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Introduction to School
DDEs Welcome
Welcome to this e-learning course.
The role of governance is crucial to the
wellbeing of our Church of England schools and
therefore their ability to transform lives across
greater Lincolnshire. Governors are a visible sign
of the Churchs service to their local community.
I am so grateful to you for your willingness to
enhance the life chances of children in your
Course Outline

Setting the context

Different types of school

Roles and responsibilities: effective
governance and accountability

Foundation Governors

Latest guidance

Further training, advice and support
Setting the Context
Historic relationship between Church of England and education:
The National Society for Promoting Religious Education was found in 1811 by Joshua
Watson, who saw the need for public access to free education. The National Societys
ambitious vision was to ensure that every parish contained a church school for all the
children living within the bounds of the parish. This prompted the Government to
consider opening public schools; it was largely due to this initiative that Parliament
established a universal right to education for all children in 1813.
Today, approximately 1 million children and young people are educated in church
schools around England. A quarter of all primary schools in England and 200 secondary
schools are Church of England schools. The Church of England is also the biggest sponsor
of academies in England. There are over 22,500 Foundation Governors supporting church
schools around the country.
In the Diocese of Lincoln, there are 141 church schools, which currently includes11
schools within the Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust (the Lincoln Anglican Academy Trust,
or LAAT).
Setting the Context

Church of England
VisionDeeply Christian, serving the
common good

Educating for wisdom, knowledge
and skills

Educating for hope and aspiration

Educating for community and
living well together:

Educating for dignity and respect

Diocese of Lincoln
VisionChurch schools
serving their
communities through
excellence, exploration
and encouragement
within the love of
Different Types of Schools:
Voluntary Aided (VA)
There are many different types of schools in England. It is
important that you know which type of school you are governor
of because it has implications for your role as a governor.
Voluntary Aided (VA)

Governing Body responsible for admissions

Governing Body directly employs all staff

Governing Body responsible for setting the RE syllabus

Governing Body contributes 10% towards cost of capital building work

Foundation Governors in the majority

There are 23 voluntary aided church schools in the Diocese of Lincoln
Different Types of Schools:
Voluntary Controlled (VC)
Voluntary Controlled (VC)

Local Authority responsible for admissions

Local Authority directly employs all staff (governors can satisfy themselves that a
candidate for head teacher is fit and able to develop and preserve the ethos of a
church school

Local Authority provides locally agreed syllabus for RE

Local Authority funds and manages all capital building work

Foundation Governors are in the minority

There are 86 voluntary controlled church schools in the Diocese of Lincoln
Different Types of Schools:

Governing Body responsible for admissions

Governing Body directly employs all staff

Local Authority provides locally agreed syllabus for RE

The Local Authority funds capital building work
Different Types of Schools:
Two types of federated schools:
1. Soft Federation  schools will maintain independent Governing Bodies and a single
Executive Head across the schools
2. Hard Federation  schools will have a single Governing Body and a single Executive
Head across the schools
Different Types of Schools:

Publicly funded independent schools

Held accountable through a legally-binding funding agreement with the Education
Funding Authority (EFA)

Will have a Board of Directors and a local Governing Body (these may be the same
people). The local Governing Body will need to check what delegated authority they
have received from the Board of Directors

Board of Directors responsible for admissions

Board of Directors directly employs all staff

Board of Directors responsible for setting the RE syllabus

Board of Directors has freedom to control curriculum, school hours, term dates, staff
pay and conditions

Academies may be grouped together in Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs); the Diocese of
Lincoln maintains a Multi-Academy Trust called the Lincoln Anglican Academy Trust

Different types of academies, e.g. traditional academies, convertor academies, free

There are 32 academies in the Diocese of Lincoln, including 11 in LAAT
Core Functions of a Governing Board
1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
2. Holding the head teacher to account for the educational
performance of the school and its pupils, and the
performance management of staff
3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and
making sure its money is well spent
Ensure that Safeguarding is EFFECTIVE
See p. 9 of the Governors Handbook (2017)
Note: the Department for Education refers to Governing Boards in order
to incorporate both Governing Bodies and Boards of Directors.
1. Vision and Ethos
The Governing Board must govern in line with its trust deed (or any relevant
governing documents), which is likely to have a strong impact on the
culture, values and ethos of the school.

The Vision should describe what the school will look like in 3 to 5 years

The Ethos describes the manner in which the school operates. This
includes behaviour, progress and attainment of pupils and conduct and
professionalism of staff and governors.
Foundation Governors in maintained schools are appointed by the relevant
appointing body specifically as people that they believe have the ability to
preserve and develop the character of the organisation, including any religious
Governance Handbook (2017)
2. Holding the Headteacher to Account
The Governing Board must ensure robust accountability  asking questions

Educational performance (pupils and staff)

The highest and lowest performing groups of pupils and the reasons for
their performance

Whether there is a credible plan for addressing underperformance

How the headteacher aims to raise standards

Whether pupils are adequately engaged with the world of work and
appropriately prepared for adult life

The extent to which the school is a happy school with a positive learning
Headteacher Recruitment
It is the responsibility of Governing Boards (with the support of
the Local Authority and Diocese) to appoint the headteacher.
Please ensure you keep the Diocese informed of your
recruitment process.
The following should be considered during this process:

The extent to which the headteacher can support and
develop the Governing Boards vision for the school

The extent to which the headteacher is able to support the
Christian ethos of the school in order to achieve this vision

The qualifications, experience and passion that the candidate
3. Overseeing Financial Performance
The Governing Board must oversee financial performance and ensure that
money is well-spent.
This means that:

Everyone on the board must ensure they have access to appropriate
training so that they have a basic understanding of the financial cycle and
the legal requirements of the school on accountability and spend

It is useful to have at least one governor with the specific, relevant skills
and experience of financial matters

Budgets must be set to safeguard the best possible education for the

Budgets must be set to make sure the school is viable and efficient
Your Responsibilities
Keeping children safe in education
All Governing Boards are responsible for the following:

Regularly checking the Single Central Record

Signing and dating the Single Central Record next to all entries when

Ensuring that all recruited staff have two references

Ensuring that at least one person on a recruitment panel has received the
Safer Recruitment training
Six Key
Features of
Strategic Leadership

Setting direction

Maintaining culture, values and

Making decisions

Working collaboratively with
stakeholders and partners

Managing risk

Ensuring educational improvement

Rigorous analysis of data

Implementing and maintaining
appropriate financial frameworks and

Implementing and maintaining
financial management and monitoring

Responsibility for staffing and
performance management

Preparing for external accountability
Building an effective
team with appropriate
skills and experience
Being aware of and
fulfilling appropriate
roles and
Ensuring that the school
meets all statutory and
contractual requirements

Manging self-review and
the development of
personal skills

Managing and
developing the boards
Principles and Personal Attributes
Governors are expected to fulfil their duties in line with the Seven Principles
of Public Life (the Nolan Principles). They are expected to be:







Effective Governance
Governors have a strategic not an operational role in school.
Common Pitfalls

not ambitious about expectations

lack of a critical friend approach

over-reliance on information from the headteacher

lack of systematic visits to school

lack of engagement with school development planning

limited role in monitoring, and none of it independent

limited understanding of data and the schools effectiveness
Governance: Accountability
Governing Boards are accountable to external agencies

SIAMS (Section 48) inspection:
 takes place every five years
 considers the impact of the schools leadership and management
 considers how clearly the leadership and management articulate and
promote the distinctively Christian character of the school

Ofsted (Section 5 or Section 8) inspection:
 Takes place over one day (Section 8) every three years for schools
rated Good
 Takes place over two days (Section 5) within 18 months to three years
Foundation Governors
The Trust Deed of a Church of England school will require that Foundation
Governors are appointed as part of the Governing Board. The number of
Foundation Governors on the Governing Board will be determined by the
Instrument of Goverment or Articles of Association (for academies).
Foundation Governors can include:

An ex-officio governor (usually the priest in charge)

A governor appointed by the Diocesan Board of Education (DBE)

A governor appointed by the Parochial Church Council (PCC)

A governor nominated by the PCC and appointed by the DBE

A governor appointed by a Trust associated with the school
Role and Responsibilities of
Foundation Governors
The role of the Foundation Governor is to ensure that the school preserves and
develops its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church
of England and in partnership with the Church at parish and diocesan level.
Foundation Governors are also expected to fulfil the general responsibilities of
Key Responsibilities

being involved in all aspects of school life, offering a Christian viewpoint

asking the question, 'Would a visitor see that this is a Christian school?'

having responsibility for monitoring the impact of collective worship and
Religious Education, as well as standards in Religious Education

playing an active part in supporting the headteacher in preparation for the
SIAMS (Section 48) inspection
Latest Guidance

Governance Handbook (2017)

A Competency Framework for Governance (2017)

Church of England Vision for Education (2016)

Diocese of Lincoln Vision for Education (2016)

Keeping Children Safe in Education (2016)

Glossary of Terms (National Governors Association)
Further Support, Advice and
For further support, advice and training, please visit the
Lincoln Diocesan Board of Education website:
In order to complete the course and receive
your certificate of completion, you will need to
correctly answer 80% of the quiz questions.
Please select the quiz from the menu to

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Egovernance Course One

  • 2. DDEs Welcome Welcome to this e-learning course. The role of governance is crucial to the wellbeing of our Church of England schools and therefore their ability to transform lives across greater Lincolnshire. Governors are a visible sign of the Churchs service to their local community. I am so grateful to you for your willingness to enhance the life chances of children in your
  • 3. Course Outline Setting the context Different types of school Roles and responsibilities: effective governance and accountability Foundation Governors Latest guidance Further training, advice and support
  • 4. Setting the Context Historic relationship between Church of England and education: The National Society for Promoting Religious Education was found in 1811 by Joshua Watson, who saw the need for public access to free education. The National Societys ambitious vision was to ensure that every parish contained a church school for all the children living within the bounds of the parish. This prompted the Government to consider opening public schools; it was largely due to this initiative that Parliament established a universal right to education for all children in 1813. Today, approximately 1 million children and young people are educated in church schools around England. A quarter of all primary schools in England and 200 secondary schools are Church of England schools. The Church of England is also the biggest sponsor of academies in England. There are over 22,500 Foundation Governors supporting church schools around the country. In the Diocese of Lincoln, there are 141 church schools, which currently includes11 schools within the Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust (the Lincoln Anglican Academy Trust, or LAAT).
  • 5. Setting the Context Church of England VisionDeeply Christian, serving the common good Educating for wisdom, knowledge and skills Educating for hope and aspiration Educating for community and living well together: Educating for dignity and respect Diocese of Lincoln VisionChurch schools serving their communities through excellence, exploration and encouragement within the love of God.
  • 6. Different Types of Schools: Voluntary Aided (VA) There are many different types of schools in England. It is important that you know which type of school you are governor of because it has implications for your role as a governor. Voluntary Aided (VA) Governing Body responsible for admissions Governing Body directly employs all staff Governing Body responsible for setting the RE syllabus Governing Body contributes 10% towards cost of capital building work Foundation Governors in the majority There are 23 voluntary aided church schools in the Diocese of Lincoln
  • 7. Different Types of Schools: Voluntary Controlled (VC) Voluntary Controlled (VC) Local Authority responsible for admissions Local Authority directly employs all staff (governors can satisfy themselves that a candidate for head teacher is fit and able to develop and preserve the ethos of a church school Local Authority provides locally agreed syllabus for RE Local Authority funds and manages all capital building work Foundation Governors are in the minority There are 86 voluntary controlled church schools in the Diocese of Lincoln
  • 8. Different Types of Schools: Foundation Foundation Governing Body responsible for admissions Governing Body directly employs all staff Local Authority provides locally agreed syllabus for RE The Local Authority funds capital building work
  • 9. Different Types of Schools: Federated Federated Two types of federated schools: 1. Soft Federation schools will maintain independent Governing Bodies and a single Executive Head across the schools 2. Hard Federation schools will have a single Governing Body and a single Executive Head across the schools
  • 10. Different Types of Schools: Academy Academy Publicly funded independent schools Held accountable through a legally-binding funding agreement with the Education Funding Authority (EFA) Will have a Board of Directors and a local Governing Body (these may be the same people). The local Governing Body will need to check what delegated authority they have received from the Board of Directors Board of Directors responsible for admissions Board of Directors directly employs all staff Board of Directors responsible for setting the RE syllabus Board of Directors has freedom to control curriculum, school hours, term dates, staff pay and conditions Academies may be grouped together in Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs); the Diocese of Lincoln maintains a Multi-Academy Trust called the Lincoln Anglican Academy Trust (LAAT) Different types of academies, e.g. traditional academies, convertor academies, free schools There are 32 academies in the Diocese of Lincoln, including 11 in LAAT
  • 11. Core Functions of a Governing Board 1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction 2. Holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff 3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent PLUS Ensure that Safeguarding is EFFECTIVE See p. 9 of the Governors Handbook (2017) Note: the Department for Education refers to Governing Boards in order to incorporate both Governing Bodies and Boards of Directors.
  • 12. 1. Vision and Ethos The Governing Board must govern in line with its trust deed (or any relevant governing documents), which is likely to have a strong impact on the culture, values and ethos of the school. The Vision should describe what the school will look like in 3 to 5 years time. The Ethos describes the manner in which the school operates. This includes behaviour, progress and attainment of pupils and conduct and professionalism of staff and governors. Foundation Governors in maintained schools are appointed by the relevant appointing body specifically as people that they believe have the ability to preserve and develop the character of the organisation, including any religious character. Governance Handbook (2017)
  • 13. 2. Holding the Headteacher to Account The Governing Board must ensure robust accountability asking questions about: Educational performance (pupils and staff) The highest and lowest performing groups of pupils and the reasons for their performance Whether there is a credible plan for addressing underperformance How the headteacher aims to raise standards Whether pupils are adequately engaged with the world of work and appropriately prepared for adult life The extent to which the school is a happy school with a positive learning culture
  • 14. Headteacher Recruitment It is the responsibility of Governing Boards (with the support of the Local Authority and Diocese) to appoint the headteacher. Please ensure you keep the Diocese informed of your recruitment process. The following should be considered during this process: The extent to which the headteacher can support and develop the Governing Boards vision for the school The extent to which the headteacher is able to support the Christian ethos of the school in order to achieve this vision The qualifications, experience and passion that the candidate
  • 15. 3. Overseeing Financial Performance The Governing Board must oversee financial performance and ensure that money is well-spent. This means that: Everyone on the board must ensure they have access to appropriate training so that they have a basic understanding of the financial cycle and the legal requirements of the school on accountability and spend It is useful to have at least one governor with the specific, relevant skills and experience of financial matters Budgets must be set to safeguard the best possible education for the pupils Budgets must be set to make sure the school is viable and efficient
  • 16. Safeguarding: Your Responsibilities ALL STAFF AND GOVERNORS SHOULD HAVE READ AND UNDERSTOOD: Keeping children safe in education All Governing Boards are responsible for the following: Regularly checking the Single Central Record Signing and dating the Single Central Record next to all entries when added Ensuring that all recruited staff have two references Ensuring that at least one person on a recruitment panel has received the Safer Recruitment training
  • 18. 1. Strategic Leadership Setting direction Maintaining culture, values and ethos Making decisions Working collaboratively with stakeholders and partners Managing risk
  • 19. 2. Accountability Ensuring educational improvement Rigorous analysis of data Implementing and maintaining appropriate financial frameworks and accountability Implementing and maintaining financial management and monitoring Responsibility for staffing and performance management Preparing for external accountability
  • 20. 3. People Building an effective team with appropriate skills and experience
  • 21. 4. Structures Being aware of and fulfilling appropriate roles and responsibilities
  • 22. 5. Compliance Ensuring that the school meets all statutory and contractual requirements
  • 23. 6. Evaluation Manging self-review and the development of personal skills Managing and developing the boards effectiveness
  • 24. Principles and Personal Attributes Governors are expected to fulfil their duties in line with the Seven Principles of Public Life (the Nolan Principles). They are expected to be: Committed Confident Curious Challenging Collaborative Critical Creative
  • 25. Effective Governance Governors have a strategic not an operational role in school. Common Pitfalls not ambitious about expectations lack of a critical friend approach over-reliance on information from the headteacher lack of systematic visits to school lack of engagement with school development planning limited role in monitoring, and none of it independent limited understanding of data and the schools effectiveness
  • 26. Governance: Accountability Governing Boards are accountable to external agencies SIAMS (Section 48) inspection: takes place every five years considers the impact of the schools leadership and management considers how clearly the leadership and management articulate and promote the distinctively Christian character of the school Ofsted (Section 5 or Section 8) inspection: Takes place over one day (Section 8) every three years for schools rated Good Takes place over two days (Section 5) within 18 months to three years
  • 27. Foundation Governors The Trust Deed of a Church of England school will require that Foundation Governors are appointed as part of the Governing Board. The number of Foundation Governors on the Governing Board will be determined by the Instrument of Goverment or Articles of Association (for academies). Foundation Governors can include: An ex-officio governor (usually the priest in charge) A governor appointed by the Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) A governor appointed by the Parochial Church Council (PCC) A governor nominated by the PCC and appointed by the DBE A governor appointed by a Trust associated with the school
  • 28. Role and Responsibilities of Foundation Governors The role of the Foundation Governor is to ensure that the school preserves and develops its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with the Church at parish and diocesan level. Foundation Governors are also expected to fulfil the general responsibilities of governors. Key Responsibilities being involved in all aspects of school life, offering a Christian viewpoint asking the question, 'Would a visitor see that this is a Christian school?' having responsibility for monitoring the impact of collective worship and Religious Education, as well as standards in Religious Education playing an active part in supporting the headteacher in preparation for the SIAMS (Section 48) inspection
  • 29. Latest Guidance Governance Handbook (2017) A Competency Framework for Governance (2017) Church of England Vision for Education (2016) Diocese of Lincoln Vision for Education (2016) Keeping Children Safe in Education (2016) Glossary of Terms (National Governors Association)
  • 30. Further Support, Advice and Training For further support, advice and training, please visit the Lincoln Diocesan Board of Education website: http://lincolndiocesaneducation.com/
  • 31. Quiz In order to complete the course and receive your certificate of completion, you will need to correctly answer 80% of the quiz questions. Please select the quiz from the menu to proceed.

Editor's Notes

  • #13: Mention British Values here