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Stephanie Crandell


       EDU. 280

       In observing a four year old boy this semester in the Central Michigan University

Child Development Lab, I watched and learned many things about the boy. I not only saw

his development grow for about four months, but I got to see a child overcome obstacles

and mature as a human being. I had a great experience observing this boy and it taught

me that all children are very different.

       Cognitive development is basically the development of language and

communication in a child. Erikson believed that conflict affected every stage of

development. I happened to have an extremely quiet child who rarely spoke to anyone

when I first started to observe him over the allotted time. I often wondered if there was a

reason, such as some sort of at home conflict that caused him to be so anti-social.

However, after a few times of me visiting, he made a friend with another boy in the lab

and although he seemed hesitant at first, he began talking to him more and more everyday

and even getting involved in activities and play. As far as emotions go, my child never

showed any what so ever. There was one day when my little boy actually wet his pants

and had no facial expressions or seemed to show any feelings. He simply told the teacher

and she called his mother to bring him a change of pants. There was no one ridiculing

him or anything like that and so I assumed that was why he showed no emotion but I still

found it rather strange because most children I know, especially at an age like four years

old, would be very embarrassed at having an accident like that or maybe even try to hide

it. Due to the fact that he did not attempt to hide what was happening or have any
emotion about it at all makes me wonder if this was a common occurrence. However, in

the future sessions that I observed the boy, I never saw it happen again.

        My child¨s social/emotional development expanded over the last four months

quite drastically. I would say they definitely improved. When I first began my

observations the child would simply stare and watch everyone from a distance. My boy

wouldn¨t say anything to the other children that he watched or even mock them in

anyway, just watched. As he watched the children it was almost as if he was observing

them with a great interest but was too scared to have anything to do with anyone else.

        One day while observing the child another young boy about the same as him

noticed that he was having problems using the scissors to cut out simple shapes. The boy

showed him how he did it and told him that it might help if he did it that way as well. My

child said thank you and did what the boy told him to do. (my child always listened to

directions very well) He seemed to get the hang of it and smiled at the boy and proceeded

to sit by him during play times. My child didn¨t talk much to the boy at first. It seemed

like my boy was trying to feel him out so to speak. This other child was a social butterfly

and loved to walk around and talk and try to play with everyone. My child preferred to sit

by himself all alone and seemed perfectly content playing by himself as well. I feel this

related to when Piaget describes accommodation. Being around this other boy changed

his mind somewhat about what he wanted to do during the day throughout the term that I

observed him. I remember being that way as a child and it took me a long time to become

more social and make more friends so I was hoping that this child would have a positive

affect on the boy I observed and help him to become more social at a much younger age

than I did.
As more and more time went by my child¨s friend did help him to become more

social without know he was doing it obviously. My child started engaging in associative

play and actually talking with other children his age without being so scared all of the

time. He would invite other children to play blocks with him and he loved arts and craft

so whenever there was an activity involving drawing, coloring, painting, etc. he was very

excited and wanted to get all of the other children involved. He also loved showing off

what his artwork. I saw his artwork while he was creating it and I always had a hard time

telling what it was exactly, but the fact that he loved it so much lead me to believe that

this was something that he would probably be passionate about it in the future. My child

also got the other kids excited about doing the art because he showed such enthusiasm

about being creative. He would even tell everyone how great all of their work was while

they were doing it.

       When it comes to listening to directions and basically be independent, my child

was very efficient. My child never had to be told to go to his mat for naptime. He knew

exactly when it was naptime and just went to sleep. He always picked up after himself

and knew when other people were doing something wrong because after a while he

would whisper to the other kids and say that they should stop or they will get into trouble.

I felt these were huge advancements from when I first started observing the boy.

       My four year old boy¨s physical development was something that I was surprised

with. My child was very small for his age. He was much shorter than all of the other boys

his age in the lab and even most of the girls. When I first began my observations with

him I thought that maybe because of his small stature that he would have trouble with

some of his gross-motor development. I was proved wrong over the course of the

       As the semester progressed and my child got more and more active I was able to

see more of gross-motor skills because he wasn¨t just sitting on the floor playing blocks.

He could walk and run perfectly fine, jump up and down, play tag, throw and catch a ball,

and seemed to have great coordination. There was one situation where him and his main

friend in the lab were playing with a medium sized red rubber-like ball. They were

playing catch and the other boy, who was much larger than my boy, threw the ball a bit

too high and way to hard. I was nervous my child when I was just sitting there because

they teacher told them that they could do it but they had to be very careful and it looked

as though if my boy didn¨t catch the ball, it was going to hit another child. My boy

jumped up quite high and grabbed the ball with one hand and simply tossed it back. I was

shocked that he was able to jump that and catch the ball with only one hand. It was made

clear to me that his small body did not affect he ability to do anything.

       I was even more impressed with my child¨s fine-motor skills. The very first day

that I observed him, it was pretty clear that he loved playing with blocks. He would sit

there for an hour at a time while I was observing him and build really amazing buildings

and shapes with his blocks. He always seemed so concentrated and humble to his work. I

found my child to be very creative.

       As I stated before, my child absolutely lobed artwork. In him loving to do this so

much I was able to see all of his fine-motor skills. He did things that I felt were advanced

for his age. He wrote his name perfectly clear, held crayons and markers correctly, and he

loved to paint. Whenever he got the chance to pain the would be so enthused. He held the

paintbrush very professionally and made his work. The only thing that I couldn¨t
understand about the entire situation was that even though he could hold and use all of

these objects so well, his coloring was never inside the lines and his painting was always

more of an abstract that I couldn¨t tell what he was trying to paint. I am confident in

believing that because he loves his art so much and his fine-motor skills are more

advance for his age, that he will be great in his future creations.

       My child also is very independent as I said before. I watched him tie his own

shoes several times and whenever his jeans came unbuttoned or unzipped he knew

exactly how to fix it. Some other kids would have to ask the teacher for assistance but I

never saw my child ask the teacher for any sort of help involving his body personally.

       Observing this boy in particular over the past few months has been quite

educational. I will admit at first I considered observing another child because I thought

the boy that immediately chose was going to be boring in a way because he seemed to

just want to be alone. I am so glad that I stuck with watching this child because I got to

see him grow and mature. I was able to watch a shy boy overcome his fear of people and

become more social and make more friends. I truly found it inspirational to help kids step

of out their comfort zones to make friends because I find that when children are more

social they seem to be happier.

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Edu 280 child develpoment paper

  • 1. Stephanie Crandell 4-22-10 EDU. 280 In observing a four year old boy this semester in the Central Michigan University Child Development Lab, I watched and learned many things about the boy. I not only saw his development grow for about four months, but I got to see a child overcome obstacles and mature as a human being. I had a great experience observing this boy and it taught me that all children are very different. Cognitive development is basically the development of language and communication in a child. Erikson believed that conflict affected every stage of development. I happened to have an extremely quiet child who rarely spoke to anyone when I first started to observe him over the allotted time. I often wondered if there was a reason, such as some sort of at home conflict that caused him to be so anti-social. However, after a few times of me visiting, he made a friend with another boy in the lab and although he seemed hesitant at first, he began talking to him more and more everyday and even getting involved in activities and play. As far as emotions go, my child never showed any what so ever. There was one day when my little boy actually wet his pants and had no facial expressions or seemed to show any feelings. He simply told the teacher and she called his mother to bring him a change of pants. There was no one ridiculing him or anything like that and so I assumed that was why he showed no emotion but I still found it rather strange because most children I know, especially at an age like four years old, would be very embarrassed at having an accident like that or maybe even try to hide it. Due to the fact that he did not attempt to hide what was happening or have any
  • 2. emotion about it at all makes me wonder if this was a common occurrence. However, in the future sessions that I observed the boy, I never saw it happen again. My child¨s social/emotional development expanded over the last four months quite drastically. I would say they definitely improved. When I first began my observations the child would simply stare and watch everyone from a distance. My boy wouldn¨t say anything to the other children that he watched or even mock them in anyway, just watched. As he watched the children it was almost as if he was observing them with a great interest but was too scared to have anything to do with anyone else. One day while observing the child another young boy about the same as him noticed that he was having problems using the scissors to cut out simple shapes. The boy showed him how he did it and told him that it might help if he did it that way as well. My child said thank you and did what the boy told him to do. (my child always listened to directions very well) He seemed to get the hang of it and smiled at the boy and proceeded to sit by him during play times. My child didn¨t talk much to the boy at first. It seemed like my boy was trying to feel him out so to speak. This other child was a social butterfly and loved to walk around and talk and try to play with everyone. My child preferred to sit by himself all alone and seemed perfectly content playing by himself as well. I feel this related to when Piaget describes accommodation. Being around this other boy changed his mind somewhat about what he wanted to do during the day throughout the term that I observed him. I remember being that way as a child and it took me a long time to become more social and make more friends so I was hoping that this child would have a positive affect on the boy I observed and help him to become more social at a much younger age than I did.
  • 3. As more and more time went by my child¨s friend did help him to become more social without know he was doing it obviously. My child started engaging in associative play and actually talking with other children his age without being so scared all of the time. He would invite other children to play blocks with him and he loved arts and craft so whenever there was an activity involving drawing, coloring, painting, etc. he was very excited and wanted to get all of the other children involved. He also loved showing off what his artwork. I saw his artwork while he was creating it and I always had a hard time telling what it was exactly, but the fact that he loved it so much lead me to believe that this was something that he would probably be passionate about it in the future. My child also got the other kids excited about doing the art because he showed such enthusiasm about being creative. He would even tell everyone how great all of their work was while they were doing it. When it comes to listening to directions and basically be independent, my child was very efficient. My child never had to be told to go to his mat for naptime. He knew exactly when it was naptime and just went to sleep. He always picked up after himself and knew when other people were doing something wrong because after a while he would whisper to the other kids and say that they should stop or they will get into trouble. I felt these were huge advancements from when I first started observing the boy. My four year old boy¨s physical development was something that I was surprised with. My child was very small for his age. He was much shorter than all of the other boys his age in the lab and even most of the girls. When I first began my observations with him I thought that maybe because of his small stature that he would have trouble with some of his gross-motor development. I was proved wrong over the course of the
  • 4. semester. As the semester progressed and my child got more and more active I was able to see more of gross-motor skills because he wasn¨t just sitting on the floor playing blocks. He could walk and run perfectly fine, jump up and down, play tag, throw and catch a ball, and seemed to have great coordination. There was one situation where him and his main friend in the lab were playing with a medium sized red rubber-like ball. They were playing catch and the other boy, who was much larger than my boy, threw the ball a bit too high and way to hard. I was nervous my child when I was just sitting there because they teacher told them that they could do it but they had to be very careful and it looked as though if my boy didn¨t catch the ball, it was going to hit another child. My boy jumped up quite high and grabbed the ball with one hand and simply tossed it back. I was shocked that he was able to jump that and catch the ball with only one hand. It was made clear to me that his small body did not affect he ability to do anything. I was even more impressed with my child¨s fine-motor skills. The very first day that I observed him, it was pretty clear that he loved playing with blocks. He would sit there for an hour at a time while I was observing him and build really amazing buildings and shapes with his blocks. He always seemed so concentrated and humble to his work. I found my child to be very creative. As I stated before, my child absolutely lobed artwork. In him loving to do this so much I was able to see all of his fine-motor skills. He did things that I felt were advanced for his age. He wrote his name perfectly clear, held crayons and markers correctly, and he loved to paint. Whenever he got the chance to pain the would be so enthused. He held the paintbrush very professionally and made his work. The only thing that I couldn¨t
  • 5. understand about the entire situation was that even though he could hold and use all of these objects so well, his coloring was never inside the lines and his painting was always more of an abstract that I couldn¨t tell what he was trying to paint. I am confident in believing that because he loves his art so much and his fine-motor skills are more advance for his age, that he will be great in his future creations. My child also is very independent as I said before. I watched him tie his own shoes several times and whenever his jeans came unbuttoned or unzipped he knew exactly how to fix it. Some other kids would have to ask the teacher for assistance but I never saw my child ask the teacher for any sort of help involving his body personally. Observing this boy in particular over the past few months has been quite educational. I will admit at first I considered observing another child because I thought the boy that immediately chose was going to be boring in a way because he seemed to just want to be alone. I am so glad that I stuck with watching this child because I got to see him grow and mature. I was able to watch a shy boy overcome his fear of people and become more social and make more friends. I truly found it inspirational to help kids step of out their comfort zones to make friends because I find that when children are more social they seem to be happier.