The 7th grade mathematics curriculum covers proportions, percentages, and ratio calculations. Students will learn to:
- Calculate percentages when parts of a whole are known
- Understand and apply the concept of proportionality
- Solve multi-step word problems involving ratios, rates, percentages, and proportional reasoning
The curriculum aims to help students understand ratios and use proportional reasoning to solve various types of mathematics problems.
The 7th grade mathematics curriculum covers proportions, percentages, and ratio calculations. Students will learn to:
- Calculate percentages when parts of a whole are known
- Understand and apply the concept of proportionality
- Solve multi-step word problems involving ratios, rates, percentages, and proportional reasoning
The curriculum aims to help students understand ratios and use proportional reasoning to solve various types of mathematics problems.
13. 舒 亞亶 勵亶仍亟仍
勳亢亳亞亟勵勵仆亳亶亞 磶亞仆 仄亟亞亳亶仆 亟仂
仂仍舒 勵亶仍亟仍 亟舒舒舒 于亳亞舒仍 亟
a b = a 2b
a ,b
亊亰亞仆 仄亟亞 亟仂仂仂仂 勵亢亳亞亟勵勵仆
亞舒亞舒 勵亶仍亟仍 亟舒舒舒 于亳亞舒仍 亟
a b = a b = a b
a 0, b 0