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Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Artist: Heyko Stoeber
Part of the
Solution or Part
of the Problem?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Riel Miller
Leadership and Practice
The Open University,
Milton Keynes, May 17,
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Two Big Changes
and the
creativity of
the universe
Heterarchy and
the Learning
1. In the way we think about the world.
2. In the way we organize the world.
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
1. Embracing Complexity:
Changing the way we use the
Photo credit: Mark Schacter 息
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
The End of Certainty
 we are now able to include
probabilities in the formulation of the
basic laws of physics. Once this is
done, Newtonian determinism fails; the
future is no longer determined by the
Mankind is at a turning point, the beginning of a new
rationality in which science is no longer identified with
certitude and probability with ignorance.  science is no
longer limited to idealized and simplified situations but
reflects the complexity of the real world, a science that
views us and our creativity as part of a fundamental
trend present at all levels of nature.
Ilya Prigogine, The End of Certainty: Time, Chaos and the New Laws of Nature
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
The possible is not in the
future it is in the past.
We must resign ourselves to the
inevitable: it is the real which makes itself
possible, and not the possible which
becomes real. But the truth is that
philosophy has never frankly admitted
this continuous creation of unforeseeable
Henri Bergson, The Creative Mind
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Caught in the Probabilistic Stance:
Probable, Possible, Plausible
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
What difference
does it make?
After all everyday life
goes on.
So why bother?
 It changes what we see.
 It changes what we
 It changes what we resist.
 It changes what we
 It changes how we
preserve what we want to
 It changes the conditions
of change.
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Then what? If we accept this
ontological starting point  how to make
it practical?
A. Take an anticipatory systems perspective that
encompasses both animate and inanimate
B. Distinguish the three ontological dimensions of
the potential of the present  three ways of
imagining the future and the different methods
that are related to each (ontology-
epistemology linked).
C. Learning processes that use collective
intelligence  action research, reframing, and
narrative capacity to question anticipatory
assumptions  embracing complexity,
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
What is Futures Literacy?
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Futures Literacy:
ambient strategic thinking
Futures Literacy is the capacity to tell
anticipatory stories using rigorous
imagining based on sharing depth of
knowledge from across the community.
FL is a way of internalizing the constant
development of our understanding of
the potential of the emergent present
and of changing anticipatory
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
A. Anticipatory Systems
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Anticipatory Systems View
S : object system
M : model of S
E : effector system
Source: Robert Rosen, Anticipatory Systems: Philosophical, Mathematical, & Methodological Foundations., Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1985.
際際滷 by A. H. Louie, Mathematical Biologist
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
The main difference between forecasting
and scenarios on the one hand, and
anticipation on the other, is that the latter is
a property of the system, intrinsic to its
functioning, while the former are cognitive
strategies that a system A develops in order
to understand the future of some other
system B (of which A may or may not be a
component element).  The theory of
anticipatory systems can therefore be seen
as comprising both first- and third-person
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
B. Three
of the
potential of
the present
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Contingency futures:
winning the lottery
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Optimization Futures:
Chess, Farming, Assembly Line
goal, known in
advance and
 Rules are given
in advance and
 Resources are
given in advance
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Exploratory futures:
imagining the potential of the present
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
C. Hybrid Strategic Scenario Method
rich and
stories of a
society as a
way to
question our
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Futures Literacy: Decision Making Capacity
Using the Future for Knowledge Creation, Discovery and Communication
Capacity to
Intelligence(interactive sense making)
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Futures Literacy in Practice
 Level 1 futures literacy
Temporal awareness,
values, expectations
 Level 2 futures literacy
Rigorous imagining
 Level 3 futures literacy
Strategic scenarios
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Anticipatory Methods:
Context Makes a Difference
(chess game)
Aligning Anticipatory Contexts and Systems:
Embracing Complexity  Use Futures Literacy
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
2. The Learning Intensive Society
Scenario  A Level 2 Model
Scale of the change:
 Incremental radicalism transforms
everyday life
 Within one or two generations
 Disrupts most institutions
 Alters culture & values
Attributes of the model:
 Descriptive variables
 Not limited by how it is done
 Not causal
 Not path
 Imagining possibilities
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
(goods & services,
public & private)
Compositional Transformation
Share of total wealth creation by source
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Learning in every day life is more
intense if, in daily life, over a lifetime,
people generate (flow) and accumulate
(stock) more:
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Greater Learning Intensity of Daily Life
Source: Riel Miller, XperidoX Futures Consulting; rielm@yahoo.com
intensity of
intensity of
intensity of
Average intensity of
know-why (decision
making capacity)
Agricultural Society Industrial Society Learning Society
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Moving to the Micro-Level:
Complex societal evolution
Photo credit: Mark Schacter, www.luxetveritas.ca
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Systemic Economic Transformation:
Changes What and How We Produce
Next stage of market economy 
beyond mass-production and mass-
 Unique creation  what is value?
 How do we organize value
 Predominant type of economic
 Scope of transaction systems
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Creating wealth  changing sources of value-added
Mass-era worker
and consumer
Beyond the dualism of supply & demand
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Teasing the Imagination:
Tools for Unique Creation
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
First car
using a
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Industrial Era
Sequential Production, Consumption,
Resource Deployment Process
Supply Demand Allocation Supply Demand Allocation
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Starlings Flying in a Flock
Imagine Clouds of Unique Creation
Flows of Collaboration and Experience
Local and Global, Multiple Dynamic
Communities - Heterarchical
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Describing Social
Dimensions of the LIS
 Attributes of identity:
 Patterns of social status -
 Ecology of culture - capacity
to be free
Towards greater heterogeneity
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
geneous /large
Decisions - what,
where, when,
with whom, how
Scale of
Identity & choice
Beyond individual vs collective: banal
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Dimensions of the LIS
Capacity to make &
implement decisions in all
areas of activity
Quality of decision making:
 Extent to which best
information is used
 Transparency of the network
 Extent of opportunties to
 Knowing how to learn
Towards greater responsibility
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Governance: capacity to make
Experimentation &
Transparency &
access to
Limited &
& unified
Limited Continuous
Capacity for reframing and sense making:
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
 less clarity
of goal
More reflexivity
clarity of
Less reflexivity
freedom and
ambiguity -
Regime 1
Regime 2
Regime 3
(Learning society)
A changing context for knowledge
New conditions for education leadership and
Different contexts and times?
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
1  More university graduates does not
increase wealth nor lead to greater
competitive advantage
Why? Three sets of changes:
A. The preponderant source of wealth is no
longer industrial (tangible or intangible).
B. The primary source of productivity
increases is learning by doing, i.e.
experience that allows for refinement of
taste (self-knowledge)
C. Unique creation is local, ideas are global
and tangibles are cheap
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Changing Composition of Output
1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040
Industrial products Innovation (S&T/R&D)
Personal products Creativity (Refinement of taste)
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
2  Reducing classroom schooling
helps to avoid fundamentalism
Functions of Industrial School
 Custody: keeping pupils safe and secure (99%)
 Behavioural rules: instilling punctuality,
obedience, respect for hierarchy (95%)
 Cognitive development: literacy, numeracy, test
scores (?)
 Socialisation: internalisation of specific values
towards civic life (?)
 Screening and sorting: reproduces
(legitimately) socio-economic differences (95%)
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Knowledge Creation and Destruction:
Remembering, forgetting and inventing
Living knowledge
Public sector
Preservation Net
Private sector
Preservation Net
Cover it all
Source: Etienne Wegner
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
3  The wealthiest societies
have the highest average age
The productivity of unique
creation and the quality of
decision making capacity both
increase, all other things being
equal, with experience and better
information  this is the wisdom
economy  the know why society.
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Society is now at a stage in history in which one
pulse is ending and another beginning. The
immense destruction that a new pulse signals is
both frightening and creative. It raises
fundamental questions about transformation. The
only way to approach such a period, in which
uncertainty is very large and one cannot predict
what the future holds, is not to predict, but to
experiment and act inventively and exuberantly
via diverse adventures in living.
C.S. Buzz Hollings, Coping with Transformational Change,
Options, IIASA, Summer 2010
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
A time for method and
methods for our time
Why futures literacy now? Because a
futures literate society can use:
 diversification, imagination and inter-
 embrace spontaneity, experimentation &
 without being overwhelmed by
 fear of the risks (perception)
 failure (reality of risk)
 in order to inspire aspirations consistent
Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Thank you
Image: Sempe
How we anticipate matters 
it changes the present

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Education Futures: Part of the Solution or Part of the Problem?

  • 1. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Artist: Heyko Stoeber Education Futures: Part of the Solution or Part of the Problem?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Riel Miller EDUCATIONAL FUTURES Leadership and Practice The Open University, Milton Keynes, May 17,
  • 2. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Two Big Changes Fundamental indeterminacy and the creativity of the universe Heterarchy and the Learning Intensive Society murmuration 1. In the way we think about the world. 2. In the way we organize the world.
  • 3. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 1. Embracing Complexity: Changing the way we use the future Photo credit: Mark Schacter 息
  • 4. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 The End of Certainty we are now able to include probabilities in the formulation of the basic laws of physics. Once this is done, Newtonian determinism fails; the future is no longer determined by the Mankind is at a turning point, the beginning of a new rationality in which science is no longer identified with certitude and probability with ignorance. science is no longer limited to idealized and simplified situations but reflects the complexity of the real world, a science that views us and our creativity as part of a fundamental trend present at all levels of nature. Ilya Prigogine, The End of Certainty: Time, Chaos and the New Laws of Nature
  • 5. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 The possible is not in the future it is in the past. We must resign ourselves to the inevitable: it is the real which makes itself possible, and not the possible which becomes real. But the truth is that philosophy has never frankly admitted this continuous creation of unforeseeable novelty. Henri Bergson, The Creative Mind
  • 6. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Caught in the Probabilistic Stance: Probable, Possible, Plausible
  • 7. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
  • 8. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 What difference does it make? After all everyday life goes on. So why bother? It changes what we see. It changes what we imagine. It changes what we resist. It changes what we preserve. It changes how we preserve what we want to preserve. It changes the conditions of change.
  • 9. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Then what? If we accept this ontological starting point how to make it practical? A. Take an anticipatory systems perspective that encompasses both animate and inanimate anticipation. B. Distinguish the three ontological dimensions of the potential of the present three ways of imagining the future and the different methods that are related to each (ontology- epistemology linked). C. Learning processes that use collective intelligence action research, reframing, and narrative capacity to question anticipatory assumptions embracing complexity,
  • 10. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 What is Futures Literacy?
  • 11. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Futures Literacy: ambient strategic thinking Futures Literacy is the capacity to tell anticipatory stories using rigorous imagining based on sharing depth of knowledge from across the community. FL is a way of internalizing the constant development of our understanding of the potential of the emergent present and of changing anticipatory assumptions.
  • 12. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 A. Anticipatory Systems
  • 13. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
  • 14. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Anticipatory Systems View S : object system M : model of S E : effector system Source: Robert Rosen, Anticipatory Systems: Philosophical, Mathematical, & Methodological Foundations., Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1985. 際際滷 by A. H. Louie, Mathematical Biologist
  • 15. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 The main difference between forecasting and scenarios on the one hand, and anticipation on the other, is that the latter is a property of the system, intrinsic to its functioning, while the former are cognitive strategies that a system A develops in order to understand the future of some other system B (of which A may or may not be a component element). The theory of anticipatory systems can therefore be seen as comprising both first- and third-person information.
  • 16. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 B. Three dimensions of the potential of the present
  • 17. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
  • 18. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Contingency futures: winning the lottery
  • 19. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Optimization Futures: Chess, Farming, Assembly Line Non-complex goal, known in advance and fixed Rules are given in advance and fixed Resources are given in advance
  • 20. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Exploratory futures: imagining the potential of the present
  • 21. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
  • 22. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 C. Hybrid Strategic Scenario Method Rigorous imagining developing analytically rich and imaginative stories of a functioning society as a way to question our
  • 23. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Futures Literacy: Decision Making Capacity Using the Future for Knowledge Creation, Discovery and Communication Narrative Capacity Capacity to Reframe Collective Intelligence(interactive sense making)
  • 24. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Futures Literacy in Practice Level 1 futures literacy Temporal awareness, values, expectations Level 2 futures literacy Rigorous imagining Level 3 futures literacy Strategic scenarios
  • 25. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Anticipatory Methods: Context Makes a Difference ExplorationComplex Simple Close d Ope n Optimization (chess game) Aligning Anticipatory Contexts and Systems: Embracing Complexity Use Futures Literacy
  • 26. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 2. The Learning Intensive Society Scenario A Level 2 Model Technology Economy Governance Society Scale of the change: Incremental radicalism transforms everyday life Within one or two generations Disrupts most institutions Alters culture & values Attributes of the model: Descriptive variables Not limited by how it is done Not causal Not path Imagining possibilities
  • 27. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Industrial (goods & services, public & private) Craft/Creative Household Agriculture Agricultura l Industrial Society Learning Intensiv Compositional Transformation Share of total wealth creation by source
  • 28. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Learning in every day life is more intense if, in daily life, over a lifetime, people generate (flow) and accumulate (stock) more: know-how know-who know-what know-why
  • 29. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Greater Learning Intensity of Daily Life Source: Riel Miller, XperidoX Futures Consulting; rielm@yahoo.com Average intensity of know-what Average intensity of know-how Average intensity of know-who Average intensity of know-why (decision making capacity) Agricultural Society Industrial Society Learning Society
  • 30. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Moving to the Micro-Level: Complex societal evolution Economic Social Governanc e Photo credit: Mark Schacter, www.luxetveritas.ca
  • 31. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Systemic Economic Transformation: Changes What and How We Produce Next stage of market economy beyond mass-production and mass- consumption Unique creation what is value? How do we organize value creation? Predominant type of economic activity Scope of transaction systems
  • 32. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Unique creation Low learning intensity High learning intensity Mass- production Creating wealth changing sources of value-added Mass-era worker and consumer Empowered team-worker, informed shopper Artist/resear cher/learner Beyond the dualism of supply & demand
  • 33. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Teasing the Imagination: Tools for Unique Creation
  • 34. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
  • 35. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
  • 36. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
  • 37. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 First car produced using a desk-top factory
  • 38. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Industrial Era Sequential Production, Consumption, Resource Deployment Process Supply Demand Allocation Supply Demand Allocation Repeat cycle
  • 39. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Conception Management Execution
  • 40. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
  • 41. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Starlings Flying in a Flock Imagine Clouds of Unique Creation Flows of Collaboration and Experience Local and Global, Multiple Dynamic Communities - Heterarchical Murmuration
  • 42. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Describing Social Dimensions of the LIS Attributes of identity: sources structure dynamics Patterns of social status - affiliation Ecology of culture - capacity to be free Social dynamism Towards greater heterogeneity
  • 43. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Hetero- geneous/small Homo- geneous /large Decisions - what, where, when, with whom, how Less choice More choice Scale of social affiliation/i dentity Identity & choice Mass-era Learning Intensive Society Beyond individual vs collective: banal
  • 44. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Describing Governance Dimensions of the LIS Capacity to make & implement decisions in all areas of activity Quality of decision making: Extent to which best information is used Transparency of the network Extent of opportunties to experiment Knowing how to learn Dynamic Governance Towards greater responsibility
  • 45. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Governance: capacity to make decisions Experimentation & learning Transparency & access to information Limited & fragmented Extensive & unified Mass-era Learning Intensive Society Limited Continuous Capacity for reframing and sense making:
  • 46. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Less manageable less clarity of goal More reflexivity More manageable more clarity of goal Less reflexivity Greater freedom and ambiguity - spontaneity Regime 1 (Agriculture) Regime 2 (Industrial) Regime 3 (Learning society) A changing context for knowledge creation New conditions for education leadership and Different contexts and times?
  • 47. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 1 More university graduates does not increase wealth nor lead to greater competitive advantage Why? Three sets of changes: A. The preponderant source of wealth is no longer industrial (tangible or intangible). B. The primary source of productivity increases is learning by doing, i.e. experience that allows for refinement of taste (self-knowledge) C. Unique creation is local, ideas are global and tangibles are cheap
  • 48. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Changing Composition of Output 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 Time PercentageShare Industrial products Innovation (S&T/R&D) Personal products Creativity (Refinement of taste)
  • 49. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 2 Reducing classroom schooling helps to avoid fundamentalism Functions of Industrial School Custody: keeping pupils safe and secure (99%) Behavioural rules: instilling punctuality, obedience, respect for hierarchy (95%) Cognitive development: literacy, numeracy, test scores (?) Socialisation: internalisation of specific values towards civic life (?) Screening and sorting: reproduces (legitimately) socio-economic differences (95%)
  • 50. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Knowledge Creation and Destruction: Remembering, forgetting and inventing Living knowledge (stock) Discovery (flow) Public sector Preservation Net new Private sector Preservation Net new Cover it all Non-institutional Source: Etienne Wegner
  • 51. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 3 The wealthiest societies have the highest average age The productivity of unique creation and the quality of decision making capacity both increase, all other things being equal, with experience and better information this is the wisdom economy the know why society.
  • 52. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Transformation Society is now at a stage in history in which one pulse is ending and another beginning. The immense destruction that a new pulse signals is both frightening and creative. It raises fundamental questions about transformation. The only way to approach such a period, in which uncertainty is very large and one cannot predict what the future holds, is not to predict, but to experiment and act inventively and exuberantly via diverse adventures in living. C.S. Buzz Hollings, Coping with Transformational Change, Options, IIASA, Summer 2010
  • 53. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
  • 54. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 A time for method and methods for our time Why futures literacy now? Because a futures literate society can use: diversification, imagination and inter- dependency to embrace spontaneity, experimentation & complexity without being overwhelmed by fear of the risks (perception) failure (reality of risk) in order to inspire aspirations consistent
  • 55. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011 Thank you rielm@yahoo.com Image: Sempe How we anticipate matters it changes the present

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Education Futures: Part of the Solution or Part of the Problem?Two premises: 1) Distinguishing endogenous systemic change from exogenous requires not only taking a specific point-of-view but that such a point-of-view be created (invented) in the first place. 2) From the vantage point of taking human systems as a subject learning may be considered a trans-historical attribute while education is a historically specific form and organization of learning. Starting from these two premises I will explore three topics. First what is the future and what is an ontologically grounded anticipatory systems approach to using the future. Second how a rigorously imagined story of the future can be used to reveal systemic boundaries and relationships using the example of the end of schooling in a Learning Intensive Society. And Third, what are the implications of the preceding discussion for Education Futures: Leadership and Practice.
  • #3: Two premises: 1) Distinguishing endogenous systemic change from exogenous requires not only taking a specific point-of-view but that such a point-of-view be created (invented) in the first place. Use the future. But to use the future you must first know what it is. 2) From the vantage point of taking human systems as a subject learning may be considered a trans-historical attribute while education is a historically specific form and organization of learning. How to locate or situate education as it is organized today in its systemic context and bring into play the extra systemic potential of the present in other words what is emergent.http://www.fractals.macrowellness.com/Site%20fractal%20images/Gallery%202_p2/2007-01-06_var1_a5.jpg http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/sia/32.2/images/fahlman_fig05b.jpg
  • #21: Bruegel the Elder, 1559, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Gemaldegalerie, Berlin Link: http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/auth/bruegel/proverbs.jpg
  • #23: Bruegel the Elder, 1559, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Gemaldegalerie, Berlin Link: http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/auth/bruegel/proverbs.jpg
  • #38: http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2010-11/02/printed-carIntroduced in Las Vegas at the A油prototype for an electric vehicle油-- code named Urbee -- is the first to have its entire body油built with a 3D printer.Stratasys and Winnipeg engineering group Kor Ecologic have partnered to create the electric/liquid fuel hybrid, which can deliver more than 200 miles per gallon on the motorway and 100 miles per gallon in the city.The two-passenger油hybrid油aims to be fuel efficient, easy to repair, safe to drive and inexpensive to own.All exterior components -- including the glass panel prototypes -- were created using Dimension 3D Printers and Fortus 3D Production Systems at Stratasys' digital manufacturing service --油RedEye on Demand.