The document discusses how embracing complexity and uncertainty can change how we think about and organize the future. It argues that we are moving away from a view of the future as determined or predictable, to one characterized by fundamental indeterminacy. This represents a shift towards a more probabilistic view of the future and embracing creativity at all levels of nature. The document also presents the idea of a "learning intensive society" where learning is more intense and occurs throughout daily life, as well as the concept of "futures literacy" as the ability to imagine and discuss possible futures through rigorous stories.
Stephen Kinsella (UL) discusses computable and experimental economics at the University of Limerick. He defines computable economics as using computers to analyze economic models and experimental economics as using controlled experiments to test economic theories. He describes plans to open the iCEEL laboratory in January 2009, which will include 20 computers and a mobile lab to conduct experiments on topics like trust and risky investments. The laboratory aims to facilitate collaboration between researchers.
Scarcity refers to limited resources being unable to meet unlimited wants. Economics tries to solve the problem of scarcity by determining how to distribute limited resources to best meet wants. Goods are tangible items while services are activities performed for others. Factors of production include land, labor, and capital. Land represents natural resources, labor is work done for pay, and capital includes physical assets like buildings and equipment as well as human capital like education and skills.
Softwares: softwares b叩sicos (sistemas operacionais, utilit叩rios, tradutores, compiladores, interpretadores) e softwares aplicativos (bases de dados, editores e processadores de texto, geradores de planilhas, programas gr叩ficos). Arquitetura B叩sica de uma M叩quina de Von Newman.
Los dioses m叩s importantes de la mitolog鱈a griega incluyen a Zeus, rey de los dioses; Poseid坦n, dios del mar; Hades, dios del inframundo; Hera, diosa del matrimonio; Hefesto, dios del fuego; Dem辿ter, diosa de la agricultura; Hermes, dios mensajero; Atenea, diosa de la sabidur鱈a; Apolo, dios de la luz y la m炭sica; Afrodita, diosa del amor; Artemisa, diosa de la caza; Hestia, di
Las reacciones qu鱈micas pueden ser exot辿rmicas u endot辿rmicas dependiendo de si desprenden o absorben calor. Las reacciones exot辿rmicas tienen una variaci坦n de entalp鱈a negativa porque liberan energ鱈a en forma de calor, mientras que las reacciones endot辿rmicas tienen una variaci坦n de entalp鱈a positiva porque absorben calor. El principio de Thomssen y Berthelot establece que las reacciones espont叩neas son las m叩s exot辿rmicas porque producen los productos m叩s estables con menor energ鱈a.
This document discusses pastoralism and its relationship to biodiversity conservation and development. Some key points:
- Pastoralism supports biodiversity at the genetic, species, and ecosystem levels through grazing land management practices that mimic natural ecosystem interactions.
- Pastoralism provides numerous ecosystem goods and services through the vegetation and habitats supported by livestock grazing. However, environmental challenges include overgrazing, water overuse, and wildlife conflicts during drought.
- Supporting pastoralist livelihoods can help reduce poverty and achieve development goals while maintaining cultural relationships with the land and ensuring provision of ecosystem services.
Education Futures: Part of the Solution or Part of the Problem?Richard Sandford
This document discusses the need for changes in how we think about and organize the world due to two major shifts: 1) in our understanding of complexity and indeterminacy in the universe, and 2) toward heterarchy and a more learning-intensive society. It proposes moving to a "learning intensive society" model characterized by greater learning intensity in daily life, unique creation of value, empowered teamwork, and dynamic governance with extensive decision-making capacity. This type of society embraces complexity, spontaneity, and experimentation using futures literacy to anticipate possibilities rather than predict the future in a deterministic way.
Systems thinking goes beyond the use of systems tools. In this presentation, delivered as a keynote at the 2019 Systems Innovation Conference in Barcelona, Philippe Vandenbroeck ( lays out a path to systems mastery that is grounded in a personal ethos and worldview as a basis for the capacity to apply tools, developing method and sustain the capacity for social learning in dealing with complex challenges.
Technology Enabled Business TransformationMikkel Brahm
Findings from my PhD and professional experience as an Enterprise Architect on how we can guide transformation of businesses, and development of enabling technological solutions.
Presented at IT University, Copenhagen, Oct. 4 2019.
Making sense of messy problems - Systems thinking for interaction designersjohanna kollmann
This document discusses systems thinking and its application to interaction design. It begins with an introduction to systems thinking and then covers three main topics: 1) modeling systems using tools like rich pictures and conceptual models, 2) understanding system behavior over time through graphs and cohort analysis, and 3) identifying leverage points for changing systems. The document provides examples and illustrations for each topic to demonstrate how systems thinking can help interaction designers make sense of complex, real-world problems.
This document provides an introduction and overview of microeconomics. It defines microeconomics as the study of individual economic decision-making units like households and firms, and the determination of prices and outputs. The document outlines some key microeconomics concepts like scarcity, choice, opportunity cost, production possibility frontier, factors of production, and circular flow. It also discusses different economic systems and schools of economic thought.
際際滷s with notes for my workshop at Lean UX 2014. This is an iterated version of my 2013 workshop - different exercise, slightly different content, but much is similar. Includes link to handout!
This document discusses sanitation from an economic perspective. It covers topics like sanitation as an economic good, demand for sanitation, the public good dimension of sanitation infrastructure, and challenges around inclusion and scaling up sanitation access in India. The document references different frameworks and approaches for analyzing sanitation, including political ecology, behavioral economics, and network effects. It aims to provide a well-rounded and flexible framework for understanding sanitation that integrates different actors and allows for local analysis.
The Power of Collaborative IntelligenceLili Gulbert
The ongoing global transition in our world transforms the economical, political and social systems unpredictably. This complex progress challenges our deep assumptions and views about our future and about the journey what leads us there. A transition like this knocks down structures and blurs the linear boundaries and creates complex phenomena which include the possibilities of the future. Uncertainty drives us to step out from our outdated belief systems and explore, understand and modell these possibilities through experiencing, and the joint evolution of these possibilities is going to form future's new structures. A part of this in-between state to explore through deep understanding who are the real architect of the meanings of new phenomena, who reshape our world.
This talk looks at challenges we face exploring, understanding, building and leading systemic transitions in the continuously changing economic environment.
The presentation is based on the case study of the Collaborative Business Model development of BNP Paribas Securities Services Hungary which was focused on collaborative intelligence building. Thanks to their successful transition, the bureau won the best relationship management & client service award at the ABEM Global Excellence Awards 2017.
Co-speaker was Gy旦rgy Csel辿nyi, CEO, BNP Paribas Securities Services Hungary.
Presented at K端rt Akademy
DRIE Central Luncheon, June 2011
Presenter: Michael Dudley, Research Associate, Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg
How many recent natural disasters that have befallen
metropolitan areas in the past several years (forest fires, floods and earthquakes) aren't so much "natural" but are instead the result of (or
exacerbated by) poor planning decisions in the past, such as building on flood plains and other vulnerable locations, but that our "psychology of
previous investment" prevents us from altering our building patterns? As well, our rigid, centralized "big pipes" approach to city building,
infrastructure and commodities makes our cities vulnerable to shocks and
system breakdowns, such as those associated with energy prices and availability. The presentation will argue for the incorporation of resilience principles in urban planning, which in many ways will mean a return to historical practices and forms.
This document discusses future forecasting and its importance for project management. It defines future forecasting as not predicting the future, but rather systematically collecting information to prepare for optional futures. It discusses various forecasting methods like identifying weak signals, trends, and megatrends. Megatrends in particular shape the big picture of the future over 10-15 years. Scenarios are described as tools to help strategic decision making by outlining possible futures. The document emphasizes imagination and flexible thinking to deal with an uncertain future.
This document discusses the core design criteria for sustainable and resilient cities, including sustainability, resilience, liveability, adaptability, and being smart. It advocates for a systems approach and methodology for engineering cities that involves mapping interdependent urban systems, developing alternative solutions, assessing impacts, and conducting futures analysis to create interventions that can adapt to future changes. The document also lists several UK research facilities and programs focused on infrastructure and urban systems.
The document discusses social innovation thinking as an approach to improve well-being for both individuals and society. It defines social innovation as a new idea that can improve quality of life, and discusses how truly successful social innovations profoundly change social systems to increase resilience. The document outlines how social innovation thinking aims to find solutions to complex problems in a way that is sustainable, antifragile, and improves well-being. It also discusses key criteria and methods for social innovation, provides an example, and presents a vision for everyone becoming a social innovator working in social enterprises to create a more just, sustainable and creative world.
BNF 1113 Introduction to Microeconomics.pptxsadiqfarhan2
This document provides an overview of a microeconomics course. The course aims to teach students microeconomic concepts and theories in order to analyze business opportunities and risks. Key topics covered include demand/supply, consumer and firm behavior, market structures, and cost theory. Students will be evaluated based on midterm and final exams. Recommended textbooks are provided.
This presentation provides an introductory overview of Micro Economics. It defines economics, highlights its relationship with other social sciences, and delves into the meaning, nature, and scope of Micro Economics. It includes distinctions between Micro and Managerial Economics, the limitations of Micro Economics, and its features such as price theory and the marginalism principle. The presentation aims to provide a foundational understanding of Micro Economics, focusing on individual economic units like consumers and firms.
This document discusses positive resource dependency in urban systems. It begins by providing background on the concepts of ecological identity, biophilia, and topophilia. It then introduces the idea of positive dependence, which views resource dependence from an asset-based rather than deficit-based perspective. Two key aspects of positive dependence discussed are restorative topophilia, referring to love of place that fosters action to enhance valued attributes, and urgent biophilia, describing the attraction humans have for nature and the urge to create restorative environments, especially in times of crisis. The document argues that positive dependence based on these concepts can start virtuous cycles that increase resilience in social-ecological systems.
The expansion model of business and our global economy have created a culture of consumption. Users around the world are being encouraged to adapt new technologies and their related products. Our complicated systems caused huge traps in our societies from abuse of shared resource, beating the rules, and seeking the wrong goals. These current forms of global capitalism are ecologically and socially unsustainable. All these deprivations are causing in resentments and many unsustainable behaviors against the collective concerns of the societies. Therefore, these critical areas are necessary domain for designers active participation.
This journal explores how sustainable behavior context could harmonize the individual concerns of the citizens with collective concerns of the society, so in the long term prevent the mentioned traps in our systems. Through studying our natural capital, frameworks, and system thinking the journal investigates the requirement for enabling people to live as they like, but in a sustainable pattern.
There are different groups of frameworks that can help designers that all share the nature as model and mentor. Everything in nature is about optimization; there is no waste or discrimination. So, these models are our blueprint to reach to a sustainable future. The journal commences with introducing sustainability and sustainable behavior context. Then related history, theories, and influential leaders are described. Based on sustainable behavior goals, concept of Natural Capitalism, related frameworks, and system thinking will be presented. Finally, crucial elements in practicing sustainable behavior and related case studies will be discussed.
This document provides an overview of microeconomics. It defines microeconomics as the study of the economic behavior of individual consumers, firms, and industries. It discusses the scope of microeconomics, including the theories of product and factor pricing. It also outlines the usefulness of microeconomics in determining demand and supply patterns, pricing, and formulating policies. However, it notes some limitations, such as microeconomics not fully explaining monetary/fiscal policies, income determination, or business cycles.
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
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Education Futures: Part of the Solution or Part of the Problem?Richard Sandford
This document discusses the need for changes in how we think about and organize the world due to two major shifts: 1) in our understanding of complexity and indeterminacy in the universe, and 2) toward heterarchy and a more learning-intensive society. It proposes moving to a "learning intensive society" model characterized by greater learning intensity in daily life, unique creation of value, empowered teamwork, and dynamic governance with extensive decision-making capacity. This type of society embraces complexity, spontaneity, and experimentation using futures literacy to anticipate possibilities rather than predict the future in a deterministic way.
Systems thinking goes beyond the use of systems tools. In this presentation, delivered as a keynote at the 2019 Systems Innovation Conference in Barcelona, Philippe Vandenbroeck ( lays out a path to systems mastery that is grounded in a personal ethos and worldview as a basis for the capacity to apply tools, developing method and sustain the capacity for social learning in dealing with complex challenges.
Technology Enabled Business TransformationMikkel Brahm
Findings from my PhD and professional experience as an Enterprise Architect on how we can guide transformation of businesses, and development of enabling technological solutions.
Presented at IT University, Copenhagen, Oct. 4 2019.
Making sense of messy problems - Systems thinking for interaction designersjohanna kollmann
This document discusses systems thinking and its application to interaction design. It begins with an introduction to systems thinking and then covers three main topics: 1) modeling systems using tools like rich pictures and conceptual models, 2) understanding system behavior over time through graphs and cohort analysis, and 3) identifying leverage points for changing systems. The document provides examples and illustrations for each topic to demonstrate how systems thinking can help interaction designers make sense of complex, real-world problems.
This document provides an introduction and overview of microeconomics. It defines microeconomics as the study of individual economic decision-making units like households and firms, and the determination of prices and outputs. The document outlines some key microeconomics concepts like scarcity, choice, opportunity cost, production possibility frontier, factors of production, and circular flow. It also discusses different economic systems and schools of economic thought.
際際滷s with notes for my workshop at Lean UX 2014. This is an iterated version of my 2013 workshop - different exercise, slightly different content, but much is similar. Includes link to handout!
This document discusses sanitation from an economic perspective. It covers topics like sanitation as an economic good, demand for sanitation, the public good dimension of sanitation infrastructure, and challenges around inclusion and scaling up sanitation access in India. The document references different frameworks and approaches for analyzing sanitation, including political ecology, behavioral economics, and network effects. It aims to provide a well-rounded and flexible framework for understanding sanitation that integrates different actors and allows for local analysis.
The Power of Collaborative IntelligenceLili Gulbert
The ongoing global transition in our world transforms the economical, political and social systems unpredictably. This complex progress challenges our deep assumptions and views about our future and about the journey what leads us there. A transition like this knocks down structures and blurs the linear boundaries and creates complex phenomena which include the possibilities of the future. Uncertainty drives us to step out from our outdated belief systems and explore, understand and modell these possibilities through experiencing, and the joint evolution of these possibilities is going to form future's new structures. A part of this in-between state to explore through deep understanding who are the real architect of the meanings of new phenomena, who reshape our world.
This talk looks at challenges we face exploring, understanding, building and leading systemic transitions in the continuously changing economic environment.
The presentation is based on the case study of the Collaborative Business Model development of BNP Paribas Securities Services Hungary which was focused on collaborative intelligence building. Thanks to their successful transition, the bureau won the best relationship management & client service award at the ABEM Global Excellence Awards 2017.
Co-speaker was Gy旦rgy Csel辿nyi, CEO, BNP Paribas Securities Services Hungary.
Presented at K端rt Akademy
DRIE Central Luncheon, June 2011
Presenter: Michael Dudley, Research Associate, Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg
How many recent natural disasters that have befallen
metropolitan areas in the past several years (forest fires, floods and earthquakes) aren't so much "natural" but are instead the result of (or
exacerbated by) poor planning decisions in the past, such as building on flood plains and other vulnerable locations, but that our "psychology of
previous investment" prevents us from altering our building patterns? As well, our rigid, centralized "big pipes" approach to city building,
infrastructure and commodities makes our cities vulnerable to shocks and
system breakdowns, such as those associated with energy prices and availability. The presentation will argue for the incorporation of resilience principles in urban planning, which in many ways will mean a return to historical practices and forms.
This document discusses future forecasting and its importance for project management. It defines future forecasting as not predicting the future, but rather systematically collecting information to prepare for optional futures. It discusses various forecasting methods like identifying weak signals, trends, and megatrends. Megatrends in particular shape the big picture of the future over 10-15 years. Scenarios are described as tools to help strategic decision making by outlining possible futures. The document emphasizes imagination and flexible thinking to deal with an uncertain future.
This document discusses the core design criteria for sustainable and resilient cities, including sustainability, resilience, liveability, adaptability, and being smart. It advocates for a systems approach and methodology for engineering cities that involves mapping interdependent urban systems, developing alternative solutions, assessing impacts, and conducting futures analysis to create interventions that can adapt to future changes. The document also lists several UK research facilities and programs focused on infrastructure and urban systems.
The document discusses social innovation thinking as an approach to improve well-being for both individuals and society. It defines social innovation as a new idea that can improve quality of life, and discusses how truly successful social innovations profoundly change social systems to increase resilience. The document outlines how social innovation thinking aims to find solutions to complex problems in a way that is sustainable, antifragile, and improves well-being. It also discusses key criteria and methods for social innovation, provides an example, and presents a vision for everyone becoming a social innovator working in social enterprises to create a more just, sustainable and creative world.
BNF 1113 Introduction to Microeconomics.pptxsadiqfarhan2
This document provides an overview of a microeconomics course. The course aims to teach students microeconomic concepts and theories in order to analyze business opportunities and risks. Key topics covered include demand/supply, consumer and firm behavior, market structures, and cost theory. Students will be evaluated based on midterm and final exams. Recommended textbooks are provided.
This presentation provides an introductory overview of Micro Economics. It defines economics, highlights its relationship with other social sciences, and delves into the meaning, nature, and scope of Micro Economics. It includes distinctions between Micro and Managerial Economics, the limitations of Micro Economics, and its features such as price theory and the marginalism principle. The presentation aims to provide a foundational understanding of Micro Economics, focusing on individual economic units like consumers and firms.
This document discusses positive resource dependency in urban systems. It begins by providing background on the concepts of ecological identity, biophilia, and topophilia. It then introduces the idea of positive dependence, which views resource dependence from an asset-based rather than deficit-based perspective. Two key aspects of positive dependence discussed are restorative topophilia, referring to love of place that fosters action to enhance valued attributes, and urgent biophilia, describing the attraction humans have for nature and the urge to create restorative environments, especially in times of crisis. The document argues that positive dependence based on these concepts can start virtuous cycles that increase resilience in social-ecological systems.
The expansion model of business and our global economy have created a culture of consumption. Users around the world are being encouraged to adapt new technologies and their related products. Our complicated systems caused huge traps in our societies from abuse of shared resource, beating the rules, and seeking the wrong goals. These current forms of global capitalism are ecologically and socially unsustainable. All these deprivations are causing in resentments and many unsustainable behaviors against the collective concerns of the societies. Therefore, these critical areas are necessary domain for designers active participation.
This journal explores how sustainable behavior context could harmonize the individual concerns of the citizens with collective concerns of the society, so in the long term prevent the mentioned traps in our systems. Through studying our natural capital, frameworks, and system thinking the journal investigates the requirement for enabling people to live as they like, but in a sustainable pattern.
There are different groups of frameworks that can help designers that all share the nature as model and mentor. Everything in nature is about optimization; there is no waste or discrimination. So, these models are our blueprint to reach to a sustainable future. The journal commences with introducing sustainability and sustainable behavior context. Then related history, theories, and influential leaders are described. Based on sustainable behavior goals, concept of Natural Capitalism, related frameworks, and system thinking will be presented. Finally, crucial elements in practicing sustainable behavior and related case studies will be discussed.
This document provides an overview of microeconomics. It defines microeconomics as the study of the economic behavior of individual consumers, firms, and industries. It discusses the scope of microeconomics, including the theories of product and factor pricing. It also outlines the usefulness of microeconomics in determining demand and supply patterns, pricing, and formulating policies. However, it notes some limitations, such as microeconomics not fully explaining monetary/fiscal policies, income determination, or business cycles.
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Finals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spotssystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AIthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
Education Futures: Part of the Solution or Part of the Problem?
1. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Artist: Heyko Stoeber
Part of the
Solution or Part
of the Problem?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Riel Miller
Leadership and Practice
The Open University,
Milton Keynes, May 17,
2. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Two Big Changes
and the
creativity of
the universe
Heterarchy and
the Learning
1. In the way we think about the world.
2. In the way we organize the world.
3. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
1. Embracing Complexity:
Changing the way we use the
Photo credit: Mark Schacter 息
4. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
The End of Certainty
we are now able to include
probabilities in the formulation of the
basic laws of physics. Once this is
done, Newtonian determinism fails; the
future is no longer determined by the
Mankind is at a turning point, the beginning of a new
rationality in which science is no longer identified with
certitude and probability with ignorance. science is no
longer limited to idealized and simplified situations but
reflects the complexity of the real world, a science that
views us and our creativity as part of a fundamental
trend present at all levels of nature.
Ilya Prigogine, The End of Certainty: Time, Chaos and the New Laws of Nature
5. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
The possible is not in the
future it is in the past.
We must resign ourselves to the
inevitable: it is the real which makes itself
possible, and not the possible which
becomes real. But the truth is that
philosophy has never frankly admitted
this continuous creation of unforeseeable
Henri Bergson, The Creative Mind
6. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Caught in the Probabilistic Stance:
Probable, Possible, Plausible
8. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
What difference
does it make?
After all everyday life
goes on.
So why bother?
It changes what we see.
It changes what we
It changes what we resist.
It changes what we
It changes how we
preserve what we want to
It changes the conditions
of change.
9. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Then what? If we accept this
ontological starting point how to make
it practical?
A. Take an anticipatory systems perspective that
encompasses both animate and inanimate
B. Distinguish the three ontological dimensions of
the potential of the present three ways of
imagining the future and the different methods
that are related to each (ontology-
epistemology linked).
C. Learning processes that use collective
intelligence action research, reframing, and
narrative capacity to question anticipatory
assumptions embracing complexity,
11. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Futures Literacy:
ambient strategic thinking
Futures Literacy is the capacity to tell
anticipatory stories using rigorous
imagining based on sharing depth of
knowledge from across the community.
FL is a way of internalizing the constant
development of our understanding of
the potential of the emergent present
and of changing anticipatory
14. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Anticipatory Systems View
S : object system
M : model of S
E : effector system
Source: Robert Rosen, Anticipatory Systems: Philosophical, Mathematical, & Methodological Foundations., Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1985.
際際滷 by A. H. Louie, Mathematical Biologist
15. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
The main difference between forecasting
and scenarios on the one hand, and
anticipation on the other, is that the latter is
a property of the system, intrinsic to its
functioning, while the former are cognitive
strategies that a system A develops in order
to understand the future of some other
system B (of which A may or may not be a
component element). The theory of
anticipatory systems can therefore be seen
as comprising both first- and third-person
16. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
B. Three
of the
potential of
the present
19. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Optimization Futures:
Chess, Farming, Assembly Line
goal, known in
advance and
Rules are given
in advance and
Resources are
given in advance
20. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Exploratory futures:
imagining the potential of the present
22. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
C. Hybrid Strategic Scenario Method
rich and
stories of a
society as a
way to
question our
23. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Futures Literacy: Decision Making Capacity
Using the Future for Knowledge Creation, Discovery and Communication
Capacity to
Intelligence(interactive sense making)
25. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Anticipatory Methods:
Context Makes a Difference
(chess game)
Aligning Anticipatory Contexts and Systems:
Embracing Complexity Use Futures Literacy
26. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
2. The Learning Intensive Society
Scenario A Level 2 Model
Scale of the change:
Incremental radicalism transforms
everyday life
Within one or two generations
Disrupts most institutions
Alters culture & values
Attributes of the model:
Descriptive variables
Not limited by how it is done
Not causal
Not path
Imagining possibilities
27. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
(goods & services,
public & private)
Compositional Transformation
Share of total wealth creation by source
28. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Learning in every day life is more
intense if, in daily life, over a lifetime,
people generate (flow) and accumulate
(stock) more:
29. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Greater Learning Intensity of Daily Life
Source: Riel Miller, XperidoX Futures Consulting;
intensity of
intensity of
intensity of
Average intensity of
know-why (decision
making capacity)
Agricultural Society Industrial Society Learning Society
30. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Moving to the Micro-Level:
Complex societal evolution
Photo credit: Mark Schacter,
31. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Systemic Economic Transformation:
Changes What and How We Produce
Next stage of market economy
beyond mass-production and mass-
Unique creation what is value?
How do we organize value
Predominant type of economic
Scope of transaction systems
32. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Creating wealth changing sources of value-added
Mass-era worker
and consumer
Beyond the dualism of supply & demand
33. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Teasing the Imagination:
Tools for Unique Creation
41. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Starlings Flying in a Flock
Imagine Clouds of Unique Creation
Flows of Collaboration and Experience
Local and Global, Multiple Dynamic
Communities - Heterarchical
42. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Describing Social
Dimensions of the LIS
Attributes of identity:
Patterns of social status -
Ecology of culture - capacity
to be free
Towards greater heterogeneity
43. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
geneous /large
Decisions - what,
where, when,
with whom, how
Scale of
Identity & choice
Beyond individual vs collective: banal
44. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Dimensions of the LIS
Capacity to make &
implement decisions in all
areas of activity
Quality of decision making:
Extent to which best
information is used
Transparency of the network
Extent of opportunties to
Knowing how to learn
Towards greater responsibility
45. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Governance: capacity to make
Experimentation &
Transparency &
access to
Limited &
& unified
Limited Continuous
Capacity for reframing and sense making:
46. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
less clarity
of goal
More reflexivity
clarity of
Less reflexivity
freedom and
ambiguity -
Regime 1
Regime 2
Regime 3
(Learning society)
A changing context for knowledge
New conditions for education leadership and
Different contexts and times?
47. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
1 More university graduates does not
increase wealth nor lead to greater
competitive advantage
Why? Three sets of changes:
A. The preponderant source of wealth is no
longer industrial (tangible or intangible).
B. The primary source of productivity
increases is learning by doing, i.e.
experience that allows for refinement of
taste (self-knowledge)
C. Unique creation is local, ideas are global
and tangibles are cheap
49. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
2 Reducing classroom schooling
helps to avoid fundamentalism
Functions of Industrial School
Custody: keeping pupils safe and secure (99%)
Behavioural rules: instilling punctuality,
obedience, respect for hierarchy (95%)
Cognitive development: literacy, numeracy, test
scores (?)
Socialisation: internalisation of specific values
towards civic life (?)
Screening and sorting: reproduces
(legitimately) socio-economic differences (95%)
50. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Knowledge Creation and Destruction:
Remembering, forgetting and inventing
Living knowledge
Public sector
Preservation Net
Private sector
Preservation Net
Cover it all
Source: Etienne Wegner
51. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
3 The wealthiest societies
have the highest average age
The productivity of unique
creation and the quality of
decision making capacity both
increase, all other things being
equal, with experience and better
information this is the wisdom
economy the know why society.
52. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Society is now at a stage in history in which one
pulse is ending and another beginning. The
immense destruction that a new pulse signals is
both frightening and creative. It raises
fundamental questions about transformation. The
only way to approach such a period, in which
uncertainty is very large and one cannot predict
what the future holds, is not to predict, but to
experiment and act inventively and exuberantly
via diverse adventures in living.
C.S. Buzz Hollings, Coping with Transformational Change,
Options, IIASA, Summer 2010
54. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
A time for method and
methods for our time
Why futures literacy now? Because a
futures literate society can use:
diversification, imagination and inter-
embrace spontaneity, experimentation &
without being overwhelmed by
fear of the risks (perception)
failure (reality of risk)
in order to inspire aspirations consistent
55. Riel Miller, xperidox: futures consulting, 2011
Thank you
Image: Sempe
How we anticipate matters
it changes the present
Editor's Notes
#2: Education Futures: Part of the Solution or Part of the Problem?Two premises: 1) Distinguishing endogenous systemic change from exogenous requires not only taking a specific point-of-view but that such a point-of-view be created (invented) in the first place. 2) From the vantage point of taking human systems as a subject learning may be considered a trans-historical attribute while education is a historically specific form and organization of learning. Starting from these two premises I will explore three topics. First what is the future and what is an ontologically grounded anticipatory systems approach to using the future. Second how a rigorously imagined story of the future can be used to reveal systemic boundaries and relationships using the example of the end of schooling in a Learning Intensive Society. And Third, what are the implications of the preceding discussion for Education Futures: Leadership and Practice.
#3: Two premises: 1) Distinguishing endogenous systemic change from exogenous requires not only taking a specific point-of-view but that such a point-of-view be created (invented) in the first place. Use the future. But to use the future you must first know what it is. 2) From the vantage point of taking human systems as a subject learning may be considered a trans-historical attribute while education is a historically specific form and organization of learning. How to locate or situate education as it is organized today in its systemic context and bring into play the extra systemic potential of the present in other words what is emergent.
#21: Bruegel the Elder, 1559, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Gemaldegalerie, Berlin Link:
#23: Bruegel the Elder, 1559, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Gemaldegalerie, Berlin Link:
#38: in Las Vegas at the A油prototype for an electric vehicle油-- code named Urbee -- is the first to have its entire body油built with a 3D printer.Stratasys and Winnipeg engineering group Kor Ecologic have partnered to create the electric/liquid fuel hybrid, which can deliver more than 200 miles per gallon on the motorway and 100 miles per gallon in the city.The two-passenger油hybrid油aims to be fuel efficient, easy to repair, safe to drive and inexpensive to own.All exterior components -- including the glass panel prototypes -- were created using Dimension 3D Printers and Fortus 3D Production Systems at Stratasys' digital manufacturing service --油RedEye on Demand.