilized for any size Chamber but was
designed for the small to Medium size Chamber in mind.
This slide show will take approx 30 minutes. Each slide will advance after 30
seconds, click or press page down to advance sooner, press the Esc key to stop
the show
BAAC, Inc. Phone: 352-258-2594
PO Box 1718
Tavares, Florida 32778 www.pstcorp.com/e_chamber
Email: baacsupport@comcast.net
Was designed using Microsoft Access and works with all versions of
Access including both 32 or 64 bit. Well over 2000 hours have been
applied to the development of the program.
Automatically update your website member directory(s) directly from
e-Chamber (A HUGE timesaver).
Todays office application technology now allows large database
applications to be created and supported at a fraction of the cost for
large, high cost, cloud based systems.
e-Chamber contains 1 Front End file and 1 Backend files with a
capability of over 1 Gigabyte of storage capacity.
Application Fees:
For Chambers of Commerce over 250 members:
Software FREE
Annual Support Fees (unlimited phone/email, program updates, add your logo)
Single/Multi User User-$395/yr
Include Integration to Website Member Directory (s)-$495/yr
For Chambers of Commerce less then or equal to 250 members:
Software FREE
Annual Support FREE
Offer for small chambers is unique and integration for the online member directory is
required. BAAC makes its revenue by selling a picture /logo to be included with the
members listing. BAAC for this charges a low $20/yr fee and members with pictures
are always listed first.
e-Chamber starts with the click of a button from your
desktop and launches the Log On Screen
Providing the User name and Password are correct, the
e-Chamber main menu loads.
A major selling point for e-Chamber is the ability to update your website member
directory and other data directly from e-Chamber, any additions or edits to members
or events can be uploaded to your website in a matter of seconds. This is done by
simply clicking the Update Web button highlighted below.
The e-Chamber Main Menu was designed with the User in
Mind. To immediately view members and search by category.
In addition all major functions are easily accessed via command
buttons on the left side of the screen
Organized with Command Buttons by function as follows
Master Contact Lists-All Contacts be they Members, Vendors,
or just information about an area or region, 2 lists, one for
Businesses and one for Individuals.
Major Events-Setup and manage both the event and
participants, register and create in invoice in less then 20
Networking Event-Small Event tracking made SIMPLE, no
more guessing who paid and who hasnt and how they paid
Inquiry Entry-Designed for the user to simply input Inquires
about the community and what was requested.
MAIN MENU Commands (Cont)
Reports A/B-
Several Reports to run based on the wide variety of data
within e-Chamber. Not what you want? Create your own
with the built in Access Report builder or have BAAC do it
for you as a customization.
Sales-Record all Merchandise Sales, Total and Inventory
quantities automatically adjusted
Tasks-Automatically create recurring tasks (i.e. Preventive
Maintenance check) or create individual tasks that may be
assigned to an event or equipment
Track Committees/Boards and there members, assign and
track tasks for the Committees/Boards
Track/Manage Gift Certificates issued by the chamber and
redeemed by members
Track Members that offer a coupon, this coupon will then be
included with their listing.
Chamber Calendar, manage all the events / meetings / etc. for
the chamber. Export to a Google Calendar format and import
to a Google Calendar which communicates with
MAIN MENU Commands (Cont)
Finance-The most detailed of the options with:
Up to 10 different registers (General Ledger) each with its
own Reconcile Function
Create Budgets
Make Deposits
Process Credit/Returns for Invoicing (Separate from
Merchandise Sales)
Create Invoices / View Open Invoices / Print Invoices
Automatically create dues Invoicing on YOUR schedule
Finance Commands (Cont)
Enter / Pay Bills
Print Checks
Track and Pay Sales Tax Liabilities
ADMINISTRATION/SUPPORT MENU: Manages Many of the field
selections throughout the program such as Member Categories.
e-Chamber comes with a setup checklist to help the user get the most critical
data loaded into the program. To access the setup checklist, from the main
menu, clicking the organization info tab loads the form shown below
Information entered here is
what appears on billing
statements. Note you can
print a sheet of Avery 5160
mailing labels, select your
fiscal year, disable deposits
(For those who only want to
track paid/unpaid invoices
and not use the Ledgers).
Last, the setup checklist is in
the upper right.
There are 12 items to choose from including setting up your financial
accounts, Chart of Accounts, Member Dues, Member critical info just to
name a few. We will now continue to show functions within the program
The Search Command on the Main Menu: Allows the user to search for
members or non members by Category AND/OR Keywords or just perform
a General search, the Dialog box that opens when search is selected is shown
Note: the General Search will search Name,
address, city, state, zip, phone, email fields and
show any matches with the user input.
Below shows the results of a search For Accounting Services
(Category). Note the record counter shows 5 matches found.
You could have added a keyword of Taxes and this would
further reduce the matching records.
Log Referrals with
BUTTON, Clicking
the Referral Circle
Increments the
Referral Count by
Record Selection
Box, click prior to
viewing Information
Sheet or Member
After performing a search by category, the user has the option to print an
information sheet, the program will prompt the user to print either the
selected member or all members found in the search. You also have the
option to increment the referral counter for the selected member or all
members found in the search
1st prompt
2nd prompt
The next slide will then show the information sheet
Below shows the information sheet that can be
viewed/printed/faxed/emailed directly from MS Access.
Also based on Record selected, you can click on the Member Detail button that can
be used for editing existing information for existing members/contacts. Shown
below is the General Info Tab, Note command buttons for Creating Bill for Services
Invoice/ Cancel Membership. After these tabs are shown/explained, the Add New
Member will be shown next.
The Business Info Tab, Note the ability under annual fees to add
some addition Non Dues Revenue Categories (Like Logo Upload),
the user defines these optional services.
The Keyword Tab, note the ability to add up to 5 categories,
also the webpic file name for the picture. Plus members can
add a You Tube Commercial link to their online listing
The History Tab that shows all Financial Transactions both Invoices
or Bill Payments. Also note this is the location of the Referral Count
shown on on the main menu list As well as critical dates such as Last
Invoiced and Next Invoice due. Advance Pay options for networking
events is also logged here.
The communication log tab. Log any and all contact information
with this member or non member. Also manage up to 10 Groups that
you can easily get a report or email to from Reports B (Main Menu)
The Contacts tab. Any member or non member can have unlimited
contacts (i.e. your city Government). Here is where you can also
indicate if these contacts receive your newsletter.
The Sponsor/Honors tab. Any member or non member can have
unlimited Sponsors over time as well as documenting any honors
they have achieved. Also contains a list of Committee they are on.
The Major Events tab. Here it is easy to register any member or non
member for any event, if one is not setup, clicking the setup new
event can create one. Note you can also edit Event registration
selections from this tab as well. Major Events Detail covered later
The Employment Tab-Here chambers can offer their members to post
employment opportunities on their website. Only Jobs that have not
been closed are uploaded to the employment Directory should the
chamber opt to include that directory.
Real Estate Tab-Members can post any real estate for sale or rent,
these listings can then be uploaded to a Real Estate Directory should
the chamber opt for that directory.
Merchandise Sales (From the Main Menu)-Only items designated as sale
items in inventory appear in drop down list. Sales Tax automatically
calculated as well as total bill. One sale can have many items. The next
slide will show the Receive Payments window done from button at bottom.
Receive Payments window for a merchandise sale. Note the date is defaulted. Enter
the amount paid, and payment type. Checks and Cash will be automatically grouped
with undeposited funds for deposit later while credit cards will be automatically
deposited to the bank and General Ledger. After completion, the close button returns
to sales for anther transaction. Credits and returns are handled in a similar fashion but
reversed. Note the ability to deposit to 1 of 10 accounts with Checking the default
e-Chamber Facts
The remainder of the show will illustrate the remaining
functions / forms (screens).
There are many functions within e-Chamber that May or May
Not be utilized. This is up to the discretion of the user. You may
want the system to just keep track of Members.
You will see many functions during the rest of the show. YOU
DO NOT HAVE TO USE THEM, it is up to you.
The important Fact, ALL functions come with the program, we
do not itemize by function.
The e-Chamber Finance Menu, note the Auto Invoicing button
circled below. This will automatically create invoices when
they are due and also check for errors as shown on the next 2
slides. Set Days forward to create invoice due before the date.
After clicking Auto Invoicing, e-Chamber does error checking
on all members prior to creating invoices with the error type.
The user can correct these errors here prior to continuing by
clicking Continue circled below. Click Continue with No errors.
Last, you can view the members who will have invoices created based on the
Next due date set on the finance menu. To create the invoices so they appear
on the open/closed invoice form, click the Continue button circled below.
Once completed you can then click Print Invoices (Batch), select the date
and continue. Invoices also now appear in Open Invoices to Rcv Payment
Bank account setup from the Finance Menu-All
balances will be 0 until you enter the beginning
balance in each register or ledger. NOTE the transfer
funds function
Second, you setup your Master chart of accounts-Note
the Account # field that can be used as a cross
reference to an accountants system.
You than can create items or sub accounts to assign to the
master accounts created. This allows the program to create the
Profit and Loss statements as well as track costs by items.
Tracking these to budgets is also automatic.
From the Finance Menu, e-Chamber allows for unlimited dues
structures that are used to assign to a member. The program
also allows for a global update of dues when increases occur or
you can update the fee for a single dues description.
From the Finance Menu, e-Chamber also allows the user to setup fees that
are used in auto invoicing of member dues. Up to 9 additional fees (defined
by the user) can be setup. There are also 3 fees that can be set for
application/setup, kiosk, and Newsletter advertising.
From the Finance Menu, you select which of the 10 Register you want to
view. The Checking Register is the default, Note the ability to Void any
transaction from the ledger, the program knows what type of transaction it is
(Bill, Invoice Payment, tax payment, etc) and will handle it appropriately.
View Split Details circled below to see the accounts assigned.
The Reconcile Form-one for each of the 10 accounts. Enter Period Ending
date, Ending Balance. Check deposits and debits on bank statement. If
balanced, Difference will be ZERO, you can then click Reconcile in the
upper right. Reconciles can also be Undone from the related Register.
From the Finance Menu, the Budget Summary Form-
Note, create multiple budgets for one year or create a
budget for events. Select and click Budget Detail
The Budget Detail Form, note the program will track actuals for each
account item for the current year and the previous year. You enter the
amount to budget for that year. You can also do sub account budgeting and
then view reports on Budgeted vs. Actual throughout the year.
From the Finance Menu, make deposits window. Records are automatically
created when receiving cash, check or Credit Card Batched payments. Select
the deposits desired. Also note the ability to Void a deposit from this view.
Once you have grouped all click Close to record to the related register.
The Add/Edit Invoice form. Note that multiple items can be attached to one invoice
to allow account splits-Also note you can assign an invoice item to an event as an
option. Invoices can be manually created for member or non members. To Edit an
invoice you put your cursor in the Invoice number field and use the Control F on
your keyboard to find that invoice number.
The open invoices form. Receive Payments similar to
Merchandise Sales. Invoices created automatically for Member
dues . Note links to Invoice Detail and print Invoice function. A
sample invoice is shown on the next slide.
When you print invoices in batch or single you will be
prompted to select a message. These message options are
created by the user in the Administration Menu.
The invoice once open can now be printed or emailed, also note
this again is a custom report that chambers can instruct BAAC
how they want it to look.
From the Finance Menu, the paid invoices form. This is history All time
with some built in reports. Also note the ability to Delete a payment which
would return the invoice to Open Invoices.
The Enter Bill Form. The process for Bills is Enter, Pay, then Print (all
selectable by the user). Note that items can be assigned to an event for cost
tracking. NOTE: If Bills are assigned to a single account, the user can also
directly enter them into the appropriate directory and skip Enter and Pay Bill
You the user selects which bills to pay based on those
entered. Note the checking account balance is visible
and adjusts for each bill you select to pay
Any Bills selected to Pay will be on the Print Checks List. Just as in Bill to
pay selection, you the user selects the checks to print. Checks are formatted
for Voucher checks but can be modified for standard 3 to a sheet checks.
Prior to opening the program will show the next check number, if incorrect
or the first time using simply enter the check number to use.
e-Chamber provides for data on each employee/volunteer, note the Payroll
information. Users can use this to have the program create paychecks and
the program calculate state and federal taxes due. Users also have the option
to just enter Paychecks as a bill directly to the register, same as taxes due
that were manually calculated or provided by and accountant.
The Reports A Menu, we will show a few examples in the next slides, there
are to many to allow showing them all, well over 200 reports in e-Chamber.
Reports are organized by function. Note the Report Builder. This allows the
user to create their own reports outside of e-Chamber using real time data.
The Monthly Financial Report showing Income and Expense
for the current year.
The Dues Forecast Report
The Income Distribution Report by desired date range. Actual
Dollars are given on page 2 of the report. There is also a
matching report for Expense Distribution.
Member Growth and Retention Report. Report is based on
fiscal years so comparisons can be made to prior years.
Retention Rate applies to the instant in time the report is run.
The Reports B, View unlimited documents based on list selection (merged)
and create Mailing labels or an MS Excel file. Or just simple view a report
based on the button selected. 1) tell the program what you want (the yellow
box), then 2) what do you want to do with it (the far right column). Note
there is also a list of documents you can link to as well.
When clicking Major Events, the program will prompt you to select an event
to view (its setup and registered participants) or go to a Master Summary
List shown in the next slide. If you are setting up a new event, you will
click the Setup New Event button. Note you can also Log Donated Items
which also has a feature of printing Bid Sheets for Silent Auctions.
The Major Event Master Summary List provides a snapshot view of all
major events ever held. Not you can open/close events, contacts can only
register for open events. It provides you with how many participants and
what if any outstanding monies are due. You double click an event or click
View Detail for the event and view participants. Create Evaluations as well.
Major Event Detail Page 1, Note you can even type instructions for the event
registration options! Here you define the descriptions and prices for the event.
Several reports and export of attendees is also allowed from this form. Also note you
can see the number of participants currently registered and view that list to edit, view
their detailed registration options. Participants list is shown after the next slide
which will be Page 2 of Event Detail (Event Additional Fees and Options button)
Event Options, the capability exists to enter up to 10 Additional sale items
that are all quantity dependent. Participant registration will then have the
option to select these items and quantities when registering, fees and taxes
are automatically calculated. You can also define up to 10 Yes/No fields, in
this case one is used for Need Golf Cart. These options are not fee based.
After you setup your event (only once! And you can copy it) you can now register a
participant. The Master Participant List-This is all participants for all events, to
register a participant, you will search from the main menu to find them, open the
contact detail, go to major events, click Register for an event, select it and continue.
It takes less than 30 seconds and you can print an invoice at the end of the
registration process or from this participant list. Note you can also upload to website
Shown here is the prompt when you click Register for an event on the Contact Detail
(from the Main menu list) Major Events tab. You select the event and only OPEN
events will be available. Note you can also from the Major Events History for that
contact view any Registration information from any events they attended by clicking
the View Registration/Receive Payment in the lower left (based on record selected).
You then select the event the participant is registering for (The event setup is
automatic). Simply check the boxes the participant desires and the quantity.
When complete you click the Step 2 button. Note you can also add any non-
paying attendees that will accompany this participant. Also you can assign
badge/booth # or Apply Discounts
For Step 2, you will now check any additional items purchased, their quantities and
the yes/no options and their quantities. Amount owed is automatically calculated at
the bottom of the form. You have the option to receive the payment now or later
using the edit registration feature. Note, if after editing the participant has overpaid
the receive payment button acts as a create check function for a refund.
For Step 2, you will now check any additional items purchased, their quantities and the yes/no
options and their quantities. Amount owed is automatically calculated at the bottom of the
form. You have the option to receive the payment now or later using the edit registration
feature. Note, if after editing the participant has overpaid the receive payment button acts as a
create check function for a refund. To finish and have an option to print an event invoice click
Finish at the bottom. The next slide will show the event billing invoice.
Once you preview the Event Billing Invoice, you can print or email as needed. Note billing
statements are custom for each Chamber we support and you have an option as part of support
to change any reports with your Logo. We will perform those changes for you.
From the Main Menu, there is a networking event management function
(meetings/luncheons/etc.). When selected, the prompt below requests the
event and date. Note you can view both ongoing scheduled events OR
Archived events. Clicking continue will then load the form on the next slide
A list of attendees entered to date will appear. Note you can 1) print a report, 2) Print Name
Tags, and 3) Receive payments (Free, cash, credit card, check, etc.). You are not allowed to
close the event until Total Billed is equal to Total Paid. Also Note you can copy this list of
attendees to the same event on another day, then just remove those that dont attend and add
ones not listed. Really reduces data entry for managing networking events which if for
Individuals only.
This Concludes the 際際滷 Show for
Thank-you for watching the show and hope you can see the value
e-Chamber can bring to your Chamber of Commerce/Members.
There are many other functions to the program such as managing
Equipment and Inventory as well as Work Orders like Preventive
Maintenance tasks.
If you are interested in this program and would like assistance in
installing and/or support please contact Ron Oimoen at:

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e-Chamber 際際滷 Show

  • 1. The Complete system for managing and organizing data as well as producing documents for a Chamber of Commerce e-Chamber can be utilized for any size Chamber but was designed for the small to Medium size Chamber in mind. This slide show will take approx 30 minutes. Each slide will advance after 30 seconds, click or press page down to advance sooner, press the Esc key to stop the show BAAC, Inc. Phone: 352-258-2594 PO Box 1718 Tavares, Florida 32778 www.pstcorp.com/e_chamber Email: baacsupport@comcast.net
  • 2. Was designed using Microsoft Access and works with all versions of Access including both 32 or 64 bit. Well over 2000 hours have been applied to the development of the program. Automatically update your website member directory(s) directly from e-Chamber (A HUGE timesaver). Todays office application technology now allows large database applications to be created and supported at a fraction of the cost for large, high cost, cloud based systems. e-Chamber contains 1 Front End file and 1 Backend files with a capability of over 1 Gigabyte of storage capacity.
  • 3. Application Fees: For Chambers of Commerce over 250 members: Software FREE Annual Support Fees (unlimited phone/email, program updates, add your logo) Single/Multi User User-$395/yr Include Integration to Website Member Directory (s)-$495/yr For Chambers of Commerce less then or equal to 250 members: Software FREE Annual Support FREE Offer for small chambers is unique and integration for the online member directory is required. BAAC makes its revenue by selling a picture /logo to be included with the members listing. BAAC for this charges a low $20/yr fee and members with pictures are always listed first.
  • 4. e-Chamber starts with the click of a button from your desktop and launches the Log On Screen
  • 5. Providing the User name and Password are correct, the e-Chamber main menu loads.
  • 6. A major selling point for e-Chamber is the ability to update your website member directory and other data directly from e-Chamber, any additions or edits to members or events can be uploaded to your website in a matter of seconds. This is done by simply clicking the Update Web button highlighted below.
  • 7. The e-Chamber Main Menu was designed with the User in Mind. To immediately view members and search by category. In addition all major functions are easily accessed via command buttons on the left side of the screen Organized with Command Buttons by function as follows Master Contact Lists-All Contacts be they Members, Vendors, or just information about an area or region, 2 lists, one for Businesses and one for Individuals. Major Events-Setup and manage both the event and participants, register and create in invoice in less then 20 seconds Networking Event-Small Event tracking made SIMPLE, no more guessing who paid and who hasnt and how they paid Inquiry Entry-Designed for the user to simply input Inquires about the community and what was requested.
  • 8. MAIN MENU Commands (Cont) Reports A/B- Several Reports to run based on the wide variety of data within e-Chamber. Not what you want? Create your own with the built in Access Report builder or have BAAC do it for you as a customization. Sales-Record all Merchandise Sales, Total and Inventory quantities automatically adjusted Tasks-Automatically create recurring tasks (i.e. Preventive Maintenance check) or create individual tasks that may be assigned to an event or equipment
  • 9. MAIN MENU (Cont) Track Committees/Boards and there members, assign and track tasks for the Committees/Boards Track/Manage Gift Certificates issued by the chamber and redeemed by members Track Members that offer a coupon, this coupon will then be included with their listing. Chamber Calendar, manage all the events / meetings / etc. for the chamber. Export to a Google Calendar format and import to a Google Calendar which communicates with
  • 10. MAIN MENU Commands (Cont) Finance-The most detailed of the options with: Up to 10 different registers (General Ledger) each with its own Reconcile Function Create Budgets Make Deposits Process Credit/Returns for Invoicing (Separate from Merchandise Sales) Create Invoices / View Open Invoices / Print Invoices Automatically create dues Invoicing on YOUR schedule
  • 11. MAIN MENU (Cont) Finance Commands (Cont) Enter / Pay Bills Print Checks Track and Pay Sales Tax Liabilities
  • 12. ADMINISTRATION/SUPPORT MENU: Manages Many of the field selections throughout the program such as Member Categories.
  • 13. e-Chamber comes with a setup checklist to help the user get the most critical data loaded into the program. To access the setup checklist, from the main menu, clicking the organization info tab loads the form shown below Information entered here is what appears on billing statements. Note you can print a sheet of Avery 5160 mailing labels, select your fiscal year, disable deposits (For those who only want to track paid/unpaid invoices and not use the Ledgers). Last, the setup checklist is in the upper right.
  • 14. There are 12 items to choose from including setting up your financial accounts, Chart of Accounts, Member Dues, Member critical info just to name a few. We will now continue to show functions within the program
  • 15. The Search Command on the Main Menu: Allows the user to search for members or non members by Category AND/OR Keywords or just perform a General search, the Dialog box that opens when search is selected is shown below: Note: the General Search will search Name, address, city, state, zip, phone, email fields and show any matches with the user input.
  • 16. Below shows the results of a search For Accounting Services (Category). Note the record counter shows 5 matches found. You could have added a keyword of Taxes and this would further reduce the matching records. Log Referrals with the CLICK OFA BUTTON, Clicking the Referral Circle Increments the Referral Count by One Record Selection Box, click prior to viewing Information Sheet or Member Detail
  • 17. After performing a search by category, the user has the option to print an information sheet, the program will prompt the user to print either the selected member or all members found in the search. You also have the option to increment the referral counter for the selected member or all members found in the search 1st prompt 2nd prompt The next slide will then show the information sheet
  • 18. Below shows the information sheet that can be viewed/printed/faxed/emailed directly from MS Access.
  • 19. Also based on Record selected, you can click on the Member Detail button that can be used for editing existing information for existing members/contacts. Shown below is the General Info Tab, Note command buttons for Creating Bill for Services Invoice/ Cancel Membership. After these tabs are shown/explained, the Add New Member will be shown next.
  • 20. The Business Info Tab, Note the ability under annual fees to add some addition Non Dues Revenue Categories (Like Logo Upload), the user defines these optional services.
  • 21. The Keyword Tab, note the ability to add up to 5 categories, also the webpic file name for the picture. Plus members can add a You Tube Commercial link to their online listing
  • 22. The History Tab that shows all Financial Transactions both Invoices or Bill Payments. Also note this is the location of the Referral Count shown on on the main menu list As well as critical dates such as Last Invoiced and Next Invoice due. Advance Pay options for networking events is also logged here.
  • 23. The communication log tab. Log any and all contact information with this member or non member. Also manage up to 10 Groups that you can easily get a report or email to from Reports B (Main Menu)
  • 24. The Contacts tab. Any member or non member can have unlimited contacts (i.e. your city Government). Here is where you can also indicate if these contacts receive your newsletter.
  • 25. The Sponsor/Honors tab. Any member or non member can have unlimited Sponsors over time as well as documenting any honors they have achieved. Also contains a list of Committee they are on.
  • 26. The Major Events tab. Here it is easy to register any member or non member for any event, if one is not setup, clicking the setup new event can create one. Note you can also edit Event registration selections from this tab as well. Major Events Detail covered later
  • 27. The Employment Tab-Here chambers can offer their members to post employment opportunities on their website. Only Jobs that have not been closed are uploaded to the employment Directory should the chamber opt to include that directory.
  • 28. Real Estate Tab-Members can post any real estate for sale or rent, these listings can then be uploaded to a Real Estate Directory should the chamber opt for that directory.
  • 29. Merchandise Sales (From the Main Menu)-Only items designated as sale items in inventory appear in drop down list. Sales Tax automatically calculated as well as total bill. One sale can have many items. The next slide will show the Receive Payments window done from button at bottom. .
  • 30. Receive Payments window for a merchandise sale. Note the date is defaulted. Enter the amount paid, and payment type. Checks and Cash will be automatically grouped with undeposited funds for deposit later while credit cards will be automatically deposited to the bank and General Ledger. After completion, the close button returns to sales for anther transaction. Credits and returns are handled in a similar fashion but reversed. Note the ability to deposit to 1 of 10 accounts with Checking the default
  • 31. e-Chamber Facts The remainder of the show will illustrate the remaining functions / forms (screens). There are many functions within e-Chamber that May or May Not be utilized. This is up to the discretion of the user. You may want the system to just keep track of Members. You will see many functions during the rest of the show. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO USE THEM, it is up to you. The important Fact, ALL functions come with the program, we do not itemize by function.
  • 32. The e-Chamber Finance Menu, note the Auto Invoicing button circled below. This will automatically create invoices when they are due and also check for errors as shown on the next 2 slides. Set Days forward to create invoice due before the date.
  • 33. After clicking Auto Invoicing, e-Chamber does error checking on all members prior to creating invoices with the error type. The user can correct these errors here prior to continuing by clicking Continue circled below. Click Continue with No errors.
  • 34. Last, you can view the members who will have invoices created based on the Next due date set on the finance menu. To create the invoices so they appear on the open/closed invoice form, click the Continue button circled below. Once completed you can then click Print Invoices (Batch), select the date and continue. Invoices also now appear in Open Invoices to Rcv Payment
  • 35. Bank account setup from the Finance Menu-All balances will be 0 until you enter the beginning balance in each register or ledger. NOTE the transfer funds function
  • 36. Second, you setup your Master chart of accounts-Note the Account # field that can be used as a cross reference to an accountants system.
  • 37. You than can create items or sub accounts to assign to the master accounts created. This allows the program to create the Profit and Loss statements as well as track costs by items. Tracking these to budgets is also automatic.
  • 38. From the Finance Menu, e-Chamber allows for unlimited dues structures that are used to assign to a member. The program also allows for a global update of dues when increases occur or you can update the fee for a single dues description.
  • 39. From the Finance Menu, e-Chamber also allows the user to setup fees that are used in auto invoicing of member dues. Up to 9 additional fees (defined by the user) can be setup. There are also 3 fees that can be set for application/setup, kiosk, and Newsletter advertising.
  • 40. From the Finance Menu, you select which of the 10 Register you want to view. The Checking Register is the default, Note the ability to Void any transaction from the ledger, the program knows what type of transaction it is (Bill, Invoice Payment, tax payment, etc) and will handle it appropriately. View Split Details circled below to see the accounts assigned.
  • 41. The Reconcile Form-one for each of the 10 accounts. Enter Period Ending date, Ending Balance. Check deposits and debits on bank statement. If balanced, Difference will be ZERO, you can then click Reconcile in the upper right. Reconciles can also be Undone from the related Register.
  • 42. From the Finance Menu, the Budget Summary Form- Note, create multiple budgets for one year or create a budget for events. Select and click Budget Detail
  • 43. The Budget Detail Form, note the program will track actuals for each account item for the current year and the previous year. You enter the amount to budget for that year. You can also do sub account budgeting and then view reports on Budgeted vs. Actual throughout the year.
  • 44. From the Finance Menu, make deposits window. Records are automatically created when receiving cash, check or Credit Card Batched payments. Select the deposits desired. Also note the ability to Void a deposit from this view. Once you have grouped all click Close to record to the related register.
  • 45. The Add/Edit Invoice form. Note that multiple items can be attached to one invoice to allow account splits-Also note you can assign an invoice item to an event as an option. Invoices can be manually created for member or non members. To Edit an invoice you put your cursor in the Invoice number field and use the Control F on your keyboard to find that invoice number.
  • 46. The open invoices form. Receive Payments similar to Merchandise Sales. Invoices created automatically for Member dues . Note links to Invoice Detail and print Invoice function. A sample invoice is shown on the next slide.
  • 47. When you print invoices in batch or single you will be prompted to select a message. These message options are created by the user in the Administration Menu.
  • 48. The invoice once open can now be printed or emailed, also note this again is a custom report that chambers can instruct BAAC how they want it to look.
  • 49. From the Finance Menu, the paid invoices form. This is history All time with some built in reports. Also note the ability to Delete a payment which would return the invoice to Open Invoices.
  • 50. The Enter Bill Form. The process for Bills is Enter, Pay, then Print (all selectable by the user). Note that items can be assigned to an event for cost tracking. NOTE: If Bills are assigned to a single account, the user can also directly enter them into the appropriate directory and skip Enter and Pay Bill
  • 51. You the user selects which bills to pay based on those entered. Note the checking account balance is visible and adjusts for each bill you select to pay
  • 52. Any Bills selected to Pay will be on the Print Checks List. Just as in Bill to pay selection, you the user selects the checks to print. Checks are formatted for Voucher checks but can be modified for standard 3 to a sheet checks. Prior to opening the program will show the next check number, if incorrect or the first time using simply enter the check number to use.
  • 53. e-Chamber provides for data on each employee/volunteer, note the Payroll information. Users can use this to have the program create paychecks and the program calculate state and federal taxes due. Users also have the option to just enter Paychecks as a bill directly to the register, same as taxes due that were manually calculated or provided by and accountant.
  • 54. The Reports A Menu, we will show a few examples in the next slides, there are to many to allow showing them all, well over 200 reports in e-Chamber. Reports are organized by function. Note the Report Builder. This allows the user to create their own reports outside of e-Chamber using real time data.
  • 55. The Monthly Financial Report showing Income and Expense for the current year.
  • 57. The Income Distribution Report by desired date range. Actual Dollars are given on page 2 of the report. There is also a matching report for Expense Distribution.
  • 58. Member Growth and Retention Report. Report is based on fiscal years so comparisons can be made to prior years. Retention Rate applies to the instant in time the report is run.
  • 59. The Reports B, View unlimited documents based on list selection (merged) and create Mailing labels or an MS Excel file. Or just simple view a report based on the button selected. 1) tell the program what you want (the yellow box), then 2) what do you want to do with it (the far right column). Note there is also a list of documents you can link to as well.
  • 60. When clicking Major Events, the program will prompt you to select an event to view (its setup and registered participants) or go to a Master Summary List shown in the next slide. If you are setting up a new event, you will click the Setup New Event button. Note you can also Log Donated Items which also has a feature of printing Bid Sheets for Silent Auctions.
  • 61. The Major Event Master Summary List provides a snapshot view of all major events ever held. Not you can open/close events, contacts can only register for open events. It provides you with how many participants and what if any outstanding monies are due. You double click an event or click View Detail for the event and view participants. Create Evaluations as well.
  • 62. Major Event Detail Page 1, Note you can even type instructions for the event registration options! Here you define the descriptions and prices for the event. Several reports and export of attendees is also allowed from this form. Also note you can see the number of participants currently registered and view that list to edit, view their detailed registration options. Participants list is shown after the next slide which will be Page 2 of Event Detail (Event Additional Fees and Options button)
  • 63. Event Options, the capability exists to enter up to 10 Additional sale items that are all quantity dependent. Participant registration will then have the option to select these items and quantities when registering, fees and taxes are automatically calculated. You can also define up to 10 Yes/No fields, in this case one is used for Need Golf Cart. These options are not fee based.
  • 64. After you setup your event (only once! And you can copy it) you can now register a participant. The Master Participant List-This is all participants for all events, to register a participant, you will search from the main menu to find them, open the contact detail, go to major events, click Register for an event, select it and continue. It takes less than 30 seconds and you can print an invoice at the end of the registration process or from this participant list. Note you can also upload to website
  • 65. Shown here is the prompt when you click Register for an event on the Contact Detail (from the Main menu list) Major Events tab. You select the event and only OPEN events will be available. Note you can also from the Major Events History for that contact view any Registration information from any events they attended by clicking the View Registration/Receive Payment in the lower left (based on record selected).
  • 66. You then select the event the participant is registering for (The event setup is automatic). Simply check the boxes the participant desires and the quantity. When complete you click the Step 2 button. Note you can also add any non- paying attendees that will accompany this participant. Also you can assign badge/booth # or Apply Discounts
  • 67. For Step 2, you will now check any additional items purchased, their quantities and the yes/no options and their quantities. Amount owed is automatically calculated at the bottom of the form. You have the option to receive the payment now or later using the edit registration feature. Note, if after editing the participant has overpaid the receive payment button acts as a create check function for a refund.
  • 68. For Step 2, you will now check any additional items purchased, their quantities and the yes/no options and their quantities. Amount owed is automatically calculated at the bottom of the form. You have the option to receive the payment now or later using the edit registration feature. Note, if after editing the participant has overpaid the receive payment button acts as a create check function for a refund. To finish and have an option to print an event invoice click Finish at the bottom. The next slide will show the event billing invoice.
  • 69. Once you preview the Event Billing Invoice, you can print or email as needed. Note billing statements are custom for each Chamber we support and you have an option as part of support to change any reports with your Logo. We will perform those changes for you.
  • 70. From the Main Menu, there is a networking event management function (meetings/luncheons/etc.). When selected, the prompt below requests the event and date. Note you can view both ongoing scheduled events OR Archived events. Clicking continue will then load the form on the next slide
  • 71. A list of attendees entered to date will appear. Note you can 1) print a report, 2) Print Name Tags, and 3) Receive payments (Free, cash, credit card, check, etc.). You are not allowed to close the event until Total Billed is equal to Total Paid. Also Note you can copy this list of attendees to the same event on another day, then just remove those that dont attend and add ones not listed. Really reduces data entry for managing networking events which if for Individuals only.
  • 72. This Concludes the 際際滷 Show for e-Chamber Thank-you for watching the show and hope you can see the value e-Chamber can bring to your Chamber of Commerce/Members. There are many other functions to the program such as managing Equipment and Inventory as well as Work Orders like Preventive Maintenance tasks. If you are interested in this program and would like assistance in installing and/or support please contact Ron Oimoen at: 352-258-2594 baacsupport@comcast.net