This document discusses the past, present, and future of mobile services from 1997 to 2012. It traces the evolution of mobile voice, SMS, and data services over successive generations of wireless networks from 2G to 3G and outlines emerging technologies like Wi-Fi and WiMax. The document notes that while network speeds continue increasing, advertised speeds often do not match real-world performance. It argues that services and content will be provided over networks by third parties rather than networks themselves. Finally, it raises questions around connection speeds, experience control, ideal device formats, and business models.
This document discusses the past, present, and future of mobile services from 1997 to 2012. It traces the evolution of mobile voice, SMS, and data services over successive generations of wireless networks from 2G to 3G and outlines emerging technologies like Wi-Fi and WiMax. The document notes that while network speeds continue increasing, advertised speeds often do not match real-world performance. It argues that services and content will be provided over networks by third parties rather than networks themselves. Finally, it raises questions around connection speeds, experience control, ideal device formats, and business models.
For a photography assignment on interpreting the brief "TIME", the student chose to take photos around sunrise at 8am. They looked for foreground objects to create strong silhouettes against the colors of the sunrise. Their best photo used the rule of thirds to position a pylon and the horizon, balanced the dark pylon with the bright sun, and used a fast shutter speed and medium aperture to properly expose the photo and capture the sun rising above the horizon with rays and the pylon silhouetted.
The document outlines an action plan for Northside ISD to improve technology integration through various professional development activities for teachers. It includes blogs, wikis, webinars, and online courses to train teachers on tools like digital citizenship. It also establishes an evaluation plan to assess progress using measures such as STaR charts, rubrics, and surveys. The goal is to enhance teaching and learning through increased technology use, online learning opportunities, and leadership support from administrators.
2. EINES I MÀQUINA-EINES Eina És un objecte fet per a una acció determinada i utilitzat directament amb la mà per actuar sobre la matèria, com per exemple: les eines de fuster, de paleta, etc. Ìý Ìý ÌýÌýÌý Ìý ÌýÌýÌý
3. Ìý Mà quina-eina És un conjunt motoritzat emprat per a la conformació de peces de diferents materials: fusta, metall, plà stic..., per a una acció determinada (tallar, foradar, polir...). Un exemple el tenim en el trepant, la serra de vogir, etc.
4. CLASSIFICACIÓ Eines de tallÌý Tallen un material per mitjà d’una fulla. Serveixen per dividir en trossos el material sobre el qual treballem. Exemples: Serra marqueteria Serra arquet Serra vogir
8. Ìý Eines de perforació Permeten fer forats que poden travessar o no el material. Exemples: Barrina Filaberquà Trepant portà til Trepant sobretaula
9. Eines d’agafar o retenir Subjecten un material i l’imprimeixen una altra acció (doblegament, estirament, unió, etc). Exemples: Alicates boca plana Alicates boca rodona Serjant
10. Eines de cargolar Ìý Imprimeixen un moviment de rotació a una peça o element d’unió (cargols, femelles,...) amb el fi d’afermar-la o afluixar-la. Exemples: TornavÃs boca plana TornavÃs estrella Clau fixa
12. Eines passives Permeten fixar els materials quan aquests estan sotmesos a l’acció d’una eina. Ens permeten retenir o subjectar una peça o material per tal que hi puguem treballar. Exemples: Cargol de banc
15. Ìý Eines de soldar o d’adherir Uneixen dues superfÃcies de metall o de matèria plà stica per mitjà d’una soldadura. Exemples: Soldador elèctric Soldador de gas
16. Elements de protecció Són necessaris per garantir una correcta seguretat en el treball amb les eines. Ulleres Guants de cuir Guants de lona Davantal