This document discusses the future of shopping and personalization from Cedric Moulin, CEO of Cameleon. In 3 sentences: Cameleon is a Belgian retailer with 2 private shopping locations serving over 580,000 members and generating over 30 million euros annually. Moulin discusses returning to the brand's roots of curated shopping experiences and event-based activities while embracing social media and engaging with the local community in an environmentally responsible way. The document promotes upcoming pop-up events and initiatives focused on young designers and meeting artisans to "give back to the community".
Maximizing network capacity and reliable transmission in mimo cooperative net...eSAT Journals
This document discusses maximizing network capacity and reliable transmission in MIMO cooperative networks. It proposes a cooperative networking system using amplify-and-forward relays to improve both network capacity and transmission reliability. The system models a MIMO cooperative network with a source, destination, and multiple relay nodes. It determines the optimal power allocation structure at the source to maximize the achievable rate. Simulations show that under optimal power allocation, increasing the number of relays leads to higher achievable rates and network capacity gains compared to equal power allocation.
An efficient tree based self-organizing protocol for internet of thingsredpel dot com
An efficient tree based self-organizing protocol for internet of things.
for more ieee paper / full abstract / implementation , just visit
Sihem Chaibi has over 15 years of experience in marketing analytics and customer insights. She currently works as a Senior Manager of CVM and Customer Insights at Ooredoo Group in Qatar, where she leads big data strategy and implementation. Previously, she held roles at Ooredoo Tunisia leading campaign management, customer insights, and reducing churn. She has an MBA and degrees in marketing.
The document discusses how e-commerce and international trade are growing opportunities for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Belgium. It notes that the Belgian e-commerce market is booming, with the number of online shops growing by 5,000 per year. Additionally, the number of SMEs exporting goods has increased by 2% over the last 12 months. The document also presents information on UPS's expanding network of Access Points, which allow packages to be delivered and picked up at alternate locations beyond the home.
El documento describe los elementos y colores del logotipo de un museo egipcio, as鱈 como las variantes y usos permitidos del logotipo en diferentes formatos como digital, impreso, sobres, tarjetas de visita y m叩s. Explica que el pictograma del logotipo representa al dios del sol Ra de una manera estilizada usando los colores originales definidos por los egipcios. Tambi辿n incluye informaci坦n sobre tipograf鱈a, colores corporativos, horarios del museo y su misi坦n.
SPECTRUM SOLUTIONS is a Pondicherry based R&D firm which always looks forward in the field of science and technology to provide best technical support for the final year students. SPECTRUM has a great team of technical experts for the design development of Electronic and software Systems using Embedded, MATLAB, Java, Dot Net Technology.
SPECTRUM SOLUTIONS always concentrate us to provide quality products for various institutions and students. We offer the projects in all domains for the students of Diploma, B.Tech/B.E,M.Tech/M.E,MS,BCA,MCA etc. Our major concern is in the field of technical education to bridge the gap between Industry and Academics. We are always in the good eyes of the Educational Institutions in India to provide training & projects in Embedded Systems MATLAB and software technologies. We also provide interview training for free of cost. We never stop in going that extra mile ahead in providing greater value to own ideas of students, may it be in terms of providing adequate workforce proficient in highly application cost oriented Embedded Systems or Software Systems.
RapidMiner offers several products for data analytics including a Community Edition, Enterprise Edition, and Enterprise Analytics Server. The Community Edition is open source but provides limited support, while the Enterprise Edition offers various paid versions with support and maintenance. RapidMiner also provides extensions that add functionality for tasks like text processing, parallel processing, and working with time series data.
Review on optimization techniques used for image compressioneSAT Journals
This document reviews various optimization techniques that have been used for image compression, including ant colony optimization, harmony search algorithm, artificial bee colony algorithm, particle swarm optimization, and genetic algorithm. It provides details on how each technique is inspired by natural behaviors, such as how ant colony optimization mimics the foraging behavior of ants, and how each algorithm has been applied to problems like image compression. The document also reviews several papers that have used these optimization techniques for image compression and discusses how they can increase compression ratio while maintaining image quality.
he process of interviewing and evaluating candidates for a specific job and selecting an individual for employment based on certain criteria. Employee selection can range from a very simple process to a very complicated process depending on the firm hiring and the position.
Supercapacitors offer a promising alternative approach to meeting the increasing power demands of energy storage systems and electronic devices. With their high power density, ability to perform in extreme temperatures, and millions of charge-recharge cycle capabilities, supercapacitors can increase circuit performance and prolong the life of batteries. This can add value to the end-product and ultimately reduce the costs to the customer by reducing the amount of batteries needed and the frequency of the replacement of the batteries, which adds greatly to the environmental friendliness of the end-product as well.
The document discusses the concept, characteristics, and functions of trade unions. It states that trade unions emerged to protect workers from exploitation as industrial establishments grew larger. They are voluntary associations formed by workers to promote their economic, social, and vocational interests through collective action. Trade unions negotiate with management on issues like wages and working conditions and provide job security to employees. The document also outlines different theories on why trade unions formed and discusses their structures at national and industry levels in India.
Processing cassandra datasets with hadoop streaming based approachesLeMeniz Infotech
Processing cassandra datasets with hadoop streaming based approaches
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Eplq efficient privacy preserving location-based query over outsourced encryp...LeMeniz Infotech
Eplq efficient privacy preserving location-based query over outsourced encrypted data
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Portiamo la cultura della cucina italiana nel mondo, il cibo delle aziende che lavorano per offrire prodotti sani e di qualit. Pi湛 di 1.000 prodotti originali italiani, freschi, freschissimi, per la spesa settimanale all'estero.Qualit a prezzi imbattibili..
Analisi del sito e-commerce di una PMI italiana per il corso di Internet Marketing del prof. Bettiol (Scienze della Comunicazione Universit di Padova). Analizzato il caso di Loison Pasticceri
Portiamo la cultura della cucina italiana nel mondo, il cibo delle aziende che lavorano per offrire prodotti sani e di qualit nel mondo. Pi湛 di 1.000 prodotti originali italiani, freschi, freschissimi, per la spesa settimanale all'estero.Qualit non a prezzi di lusso.
Negli articoli che pubblichiamo quotidianamente sul nostro blog, non poteva certamente mancare una delle eccellenze italiane, ossia lolio extravergine doliva.
El documento describe los elementos y colores del logotipo de un museo egipcio, as鱈 como las variantes y usos permitidos del logotipo en diferentes formatos como digital, impreso, sobres, tarjetas de visita y m叩s. Explica que el pictograma del logotipo representa al dios del sol Ra de una manera estilizada usando los colores originales definidos por los egipcios. Tambi辿n incluye informaci坦n sobre tipograf鱈a, colores corporativos, horarios del museo y su misi坦n.
SPECTRUM SOLUTIONS is a Pondicherry based R&D firm which always looks forward in the field of science and technology to provide best technical support for the final year students. SPECTRUM has a great team of technical experts for the design development of Electronic and software Systems using Embedded, MATLAB, Java, Dot Net Technology.
SPECTRUM SOLUTIONS always concentrate us to provide quality products for various institutions and students. We offer the projects in all domains for the students of Diploma, B.Tech/B.E,M.Tech/M.E,MS,BCA,MCA etc. Our major concern is in the field of technical education to bridge the gap between Industry and Academics. We are always in the good eyes of the Educational Institutions in India to provide training & projects in Embedded Systems MATLAB and software technologies. We also provide interview training for free of cost. We never stop in going that extra mile ahead in providing greater value to own ideas of students, may it be in terms of providing adequate workforce proficient in highly application cost oriented Embedded Systems or Software Systems.
RapidMiner offers several products for data analytics including a Community Edition, Enterprise Edition, and Enterprise Analytics Server. The Community Edition is open source but provides limited support, while the Enterprise Edition offers various paid versions with support and maintenance. RapidMiner also provides extensions that add functionality for tasks like text processing, parallel processing, and working with time series data.
Review on optimization techniques used for image compressioneSAT Journals
This document reviews various optimization techniques that have been used for image compression, including ant colony optimization, harmony search algorithm, artificial bee colony algorithm, particle swarm optimization, and genetic algorithm. It provides details on how each technique is inspired by natural behaviors, such as how ant colony optimization mimics the foraging behavior of ants, and how each algorithm has been applied to problems like image compression. The document also reviews several papers that have used these optimization techniques for image compression and discusses how they can increase compression ratio while maintaining image quality.
he process of interviewing and evaluating candidates for a specific job and selecting an individual for employment based on certain criteria. Employee selection can range from a very simple process to a very complicated process depending on the firm hiring and the position.
Supercapacitors offer a promising alternative approach to meeting the increasing power demands of energy storage systems and electronic devices. With their high power density, ability to perform in extreme temperatures, and millions of charge-recharge cycle capabilities, supercapacitors can increase circuit performance and prolong the life of batteries. This can add value to the end-product and ultimately reduce the costs to the customer by reducing the amount of batteries needed and the frequency of the replacement of the batteries, which adds greatly to the environmental friendliness of the end-product as well.
The document discusses the concept, characteristics, and functions of trade unions. It states that trade unions emerged to protect workers from exploitation as industrial establishments grew larger. They are voluntary associations formed by workers to promote their economic, social, and vocational interests through collective action. Trade unions negotiate with management on issues like wages and working conditions and provide job security to employees. The document also outlines different theories on why trade unions formed and discusses their structures at national and industry levels in India.
Processing cassandra datasets with hadoop streaming based approachesLeMeniz Infotech
Processing cassandra datasets with hadoop streaming based approaches
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Eplq efficient privacy preserving location-based query over outsourced encryp...LeMeniz Infotech
Eplq efficient privacy preserving location-based query over outsourced encrypted data
Do Your Projects With Technology Experts
To Get this projects Call : 9566355386 / 99625 88976
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Portiamo la cultura della cucina italiana nel mondo, il cibo delle aziende che lavorano per offrire prodotti sani e di qualit. Pi湛 di 1.000 prodotti originali italiani, freschi, freschissimi, per la spesa settimanale all'estero.Qualit a prezzi imbattibili..
Analisi del sito e-commerce di una PMI italiana per il corso di Internet Marketing del prof. Bettiol (Scienze della Comunicazione Universit di Padova). Analizzato il caso di Loison Pasticceri
Portiamo la cultura della cucina italiana nel mondo, il cibo delle aziende che lavorano per offrire prodotti sani e di qualit nel mondo. Pi湛 di 1.000 prodotti originali italiani, freschi, freschissimi, per la spesa settimanale all'estero.Qualit non a prezzi di lusso.
Negli articoli che pubblichiamo quotidianamente sul nostro blog, non poteva certamente mancare una delle eccellenze italiane, ossia lolio extravergine doliva.
Caff竪 Carbonelli, un esempio vincente di come esportare il Made in Italy esclusivamente attraverso l'utilizzo dell'e-commerce. Illy, uguale e diverso, marchio storico che non vuole rimanere solamente storia, implementa strategia efficaci per promuovere il suo brand con gli strumenti di ultima generazione.
Analisi del sito e-commerce di una PMI italiana - Il caso LoisonUniqueSellingTalent
Analisi del sito e-commerce di una PMI italiana per il corso di Internet Marketing del prof. Bettiol (Scienze della Comunicazione Universit di Padova). Analizzato il caso di Loison Pasticceri
WHY? Il mercato del Food Italiano 竪 conosciuto da sempre in
tutto il mondo, ed 竪 ancora oggi un settore trainante per
leconomia italiana.
Lecommerce 竪 secondo noi la naturale espansione per il futuro e
pu嘆 rappresentare una svolta per il settore.
Un sito specializzato nella vendita online di prodotti tipici di alta
qualit, dal dolce al salato, dai vini agli accessori.
E presente anche il negozio su Ebay
Ha sede a Vittorio Veneto (TV)
C竪 anche un canale su youtube con interviste ai produttori dei
Manca per嘆 la sezione in inglese.
La pagina Facebook ha 5.460 like e ci sono
10.735 valutazioni, di cui 10.696 eccellenti.
Lelevato numero di valutazioni rappresenta
una garanzia per i clienti, ed esprime il grado di
affidabilit del sito o dellazienda in esame; 竪
una cosa molto importante nel commercio
elettronico data la mancanza del contatto
personale che invece si ha in un negozio fisico.
5. FARE SQUADRA il sito ufficiale
del consorzio, con una sezione che raggruppa
i singoli produttori che vendono online.
Nella moltitudine di aziende e siti che
vendono prodotti simili, 竪
questo un esempio di come
i singoli produttori possono
raggrupparsi per ottenere
maggiore visibilit.
Da notare la possibilit di consultare il sito in 10 lingue diverse!!
segno dellampia diffusione che hanno i prodotti italiani.
Il turismo pu嘆 rappresentare una rampa di lancio per lecommerce dei
prodotti alimentari italiani. Perch辿?
Immaginiamo che met dei turisti che da tutto il mondo vengono in Italia
ad ammirare le nostre meraviglie e ad assaporare la nostra cucina, una
volta tornati a casa inizino a comprare online prodotti che hanno provato
mentre erano in viaggio e li raccomandino ad amici e parenti.
Va sottolineato il fatto che
ovviamente questo gi avviene, ma
quello che si dovrebbe creare 竪 il
legame diretto con il marchio o con
lazienda produttrice. Iniziative di
questo genere andrebbero
promosse tramite ristoranti, hotel
e negozi frequentati da turisti
anche in modo da educare e
scoraggiarli allacquisto di prodotti
non originali.
Anche alcuni grandi marchi alimentari
italiani stanno iniziando a vendere online i
propri prodotti, De Cecco ne 竪 un esempio.
oltre alla pasta
vende anche
pronti, olio, prod
otti biologici.
8. Un caso personale
Un esempio di come un acquisto in un negozio
fisico pu嘆 portare poi ad un acquisto online.
Si tratta di una pasticceria di Catania con un negozio anche allaeroporto.
Dopo aver provato le loro delizie, mi son portato a casa un vassoio di
cannoli. Molto soddisfatto dellacquisto ho notato letichetta con scritto
acquista online i nostri prodotti. E da quella volta ogni mese ordino un
vassoio di dolci siciliani.
Da provare!
Questo semplice
esempio dimostra come
il fatto di aver provato il
prodotto possa essere
quella forma di fiducia
discussa in precedenza.
Lecommerce nel settore alimentare rappresenta unopportunit di
sviluppo, specialmente per i prodotti tipici.
Il cliente 竪 a contatto diretto con il produttore e pu嘆 acquistare da
ogni parte del mondo. Ci嘆 permette un espansione del mercato e
una maggiore fiducia.
Data la proliferazione di siti di ecommerce nel settore alimentare,
iniziative di raggruppamento servono per dare pi湛 forza ai singoli
Fondamentali sono le recensioni e i commenti da parte di chi ha gi
Forti del brand MADE IN ITALY e grazie ai milioni di turisti, se
sviluppato in maniera adeguata, lecommerce alimentare pu嘆
rappresentare la svolta per piccole e medie imprese specializzate in
prodotti di alta qualit.