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      ECX 5239

Why is the conductivity of insulators
negligible, compared to semiconductor ?
                      It depends
                      on mainly
                     two factors ,

   conductivity        Atomic

Insulator                              semiconductor

 valence electrons are tightly         Mostly covalent bonding
  bound to (or shared with) the          somewhat weaker bonding
  individual atoms  strongest ionic    Electrons can reach the
  (partially covalent) bonding.          conduction band at ordinary
 The energy gap is too large when
                                        An electron promoted into the
  compared to semiconductor.             conduction band leaves a Hole
                                         (positive charge) in the valence
                                         band, that can also participate in
                                        The conductivity increases with
                                         increasing temperature.
Insulator VS Semiconductor
 The highest filled state at 0 K
  Fermi Energy (EF)                       Band structure
 The two highest energy bands            The energy difference
  are:                                    between the bottom of the
 Valence band  the highest band         Conduction and the top of
  where the electrons are present at 0    the Valence bands is called
  K                                       the Band Gap
 Conduction band - a partially filled
  or empty energy band where the
  electrons can increase their energies
  by going to higher energy levels
  within the band when an electric
  field is applied
Band model

Insulators:              Semiconductors:
wide band gap (> 2 eV)   narrow band gap (< 2 eV)
When enough energy is
supplied to the e- sitting at the
top of the valance band, e- can                            conduction
make a transition to the bottom                            band

of the conduction band.
When electron makes such a
transition it leaves behind a
missing electron state.
This missing electron state is
called as a hole. Hole behaves      Energy   e- e- e- e-
                                             + + + +
as a positive charge carrier.                              Full
Magnitude of its charge is the                             valance
same with that of the electron
but with an opposite sign.
Electron mobility
 Characterizes how quickly an electron can move
  through a metal or semiconductor, when pulled by
  an electric field, in semiconductors .
 When an electric field E is applied across a piece of
  material, the electrons respond by moving with an
  average velocity called the drift velocity V, Then the
  electron mobility 亮 is defined as
                      |v| = 亮E
Vd   E
                    E:   applied field
                    :   mobility of charge carrier

         cm 刻
                 is a proportionality factor         緒 
       V  Sec 

 So   is a measure how easily charge carriers move under the influence of
 an applied field or determines how mobile the charge carriers are.
How mobility depend on doping?
 Mobility is dependent on the drift velocity. The main
  factor determining drift velocity (other than effective
  mass) is scattering time. How long the carrier
  is accelerated by the electric field until it scatters
  (collides) with something that changes its direction
  and/or energy.
 The most important sources of scattering in typical
  semiconductor materials, discussed below, are ionized
  impurity scattering.
Doping is the incorporation of [substitution] impurities into a
semiconductor according to our requirements.
In other words, impurities are introduced in a controlled
Impurities change the conductivity of the material so that it
                can be fabricated into a device

 Doped crystals are extrinsic semiconductors. adding minute
 amounts of suitable impurities to the pure crystals

 Crystals are doped to be n type or p type
 n type semiconductors have few minority carriers (holes).
 p type semiconductors have few minority carriers (electrons).
 The purpose of semiconductor doping is to increase the
  number of free charges that can be moved by an external
  applied voltage..
 So the crystal has no resistance to current flow and
  behaves as a superconductor. The perfect periodic
  potential does not impede the movement of the charge
 However, in a real device or specimen, the presence of
  impurities, interstitials, subtitionals, temperature , etc.
  creates a resistance to current flow.
probability of occupation
 The Fermi level or Fermi energy is the energy, at which the
  probability of occupation by an electron (or hole) is exactly 遜. In
  semiconductor, usually, Fermi level is in the band gap.

           F(E )=1  1+exp[(E-EF) /KT ]
   K = Boltzmann constant
   E F =Fermi energy or Fermi level
   T =0k
   F(E)=The probability that an electron state having
    energy E is occupied
=1/1+exp [(0.4/0.026)]
             = 2.08*10 -7

EA- EF ={EF-EV-(EA-E V)}
         = 0.15-0.04
         = -0.11eV
F(EA)=1  1+exp[(EA-EF) /KT ]

   =1/1+exp [(-0.11/0.026)]
   = 0.9856
Ecx 5239 1n
Thank you!

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Ecx 5239 1n

  • 1. PHYSICAL ELECTRONICS ECX 5239 PRESENTATION 01 G.V.I.S.SILVA 709062591 2012-12-15
  • 2. Why is the conductivity of insulators negligible, compared to semiconductor ? It depends on mainly two factors , conductivity Atomic bond Energy band structure
  • 3. conductivity Insulator semiconductor valence electrons are tightly Mostly covalent bonding bound to (or shared with) the somewhat weaker bonding individual atoms strongest ionic Electrons can reach the (partially covalent) bonding. conduction band at ordinary temperatures. The energy gap is too large when An electron promoted into the compared to semiconductor. conduction band leaves a Hole (positive charge) in the valence band, that can also participate in conduction., The conductivity increases with increasing temperature.
  • 5. The highest filled state at 0 K Fermi Energy (EF) Band structure The two highest energy bands The energy difference are: between the bottom of the Valence band the highest band Conduction and the top of where the electrons are present at 0 the Valence bands is called K the Band Gap Conduction band - a partially filled or empty energy band where the electrons can increase their energies by going to higher energy levels within the band when an electric field is applied
  • 6. Band model Insulators: Semiconductors: wide band gap (> 2 eV) narrow band gap (< 2 eV)
  • 7. When enough energy is supplied to the e- sitting at the Empty top of the valance band, e- can conduction make a transition to the bottom band of the conduction band. When electron makes such a transition it leaves behind a missing electron state. This missing electron state is called as a hole. Hole behaves Energy e- e- e- e- + + + + as a positive charge carrier. Full Magnitude of its charge is the valance band same with that of the electron but with an opposite sign.
  • 8. Electron mobility Characterizes how quickly an electron can move through a metal or semiconductor, when pulled by an electric field, in semiconductors . When an electric field E is applied across a piece of material, the electrons respond by moving with an average velocity called the drift velocity V, Then the electron mobility 亮 is defined as |v| = 亮E
  • 9. Vd E E: applied field : mobility of charge carrier cm 刻 2 Vd is a proportionality factor 緒 V Sec E So is a measure how easily charge carriers move under the influence of an applied field or determines how mobile the charge carriers are.
  • 10. How mobility depend on doping? Mobility is dependent on the drift velocity. The main factor determining drift velocity (other than effective mass) is scattering time. How long the carrier is accelerated by the electric field until it scatters (collides) with something that changes its direction and/or energy. The most important sources of scattering in typical semiconductor materials, discussed below, are ionized impurity scattering.
  • 11. Doping Doping is the incorporation of [substitution] impurities into a semiconductor according to our requirements. In other words, impurities are introduced in a controlled manner Impurities change the conductivity of the material so that it can be fabricated into a device Doped crystals are extrinsic semiconductors. adding minute amounts of suitable impurities to the pure crystals Crystals are doped to be n type or p type n type semiconductors have few minority carriers (holes). p type semiconductors have few minority carriers (electrons).
  • 12. The purpose of semiconductor doping is to increase the number of free charges that can be moved by an external applied voltage.. So the crystal has no resistance to current flow and behaves as a superconductor. The perfect periodic potential does not impede the movement of the charge carriers. However, in a real device or specimen, the presence of impurities, interstitials, subtitionals, temperature , etc. creates a resistance to current flow.
  • 13. probability of occupation The Fermi level or Fermi energy is the energy, at which the probability of occupation by an electron (or hole) is exactly 遜. In semiconductor, usually, Fermi level is in the band gap. F(E )=1 1+exp[(E-EF) /KT ] Where K = Boltzmann constant E F =Fermi energy or Fermi level T =0k F(E)=The probability that an electron state having energy E is occupied
  • 14. =1/1+exp [(0.4/0.026)] = 2.08*10 -7 EA- EF ={EF-EV-(EA-E V)} = 0.15-0.04 = -0.11eV
  • 15. PROBABILITY OF ACCEPTER STATES F(EA)=1 1+exp[(EA-EF) /KT ] =1/1+exp [(-0.11/0.026)] = 0.9856