La Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad Central del Ecuador se estableci坦 el 6 de octubre de 1959 al transformarse la Escuela de Arquitectura. Comenz坦 sus actividades acad辿micas el 1 de octubre de ese a単o bajo la direcci坦n de su primer decano, el arquitecto Jaime Davalos, graduado de la Universidad de Columbia.
The Tod Fod Jod (TFJ) initiative at VIDYA School aimed to foster creativity and learning in students. Over 100 students from classes 5-9 participated in exploring how to deconstruct simple electrical devices. While about half were able to take apart the devices, a few explained how they worked or put them back together. The initiative faced challenges in resources but benefited from the passion of teachers and students. Going forward, the school plans to increase parental involvement, student visits to repair shops, corporate support for more sessions, and forming a TFJ club to further engage high-aptitude students.
Im叩genes de la exposici坦n Reproduciendo / Recreando Myanmar. Alternancia de fotograf鱈as y construcciones fotogr叩ficas creadas a partir de ellas de diversos aspectos de Myanmar.
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The American Cancer Society Celebrates Its CentennialCherin Perelman
The American Cancer Society celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2013. With the help of donors and volunteers like Cherin Perelman, the ACS has helped save over 1.2 million lives through raising awareness, research, and treatment advances for cancer. Some of the ACS's accomplishments include developing the first chemotherapy treatment, securing billions in federal funding for research through the National Cancer Act, and discovering mammography for breast cancer detection. The ACS continues working to find cures and save lives from a disease that kills over 7.6 million people globally each year.
The SoCal MRA newsletter announces upcoming events for the fall including a political polling panel in October, a San Diego networking event in November, and the annual holiday party in December. It also previews new programs for the year like a scholarship program and charity support. The newsletter provides the event calendar and introduces the new board of directors. It includes a member profile of Bob and Bill Davis of Davis Research and announcements from the national MRA organization.
This document provides an analysis of the cement market in Narayangonj District of Bangladesh. It summarizes the 7 thanas (sub-districts) in the district and sets objectives to be the market leader in the area and ensure a minimum retail price. It analyzes the market share and sales performance of different brands. An action plan is proposed to increase sales through developing more retailers in the area and conducting meetings with masons, retailers and home owners. Recommendations include procuring delivery trucks, hiring more sales executives, and installing billboards for brand communication in the target area.
Proceso de realizaci坦n de una construcci坦n fotogr叩fica y ficha t辿cnica de la misma. Pertenece a la exposici坦n "Reproduciendo / Recreando Myanmar".
Otros procesos de realizaci坦n en:
This report was submitted to complete the course requirement of "Qualitative & Quantitative Research Methods" at IIIT-Delhi in collaboration with Shubham Singhal.
Learn about the Utah caucus system and how to become a delegate. Utah delegates make a difference in Utah's current candidate selection process. (2014)
Dokumen tersebut merangkum biografi dan pemikiran Fazlur Rahman, seorang pemikir Islam kontemporer dari mazhab Hanafi. Fazlur Rahman memiliki pandangan liberal yang dipengaruhi tokoh seperti Sayyid Ahmad Khan. Ia berpendapat bahwa rasio legis adalah inti hukum dan al-Quran harus dibaca secara struktural fungsional dengan menggunakan pendekatan historis kontekstual. Fazlur Rahman memperkenalkan teori gerakan
The document is a photo journal from a geography lab containing images and descriptions of various geographic features in Inyo County, California. It includes descriptions of a cinder cone volcano, lava flows, a dried stream bed near Fossil Falls, metate holes formed in rocks by water flow, obsidian flakes used as tools by Native Americans, petroglyphs carved by Native Americans, stone rings used as living areas by migrating Native Americans, Mormon Rocks formed by the splitting of tectonic plates, sedimentary rocks, a stream bed that is part of the San Andreas Rift Zone, and Diaz Lake which was formed when the land sank during the 1872 earthquake.
Seattle Continues to Wait for the Return of the SupersonicsCherin Perelman
Cherin Perelman previously provided accounting services for Seattle cultural events like Bumbershoot music festival and the Seattle Symphony, as well as the Seattle Supersonics basketball team. NBA commissioner Adam Silver recently announced the league has no plans to expand, mentioning Seattle though the city wants basketball back, expansion could dilute talent as some teams are unprofitable. Seattle had been prepared to acquire the Sacramento Kings but the team remained in California, and the NBA monitors the Milwaukee Bucks who must fund a new arena by 2017 or potentially relocate, though the commissioner says relocation is not a priority now.
This document discusses recent cases decided in 2013 where the European Court of Human Rights ruled on the compatibility of austerity measures imposed in response to the European sovereign debt crisis with the European Convention on Human Rights. The court conferred a wide margin of appreciation to national legislators in defining public interest regarding austerity measures like cuts to social security benefits and pensions. However, this margin is not unlimited. The document analyzes this case law and examines potential limits on legislators regarding cuts to public sector salaries and pensions.
The SoCal MRA Newsletter provides updates on upcoming chapter events in spring 2012, including a pub crawl in San Diego in June and the MRA annual conference also being held in San Diego. It announces leadership changes with Myla Kovac becoming the new president. It highlights member news like Patsy Trice retiring. And it provides information on getting involved in the industry and joining MRA.
This document discusses entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial process. It begins with an introduction to entrepreneurship and defines what entrepreneurship is. It then discusses the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, including traits like risk-taking, initiative, and a drive for achievement. The document outlines the four steps of the entrepreneurial process: deciding to become an entrepreneur, developing business ideas, moving from idea to enterprise, and managing/growing the business. It concludes by describing an entrepreneurship model called ACRO that focuses on developing the right attitudes, creativity, relationships, and organization.
Segundo o documento, as coisas realmente necess叩rias para viver s達o dinheiro, bons carros e uma boa casa, j叩 que essas coisas foram listadas como necess叩rias para viver. Entretanto, mulheres n達o devem ser consideradas objetos ou posses.
Este documento presenta 20 construcciones fotogr叩ficas realizadas por el autor durante un viaje a Myanmar. Cada construcci坦n integra varias fotograf鱈as tomadas por el autor en diferentes lugares de Myanmar para crear una nueva imagen que explora temas como la cultura, las tradiciones, las contrastes entre lo mundano y lo religioso en la sociedad birmana. La cuarta construcci坦n titulada "Vendedor de budas" muestra a un vendedor ofreciendo figuritas de Buda en el interior del templo de Ananda en Bagan, cuestionando de forma
Fundamentalisme dalam perspektif Barat dan Islam memiliki pemahaman yang berbeda. Di Barat, fundamentalisme dianggap sebagai sikap anti-Barat dan radikal, sedangkan dalam pandangan Islam fundamentalisme berasal dari interpretasi Al Quran tentang akar yang kokoh (al-ashlu). Islam tidak mengenal istilah fundamentalis secara etimologi, melainkan mengacu pada ayat Al Quran tentang akar yang teguh.
Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan perkembangan janin secara rinci mulai dari konsepsi hingga kelahiran. Janin akan terbentuk secara ajaib dalam rahim ibunya selama 40 minggu, mulai dari sel telur dan sperma hingga menjadi manusia dewasa.
Birhan Tonge is a video producer who works with independent artists, especially in the reggae music scene. He grew up immersed in the reggae world and is aware of the needs of independent artists. Birhan is self-motivated and took initiative to purchase his own camera equipment without financial help. He aims to make ideas come to life for clients in an affordable way as "The Pixel Pusher." Birhan prides himself on his responsibility, drive, raw talent, resilience, competitiveness, and experience to deliver quality work for clients. He has worked as an art director, freelance videographer, and production assistant to gain experience in fast-paced environments under tight deadlines.
Cherin Perelman worked as a certified public accountant for over a decade before becoming a casting director in New York City. While few formal educational requirements exist, aspiring casting directors can benefit from courses in theater, directing, and business management. However, gaining real world experience through internships and assistant positions with casting agencies and directors is arguably most effective. It requires working from the bottom up over time to gain experience, contacts, and a comprehensive understanding of matching actors to roles. Successful casting directors display curiosity, patience, and a desire to meet new people to properly assess an actor's fit for different opportunities.
Collaborative Digital Scholarship Projects: The Liberal Art of DrupalNITLE
Growing numbers of liberal arts colleges are creating collaborative digital scholarship projects. Defining the roles of faculty, student, and web developer in the semi-hierarchical world of liberal arts collegeswhere pedagogical goals must be constantly kept in mindcan be tricky; however, doing so is critical to the long-term success of such projects. Drupal, an open source content management system, enters this space at a crucial moment, allowing a new level of collaboration in the creation and maintenance of sites by web developers, faculty content providers, and all student assistants. Getting the work flow right while keeping the experience rewarding for all concerned is one key to sustainability. In this seminar, members of the team behind the text annotation site Dickinson College Commentaries (faculty director, web developer, and students) discuss the problems, pitfalls, and opportunities of collaborating with Drupal in a liberal arts context.
Proceso de realizaci坦n de una construcci坦n fotogr叩fica y ficha t辿cnica de la misma. Pertenece a la exposici坦n "Reproduciendo / Recreando Myanmar".
Otros procesos de realizaci坦n en:
This report was submitted to complete the course requirement of "Qualitative & Quantitative Research Methods" at IIIT-Delhi in collaboration with Shubham Singhal.
Learn about the Utah caucus system and how to become a delegate. Utah delegates make a difference in Utah's current candidate selection process. (2014)
Dokumen tersebut merangkum biografi dan pemikiran Fazlur Rahman, seorang pemikir Islam kontemporer dari mazhab Hanafi. Fazlur Rahman memiliki pandangan liberal yang dipengaruhi tokoh seperti Sayyid Ahmad Khan. Ia berpendapat bahwa rasio legis adalah inti hukum dan al-Quran harus dibaca secara struktural fungsional dengan menggunakan pendekatan historis kontekstual. Fazlur Rahman memperkenalkan teori gerakan
The document is a photo journal from a geography lab containing images and descriptions of various geographic features in Inyo County, California. It includes descriptions of a cinder cone volcano, lava flows, a dried stream bed near Fossil Falls, metate holes formed in rocks by water flow, obsidian flakes used as tools by Native Americans, petroglyphs carved by Native Americans, stone rings used as living areas by migrating Native Americans, Mormon Rocks formed by the splitting of tectonic plates, sedimentary rocks, a stream bed that is part of the San Andreas Rift Zone, and Diaz Lake which was formed when the land sank during the 1872 earthquake.
Seattle Continues to Wait for the Return of the SupersonicsCherin Perelman
Cherin Perelman previously provided accounting services for Seattle cultural events like Bumbershoot music festival and the Seattle Symphony, as well as the Seattle Supersonics basketball team. NBA commissioner Adam Silver recently announced the league has no plans to expand, mentioning Seattle though the city wants basketball back, expansion could dilute talent as some teams are unprofitable. Seattle had been prepared to acquire the Sacramento Kings but the team remained in California, and the NBA monitors the Milwaukee Bucks who must fund a new arena by 2017 or potentially relocate, though the commissioner says relocation is not a priority now.
This document discusses recent cases decided in 2013 where the European Court of Human Rights ruled on the compatibility of austerity measures imposed in response to the European sovereign debt crisis with the European Convention on Human Rights. The court conferred a wide margin of appreciation to national legislators in defining public interest regarding austerity measures like cuts to social security benefits and pensions. However, this margin is not unlimited. The document analyzes this case law and examines potential limits on legislators regarding cuts to public sector salaries and pensions.
The SoCal MRA Newsletter provides updates on upcoming chapter events in spring 2012, including a pub crawl in San Diego in June and the MRA annual conference also being held in San Diego. It announces leadership changes with Myla Kovac becoming the new president. It highlights member news like Patsy Trice retiring. And it provides information on getting involved in the industry and joining MRA.
This document discusses entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial process. It begins with an introduction to entrepreneurship and defines what entrepreneurship is. It then discusses the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, including traits like risk-taking, initiative, and a drive for achievement. The document outlines the four steps of the entrepreneurial process: deciding to become an entrepreneur, developing business ideas, moving from idea to enterprise, and managing/growing the business. It concludes by describing an entrepreneurship model called ACRO that focuses on developing the right attitudes, creativity, relationships, and organization.
Segundo o documento, as coisas realmente necess叩rias para viver s達o dinheiro, bons carros e uma boa casa, j叩 que essas coisas foram listadas como necess叩rias para viver. Entretanto, mulheres n達o devem ser consideradas objetos ou posses.
Este documento presenta 20 construcciones fotogr叩ficas realizadas por el autor durante un viaje a Myanmar. Cada construcci坦n integra varias fotograf鱈as tomadas por el autor en diferentes lugares de Myanmar para crear una nueva imagen que explora temas como la cultura, las tradiciones, las contrastes entre lo mundano y lo religioso en la sociedad birmana. La cuarta construcci坦n titulada "Vendedor de budas" muestra a un vendedor ofreciendo figuritas de Buda en el interior del templo de Ananda en Bagan, cuestionando de forma
Fundamentalisme dalam perspektif Barat dan Islam memiliki pemahaman yang berbeda. Di Barat, fundamentalisme dianggap sebagai sikap anti-Barat dan radikal, sedangkan dalam pandangan Islam fundamentalisme berasal dari interpretasi Al Quran tentang akar yang kokoh (al-ashlu). Islam tidak mengenal istilah fundamentalis secara etimologi, melainkan mengacu pada ayat Al Quran tentang akar yang teguh.
Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan perkembangan janin secara rinci mulai dari konsepsi hingga kelahiran. Janin akan terbentuk secara ajaib dalam rahim ibunya selama 40 minggu, mulai dari sel telur dan sperma hingga menjadi manusia dewasa.
Birhan Tonge is a video producer who works with independent artists, especially in the reggae music scene. He grew up immersed in the reggae world and is aware of the needs of independent artists. Birhan is self-motivated and took initiative to purchase his own camera equipment without financial help. He aims to make ideas come to life for clients in an affordable way as "The Pixel Pusher." Birhan prides himself on his responsibility, drive, raw talent, resilience, competitiveness, and experience to deliver quality work for clients. He has worked as an art director, freelance videographer, and production assistant to gain experience in fast-paced environments under tight deadlines.
Cherin Perelman worked as a certified public accountant for over a decade before becoming a casting director in New York City. While few formal educational requirements exist, aspiring casting directors can benefit from courses in theater, directing, and business management. However, gaining real world experience through internships and assistant positions with casting agencies and directors is arguably most effective. It requires working from the bottom up over time to gain experience, contacts, and a comprehensive understanding of matching actors to roles. Successful casting directors display curiosity, patience, and a desire to meet new people to properly assess an actor's fit for different opportunities.
Collaborative Digital Scholarship Projects: The Liberal Art of DrupalNITLE
Growing numbers of liberal arts colleges are creating collaborative digital scholarship projects. Defining the roles of faculty, student, and web developer in the semi-hierarchical world of liberal arts collegeswhere pedagogical goals must be constantly kept in mindcan be tricky; however, doing so is critical to the long-term success of such projects. Drupal, an open source content management system, enters this space at a crucial moment, allowing a new level of collaboration in the creation and maintenance of sites by web developers, faculty content providers, and all student assistants. Getting the work flow right while keeping the experience rewarding for all concerned is one key to sustainability. In this seminar, members of the team behind the text annotation site Dickinson College Commentaries (faculty director, web developer, and students) discuss the problems, pitfalls, and opportunities of collaborating with Drupal in a liberal arts context.