Progetto Poseidon: microreti e mobilit elettrica in aree portuali - Alessand...Sardegna Ricerche
L'intervento di Alessandro Serpi (NEPSY) in occasione dell'evento "Vehicle-to-Grid: l'integrazione della mobilit elettrica nelle microreti" che si 竪 tenuto il 24 ottobre 2019 a Cagliari.
Rinnovabili ITAE CNR nuovo servizio di TEST Auto ElettricheRinnovabiliIT
Renault Zoe ha inaugurato il nuovo protocollo sperimentale creato da e ITAE-CNR. Con la collaborazione di ACI Vallelunga, partner logistico, sono state valutate prestazioni, consumi e risparmi dellauto elettrica
Come 竪 possibile orientare le proprie scelte su un prodotto, lauto elettrica, per molti versi ancora sconosciuto? Quali sono i reali consumi, i costi e le prestazioni dei modelli di e-mobility sul mercato italiano?
Alla domanda risponde il nuovo protocollo di test per le auto elettriche nato dalla collaborazione fra, il quotidiano sulla sostenibilit ambientale, e lIstituto di Tecnologie Avanzate per l'Energia del Centro nazione delle Ricerche (ITAE-CNR). Il progetto, che si avvale della collaborazione di ACI Vallelunga, si propone di testare i veicoli elettrici in condizioni di guida reale, fornendo un vero e proprio identikit delle e-car poste sotto esame. Una sorta di carta didentit che permetta agli utenti di orientarsi verso la nuova offerta ibrida e plug in, avendo a disposizione tutte le informazioni necessarie: dalle prestazioni ai consumi effettivi, dai costi alle possibilit di ricarica sul territorio.
Gardner Interiors takes pride in offering high-quality interior design services backed by over 40 years of experience. They use their expertise to provide clients with sound advice on ergonomic design and the latest products and services. The goal is to create dream interiors that suit each client's lifestyle and complement their home. Some of Gardner Interiors' honored projects include designing apartments, hotels, gyms, and homes for famous clients like Nelson Mandela and FW de Klerk.
The document provides a program report for Collaborate for Social Impact (C4SI) in 2015. C4SI is an annual experiential educational program run by Just Innovate that brings together 47 students from 6 universities and 24 countries over 2 months. Students work in teams on 11 challenges provided by organizations and develop 11 social innovations. The program includes workshops on topics like human-centered design, team dynamics, and pitching. Students progress through phases of ideating, prototyping, and pitching their solutions. The program aims to foster creativity and inspire social change through collaboration on real-world problems.
The ASHWG Data Tables and Charts for Adolescent Births, AIDS and STD are presented with standardized data elements across all conditions, i.e. age, race, gender, and timeframe. The purpose is to make useable data readily available for improved program planning, implementation and evaluation by programs serving adolescents at risk.
Core Competencies and Data Collaboration for Service Integrationadolescent_health
The document summarizes data on sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, and adolescent birth rates in California from 2000-2006. It describes the goals and partnerships of the California Adolescent Sexual Health Work Group to promote coordinated efforts in these areas. Standardized tables and charts are presented on adolescent birth rates and HIV/AIDS cases by age, ethnicity, and year to facilitate data collaboration across organizations.
Amrit Koul is a SAP Technical Consultant with over 6 years of experience working with various SAP modules such as MM, SD, PP, QM, FI, CO, RE, PS, and BI. He is currently working as a Consultant for Convista Consulting India, where he is developing reserve packages for Nan Shan Life Insurance. Previously he has worked for Hewlett-Packard India, Bombay Dyeing, Kalpataru Limited, and Reliance Global Services in roles including Technology Consultant, Assistant Manager, ABAP Programmer, and ABAP Trainee. He has expertise in ABAP development, implementations, upgrades, and support across multiple versions of SAP ECC.
This document proposes a new flexible storage method called FP2C (Flexible Place/Constant Bin/Constant Qty) to address constraints with the existing 3C (Constant Place/Constant Bin/Constant Qty) storage method. FP2C allows parts to be stored in flexible locations while keeping bins and quantities constant. This saves around 50% of storage space and costs while improving FIFO, traceability, inventory monitoring and reducing part damages compared to the fixed 3C method. FP2C is suitable for raw material, finished goods, work-in-process, compound and warehouse storage. The document includes examples to illustrate the FP2C method and compares it to the existing 3C approach.
Profitmakers Oy:n yritysesittely. Tavoitteemme on, ett辰 strategia on jokaisen organisaation johdon ja ty旦ntekij辰n arjen ty旦v辰line. Profitmakers Oy ja Fountain Park Oy ovat tehneet yhteisty旦sopimuksen vaativissa joukkoistamista hy旦dynt辰viss辰 strategiaprosesseissa. Toimitusjohtaja Lauri Tuomen sek辰 strategia arjessa -ajattelun esittely. Kalvosarjasta l旦yd辰t my旦s yhteystietomme.
This document discusses increasing efficiency at work through focusing on one task at a time without multitasking, taking breaks every 90 minutes to renew one's energy, and implementing lean management techniques. It provides examples of how healthcare facilities have rearranged rooms to reduce nurses' time spent gathering supplies and how using lean principles in construction can help complete projects more quickly through better teamwork among subcontractors. The key aspects of efficiency discussed are minimizing waste of time and resources and optimizing productivity and output.
Louise Faulkner has over 15 years of experience in customer service and relationship management roles, primarily in the telecommunications industry. She is currently producing social media content for small, local businesses to help drive brand awareness. Previously she held several roles at Vodafone UK, managing customer relationships and outsource partners with responsibilities for multi-million pound accounts. She is passionate about her local community in Whalley, Lancashire and enjoys running in her spare time.
This presentation was made in order for people to gain an understanding of the nature of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and river hydrology and ecosystems and the costs and benefits of industrial petroleum exploration and extraction in the area.
Credits: Emily and Patrick
Este documento presenta un men炭 con diferentes temas relacionados con el c叩lculo integral, incluyendo la integraci坦n por partes, ejemplos de su aplicaci坦n, y el c叩lculo de 叩reas delimitadas entre funciones. Explica brevemente la f坦rmula de integraci坦n por partes y c坦mo determinar cu叩l funci坦n ser叩 "u" y cu叩l ser叩 "dv", luego muestra dos ejemplos resueltos de su aplicaci坦n. Tambi辿n describe c坦mo calcular el 叩rea entre dos funciones y presenta dos ejemplos num辿ricos resueltos.
Sunil Kumar Nirwan is seeking a job in the IT sector where he can continue learning and enhancing his technical and managerial skills. He has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Applications from Kota Technical University. His past work experience includes working as a project executive at R S Barcode Pvt. Ltd. on a Fixed Assets Management System project using technologies like C# .NET and MS SQL. He has strong troubleshooting abilities and enjoys programming in languages like C, C++, Java and tools like MS Visual Studio.
Avenues is a consulting firm that provides services to help businesses navigate the complex political and regulatory environment in India. It offers government relations, legal and regulatory support, policy advocacy, media advocacy, and marketing services. Avenues works to establish strategic relationships and communicate clients' needs to policymakers. It aims to help clients position their businesses successfully and achieve their goals in India. The firm was founded over 20 years ago and leverages the founder's experience in journalism, government, and corporate affairs to advise clients.
A New Forest Town Community Transforms Urban Planning in SingaporeGlenaldo Gregorio Pena
A respected San Francisco Bay Area auditor and support analyst, Glenaldo (Glenn) Gregorio Pena has engaged with a number of local school districts in leadership capacities. With a passion for travel and roots in Southeast Asia, Glenaldo Gregorio Pena has enjoyed visits to locales such as the Singapore and the Philippines.
Glenaldo Gregorio Pena has worked as a district advisor for the Contra Costa County Office of Education, where he has helped streamline the financial records of 16 school districts. When he is not saving schools time and money, Glenaldo G. "Glenn" Pena enjoys traveling and sightseeing, and has traveled to Rome, Italy.
The Gulf of St. Lawrence and its river and estuary constitute one of the most nutrient-rich aquatic areas in the world. The shape of the river trench and the currents and gyres in the gulf provide habitat for abundant aquatic life, including whales as far up river as Tadoussac QC. However, oil deposits beneath the Gulf offer opportunity for oil companies while drilling would pose a serious threat to life in the ecosystem should a spill occur. This research talks about the Gulfs' geology,biology and impacts if oil drilling does occur.
Credits: Emily and Patrick
Randy Kwame Nti is a safety professional seeking to utilize his skills and experience in an organization that values creativity, innovation and expertise. He holds a BSc in Computer Engineering from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and has over 10 years of experience in health, safety and environmental roles for mining companies. His career includes positions as a Project Safety Officer at Kinross-Chirano Gold Mines and Health, Safety and Environmental Officer at Mining and Building Contractors Limited. He has extensive training in areas such as NEBOSH, safety engineering, environmental programs, first aid, and accident investigation.
The Presentation of the electric car sharing scheme on a regional area between milan and Brescia in the north of Italy. The study designed main guidelines, facts and figures, with economical and environmental benefits. The project has been launched at event
This document proposes a new flexible storage method called FP2C (Flexible Place/Constant Bin/Constant Qty) to address constraints with the existing 3C (Constant Place/Constant Bin/Constant Qty) storage method. FP2C allows parts to be stored in flexible locations while keeping bins and quantities constant. This saves around 50% of storage space and costs while improving FIFO, traceability, inventory monitoring and reducing part damages compared to the fixed 3C method. FP2C is suitable for raw material, finished goods, work-in-process, compound and warehouse storage. The document includes examples to illustrate the FP2C method and compares it to the existing 3C approach.
Profitmakers Oy:n yritysesittely. Tavoitteemme on, ett辰 strategia on jokaisen organisaation johdon ja ty旦ntekij辰n arjen ty旦v辰line. Profitmakers Oy ja Fountain Park Oy ovat tehneet yhteisty旦sopimuksen vaativissa joukkoistamista hy旦dynt辰viss辰 strategiaprosesseissa. Toimitusjohtaja Lauri Tuomen sek辰 strategia arjessa -ajattelun esittely. Kalvosarjasta l旦yd辰t my旦s yhteystietomme.
This document discusses increasing efficiency at work through focusing on one task at a time without multitasking, taking breaks every 90 minutes to renew one's energy, and implementing lean management techniques. It provides examples of how healthcare facilities have rearranged rooms to reduce nurses' time spent gathering supplies and how using lean principles in construction can help complete projects more quickly through better teamwork among subcontractors. The key aspects of efficiency discussed are minimizing waste of time and resources and optimizing productivity and output.
Louise Faulkner has over 15 years of experience in customer service and relationship management roles, primarily in the telecommunications industry. She is currently producing social media content for small, local businesses to help drive brand awareness. Previously she held several roles at Vodafone UK, managing customer relationships and outsource partners with responsibilities for multi-million pound accounts. She is passionate about her local community in Whalley, Lancashire and enjoys running in her spare time.
This presentation was made in order for people to gain an understanding of the nature of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and river hydrology and ecosystems and the costs and benefits of industrial petroleum exploration and extraction in the area.
Credits: Emily and Patrick
Este documento presenta un men炭 con diferentes temas relacionados con el c叩lculo integral, incluyendo la integraci坦n por partes, ejemplos de su aplicaci坦n, y el c叩lculo de 叩reas delimitadas entre funciones. Explica brevemente la f坦rmula de integraci坦n por partes y c坦mo determinar cu叩l funci坦n ser叩 "u" y cu叩l ser叩 "dv", luego muestra dos ejemplos resueltos de su aplicaci坦n. Tambi辿n describe c坦mo calcular el 叩rea entre dos funciones y presenta dos ejemplos num辿ricos resueltos.
Sunil Kumar Nirwan is seeking a job in the IT sector where he can continue learning and enhancing his technical and managerial skills. He has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Applications from Kota Technical University. His past work experience includes working as a project executive at R S Barcode Pvt. Ltd. on a Fixed Assets Management System project using technologies like C# .NET and MS SQL. He has strong troubleshooting abilities and enjoys programming in languages like C, C++, Java and tools like MS Visual Studio.
Avenues is a consulting firm that provides services to help businesses navigate the complex political and regulatory environment in India. It offers government relations, legal and regulatory support, policy advocacy, media advocacy, and marketing services. Avenues works to establish strategic relationships and communicate clients' needs to policymakers. It aims to help clients position their businesses successfully and achieve their goals in India. The firm was founded over 20 years ago and leverages the founder's experience in journalism, government, and corporate affairs to advise clients.
A New Forest Town Community Transforms Urban Planning in SingaporeGlenaldo Gregorio Pena
A respected San Francisco Bay Area auditor and support analyst, Glenaldo (Glenn) Gregorio Pena has engaged with a number of local school districts in leadership capacities. With a passion for travel and roots in Southeast Asia, Glenaldo Gregorio Pena has enjoyed visits to locales such as the Singapore and the Philippines.
Glenaldo Gregorio Pena has worked as a district advisor for the Contra Costa County Office of Education, where he has helped streamline the financial records of 16 school districts. When he is not saving schools time and money, Glenaldo G. "Glenn" Pena enjoys traveling and sightseeing, and has traveled to Rome, Italy.
The Gulf of St. Lawrence and its river and estuary constitute one of the most nutrient-rich aquatic areas in the world. The shape of the river trench and the currents and gyres in the gulf provide habitat for abundant aquatic life, including whales as far up river as Tadoussac QC. However, oil deposits beneath the Gulf offer opportunity for oil companies while drilling would pose a serious threat to life in the ecosystem should a spill occur. This research talks about the Gulfs' geology,biology and impacts if oil drilling does occur.
Credits: Emily and Patrick
Randy Kwame Nti is a safety professional seeking to utilize his skills and experience in an organization that values creativity, innovation and expertise. He holds a BSc in Computer Engineering from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and has over 10 years of experience in health, safety and environmental roles for mining companies. His career includes positions as a Project Safety Officer at Kinross-Chirano Gold Mines and Health, Safety and Environmental Officer at Mining and Building Contractors Limited. He has extensive training in areas such as NEBOSH, safety engineering, environmental programs, first aid, and accident investigation.
The Presentation of the electric car sharing scheme on a regional area between milan and Brescia in the north of Italy. The study designed main guidelines, facts and figures, with economical and environmental benefits. The project has been launched at event
PoliMI - Delfanti - Il sistema elettrico nazionale verso le smart gridsANIE Energia
Il cambio di paradigma della generazione elettrica impone un ripensamento integrale del modello operativo del mercato e del sistema elettrico (inter)nazionale: nuove tecnologie, nuovi modelli organizzativi, nuovi servizi e nuovi operatori. Lobiettivo del convegno 竪 quello di analizzare e dibattere con gli operatori tutti quegli aspetti che partecipano a diversi livelli al cambio di paradigma: generazione distribuita, smart grid, sistemi di accumulo, smart cities e smart buildings.
Obiettivo: Sviluppare e diffondere la mobilit elettrica intervenendo a livello culturale, sociale, economico, ambientale con azioni che coinvolgano i diversi anelli della filiera elettrica a beneficio della societ, dellambiente e delleconomia
L'invenzione consiste in una presa in grado di monitorare numerosi parametri descrittivi del funzionamento di un carico elettrico o pi湛 carichi elettrici e di comunicare con una piattaforma di controllo, comandata dallutente, in grado di inviare comandi alla presa e svolgere approfondite analisi sui dati ricevuti
Pubblichiamo la sintesi della ricerca sulla mobilit elettrica e gli italiani condotta nei mesi scorsi:conciliamo l'esigenza di dinamicit con il rispetto dell'ambiente.
Support utilis辿 lors de la table ronde 3 : "Hydrog竪ne City" lors des rencontres Mobilis 2008 (Belfort 18&19 nov 08). Intervenant : Sergio Desanctis (Forum Italien de l'Hydrog竪ne)
Presentazione finale del lavoro di tesi svolto in collaborazione con il Fraunhofer Institut IFF. La tesi sviluppa uno studio di fattibilit al fine di definire quali sono le condizioni per cui l'adozione di una flotta di LDV elettrici permette di ottenere:
vantaggio economico,
riduzione delle emissioni di gas serra e di PM10,
adempimento delle richieste della compagnia.
In fine sono stati definiti scenari futuri in cui la flotta elettrica 竪 pi湛 adatta rispetto a quella di veicoli convenzionali.
Reti intelligenti per la gestione efficiente dell'energia - Luigi Mazzocchi (...Sardegna Ricerche
Presentazione di Luigi Mazzocchi (RSE - Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico) durante l'evento "Gestione intelligente dell'energia: l'accumulo energetico", organizzato da Sardegna Ricerche a Macchiareddu il 16 febbraio 2018.
Reti intelligenti per la gestione efficiente dell'energia - Luigi Mazzocchi (...Sardegna Ricerche
LUCENSE - Workshop trasporto merci a breve raggio con veicoli elettrici
1. Sistemi avanzati di
ricarica rapida
Ing. Giovanni Pede
Dipartimento Tecnologie per lEnergia
Laboratorio Sistemi e Tecnologie Mobilit ed
Trasporto merci a breve raggio con
veicoli elettrici
Lucca 10 luglio 2015
2. Variable
7-10 hours ,
during day
村 & 遜
At home
Private &
public car
During shopping
On a
In a few
7-10 hours , during
< 2 hours
Deployment of PEV calls upon a charging infrastructure adapted to its limited range:
Generalization of charging spots for all parking situations
Specific features to allow quick battery reffill: fast charge & battery exchange stations
Different kind of needs
3. 3
Battery exchange in a few minutes
Standard charge (AC) beetween 8 an 4 hours
Fast & ultra fast charge (AC or DC) less than 1 hour
Current (A)
Fast & ultra
fast charge
Gyrobus, Oerlikon
Gulliver, Tecnobus
CHAdeMO charging station
(50 kW)
Power range and charging times
4. 4 modi di ricarica
Charging mode 3 (with
communication between
EV and CP) is compulsory
in public areas
5. Perch辿 e quando la Fast Charge?
Per moltiplicare per 3-4 volte lautonomia di un
mezzo elettrico , oppure ridurre di 3-4 volte la taglia
della batteria oppure una combinazione delle due
Quando la natura del servizio richiesto al mezzo lo
consente, cio竪 quando il servizio 竪 ripetitivo e
consente delle soste per una durata pari al 20-25 %
del tempo totale a disposizione
7. I tre pilastri della Fast Charge
Per una ricarica veloce occorrono tre
Batterie adatte per la F.G.
Interfacce di potenza adatte per la F.G.
Caricabatterie adatti per la F.G.
8. 8
Charging current
Energy efficiency
15.5 (C/2) 125.3 120.35 96
31 (1 C) 128.44 118.61 92
62 (2 C) 129.58 114.61 88
束C 損 is the
nominal battery
e.g. if C is 50 Ah,
3 C stands for a
charge current:
3 C = 150 A
Even at high
current rates,
charge is possible
with a good
Le batterie simmetriche in
9. Ricarica rapida: moduli batterie
12V auto-gestiti (1)
R. Roncella, R. Saletti, F. Baronti, G. Pede, F. Vellucci, Moduli auto gestiti Li-Io LFP in un'applicazione "fast charge" per il trasporto pubblico locale
Convegno annuale AEIT 2014 Trieste 18-19 Settembre 2014
11. Life-cycle test
30 530 1030 1530
Tempo [s]
Corrente Tensione
290015,7 340015,7 390015,7 440015,7 490015,7 540015,7
Temperatura cella Temperatura media amb
Il ciclo elementare 竪 raffigurato a
E un ciclo bilanciato in termini di
Amperora (rendimento unitario) e
corrisponde a 6.5 km di marcia e
5 di ricarica rapida a 3C al
G.Pede, V. Sglavo, F.Vellucci, Life-cycle test on LFP cells simulating a real working profile of a pure electric charge sustaing small urban bus , IEEE
International Electric Vehicle Conference 2014,
0 1000 2000 3000
Capacit erogata Rendimento energetico
12. 1.2. Fast electric recharging points for motor vehicles
Alternate Current (AC) fast recharging points for electric vehicles shall
be equipped, for interoperability purposes, with connectors of Type 2
as described in standard EN62196-2.
Fast recharging points for electric vehicles shall comply with the
technical specifications by 31 December 2017 at the latest.
Direct Current (DC) fast recharging points for electric vehicles shall be
equipped, for interoperability purposes, with connectors of Type
"Combo 2" as described in the relevant EN standard, to be adopted by
on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure
COM(2013) 18 /2
Fast Charge: colonnine omolog.
13. Combined Charging System (combo)
Il connettore universale combo-2
prevede laggiunta al connettore tipo 2
di due contatti di potenza dedicati alla
ricarica in continua ed 竪 in grado di
accettare sia il corrispondente
connettore combo, sia il connettore tipo
2 per la ricarica in alternata.
Fast Charge: connettori omolog.
14. TOSA (HESS-ABB, Ginevra)
Capabus (Aowe
Company &
Al竪 (Rampini-Siemens, Vienna)
Ecoliner (Proterra, California)
F.G.: sistemi automatiz. (1)
15. OLEV (KAIST, Seoul)
Pro: low infrastructural impact
Con: low efficient, more costly,
safety aspects
F.G.: sistemi automatiz. (2)
16. G & A Engineering s.r.l.
Ferrari BSN s.r.l.
Inverter reverse: il caso PBI
T. Huria, G. Lutzemberger, G. Pede, G.
Sanna: Systematic development of
series-hybrid bus through modelling.
IEEE VPPC 2010, Vehicle Power and
Propulsion Conference, Lille, 1-3/9/2010
17. 17
M1, M2: Marcia
R1, R2: Ricarica
Alimentazione in c.c. fino a 500A/1000 V
Ricarica rapida al capolinea:
schema concettuale con uso di inverter reverse
Il progetto PBI (2)
19. 19
The figure, related to a
first fast-charge test,
shows the current ramp
from 10 to 200 A,
accomplished in 22 sec.
The figure, related to a
first fast-charge test,
shows the current ramp
from 10 to 200 A,
accomplished in 22 sec.
The figure refers to a test
completed operating in
automatic mode with a
maximum battery pack
voltage of 770 V in order to
have a SOC of 90%90%.
Il progetto PBI (4)
Genovese, R.Geracitano, L.Leoncavallo, G. Pede, R.Spazzoli: "Fast charge and local public transport: an italian experience, ESARS 2015, 3rd
International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railways, Ship Propulsion and road vehicles, 3-5 March 2015, Aachen, Germany
20. FG e smart grid:
i sistemi V2G (vehicle to grid)
Prove vita ed abuse test sulle
batterie: laboratorio prova batterie
della Casaccia
Progetto PBI Industria 2015
versioni elettriche
G & A Engineering s.r.l.
Ferrari BSN s.r.l.
Rete elettrica
束Stazione di servizio elettrica損
Testing e sviluppi dedicati su
veicoli elettrici nelle
applicazioni V2G:
banchi a rulli e laboratori
della Casaccia
Studi e sperimentazioni sullintegrazione
nella rete: laboratori di Portici e della
Casaccia, anche nellambito delle attivit
della Ricerca di Sistema Elettrico
Sviluppo di sistemi robotizzati
per la ricarica rapida:
laboratori della Casaccia
21. System testing: fast charge
Grid connected energy storage prototype:
lithium battery pack of 16 kWh,
DC/DC converter of 20 kW
IGBT bidirectional - inverter of 30 kVA
Control system of power flows exchange with the grid
Able to be linked with Active Load (function not
implemented yet)
The battery pack is made by 6 modules
where each module has been made by 12
cells. Battery pack voltage is 270 V.
Battery system: Kokam, 70 Ah
Power electronic System: EEI
Off-board charger with an
active power of 50 kW dc. The
socket-outlet is an Yasaki Plug
(ChadeMo protocol).
M.C. Falvo, L. Martirano, D. Sbordone, A. Vergine -,B. Di Pietra, A. Genovese Distributed Active Network Management Strategy
Including DG and Storage Systems Convegno annuale AEIT 2014 Trieste 18-19 Settembre 2014
22. This national research project has been funded by the Italian Ministry of
Economic Development, with the aim of investigating several system aspects
related to the potential mass roll-out of plug-in electric vehicles, and
particularly their technical, environmental end economic impacts:
Report 2012
Deliverable 1: Scenari di elettrificazione della rete di trasporto pubblico a Roma - Il fabbisogno energetico
Deliverable 2: Scenari di elettrificazione della distribuzione urbana delle merci a Roma - Il fabbisogno
Studio delle interrelazioni tra il sistema elettrico e quello dei trasporti urbani
Studio teorico-sperimentale delle prestazioni di convertitori DC/DC per la ricarica rapida
Realizzazione e sperimentazione di una stazione di ricarica rapida in c.c. nel C.R. Casaccia
Studio di fattibilit per un impianto di ricarica contactless
Report 2013
Progetto e sperimentazione di un caricabatteria contactless per city car elettrica
Progettazione di un convertitore modulare per infrastrutture di ricarica con accumulo integrato
Modellistica per il bilancio energetico di sistemi di ricarica con funzionalit vehicle-to-grid
Studio delle interrelazioni tra il sistema elettrico e quello dei trasporti urbani
Analisi di elettrificazione del TPL in contesti ITC: lo smart ring dellAquila
Sperimentazione per la compensazione dellenergia attiva/reattiva con la stazione di ricarica integrata presso il
CR Casaccia
Caricabatterie contactless per city car: caratterizzazione sperimentale e misure radiometriche dei campi
elettromagnetici residui per la valutazione dell'esposizione occupazionale