Esta presentaci¨®n slideshare trata sobre la historia del voleibol, su reglamento, y sus acciones t¨¢cticas y t¨¦cnicas.
Tambi¨¦n explica alguna curiosidad del voleibol.
Pam Moore's INBOUND Bold Talk "The Fences We Put Up." INBOUND Bold Talks are bold, powerful talks from diverse, exciting, and influential people. These riveting presentations will educate, challenge, and impress you in 12 minutes or less!
The document discusses an ISO 9001 quality manual, providing information on forms, checklists, and procedures for the manual. It also lists various quality management tools like Ishikawa diagrams, histograms, Pareto charts, scatter plots, check sheets, and control charts. Finally, it mentions other related topics to ISO 9001 quality manuals such as certification, requirements, training, and standards.
Esta presentaci¨®n slideshare trata sobre la historia del voleibol, su reglamento, y sus acciones t¨¢cticas y t¨¦cnicas.
Tambi¨¦n explica alguna curiosidad del voleibol.
Pam Moore's INBOUND Bold Talk "The Fences We Put Up." INBOUND Bold Talks are bold, powerful talks from diverse, exciting, and influential people. These riveting presentations will educate, challenge, and impress you in 12 minutes or less!
The document discusses an ISO 9001 quality manual, providing information on forms, checklists, and procedures for the manual. It also lists various quality management tools like Ishikawa diagrams, histograms, Pareto charts, scatter plots, check sheets, and control charts. Finally, it mentions other related topics to ISO 9001 quality manuals such as certification, requirements, training, and standards.
HCII 2016 Toronto: The Influence of Personality on Users¡¯ Emotional ReactionsPierre-Majorique L¨¦ger
Paper presented at 18th International Conference,
HCI International 2016.
In order to develop an accurate and robust neuroadaptive model based on users¡¯ idiosyncrasies, the interface needs to use personal information. In this article, we explore the extent to which automatic facial analysis can inform on users¡¯ idiosyncrasies. Facial emotion from 88 university students playing an emotionally charged video game was used to explore the relationship between personality trait and facial emotion in human-computer interaction context. We observed multiple statistically significant correlations between users¡¯ personality dimensions and their emotions. One personality dimension was mostly related to emotions: emotionality. This paper contributes to the HCI lit-erature by underlining the importance of taking into account users¡¯ personality traits in analyzing their emotional reactions to interfaces. Neuroadaptive inter-faces using emotional reactions would perform better by also controlling for personality traits of their users and enhance user experience.
Build a website! Do a blog post! Write a white paper! Marketers get caught up creating the tactics but are then disappointed when the results don't equal their efforts. To get great results, marketers should be spending more time on STRATEGY. When you create a solid differentiation strategy that makes your target market go "wow", that's when Inbound Marketing starts. Once you have that great strategy, the rest of the tactics become a whole lot easier. Join Eric Keiles, CMO of Square 2 Marketing, as he frames their step-by-step methodology on how to get great inbound marketing results. Join him for actual case studies, data and examples of how companies like yours blew past their goals and objectives using Inbound Marketing. Learn the five essential components of a great Inbound Marketing strategy. Create realistic goals and objectives and then a plan to achieve those metrics. Finally, learn how to create campaigns to deliver that unique story to the target market.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck on ºÝºÝߣShare. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation by providing a button to click to begin the process. The document is advertising the creation of presentations on Haiku Deck and ºÝºÝߣShare.
The document provides an overview of ISO 9001 standards including forms, checklists, and procedures related to the standards. It also lists several quality management tools such as Ishikawa diagrams, histograms, Pareto charts, scatter plots, check sheets, and control charts. Finally, it provides a list of additional topics related to ISO 9001 standards certification requirements, training, auditing, and more.
Jessica Green Machado is a Six Sigma trained mechanical engineer with 4 years of experience in product design for diesel parts who is seeking a new project engineering position. She has a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and Spanish and is fluent in Spanish, Portuguese, and English. Her experience includes managing projects, developing new product designs, and presenting insights from testing. She looks forward to helping companies manage projects internationally through her technical and communication skills.
Mark Girvan - How To Get Paid Twice As Much And Three Times FasterINBOUND
This document provides tips for creative professionals to earn more money and get paid faster for their client work. It suggests focusing on tracking time spent on projects so that hours can be converted to dollar values more easily. It also recommends moving away from hourly billing and instead focusing on delivering client value. Small changes like using time tracking, improving invoicing processes, and focusing proposals on investment rather than expenses can add up to significantly speed up payment times and increase earnings over time. The document promotes the resources that Freshbooks offers like time tracking features and ebooks on topics like breaking away from hourly billing to help creative businesses improve their financial performance.
This document discusses 3 leadership practices for business leaders learned from working in the not-for-profit world. The practices are: 1) be prepared to have all hands on deck in any situation, 2) spend every dollar as if it was your own money, and 3) always know what tasks are mission critical to the success of business operations. The document provides examples and an image to illustrate these practices.
Jeffrey Vocell - Grow Your Website with HubSpotINBOUND
This document discusses how expectations of websites have changed since 2004 and the fundamentals needed for a growth-oriented website. It notes that today's websites need to have a solid foundation, be optimized for all devices, and include relevant content for different visitor personas. It also highlights how the HubSpot website platform can help by automatically optimizing content for any device and allowing users to easily create compelling calls-to-action and see increased website traffic.
INBOUND Bold Talks Johnny Earle aka Johnny CupcakesINBOUND
The document is a collection of messages from Johnny Cupcakes discussing his brand and business. He encourages pursuing passions and creating unique concepts to stand out from others. Johnny Cupcakes also describes the early success of his branded t-shirt business, with long lines of hundreds of customers camping out to purchase his products based on buzz and experience rather than traditional advertising.
The document advocates for embracing trouble and troublemaking, noting that troublemakers have pragmatic optimism, believe in people, and can help develop passion and conviction. It encourages the reader that while they may not be supposed to do something, they should do it anyway and doors will open if they court trouble. The document is presented by hip hop artist and nonprofit executive Ahmen from his website.
The document discusses ISO 9001 and provides an overview of its contents and requirements for quality management. It also describes several quality management tools used in ISO 9001, including Ishikawa diagrams, histograms, Pareto charts, scatter plots, check sheets, and control charts. Additional related topics about ISO 9001 certification, requirements, training, and other aspects are also listed.
Niti Shah - How to Use Paid Retargeting to Nurture LeadsINBOUND
This document discusses strategies for using paid retargeting to nurture leads. It begins with an overview of paid retargeting and how it differs from traditional paid advertising. It then discusses how retargeting can be used at different stages of the marketing funnel, from engaging visitors to converting leads to customers. The document provides tips for optimizing retargeting campaigns, such as ensuring large enough audiences and customizing landing pages. It also presents hacks for retargeting, including using third-party content with calls-to-action and removing unnecessary landing pages for known leads. The goal is to use retargeting to engage prospects throughout their buyer journey.
The document provides an overview of ISO 9001 and quality management tools, including definitions of ISO 9001, checklists and procedures for ISO 9001 certification. It also lists and describes quality management tools like Ishikawa diagrams, histograms, Pareto charts, scatter plots, check sheets and control charts. Additional related topics about ISO 9001 certification requirements and standards are listed for reference.
NSO provides a Membership Privilege program to bring added value to VIP customers and partners. The program issues Membership Privilege cards that provide discounts from partner providers. Partners benefit by gaining competitive advantages, marketing support from NSO to reach cardholders who are potential high-income customers, and savings on costs with no joining or additional promotion fees. NSO's mission is to support partners in advertising to its network of VIP cardholders across Vietnam.
3. Regles principals
¡ñ ?rbitres: Un partit ha de ser dirigit per tres ¨¤rbitres , un de
principal i dos auxiliars . Aquests seran assistits des de la
taula d'anotadors , cronometradors i un comissari t¨¨cnic.
Els ¨¤rbitres i els seus ajudants dirigiran el joc d'acord amb
les regles i interpretacions oficials.
4. ¡ñ Violacions: Una violaci¨® ¨¦s una infracci¨® de les regles de
joc , penalitzada amb un servei de fons o banda per a
l'equip contrari des del punt m¨¦s proper al de la infracci¨®.
5. Tipus de jugadors
¡ñ Base: Sol ser el jugador m¨¦s baix de l'equip. ?s
l'encarregat de dirigir el partit (ordenar les jugades en atac
i les posicions defensives en defensa) i ¨¦s la prolongaci¨®
de l'entrenador a la pista
6. ¡ñ Escorta: Solen ser m¨¦s alts que el base, jugadors molt
anotadors o grans defensors els quals s¨®n el principal
objectiu de nombroses jugades de l'equip.
7. ¡ñ Alers: Posici¨® clau al ²ú¨¤²õ±ç³Ü±ð³Ù modern. S¨®n els jugadors
m¨¦s polivalents de l'equip i han de dominar quasi tots els
aspectes que el joc.
8. ¡ñ Pivots: S¨®n els jugadors m¨¦s alts d'un equip. S¨®n els
encarregats d'agafar els rebots i de vigilar que l'equip
contrari no penetri dins de la l¨ªnia de tir.
9. ¡ñ Aler pivot: Jugadors interiors m¨¦s forts que els alers i una
mica m¨¦s baixets que els pivots. Normalment poden jugar
per l'exterior.
10. Atac
¡ñ Els gestos t¨¨cnics d' atac configuren la triple amena?a: botar, passar i llan?ar .
¡ñ Dribling o bot: consisteix a llan?ar la pilota contra el terra sense perdre 'n el control. El bot alt permet
avan?ar dins el camp amb rapidesa. El bot baix s'utilitza per protegir la pilota del contrari en accions
de 1 x 1.
¡ñ Passada: ¨¦s la manera habitual de moure la pilota entre jugadors/es. Normalment les passades es
fan amb les mans i es poden fer de diferents formes: de pit, per damunt el cap, picada, per l'espatlla,
en suspensi¨®,...
¡ñ Tir o llan?ament: ¨¦s l' acci¨® d' impulsar la pilota cap a cistella amb l'objectiu d' encistellar-la. El tir
varia en funci¨® de la posici¨® del jugador/a en el camp i de la posici¨® del defensor/a. Hi ha diverses
maneres de fer-ho: safata, ganxo, esmatxada, suspensi¨®,...
11. Defensa
¡ñ El gestos de defensa poden ser varis:
¡ñ Parada: Quan no pots avan?ar m¨¦s, has de parar. La parada pot ser d'un temps o de dos
temps, depenent de si caus amb els dos peus simult¨¤niament o en moments diferents.
¡ñ Posici¨® de base: les cames han d'estar flexionades, amb una cama m¨¦s avan?ada que l'altra,
depenent de la m¨¤ de l' atacant que bota la pilota.
¡ñ Intercepci¨®: acci¨® d'un defensor/a per intentar recuperar la pilota quan un atacant la bota o la
passa. Si s' intercepta un llan?ament s' anomena tap.
¡ñ Rebot: acci¨® en que un jugador/a intenta recuperar la pilota llan?ada a cistella per un
company/a o per un adversari/a.
¡ñ Marcatge: element de t¨¤ctica individual. Hem d' actuar de forma diferent en funci¨® del jugador/a
que ataqui.