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WP6: Training
       WP7: Pilot
State of art of eGos Pilot
     Mariarosa Di Nubila
A brief note about the WP6 Training for practitioners

Rationale of WP7 pilot

The aims of eGos pilot

Method of internal monitoring: a matrix between testers
information and national contexts

Overview of pilot experience during last year: results,
difficulties, impacts.

Next steps

A brief note about the WP6 Training
The foreseen training course for practitioners was carried
out in a successful way during last months of 2009.

Practitioners expressed their satisfaction with it.

This learning opportunities have allowed them to provide
an high quality level of service and take part in the
piloting activities in an active way.

The WISP Platform is going to require a continuous training
support due to its on-going update and feedback from
practitioners and pilots results.
Rationale of pilot:
     to put in practice the challenge of eGos
Deep challenge in the field of guidance in 5 different countries - IT,
ES, IS, RO, BG - differing in terms of:
 culture and languages,
 social and economical development,
 job environment,
 research and innovation,
 broadband population penetration,
 internet usage and ICT Literacy,
 eGovernment services.
The aims of eGos pilot

 To test the eGos system and draw up a first trend of this

 To gather feedback and input to assess and improve the
  eGos project.

 To implement the use of eGos as much as possible.

 To analyse the gap between the desirable
  situation illustrated by EU i2010 strategies and the true
The Method of internal monitoring: grid of analysis
                                               from testers
                                               provided by
                                               and interviews

                                                                Indicators and data about
Information on variables of IC                                  Broadband population
(Individual Competences) and EF                                 penetration, Internet
(Environmental Factors)**                                       Usage and EGovernment
**Data extracted out of Study on
Assessment Criteria for Media Literacy,                        Services*
Prepared for the European Commission,                           *Data extracted out of Europes
Information Society and Media Directorate                       Digital Competitiveness Report
General, Media and Media Literacy Unit,                         of European Commission
Project (Coordinator and Editor Paolo Celot,                    (Brussels, 17.5.2010 -SEC2010-
Scientific Coordinator J嘆se Manuel Perez                        627)
Tornero), Brussels October 2009.
Overview of pilot experience during last year:
         results, difficulties, impacts.

 Quantitative results

 Qualitative results

 The value of the delay

 Countries E-profiles
Quantitative results: registered users at
           October 31st 2010
Users update at November 30th







        Iceland   Data Concept   Orso   Arezzo   Progetto 2      Iasi   Villarreal   Diputacion Ja辿n   CCI JAEN   Average

      Iceland Bulgaria                  Italy                 Romania                  Spain
Guidance sessions update at November 30th







      Iceland    Data Concept   Orso   Arezzo   Progetto 2   Iasi   Villarreal   Diputacion Ja辿n   CCI JAEN   Average

     Iceland Bulgaria                  Italy             Romania                 Spain
Contents visits (reg. Users) update at November






        Iceland    Data Concept   Orso   Arezzo   Progetto 2     Iasi    Villarreal   Diputacion Ja辿n   CCI JAEN   Average

      Iceland Bulgaria                   Italy                 Romania                   Spain

                  Total visits to the 1属 level contents 65.485
Qualitative results
1.   High Motivation and strong commitment of project partners
     and testers.
2.   Relevant improvement of social and professional knowledge
     and chances of users and practitioners.
3.   Fundamental input for good practices for public and private
     organisations and bodies in the field of eGuidance and
4.   Wider networking among citizens and services: a peer
     learning process for common benefits.
5.   Concrete actions of E-Inclusion in line with EU i2010
The value of the pilot delay
The main lessons learnt from the delay are:

  to make understandable the concept of eGuidance toward a wider
  range of people and organisations.
  to solve the technical problems due to different languages, time
  and nature of service in one-stop-shop system.
  to face some persistent legal problems concerning the e-
  Government and its e-services, for the first time. (It is enough to
  remember that the eGos system has created a platform for
  exchanging and sharing information among 5 countries -about
  Guidance for Education, Training and Employment- where different
  laws and legislation are present).
eGos partners countries eProfiles:
                           Broadband penetration:

Spain (46.951.532 citizens), Italy (60.387.000 citizens), Romania (21.504.442 citizens), Iceland (301,931 citizens), Bulgaria (7,605,008 citizens)
Broadband penetration: data extracted out of Europes Digital Competitiveness Report of European Commission (Brussels, 17.5.2010 -SEC2010- 627)
eGos countries partners eProfiles:
                              Internet Usage

Spain (46.951.532 citizens), Italy (60.387.000 citizens), Romania (21.504.442 citizens), Iceland (301,931 citizens), Bulgaria (7,605,008 citizens)

Internet Usage: data extracted out of Europes Digital Competitiveness Report of European Commission (Brussels, 17.5.2010 -SEC2010- 627)
eGos countries partners eProfiles:

Spain 46.951.532 citizens), Italy (60.387.000 citizens), Romania (21.504.442 citizens), Iceland (301,931 citizens), Bulgaria (7,605,008 citizens)

eGovernment: data extracted out of Europes Digital Competitiveness Report of European Commission (Brussels, 17.5.2010 -SEC2010- 627)
Next Steps:
            what we need to assess and
          improve to achieve the eGos aims
 To improve the technical aspects in particular those of WISP

 An on-going process of update for the 1属level of self-guidance. We
  are going to set up a peer review learning (through a blog or a
  forum) among practitioners and users.

 To increase the communication and dissemination activities which
  can be better addressed to the users.
All testers agreed on:
 The eGos project is going to increase the number of users as
   well as the proposal envisages.

 The services of eGos are going to be improved and updated in a
   continuous way.

 The eGos Project is going to provide fundamental information
   and input to the public and private bodies in order to implement
   a more accessible E-Inclusion to all EU potential eGos users.

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eGos Project: Innovation for eGovernment- www.egos-cip.eu

  • 1. WP6: Training WP7: Pilot State of art of eGos Pilot Mariarosa Di Nubila
  • 2. Introduction A brief note about the WP6 Training for practitioners Rationale of WP7 pilot The aims of eGos pilot Method of internal monitoring: a matrix between testers information and national contexts Overview of pilot experience during last year: results, difficulties, impacts. Next steps 2
  • 3. A brief note about the WP6 Training The foreseen training course for practitioners was carried out in a successful way during last months of 2009. Practitioners expressed their satisfaction with it. This learning opportunities have allowed them to provide an high quality level of service and take part in the piloting activities in an active way. The WISP Platform is going to require a continuous training support due to its on-going update and feedback from practitioners and pilots results.
  • 4. Rationale of pilot: to put in practice the challenge of eGos Deep challenge in the field of guidance in 5 different countries - IT, ES, IS, RO, BG - differing in terms of: culture and languages, social and economical development, job environment, research and innovation, broadband population penetration, internet usage and ICT Literacy, eGovernment services. 4
  • 5. The aims of eGos pilot To test the eGos system and draw up a first trend of this experimentation. To gather feedback and input to assess and improve the eGos project. To implement the use of eGos as much as possible. To analyse the gap between the desirable situation illustrated by EU i2010 strategies and the true reality. 5
  • 6. The Method of internal monitoring: grid of analysis Information from testers provided by questionnaires and interviews Indicators and data about Information on variables of IC Broadband population (Individual Competences) and EF penetration, Internet (Environmental Factors)** Usage and EGovernment **Data extracted out of Study on Assessment Criteria for Media Literacy, Services* Prepared for the European Commission, *Data extracted out of Europes Information Society and Media Directorate Digital Competitiveness Report General, Media and Media Literacy Unit, of European Commission Project (Coordinator and Editor Paolo Celot, (Brussels, 17.5.2010 -SEC2010- Scientific Coordinator J嘆se Manuel Perez 627) Tornero), Brussels October 2009.
  • 7. Overview of pilot experience during last year: results, difficulties, impacts. Quantitative results Qualitative results The value of the delay Countries E-profiles
  • 8. Quantitative results: registered users at October 31st 2010
  • 9. Users update at November 30th 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Iceland Data Concept Orso Arezzo Progetto 2 Iasi Villarreal Diputacion Ja辿n CCI JAEN Average Iceland Bulgaria Italy Romania Spain
  • 10. Guidance sessions update at November 30th 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Iceland Data Concept Orso Arezzo Progetto 2 Iasi Villarreal Diputacion Ja辿n CCI JAEN Average Iceland Bulgaria Italy Romania Spain
  • 11. Contents visits (reg. Users) update at November 30th 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Iceland Data Concept Orso Arezzo Progetto 2 Iasi Villarreal Diputacion Ja辿n CCI JAEN Average Iceland Bulgaria Italy Romania Spain Total visits to the 1属 level contents 65.485
  • 12. Qualitative results 1. High Motivation and strong commitment of project partners and testers. 2. Relevant improvement of social and professional knowledge and chances of users and practitioners. 3. Fundamental input for good practices for public and private organisations and bodies in the field of eGuidance and eGovernment. 4. Wider networking among citizens and services: a peer learning process for common benefits. 5. Concrete actions of E-Inclusion in line with EU i2010 strategies.
  • 13. The value of the pilot delay The main lessons learnt from the delay are: to make understandable the concept of eGuidance toward a wider range of people and organisations. to solve the technical problems due to different languages, time and nature of service in one-stop-shop system. to face some persistent legal problems concerning the e- Government and its e-services, for the first time. (It is enough to remember that the eGos system has created a platform for exchanging and sharing information among 5 countries -about Guidance for Education, Training and Employment- where different laws and legislation are present).
  • 14. eGos partners countries eProfiles: Broadband penetration: Spain (46.951.532 citizens), Italy (60.387.000 citizens), Romania (21.504.442 citizens), Iceland (301,931 citizens), Bulgaria (7,605,008 citizens) Broadband penetration: data extracted out of Europes Digital Competitiveness Report of European Commission (Brussels, 17.5.2010 -SEC2010- 627)
  • 15. eGos countries partners eProfiles: Internet Usage Spain (46.951.532 citizens), Italy (60.387.000 citizens), Romania (21.504.442 citizens), Iceland (301,931 citizens), Bulgaria (7,605,008 citizens) Internet Usage: data extracted out of Europes Digital Competitiveness Report of European Commission (Brussels, 17.5.2010 -SEC2010- 627)
  • 16. eGos countries partners eProfiles: eGovernment Spain 46.951.532 citizens), Italy (60.387.000 citizens), Romania (21.504.442 citizens), Iceland (301,931 citizens), Bulgaria (7,605,008 citizens) eGovernment: data extracted out of Europes Digital Competitiveness Report of European Commission (Brussels, 17.5.2010 -SEC2010- 627)
  • 17. Next Steps: what we need to assess and improve to achieve the eGos aims To improve the technical aspects in particular those of WISP platform. An on-going process of update for the 1属level of self-guidance. We are going to set up a peer review learning (through a blog or a forum) among practitioners and users. To increase the communication and dissemination activities which can be better addressed to the users.
  • 18. Conclusion All testers agreed on: The eGos project is going to increase the number of users as well as the proposal envisages. The services of eGos are going to be improved and updated in a continuous way. The eGos Project is going to provide fundamental information and input to the public and private bodies in order to implement a more accessible E-Inclusion to all EU potential eGos users.