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Special Jeopardy!
Direct Questions
Direct questions are the normal questions that
we can ask friends, family members, and people
who we know well.

         Example of a direct question:
          Wheres the bathroom?
               Whats up?
Indirect Questions (p. 35)
 Indirect questions are a little more formal and

We use them when talking to a person we dont
know very well, or in professional situations, and
         their form is a little different.

       Example of an indirect question:
 Could you tell me where the bathroom is?
           How are you today?
Difference: Direct vs. Indirect
            Direct                                 Indirect
          Begins with:                              Phrases:

 Who                                      Could you tell me
 What                                     Do you know
 Where                                    I was wondering
 When                                     Do you have any idea
** How **                                  Id like to know
                                           Would it be possible
                                           Is there any chance

 In general: Any question which does not start with Wh is indirect
Brainstorm 10 Wh questions
 Lets turn some into indirect questions
             You do the rest.
Asking for Directions:
         (Direct vs. Indirect)
               Excuse me,..
Can you tell me how to find the train station?
 Can you tell me where the train station is?
          Wheres the train station
Practice the Conversation 9A (p.35)
  After both partners have been A and B
    Insert information about the public
 transportation you use in your city or town.
10 A p. 36
  Turn the questions into indirect questions
                (10 minutes)
 Walk around and interview two classmates.
                (10 minutes)
5 Minute Break
Eating at a Restaurant

Two teams: Whats the name of our Thai
Lets think of some Thai foods:
As a waiter:
What kinds of questions would you ask?

     Direct or indirect questions?
As a customer:
What kinds of questions do you want to ask?

            Direct or Indirect?
Write these questions down on your

                        Two groups:
              One waiters. Others customers.
 Waiters go out and take an order. Come back and write their
                      order on the board.
           Most written orders wins the game.
Check that you understand all the
vocabulary on the menu handout
   Practice the two dialogues in pairs
Green Salad
Types of Cooked Eggs

 Sunny Side Up

 Over Easy

 Over hard

Breakfast Menu

       Check that you understand the vocabulary
                       Two groups:
              One waiters. Others customers.
 Waiters go out and take an order. Come back and write the
                     order on the board.
          Most written orders wins the game.
Minimal Pairs Review /肘/ and /i:/
             sit and seat
 The sound /i:/ is said with the mouth much more
  spread, something like a broad smile.

         Lets do a pronunciation journey
              We will do 5 journeys
      (mark down how many you get wrong)
Journey 1:
 Left                   Right

 Grin                 Green
  His                  Hes
   Is                  Ease
   It                   Eat
Journey 2:
  Left                   Right

 Shill                 Shell
 Sick                  Seek
  Sin                  Seen
 Still                 Steal
Journey 3:
 Left                  Right

 Gin                  Gene
 Grid                 Greed
  Hip                  Heap
  Kid                 Keyed
Journey 4:
 Left                  Right

 Fist                 Feast
 Fizz                 Fees
 Pill                  Peel
 Pip                  Peep
Journey 5:
  Left                  Right

 Sim                   Seam
  Sip                  Seep
 Skit                  Skeet
 Slick                 Sleek
Sounding Out Words
 For Spelling
 We can hear the sounds /i/ and /i:/

 Think about how different words in combinations have
  very specific sounds

                  Examples: Ch vs. Sh
                   Church vs. Should

                   Example: ee vs. ea
                     Seed vs. Neat
 Understanding the sounds of letters can help
  you spell even if you have never seen the
  word before.

        Example Should as /Sh-o-u-ld/
   (breaking the sounds into separate parts)

               Phonetics Video.
Spelling Test
Spell the following words
Balloon Volleyball
              In Small Groups
Keep the Balloon up. Every time you hit the
 balloon you have to say a word related to:
             The supermarket
From the Balloon Volleyball
Round 1: What supermarket words did we come
                  up with?
  Round 2: What nouns did we come up with?
Countable vs. Uncountable Review
Countable (a/an)   Uncountable (some/any)
 Dog               Water
 People            Salt
 City              Air
 Town              Grass
Questions about quantities (p. 38)
       How many..?              How much..?
 For countable nouns      For uncountable nouns

 Use the word are to      Use the word is to complete
  complete my question.     my question.
Answers about quantities (p. 38)
     Are (for countable)        Is (for uncountable)
There are.              There is..

Two or three               A little
A few                      A lot
Some                       Some
Muffins Worksheet
Write the questions for finding the ingredients
   needed to make muffins in the dialogue
                    Q: How much flour do you need?

                  A: 2 cups self-raising flour
           Q: How much brown sugar do you need?

                    A: 遜 cup brown sugar
           Q: How much vegetable oil do you need?

                        A: 1/3 cup (80mL) vegetable oil

                     Q: How much milk do you need?

                                 A: 1 cup milk

                    Q: How many eggs do you need?
                               A:2 eggs

                   Q: How many bananas do you need?

       A: Two large bananas. To make 1 cup mashed.
Muffin Man!
 Videos + Song
 Direct vs. Indirect
 Eating at Restaurants
 Spelling + Sounding Out
 How many vs. How
 Muffin Man Song

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English 2 lesson 13

  • 2. Direct Questions Direct questions are the normal questions that we can ask friends, family members, and people who we know well. Example of a direct question: Wheres the bathroom? Whats up?
  • 3. Indirect Questions (p. 35) Indirect questions are a little more formal and polite. We use them when talking to a person we dont know very well, or in professional situations, and their form is a little different. Example of an indirect question: Could you tell me where the bathroom is? How are you today?
  • 4. Difference: Direct vs. Indirect Direct Indirect Begins with: Phrases: Who Could you tell me What Do you know Where I was wondering When Do you have any idea ** How ** Id like to know Would it be possible Is there any chance In general: Any question which does not start with Wh is indirect
  • 5. Brainstorm 10 Wh questions Lets turn some into indirect questions You do the rest.
  • 6. Asking for Directions: (Direct vs. Indirect) Excuse me,.. Can you tell me how to find the train station? or Can you tell me where the train station is? Vs. Wheres the train station
  • 7. Practice the Conversation 9A (p.35) After both partners have been A and B Insert information about the public transportation you use in your city or town.
  • 8. 10 A p. 36 Turn the questions into indirect questions (10 minutes) Walk around and interview two classmates. (10 minutes)
  • 10. Eating at a Restaurant Two teams: Whats the name of our Thai restaurants?
  • 11. Lets think of some Thai foods:
  • 12. As a waiter: What kinds of questions would you ask? Direct or indirect questions?
  • 13. As a customer: What kinds of questions do you want to ask? Direct or Indirect?
  • 14. Write these questions down on your worksheets. Two groups: One waiters. Others customers. Waiters go out and take an order. Come back and write their order on the board. Most written orders wins the game.
  • 15. Check that you understand all the vocabulary on the menu handout Practice the two dialogues in pairs
  • 18. Tacos
  • 19. Bean
  • 22. Types of Cooked Eggs Scrambled Sunny Side Up Over Easy Over hard Boiled
  • 23. Breakfast Menu Check that you understand the vocabulary Two groups: One waiters. Others customers. Waiters go out and take an order. Come back and write the order on the board. Most written orders wins the game.
  • 24. Minimal Pairs Review /肘/ and /i:/ sit and seat The sound /i:/ is said with the mouth much more spread, something like a broad smile. Lets do a pronunciation journey We will do 5 journeys (mark down how many you get wrong)
  • 25. Journey 1: Left Right Grin Green His Hes Is Ease It Eat
  • 26. Journey 2: Left Right Shill Shell Sick Seek Sin Seen Still Steal
  • 27. Journey 3: Left Right Gin Gene Grid Greed Hip Heap Kid Keyed
  • 28. Journey 4: Left Right Fist Feast Fizz Fees Pill Peel Pip Peep
  • 29. Journey 5: Left Right Sim Seam Sip Seep Skit Skeet Slick Sleek
  • 30. Sounding Out Words For Spelling We can hear the sounds /i/ and /i:/ Think about how different words in combinations have very specific sounds Examples: Ch vs. Sh Church vs. Should Example: ee vs. ea Seed vs. Neat
  • 31. Spelling Understanding the sounds of letters can help you spell even if you have never seen the word before. Example Should as /Sh-o-u-ld/ (breaking the sounds into separate parts) Phonetics Video.
  • 32. Spelling Test Spell the following words
  • 33. Juice
  • 34. Tofu
  • 35. Beef
  • 39. Milk
  • 41. Eggs
  • 43. Fish
  • 48. Corn
  • 49. Balloon Volleyball In Small Groups Keep the Balloon up. Every time you hit the balloon you have to say a word related to: The supermarket
  • 50. From the Balloon Volleyball Round 1: What supermarket words did we come up with? Round 2: What nouns did we come up with?
  • 51. Countable vs. Uncountable Review Countable (a/an) Uncountable (some/any) Dog Water People Salt City Air Town Grass
  • 52. Questions about quantities (p. 38) How many..? How much..? For countable nouns For uncountable nouns Use the word are to Use the word is to complete complete my question. my question.
  • 53. Answers about quantities (p. 38) Are (for countable) Is (for uncountable) There are. There is.. Two or three A little A few A lot Some Some
  • 54. Muffins Worksheet Write the questions for finding the ingredients needed to make muffins in the dialogue
  • 55. Answers: Q: How much flour do you need? A: 2 cups self-raising flour Q: How much brown sugar do you need? A: 遜 cup brown sugar Q: How much vegetable oil do you need? A: 1/3 cup (80mL) vegetable oil Q: How much milk do you need? A: 1 cup milk Q: How many eggs do you need? A:2 eggs Q: How many bananas do you need? A: Two large bananas. To make 1 cup mashed.
  • 57. Summary Jeopardy Direct vs. Indirect Questions Eating at Restaurants Spelling + Sounding Out Words How many vs. How much Muffin Man Song