This document provides guidelines for contraceptive methods that can be used during breastfeeding. It begins with 3 summarizing sentences about the purpose and general principles. It then discusses the Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM) in detail over several sections: how it works based on 3 criteria; definitions for its use; efficacy shown in various studies to be 98% effective; considerations for counseling and use; and management issues. It concludes by discussing transitioning to other contraceptive methods after LAM is no longer applicable, ranked by their potential impact on breastfeeding success.
Patent Pending Linear Bit Counting ImplementationsMeltin Bell
The document describes two patent applications for linear bit counting implementations. It provides background on applications of bit counting in cryptography, graphics, and transmission. Previous linear bit counting methods are described along with motivations for improvements in speed, convenience, flexibility, and minimizing hardware. The document contributes three new linear bit counting algorithms and concludes that the new methods have the most performance benefit for sparsely or densely populated data.
The document discusses how enterprise learning is transforming from traditional classroom-based training to virtual and social learning models due to advances in technology. It describes how learning content is moving online and becoming more visual, interactive and accessible on-demand. Analytics are also being used to track learning effectiveness. The virtual approach improves reach, access, flexibility and affordability of training. While costs are reduced, concerns remain around maintaining engagement and effectiveness as learning becomes more asynchronous and self-paced. Social learning and expert content creation within the organization help address these issues.
The speaker expresses longing to hear their love tell them a favorite story and worries they may have done something wrong. Though the love cries that fairytales are lies, the speaker wishes to be an angel to protect them and believes if they have faith, they can have a happy ending like in fairytales. They want to write their own ending together.
Racial segregation and discrimination were rampant in society. Minorities such as African Americans faced unfair treatment, racism, and were viewed as expendable based solely on the color of their skin. Figures like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks advocated for racial equality and desegregation in an effort to create a more just, inclusive world without discrimination.
This document outlines a 5-step process for strategic planning called the ST-IM Model. The model takes a whole-brain approach by involving both analytical and intuitive thinking. It includes steps for understanding the current situation, envisioning the future, planning strategically, implementing plans, and monitoring results. The document also provides an example of how the model can be used and includes a template for setting individual goals aligned with organizational objectives.
Mark Robinson is a British artist born in Belfast in 1960 who specializes in golf portraits. He studied Fine Art in London during the 1970s and has exhibited internationally. The document provides biographical information about Robinson and notes that he focuses on portraits related to the sport of golf in his work.
In the first week, travelers will stay in Mendoza at the Exclusive Apart Hotel and visit various landmarks like Independence Square with its vegetation, fountains and monuments. They will also tour vineyards, learn about wine history, and taste and purchase wine. The third and fourth days are free for exploring the city. Later in the week, visitors will see Del Inca Bridge in the Andes mountains, Aconcagua National Park, and Potrerillos, where the mountain, sun and river meet amid beautiful scenery. In the second week based in El Calafate, travelers will tour Fitz Roy and Cerro Torre peaks in Los Glaciares National Park with its species. They will also see
The document describes two paintings by American artist Mary Bridgman titled "Irtysh" and "Altai". The paintings depict horses from Scythian mythology and were inspired by Bridgman's travels to the Altai Mountains region. A brief biography of Bridgman is also provided, noting that she is a graduate of Connecticut College and Parsons School of Design who has traveled extensively and teaches at Parsons and Fashion Institute of Technology.
1) The study aimed to identify factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding (EB) in children under 4 months old in Botucatu, Brazil.
2) 38% of children were exclusively breastfed, while 33.4% consumed cow's milk, 29.2% tea, and 22.4% water.
3) The use of a pacifier and difficulty breastfeeding were associated with an absence of EB, while the population attributable risk percentage for pacifier use was estimated at 46.8%.
Innovation webinar - Three ways erp will change - dan matthewsIFS
Compared to those used in the 90s, todays ERP systems have many things in commonbut also significant differences. In this webinar you are welcome to listen to IFS Chief Technology Officer Dan Matthews talk about three ways in which ERP will change over the next 15 years.
Cleverti is a Portuguese company that provides IT outsourcing services including software development, QA testing, and application maintenance. They have experience working with various technologies and methodologies. Cleverti aims to help clients enhance capacity, scalability, and cost-effectiveness by adding expertise to projects as needed. They have a delivery center in Lisbon and have worked with clients from several European countries for over 5 years.
The document outlines how audience-led marketing is needed in today's environment where brands are no longer special, messages are ignored, and customers don't need brands. It recommends a 4 step process: 1) listen to relevant conversations to gain insights; 2) participate in conversations to personalize experiences; 3) engage in conversations to spark ongoing dialogue; and 4) iterate based on learnings to continually inform initiatives. The goal of audience-led marketing is to build brands that are special, listened to rather than ignored, and genuinely needed and loved by giving people a real reason to care about the brand.
Racial segregation and discrimination were rampant in society. Minorities such as African Americans faced unfair treatment, racism, and were viewed as expendable based solely on the color of their skin. Figures like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks advocated for racial equality and desegregation in an effort to create a more just, inclusive world without discrimination.
In January of 2013, we benchmarked the telecom social customer experience in order to better guide today's service providers toward strategies that make sense.
We surveyed 40+ global telecoms on their social customer experience investments and returns and found that more socially mature telecoms enjoy serious benefits:
greater reduction in call center volume
greater reduction in support costs
more confidence in the customer experiences they deliver
This document provides information about Net Style, a company based in Kiev, Ukraine that has over 15 years of experience deploying and supporting Asterisk-based telephony systems. It discusses Net Style's competencies including Linux systems, virtualization, VoIP applications, and software development. The document also provides examples of projects including an IP-PBX for two offices, a call center for a bank, and a VoIP conference system. It provides an overview of the Asterisk platform and its applications such as IP-PBX, call centers, and conferencing.
This document provides guidelines for contraceptive methods that can be used during breastfeeding. It begins with 3 summarizing sentences about the purpose and general principles. It then discusses the Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM) in detail over several sections: how it works based on 3 criteria; definitions for its use; efficacy shown in various studies to be 98% effective; considerations for counseling and use; and management issues. It concludes by discussing transitioning to other contraceptive methods after LAM is no longer applicable, ranked by their potential impact on breastfeeding success.
Patent Pending Linear Bit Counting ImplementationsMeltin Bell
The document describes two patent applications for linear bit counting implementations. It provides background on applications of bit counting in cryptography, graphics, and transmission. Previous linear bit counting methods are described along with motivations for improvements in speed, convenience, flexibility, and minimizing hardware. The document contributes three new linear bit counting algorithms and concludes that the new methods have the most performance benefit for sparsely or densely populated data.
The document discusses how enterprise learning is transforming from traditional classroom-based training to virtual and social learning models due to advances in technology. It describes how learning content is moving online and becoming more visual, interactive and accessible on-demand. Analytics are also being used to track learning effectiveness. The virtual approach improves reach, access, flexibility and affordability of training. While costs are reduced, concerns remain around maintaining engagement and effectiveness as learning becomes more asynchronous and self-paced. Social learning and expert content creation within the organization help address these issues.
The speaker expresses longing to hear their love tell them a favorite story and worries they may have done something wrong. Though the love cries that fairytales are lies, the speaker wishes to be an angel to protect them and believes if they have faith, they can have a happy ending like in fairytales. They want to write their own ending together.
Racial segregation and discrimination were rampant in society. Minorities such as African Americans faced unfair treatment, racism, and were viewed as expendable based solely on the color of their skin. Figures like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks advocated for racial equality and desegregation in an effort to create a more just, inclusive world without discrimination.
This document outlines a 5-step process for strategic planning called the ST-IM Model. The model takes a whole-brain approach by involving both analytical and intuitive thinking. It includes steps for understanding the current situation, envisioning the future, planning strategically, implementing plans, and monitoring results. The document also provides an example of how the model can be used and includes a template for setting individual goals aligned with organizational objectives.
Mark Robinson is a British artist born in Belfast in 1960 who specializes in golf portraits. He studied Fine Art in London during the 1970s and has exhibited internationally. The document provides biographical information about Robinson and notes that he focuses on portraits related to the sport of golf in his work.
In the first week, travelers will stay in Mendoza at the Exclusive Apart Hotel and visit various landmarks like Independence Square with its vegetation, fountains and monuments. They will also tour vineyards, learn about wine history, and taste and purchase wine. The third and fourth days are free for exploring the city. Later in the week, visitors will see Del Inca Bridge in the Andes mountains, Aconcagua National Park, and Potrerillos, where the mountain, sun and river meet amid beautiful scenery. In the second week based in El Calafate, travelers will tour Fitz Roy and Cerro Torre peaks in Los Glaciares National Park with its species. They will also see
The document describes two paintings by American artist Mary Bridgman titled "Irtysh" and "Altai". The paintings depict horses from Scythian mythology and were inspired by Bridgman's travels to the Altai Mountains region. A brief biography of Bridgman is also provided, noting that she is a graduate of Connecticut College and Parsons School of Design who has traveled extensively and teaches at Parsons and Fashion Institute of Technology.
1) The study aimed to identify factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding (EB) in children under 4 months old in Botucatu, Brazil.
2) 38% of children were exclusively breastfed, while 33.4% consumed cow's milk, 29.2% tea, and 22.4% water.
3) The use of a pacifier and difficulty breastfeeding were associated with an absence of EB, while the population attributable risk percentage for pacifier use was estimated at 46.8%.
Innovation webinar - Three ways erp will change - dan matthewsIFS
Compared to those used in the 90s, todays ERP systems have many things in commonbut also significant differences. In this webinar you are welcome to listen to IFS Chief Technology Officer Dan Matthews talk about three ways in which ERP will change over the next 15 years.
Cleverti is a Portuguese company that provides IT outsourcing services including software development, QA testing, and application maintenance. They have experience working with various technologies and methodologies. Cleverti aims to help clients enhance capacity, scalability, and cost-effectiveness by adding expertise to projects as needed. They have a delivery center in Lisbon and have worked with clients from several European countries for over 5 years.
The document outlines how audience-led marketing is needed in today's environment where brands are no longer special, messages are ignored, and customers don't need brands. It recommends a 4 step process: 1) listen to relevant conversations to gain insights; 2) participate in conversations to personalize experiences; 3) engage in conversations to spark ongoing dialogue; and 4) iterate based on learnings to continually inform initiatives. The goal of audience-led marketing is to build brands that are special, listened to rather than ignored, and genuinely needed and loved by giving people a real reason to care about the brand.
Racial segregation and discrimination were rampant in society. Minorities such as African Americans faced unfair treatment, racism, and were viewed as expendable based solely on the color of their skin. Figures like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks advocated for racial equality and desegregation in an effort to create a more just, inclusive world without discrimination.
In January of 2013, we benchmarked the telecom social customer experience in order to better guide today's service providers toward strategies that make sense.
We surveyed 40+ global telecoms on their social customer experience investments and returns and found that more socially mature telecoms enjoy serious benefits:
greater reduction in call center volume
greater reduction in support costs
more confidence in the customer experiences they deliver
This document provides information about Net Style, a company based in Kiev, Ukraine that has over 15 years of experience deploying and supporting Asterisk-based telephony systems. It discusses Net Style's competencies including Linux systems, virtualization, VoIP applications, and software development. The document also provides examples of projects including an IP-PBX for two offices, a call center for a bank, and a VoIP conference system. It provides an overview of the Asterisk platform and its applications such as IP-PBX, call centers, and conferencing.
1. L'errore umano Piccoli disguidi quotidiani Devo passare in tintoria a prendere un abito per cui decido di uscire qualche minuto prima dal lavoro Per strada comincio a pensare al film da vedere stasera e dimentico di fermarmi alla tintoria Decido di andare a prenderlo il giorno dopo, ma poi scopro di avere un appuntamento e non riesco ad uscire in tempo Guardo l'agenda e decido di andare in tintoria il sabato pomeriggio, ma poi mi accorgo che la tintoria 竪 chiusa
2. L'errore umano Incidente ferroviario Che cosa 竪 successo Il 7 gennaio 2005 presso Crevalcore, il macchinista che conduceva il treno interregionale buc嘆 due semafori e si scontr嘆 con un treno merci. Ci furono 17 morti, tra cui il macchinista
3. L'errore umano Incidente ferroviario Perch竪 竪 successo Di norma il personale di terra avvisa i conducenti degli incroci di treni non previsti: non ci fu nessuna telefonata. Su quella linea c'竪 un binario unico Su quella linea manca il sistema SCMT che blocca il treno in caso di errore
4. L'errore umano Incidente aeronautico Che cosa 竪 successo L'8 ottobre 2001 all'aeroporto di Linate, un Cessna si scontra con un MD-87. Morirono 118 persone
5. L'errore umano Incidente aeronautico Perch竪 竪 successo Il Cessna 竪 autorizzato a decollare nonostante la bassa visibilit Il Cessna imbocca il raccordo R6 anzich辿 R5; La numerazione dei raccordi non 竪 progressiva: l'R6 viene prima di R5, inoltre non 竪 segnalato Causa bassa visibilit, il controllore di terra non pu嘆 vedere il Cessna: manca il radar di terra Il Cessna entra nella pista sbagliata: non ci sono sistemi antiintrusione
6. L'errore umano L'errore in ospedale Indovina cosa c'竪 scritto
8. L'errore umano L'errore in ospedale Joan Morrison 竪 una donna di 67 anni , ricoverata in Ospedale per il trattamento di aneurisma cerebrale ( che viene sottoposto ad embolizzazione) L intervento viene effettuato senza particolari complicazioni e la signora 竪 in attesa di essere dimessa . Tuttavia , al mattino del giorno di dimissione , viene chiamata in Emodinamica per essere sottoposta a cateterismo cardiaco .
9. L'errore umano L'errore in ospedale Ore 6.15 L infermiera dell emodinamica ( E ) legge sulla lista degli interventi il nome della prima paziente : Joan Morrison . Telefona all anagrafe pazienti dell ospedale , identificandosi e chiedendo del paziente Morrison , senza ulteriori informazioni . Qualcuno , che non si identifica , risponde che il paziente Morrison si trova nel Reparto Neurochirurgia . Ore 6.20 L infermiera E telefona in Neurochirurgia , chiedendo di portare in Emo-dinamica il paziente Morrison
10. L'errore umano L'errore in ospedale Ore 6.30 L infermiera della Neurochirurgia ( N ) , vicina al termine del suo turno di notte , dispone il trasferimento della paziente in Emodinamica . Osserva , insieme alla collega giunta per il cambio , che non vi 竪 nelle consegne della sera prima la richiesta per un esame emodinamico : tuttavia le due infermiere convengono che probabilmente l esame 竪 stato stabilito dal medico all ultimo momento , senza redigere l apposita richiesta . La signora Morrison sostiene di non essere stata informata del fatto di doversi sottoporre anche a cateterismo cardiaco , e dice di non voler eseguire l esame . L infermiera N dice alla signora che comunque dovranno portarla in Emodinamica , dove avr dei chiarimenti e comunque potr sempre rifiutare l esame .
11. L'errore umano L'errore in ospedale Ore 6.45 La paziente appena arrivata in Emodinamica esprime nuovamente il suo dissenso alla esecuzione dell esame all infermiera E ; inoltre accusa nausea e vomito L infermiera E telefona al medico , riferendo che la paziente non accetta di eseguire la procedura e che non sta bene . Il medico risponde al telefono dicendo di averci parlato la sera prima , di essere sorpreso di questo atteggiamento , e che piu tardi ci parler per ulteriori spiegazioni ; ordina intanto di somministrare un antiemetico . Ore 7 L infermiera E si accorge che nella cartella della paziente non c竪 il consenso informato alla procedura angioinvasiva ; chiede allora al medico specializzando di far firmare il consenso alla paziente .
12. L'errore umano L'errore in ospedale Il medico specializzando esamina la cartella ed 竪 sorpreso per la mancanza di notizie anamnestiche cardiologiche e del consenso informato . Tuttavia convince la paziente della relativa semplicit della procedura e le fa firmare il consenso , dove c'竪 scritto cateterismo cardiaco con accesso AFS per esecuzione di EF ed eventuale impianto di PM o DC Ore 7.10 Squilla il telefono : dall accettazione dell Emodinamica riferiscono che 竪 arrivato il primo paziente ( senza fare nome ) Ore 7.15 L infermiera addetta alla consolle sistema la paziente sul tavolo , attacca i monitors e inizia a preparare il campo operatorio
13. L'errore umano L'errore in ospedale Ore 7.30 Uno specializzando della Neurochirurgia arriva in Reparto e si meraviglia che la signora Morrison non sia nella sua stanza . Quando gli viene detto che si trova in Emodinamica si precipita sul posto , chiedendo come mai la sua paziente si trova li : l infermiera E conferma allo specializzando che la paziente Morrison 竪 la prima della giornata , lui pensa che forse il neurochirurgo responsabile abbia ordinato l esame senza dirglielo . Ore 8 Arriva il medico strutturato dell emodinamica, che non riesce a vedere il volto della paziente perch辿 sono gi stati applicati i telini sterili ed inizia l'esame
14. L'errore umano L'errore in ospedale Ore 9.00 Come gi lo specializzando , anche il Neurochirurgo strutturato, giunto in Reparto, si meraviglia che la signora Joan Morrison non sia in camera . Saputo che 竪 stata portata in Emodinamica , telefona per sapere come mai . Il medico emodinamista gli risponde che la signora Jane Morrison era in lista quella mattina per il cateterismo cardiaco : l infermiera E lo corregge , dicendo che sul tavolo c竪 la signora Joan Morrison il medico emodinamista scopre il volto della paziente , capisce l errore e lesame viene interrotto
17. L'errore umano L'errore in ospedale Cosa ne pensano pazienti e medici PAZIENTI MEDICI Non abbastanza tempo per i pazienti 72% 37% Superlavoro e stress 70% 50% Non lavoro di squadra 67% 39% Infermieri non sufficienti 65% 53% Scarso addestramento 54% 28% Cure mediche troppo complesse 48% 38%
18. L'errore umano L'errore in ospedale Eventi indesiderati emersi da uno studio clinico presso lAzienda Policlinico di Modena Approfondimenti diagnostici non eseguiti Trattamenti terapeutici non indicati Difetti significativi di compilazione cartella Eventi importanti avvenuti durante il ricovero non segnalati nella lettera di dimissione Giornate di ricovero inappropriate
19. L'errore umano L'errore in ospedale Un errore fatale Alle ore 17 del 4/1/2001 il sig. W fu preparato per una iniezione spinale di chemioterapici Dopo aver iniettato il primo farmaco (citosina), il dott. J , sotto la supervisione del dott. M, si appresta a somministrare un secondo farmaco per via spinale Viene somministrato Vincristina, che non deve essere mai somministrata per via spinale. Nonostante il trattamento di emergenza, il paziente muore il 2/2
20. L'errore umano L'errore in ospedale Come 竪 successo Il paziente 竪 arrivato tardi, ma il personale ha cercato di eseguire ugualmente il trattamento In farmacia c竪 il regolamento che farmaci per vie diverse si somministrano in giorni diversi Linfermiere di reparto va in farmacia: trova i 2 farmaci in confezioni diverse, ma nello stesso contenitore e li porta entrambi in reparto
21. L'errore umano L'errore in ospedale Come 竪 successo Il dott. M verifica che i farmaci corrispondono alla prescrizione, ma non fa caso ai tempi n辿 alla via di somministrazione Il dott. J prepara correttamente per la spinale: legge il nome del primo farmaco, il dott. M conferma, quindi lo inietta Poi legge il nome del secondo farmaco, il dott. M conferma; allora J ripete il nome del farmaco e la via di somministrazione ed M conferma ancora; quindi lo inietta
22. L'errore umano L'errore in ospedale Perch辿 竪 successo Le due siringhe sono uguali per tipo di etichetta, dimensioni e attacco C竪 il regolamento che farmaci per vie diverse si somministrano in giorni diversi
23. L'errore umano L'errore in ospedale Perch辿 竪 successo Linfermiere di reparto va in farmacia: trova i 2 farmaci in confezioni diverse, ma nello stesso contenitore e li porta entrambi in reparto Il dott. M sa che i farmaci per vie diverse vengono somministrati in giorni diversi Il dott. J sa che il dott. M 竪 il supervisore e che ha gi controllato tutta la procedura
24. L'errore umano L'errore in ospedale Perch辿 竪 successo Il dott. J prepara correttamente per la spinale: legge il nome del primo farmaco, il dott. M conferma, quindi lo inietta Poi legge il nome del secondo farmaco, il dott. M conferma; allora J ripete il nome del farmaco e la via di somministrazione ed M conferma ancora; quindi lo inietta
25. L'errore umano L'errore in ospedale Perch辿 竪 successo Il dott M racconta: Non so perch辿, ma avevo in testa che quel farmaco fosse Metotrexate. Non pensavo affatto ad un farmaco per altra via