The breakthough of e-invoicing in "Small-b" to "Small-b", B, C or G needs a process change in collboration habits not in compulsory obligation by the governements
Het stroomlijnen en automatiseren van het inkoopproces en de factuurverwerking bespaart tijd en geld en verbetert de controle aanzienlijk. TIE Kinetix
E-invoicing, powered by Medius, is een flexibel inzetbare purchase to pay e-invoice software oplossing waarmee u het overzicht op uw factuurstromen
vergroot en uw cashflow verbetert.
E-factureren en standaarden voor e-invoicing in NederlandFriso de Jong
De invoering van elektronisch factureren, als vervanging van papieren facturen en handmatige fcatuurhandelingen, kan zowel voor de overheid als het bedrijfsleven een reductie van financi谷le lasten en verwerkingstijd opleveren. De adoptie en implementatie van e-Factureren kent echter een aantal barri竪res. E辿n barri竪re zou het ontbreken van standaard ten behoeve van e-Factureren kunnen zijn. Aan de hand van interviews brengt dit onderzoek de houding in kaart van verschillende branchevertegenwoordigers en softwareleveranciers in Nederland ten aanzien van standaarden voor e-Factureren.
Deze presentatie door Rien van Gemert (content manager Overtoom) biedt een praktijkcase over het keuze- en implementatieproces van de overstap die Overtoom gaat maken naar elektronisch factureren.
Presentatie van Marco Pastors, ambassadeur e-factureren, over de rol van e-factureren binnen de overheid. De overheid heeft inmiddels gekozen voor UBL 2.0. als standaard formaat. Daarnaast zijn ook andere -toekomstige standaarden mogelijk. Dit laatste is natuurlijk goed nieuws voor leveranciers van standaard administratieve software omdat zij belang hebben bij duidelijkheid over een standaard. Verwacht mag dan ook worden dat de administratieve software deze standaard ook als defacto standaard omarmt.
Nieuwe technologie谷n zoals NFC, realtime, wallets en cryptocurrency maken nieuwe diensten mogelijk. Opkomende regelgeving zoals PSD2 en Acces to the Account leggen daar nog een schepje bovenop. Ondertussen hebben we ook nog te maken met veranderend consumenten gedrag en is omnichannel de norm. In deze presentatie laat Innopay voorbeelden zien hoe je met betalingsverkeer je conversie kunt verhogen en je verkoop resultaten kunt verbeteren.
Presentatie over eHerkenning gehouden tijdens de praktijkmiddag dienstverlening van KING in Helmond op 16 juni. Thema: ondernemersdienstverlening. Door KING.
Digitalisation of financial supply chain some trends 2015 to 2016Jos Feyaerts
2015-2016 WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE FINANCIAL SUPPLY CHAIN 50 Statements and a lot more thoughts
Dear digitalisation fans,
2015 was the year where Back to the Future definitely moved into the past. The fax machine, for which the film devoted a lot of credentials, did expand fast but it in 2015 it is after all gone in the day-to-day life. In the digitalization of the financial supply chain, the fax did play an important historical transition roll. How many orders, order confirmations were going faster due to the fax?
But now we are in another age. We are in the age where The network always wins,(Peter Hinssen), Lets realize a more connectivity in 2016. Stop fighting for the word open but realize the interconnectivity and interoperability a little more. It isnt simple and we should not deny the complexity to realize it on a large scale, but yes we can go further.
You can find our E-Book counting ca. 30 pages with thoughts, reflections and trends, which we will elaborate in the coming period year even more in details in separate posts.
Here you can download the whole report for free.
2016 the year to talk back
We wish you an inspiring year-end of 2015 and a successful 2016 where you can realize the impact you want to achieve, but above all a lot of fun and a good health.
Keep on focusing, registering and crystalizing your journey
See you in 2016!
Jos Feyaerts
Your digitalization guide
InCoPro bvba, Design for Margin (D4M)
Assessing the sales margins in new business models (SAAS, e-commerce) Bryo Le...Jos Feyaerts
Assessing the sales margins in new business models
E-commerce and SAAS : the importance of cash
Cash thinking is simple.
Why do accountants made it so difficult?
Hear you find some help
The document summarizes job openings at various levels within Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) in Western Gujarat, India. It lists 27 positions ranging from technical assistants to junior assistants. The pay scales for the positions range from Rs. 11,000-24,000 for A-1 level roles to Rs. 12,000-27,000 for A-2 level roles. Most positions require relevant educational qualifications along with physical standards and medical fitness. The document provides details on the number of vacancies, reservations, essential qualifications, and written tests/interviews for each role to apply for these opportunities at India's largest oil and gas company.
The document is about Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT), a Belgian agency that promotes international business and investment. It summarizes FIT's services in helping Flemish companies connect with overseas partners and supporting foreign companies that want to establish operations in Flanders. The rest of the document lists Belgian food companies that FIT represents at the SIAL trade show in Paris, along with details about each company and their products.
You will be happy to know that this e-zine goes to more than seven thousand select security professional in the world as direct mail and is also placed in our web-site of ICISS. The link of the web-site is given below
I actively encourage you to join ICISS Group at LinkedIn and also
motivate other security professionals likewise. I am confident that by
becoming active member of the ICISS Group, not only you professionally will be benefitted; the profession itself will be benefitted by your active support and contribution. The link to the ICISS Group at LinkedIn is given below
The future of vat exchange summit bcn 10 oct-2016_jfs_v2Jos Feyaerts
Big Data and Blockchain, the Taxman embrace it too
Nearly all corporates seems to be amazed and explore the opportunities of BIG DATA model. But one of the counter sides, may be that BIG-Data is also on the priority agenda of the Tax-Authorities. Although their interest is in the first place on the transactional structured mass data and not really Big Data. Also Blockchain and Smart Contracts seems to have the hype temperament in common with the way many corporates are interested in BigData. Blockchain promise a lot to exchange real data and seems to give new possibilities to distribute the one single version of the truth which will be visible and accessible by all partners, in real time. It also can be the glue between the 3 parallel chains (the physical, financial and technological (IoT) supply chain). The question is : What is going through the mind of the taxman when he is thinking about the opportunities Blockchain could bring to him? Yes, the authorities also look to Blockchain as an opportunity to make them part of the transactional journey, having access to all information along the chain, in real time.
Assessing the Sales Margins in New business modelsJos Feyaerts
Some theoretical concepts
- What make accounting difficult: or the difference between cash and profit
- The accounting canvas, the roadmap of our Fin. Plan
- The estimation of your Margin: its all about the margin
- Some Metrics for defining and controlling Margin with focus on SAAS
- Wrap up on margin
New business models and the impact on working capital
- Typology of cash-models
- Impact from License model to SAAS model on Cash
- Impact of the SAAS on investments and cash
- Platformization in BtoB market is at least as important as in BtoC and P2P.
- Some general advises for Starters
H叩bitos en la b炭squeda de trabajo del talento peruano 2015Laborum Per炭
Investigaci坦n de mercado sobre los h叩bitos de b炭suqeda de trabajo del talento peruano 2015
Realizado del 10 de junio al 16 de junio del 2015.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones y ejemplos para usar el verbo gustar en espa単ol. Explica c坦mo decir que te gusta algo usando frases como "me gusta" o "me gustan", y c坦mo responder preguntas como "多te gusta?" o "多te gustan?". Tambi辿n cubre temas como describir c坦mo son las cosas que te gustan y expresar preferencias usando "me gusta m叩s".
An immersive workshop at General Assembly, SF. I typically teach this workshop at General Assembly, San Francisco. To see a list of my upcoming classes, visit
I also teach this workshop as a private lunch-and-learn or half-day immersive session for corporate clients. To learn more about pricing and availability, please contact me at
Deze presentatie door Rien van Gemert (content manager Overtoom) biedt een praktijkcase over het keuze- en implementatieproces van de overstap die Overtoom gaat maken naar elektronisch factureren.
Presentatie van Marco Pastors, ambassadeur e-factureren, over de rol van e-factureren binnen de overheid. De overheid heeft inmiddels gekozen voor UBL 2.0. als standaard formaat. Daarnaast zijn ook andere -toekomstige standaarden mogelijk. Dit laatste is natuurlijk goed nieuws voor leveranciers van standaard administratieve software omdat zij belang hebben bij duidelijkheid over een standaard. Verwacht mag dan ook worden dat de administratieve software deze standaard ook als defacto standaard omarmt.
Nieuwe technologie谷n zoals NFC, realtime, wallets en cryptocurrency maken nieuwe diensten mogelijk. Opkomende regelgeving zoals PSD2 en Acces to the Account leggen daar nog een schepje bovenop. Ondertussen hebben we ook nog te maken met veranderend consumenten gedrag en is omnichannel de norm. In deze presentatie laat Innopay voorbeelden zien hoe je met betalingsverkeer je conversie kunt verhogen en je verkoop resultaten kunt verbeteren.
Presentatie over eHerkenning gehouden tijdens de praktijkmiddag dienstverlening van KING in Helmond op 16 juni. Thema: ondernemersdienstverlening. Door KING.
Digitalisation of financial supply chain some trends 2015 to 2016Jos Feyaerts
2015-2016 WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE FINANCIAL SUPPLY CHAIN 50 Statements and a lot more thoughts
Dear digitalisation fans,
2015 was the year where Back to the Future definitely moved into the past. The fax machine, for which the film devoted a lot of credentials, did expand fast but it in 2015 it is after all gone in the day-to-day life. In the digitalization of the financial supply chain, the fax did play an important historical transition roll. How many orders, order confirmations were going faster due to the fax?
But now we are in another age. We are in the age where The network always wins,(Peter Hinssen), Lets realize a more connectivity in 2016. Stop fighting for the word open but realize the interconnectivity and interoperability a little more. It isnt simple and we should not deny the complexity to realize it on a large scale, but yes we can go further.
You can find our E-Book counting ca. 30 pages with thoughts, reflections and trends, which we will elaborate in the coming period year even more in details in separate posts.
Here you can download the whole report for free.
2016 the year to talk back
We wish you an inspiring year-end of 2015 and a successful 2016 where you can realize the impact you want to achieve, but above all a lot of fun and a good health.
Keep on focusing, registering and crystalizing your journey
See you in 2016!
Jos Feyaerts
Your digitalization guide
InCoPro bvba, Design for Margin (D4M)
Assessing the sales margins in new business models (SAAS, e-commerce) Bryo Le...Jos Feyaerts
Assessing the sales margins in new business models
E-commerce and SAAS : the importance of cash
Cash thinking is simple.
Why do accountants made it so difficult?
Hear you find some help
The document summarizes job openings at various levels within Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) in Western Gujarat, India. It lists 27 positions ranging from technical assistants to junior assistants. The pay scales for the positions range from Rs. 11,000-24,000 for A-1 level roles to Rs. 12,000-27,000 for A-2 level roles. Most positions require relevant educational qualifications along with physical standards and medical fitness. The document provides details on the number of vacancies, reservations, essential qualifications, and written tests/interviews for each role to apply for these opportunities at India's largest oil and gas company.
The document is about Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT), a Belgian agency that promotes international business and investment. It summarizes FIT's services in helping Flemish companies connect with overseas partners and supporting foreign companies that want to establish operations in Flanders. The rest of the document lists Belgian food companies that FIT represents at the SIAL trade show in Paris, along with details about each company and their products.
You will be happy to know that this e-zine goes to more than seven thousand select security professional in the world as direct mail and is also placed in our web-site of ICISS. The link of the web-site is given below
I actively encourage you to join ICISS Group at LinkedIn and also
motivate other security professionals likewise. I am confident that by
becoming active member of the ICISS Group, not only you professionally will be benefitted; the profession itself will be benefitted by your active support and contribution. The link to the ICISS Group at LinkedIn is given below
The future of vat exchange summit bcn 10 oct-2016_jfs_v2Jos Feyaerts
Big Data and Blockchain, the Taxman embrace it too
Nearly all corporates seems to be amazed and explore the opportunities of BIG DATA model. But one of the counter sides, may be that BIG-Data is also on the priority agenda of the Tax-Authorities. Although their interest is in the first place on the transactional structured mass data and not really Big Data. Also Blockchain and Smart Contracts seems to have the hype temperament in common with the way many corporates are interested in BigData. Blockchain promise a lot to exchange real data and seems to give new possibilities to distribute the one single version of the truth which will be visible and accessible by all partners, in real time. It also can be the glue between the 3 parallel chains (the physical, financial and technological (IoT) supply chain). The question is : What is going through the mind of the taxman when he is thinking about the opportunities Blockchain could bring to him? Yes, the authorities also look to Blockchain as an opportunity to make them part of the transactional journey, having access to all information along the chain, in real time.
Assessing the Sales Margins in New business modelsJos Feyaerts
Some theoretical concepts
- What make accounting difficult: or the difference between cash and profit
- The accounting canvas, the roadmap of our Fin. Plan
- The estimation of your Margin: its all about the margin
- Some Metrics for defining and controlling Margin with focus on SAAS
- Wrap up on margin
New business models and the impact on working capital
- Typology of cash-models
- Impact from License model to SAAS model on Cash
- Impact of the SAAS on investments and cash
- Platformization in BtoB market is at least as important as in BtoC and P2P.
- Some general advises for Starters
H叩bitos en la b炭squeda de trabajo del talento peruano 2015Laborum Per炭
Investigaci坦n de mercado sobre los h叩bitos de b炭suqeda de trabajo del talento peruano 2015
Realizado del 10 de junio al 16 de junio del 2015.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones y ejemplos para usar el verbo gustar en espa単ol. Explica c坦mo decir que te gusta algo usando frases como "me gusta" o "me gustan", y c坦mo responder preguntas como "多te gusta?" o "多te gustan?". Tambi辿n cubre temas como describir c坦mo son las cosas que te gustan y expresar preferencias usando "me gusta m叩s".
An immersive workshop at General Assembly, SF. I typically teach this workshop at General Assembly, San Francisco. To see a list of my upcoming classes, visit
I also teach this workshop as a private lunch-and-learn or half-day immersive session for corporate clients. To learn more about pricing and availability, please contact me at
3 Things Every Sales Team Needs to Be Thinking About in 2017Drift
Thinking about your sales team's goals for 2017? Drift's VP of Sales shares 3 things you can do to improve conversion rates and drive more revenue.
Read the full story on the Drift blog here:
How to Become a Thought Leader in Your NicheLeslie Samuel
Are bloggers thought leaders? Here are some tips on how you can become one. Provide great value, put awesome content out there on a regular basis, and help others.
Dit document bevat een uitgebreide presentatie van Billington, een Nederlandse organisatie die zich specialiseert in de ontwikkeling van software-oplossingen voor de vergroting van efficiency en kostenbesparing door electronisch factureren en e-billing. In november 2008 is Billington overgenomen door de ING Bank.
Twinfield online boekhouden voor accountants. Op welke wijze gaat online dienstverlening bijdragen aan het behalen van uw doelstellingen. Van boekhouder naar coach. Het Twinfield Vooruitstrevend Denken partnerprogramma helpt u nieuwe klanten te werven en de klanttevredenheid van bestaande klanten te verhogen.
DocTrails is een universeel berichtenplatform. Het platform zorgt voor een automatische en gecertificeerde uitwisseling van diverse type berichten (orders, facturen, pakbonnen) tussen verschillende ERP- of boekhoudsystemen. DocTrails is volledig conform de Europese wetgeving. Het platform is formaat onafhankelijk (any-to-any format), multi-channel : https, sftp, smime, x.400 ... en werkt onafhankelijk van uw eigen ICT of ERP systeem. Zie ook
2. E-facturatie zoveel meer dan het besparen van
papier, inkt en enveloppe
De digitalisering: wat is de impact op uw
financi谷le en administratieve processen en
de samenwerking met uw accountant
3. 息 All Rights by InCoPro BVBA BE 0 +32 473/38 16 13
E-facturatie, ervaart u het ook zo bij
grote bedrijven?
U ontvangt een E-mail
Bevat vaak een PDF
Link naar Platform:
lezen /openen controle
4. 息 All Rights by InCoPro BVBA BE 0 +32 473/38 16 13
E-facturatie, ervaart u het ook zo bij
grote bedrijven?
U ontvangt een E-mail
Bevat vaak een PDF
Link naar Platform:
lezen /openen controle
Login op portal: autorisatie
5. 息 All Rights by InCoPro BVBA BE 0 +32 473/38 16 13
E-facturatie, ervaart u het ook zo bij
grote bedrijven?
U ontvangt een E-mail
Bevat vaak een PDF
Link naar Platform:
lezen /openen controle
Login op portal: autorisatie
Download File : PDF en XML
Bewaren lokaal
Afprinten? Archivering
6. 息 All Rights by InCoPro BVBA BE 0 +32 473/38 16 13
E-facturatie, ervaart u het ook zo bij
grote bedrijven?
U ontvangt een E-mail
Bevat vaak een PDF
Link naar Platform:
lezen /openen controle
Login op portal: autorisatie
Download File : PDF en XML
Bewaren lokaal
Afprinten? Archivering
7. 息 All Rights by InCoPro BVBA BE 0 +32 473/38 16 13
Impact van e-documenten op
relatie met boekhouder
1. Actuele Informatiekloof en
cyclische workload
De kwartaaleinde last minute rush
8. 息 All Rights by InCoPro BVBA BE 0 +32 473/38 16 13
Impact van e-documenten op
relatie met boekhouder
1. Actuele Informatiekloof en
cyclische workload
9. 息 All Rights by InCoPro BVBA BE 0 +32 473/38 16 13
Impact van e-documenten
op relatie met boekhouder
2. Consequent digitaliseren
1. Actuele Informatiekloof
en cyclische workload
10. 息 All Rights by InCoPro BVBA BE 0 +32 473/38 16 13
Impact van e-documenten
op relatie met boekhouder
2. Consequent digitaliseren
1. Actuele Informatiekloof
en cyclische workload
11. 息 All Rights by InCoPro BVBA BE 0 +32 473/38 16 13
Impact van e-documenten
op relatie met boekhouder
2. Consequent digitaliseren
3. Proceswijziging
1. Actuele Informatiekloof
en cyclische workload
12. 息 All Rights by InCoPro BVBA BE 0 +32 473/38 16 13
Impact van e-documenten op relatie
met boekhouder: Procesverandering
Factuur registeren
in platform (scan)
Boeken factuur
semi automatisch
Goedkeuring factuur
op platform
Betaling factuur op
Autom. inlezen van
Permanente actuele
stand voor klant en
Betalen of protest
Factuur in
Bankuittreksels in
Boeken van docs
einde BTW-periode
Linken betalingen
aan factuur
in een collaboratief
13. 息 All Rights by InCoPro BVBA BE 0 +32 473/38 16 13
Impact van e-documenten
op relatie met boekhouder
2. Consequent digitaliseren
4. Gedeelde platformen met
1. Actuele Informatiekloof
en cyclische workload
3. Proceswijziging
14. 息 All Rights by InCoPro BVBA BE 0 +32 473/38 16 13 14
Echt samenwerken doorheen de gehele
periode tussen bedrijf en accountant
15. 息 All Rights by InCoPro BVBA BE 0 +32 473/38 16 13
Impact van e-documenten
op relatie met boekhouder
2. Consequent digitaliseren
4. Gedeelde platformen met
5. Continue verwerking van
3. Proceswijziging
1. Actuele Informatiekloof
en cyclische workload
16. 息 All Rights by InCoPro BVBA BE 0 +32 473/38 16 13
Impact van e-documenten
op relatie met boekhouder
2. Consequent digitaliseren
6. Permanent zicht op
kosten werkkapitaal
1. Actuele Informatiekloof
en cyclische workload
4. Gedeelde platformen met
5. Continue verwerking van
3. Proceswijziging
-> Betere analyse, gedeelde inzichten
->Mindermaatschappelijke kosten door betere
begeleiding en minder falingen
17. 息 All Rights by InCoPro BVBA BE 0 +32 473/38 16 13
Uw admin @ home en in uw KMO.
Hoe krijgt u alles gecentraliseerd ?
Terug naar 辿辿n brievenbus
aan de voordeur van jouw
digitale huis,
maar dan wel een
collaboratieve en geen
18. 息 All Rights by InCoPro BVBA BE 0 +32 473/38 16 13
Digitalisering van de waardeketen draait
op volle toeren
1. Visibility:
2. Traceability
3. Accountability (rekenschap)
4. Profitability: (cash creatie)
Wees de atleet niet de hamer
Houd focus , registreer en kristalliseer uw traject.
EDI: of Orders and receptions
Use: Retail and automotive
19. 息 All Rights by InCoPro BVBA BE 0 +32 473/38 16 13
Het kikkersyndroom
Digital is het nieuwe normaal.
Gebruik de kansen.
Kijk over de rand van uw
bedrijf of kantoor
Jump out, dont miss the train
20. 息 All Rights by InCoPro BVBA BE 0 +32 473/38 16 13
21. 息 All Rights by InCoPro BVBA BE 0 +32 473/38 16 13
CIP : continuous improvement process
ToC : Theory of constraints
Performance management
Process Mining
BPM: Business process modelling
Cash driven Business Cases
Project Management
SCF: supply chain finance and Work Cap.
Production process
Logistic processes
Support processes
Distributions channel
Supply chain (Procurement/sourcing)
Improve working capital and
Design for Margin
Data to information, insights and impact
22. 息 All Rights by InCoPro BVBA BE 0 +32 473/38 16 13
The End
Think big, start up small, scale up fast!
If you have a problem and nobody else can help you,
Jos Feyaerts
D4M & D2iii
@ InCoPro BvBA
Mob:+32-473 38 16 13 Skype: FeyJos
please find us: