The document discusses a communication platform called Roomcast. It notes that current methods of communication between building staff/services and residents can be confusing, with messages getting misrouted and unrelated issues mixed together. Roomcast aims to simplify this through a button interface that routes messages to the correct recipients, solicits precise information, provides instant automatic responses, logs all interactions, and allows for feedback. It can be customized based on building, block, or apartment and uses multiple channels like SMS, push notifications, and web.
The document summarizes feedback received from qualitative interviews, quantitative surveys, and a presentation pitch about a media project focusing on the indie genre. The qualitative interviews provided in-depth feedback from a small sample, while the quantitative surveys gathered a wider range of answers from a larger sample that were easier to apply to the project. However, not all feedback could be used, such as answers about premium CDs which did not fit the coursework requirements. Overall, the audience feedback helped tailor the media product to its target demographic and ensure it followed genre conventions.
The document discusses a communication platform called Roomcast. It notes that current methods of communication between building staff/services and residents can be confusing, with messages getting misrouted and unrelated issues mixed together. Roomcast aims to simplify this through a button interface that routes messages to the correct recipients, solicits precise information, provides instant automatic responses, logs all interactions, and allows for feedback. It can be customized based on building, block, or apartment and uses multiple channels like SMS, push notifications, and web.
The document summarizes feedback received from qualitative interviews, quantitative surveys, and a presentation pitch about a media project focusing on the indie genre. The qualitative interviews provided in-depth feedback from a small sample, while the quantitative surveys gathered a wider range of answers from a larger sample that were easier to apply to the project. However, not all feedback could be used, such as answers about premium CDs which did not fit the coursework requirements. Overall, the audience feedback helped tailor the media product to its target demographic and ensure it followed genre conventions.
This document discusses the NIH's Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) initiative and its efforts to create a NIH Data Catalog. It describes how the Data Catalog will bring datasets into the research ecosystem by making them discoverable, citable, and linked to the scientific literature. It also discusses common metadata elements, mapping these elements to existing standards like DataCite and Dryad, and how datasets can be cited following ICMJE guidelines. Next steps proposed include determining how many NIH datasets currently exist in repositories and uniquely, and how to manage unique datasets not currently housed in a repository.
Last 27.04.15 JoomGeek team got the chance to gave a full day training to Digital Blocks students.
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De Edelman Trust Barometer 2016 is het 16e jaarlijkse wereldwijde onderzoek naar vertrouwen en geloofwaardigheid. De enqu¨ºte is uitgevoerd door onderzoeksbureau Edelman Berland. Het onderzoek bestond uit een twintig minuten durende online vragenlijst, die afgenomen werd tussen 13 oktober 2015 en 16 november 2015. De Trust Barometer 2016 werd uitgevoerd in 28 landen onder 32.200 respondenten uit het algemene publiek, waarvan 6.200 tot het ge?nformeerde publiek (leeftijdscategorie 25-64 jaar) behoort. Ge?nformeerd publiek werd gedefinieerd als hogeropgeleiden met een inkomen dat in de top 25 procent ligt van mensen in dezelfde leeftijdscategorie uit hetzelfde land. Ze volgen meerdere keren per week zakelijke en nieuwsmedia en publieke beleidsissues.