OpenCoffee is a networking group that began in 2008 focused on sharing knowledge and helping entrepreneurs. It grew most in 2010 but declined after 2011. The group aims to connect new members, provide space for presentations on topics like innovation and startups, and foster sharing, collaboration, and positivity among its members and the broader startup community.
Link journalism involves linking to reporting or sources on the web to enhance, complement or add context to original reporting. It can also curate topical news to help people find the most interesting, credible content from any source. While linking, journalists must verify the accuracy and credibility of sources to avoid plagiarism. Linking allows readers to access primary sources and check quotes in context. When done well, link journalism can provide greater depth than traditional media by connecting readers to a wide range of information on a topic.
The document describes the first Slovak hackerspace called ProgressBAr. It will be located in Bratislava and aims to provide a space for people interested in technology and science to learn and socialize outside of traditional educational institutions. The hackerspace will have various working groups focused on different technical areas that will hold regular workshops and meetings. It will also provide infrastructure and resources for members to work on their own projects. The hackerspace plans to be financially supported through member fees and donations.
This document discusses the history of attitudes towards entrepreneurship education and university business engagement in the UK since 1960. It describes how entrepreneurs became idealized in UK ideology from the 1970s onward. It also outlines the expansion of UK universities from the 1960s-70s, and the introduction of entrepreneurship education in the 1980s under Thatcher. The paper analyzes this historical context and presents case studies of three universities, examining how their histories shaped their engagement with businesses and approach to entrepreneurship education. It finds both opportunities and contradictions in attitudes, with engagement deepening understanding but also revealing barriers between academia and industry.
Textos Fisiologia Del Ejercicio Curso 2009 2010jmrvalcala
Este documento proporciona informacin sobre un curso de fisiologa del ejercicio en el a?o 2009-2010, incluyendo recomendaciones de textos para el curso y consulta.
Lisa Alberti.Proposed Linked Design Project 1Mary Rose
Five gifted year 10 students at North Manchester High School for Boys will develop concepts for an original, eco-friendly and functional garment designed for extreme weather conditions as part of a linked design project. The students will conduct research on outdoor activities and environments, existing products, and performance fabrics before creating initial designs. They will then model, test, and select viable designs to take through production. Finally, the students will present on existing products and fabrics, and field test their garment prototypes.
Day 2 sustainability is a_journey_not_a_destination[1]Mary Rose
This document discusses sustainability in the outdoor industry. It provides an overview of the sustainability journey, from early environmental protection efforts to current international initiatives. It defines sustainability using the three pillars of economy, environment and equity. Various tools for measuring sustainability impacts are presented. The challenges currently facing the outdoor industry, such as rising manufacturing costs and "push" production systems, are examined. The importance of sustainability for business profitability and the need for education are emphasized. Developing a holistic understanding of sustainability that closes the gap between perceptions and reality is presented as an ongoing challenge.
Why Can't All Of Our Data Silos Just Get Along?Michelle Bruno
The technology landscape in the event industry is fragmented. There are lots of platforms that do lots of different things. The problem is that many don't share data and functionality, i.e. they don't work well together. Integration would be immensely helpful to change the situation, but there is still pushback and a layer of complexity that many event professionals aren't equipped to address. Read about what's going on and what needs to happen to change the situation.
This document discusses the rise of evidence-based health care over the last decade. Key points:
- Evidence-based health care aims to minimize problems like overuse, underuse and misuse of treatments by basing clinical practice closely on scientific research evidence.
- During the 1990s, the concepts of evidence-based health care spread widely and began influencing health policymakers, providers and researchers.
- Advances have been made in managing and disseminating research findings through initiatives like the Cochrane Collaboration and clinical practice guidelines.
- However, integrating research evidence into everyday clinical practice remains a challenge and some critics argue evidence-based practice could stifle innovation.
Max Firtman is a mobile and web developer based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. PhoneGap is an open source framework that allows building cross-platform mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It works by packaging web apps so they can be deployed and run as native mobile applications. PhoneGap supports many mobile platforms but each still requires separate compilation. Debugging mobile web apps can also be challenging. The speaker provides advice around maintaining a single codebase, embracing platform differences, and focusing on performance and the best experience for each context.
This document compares the traditional method of collecting waste using bins to a newer method using a machine called a Superlizzy. The Superlizzy provides several benefits over traditional bins including being smaller in size, requiring only one collection point, automatically separating liquids and compacting waste. This reduces cleaning time, the number of bag changes, and transportation time of waste, saving an estimated two hours of work per day. The Superlizzy also encourages better waste separation by customers and improves hygiene by containing liquids.
DS design Architects is a full-service architectural firm established in 1990 that provides exceptional design services to residential, commercial, and retail clients. The firm has a staff of 12 that includes registered architects, interior designers, and LEED accredited professionals. DS design Architects is dedicated to exceeding client expectations by efficiently delivering high-quality design and construction documents. Recent project experience includes single-family homes, senior housing, mixed-use developments, and corporate offices.
The document discusses three case studies of companies that received assistance from Advanse to meet their international business needs. In the first case study, Advanse provided executive internships in the US to prepare managers for a new power plant in Egypt. The second case involved offering training programs in Washington DC to develop the skills of Italian youth. The third highlighted assisting a French aerospace manufacturer to form a partnership to produce proprietary products in the US. In all cases, Advanse's solutions helped the clients achieve their goals of gaining experience, developing skills, and successfully expanding operations internationally.
This document summarizes Max Firtman's presentation on breaking limits with HTML5 on mobile. The presentation covered hacks for improving the user interface, such as making the screen full screen, supporting high resolution canvases, and handling different screen densities. It also discussed hacks for enhancing device interaction like accessing the device's camera and notifications. Finally, it provided ways to enhance apps through tricks like customizing the home screen title and live tiles. The overall presentation focused on pushing the boundaries of HTML5's capabilities on mobile through creative coding techniques.
This document discusses the history of attitudes towards entrepreneurship education and university business engagement in the UK since 1960. It describes how entrepreneurs became idealized in UK ideology from the 1970s onward. It also outlines the expansion of UK universities from the 1960s-70s, and the introduction of entrepreneurship education in the 1980s under Thatcher. The paper analyzes this historical context and presents case studies of three universities, examining how their histories shaped their engagement with businesses and approach to entrepreneurship education. It finds both opportunities and contradictions in attitudes, with engagement deepening understanding but also revealing barriers between academia and industry.
Textos Fisiologia Del Ejercicio Curso 2009 2010jmrvalcala
Este documento proporciona informacin sobre un curso de fisiologa del ejercicio en el a?o 2009-2010, incluyendo recomendaciones de textos para el curso y consulta.
Lisa Alberti.Proposed Linked Design Project 1Mary Rose
Five gifted year 10 students at North Manchester High School for Boys will develop concepts for an original, eco-friendly and functional garment designed for extreme weather conditions as part of a linked design project. The students will conduct research on outdoor activities and environments, existing products, and performance fabrics before creating initial designs. They will then model, test, and select viable designs to take through production. Finally, the students will present on existing products and fabrics, and field test their garment prototypes.
Day 2 sustainability is a_journey_not_a_destination[1]Mary Rose
This document discusses sustainability in the outdoor industry. It provides an overview of the sustainability journey, from early environmental protection efforts to current international initiatives. It defines sustainability using the three pillars of economy, environment and equity. Various tools for measuring sustainability impacts are presented. The challenges currently facing the outdoor industry, such as rising manufacturing costs and "push" production systems, are examined. The importance of sustainability for business profitability and the need for education are emphasized. Developing a holistic understanding of sustainability that closes the gap between perceptions and reality is presented as an ongoing challenge.
Why Can't All Of Our Data Silos Just Get Along?Michelle Bruno
The technology landscape in the event industry is fragmented. There are lots of platforms that do lots of different things. The problem is that many don't share data and functionality, i.e. they don't work well together. Integration would be immensely helpful to change the situation, but there is still pushback and a layer of complexity that many event professionals aren't equipped to address. Read about what's going on and what needs to happen to change the situation.
This document discusses the rise of evidence-based health care over the last decade. Key points:
- Evidence-based health care aims to minimize problems like overuse, underuse and misuse of treatments by basing clinical practice closely on scientific research evidence.
- During the 1990s, the concepts of evidence-based health care spread widely and began influencing health policymakers, providers and researchers.
- Advances have been made in managing and disseminating research findings through initiatives like the Cochrane Collaboration and clinical practice guidelines.
- However, integrating research evidence into everyday clinical practice remains a challenge and some critics argue evidence-based practice could stifle innovation.
Max Firtman is a mobile and web developer based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. PhoneGap is an open source framework that allows building cross-platform mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It works by packaging web apps so they can be deployed and run as native mobile applications. PhoneGap supports many mobile platforms but each still requires separate compilation. Debugging mobile web apps can also be challenging. The speaker provides advice around maintaining a single codebase, embracing platform differences, and focusing on performance and the best experience for each context.
This document compares the traditional method of collecting waste using bins to a newer method using a machine called a Superlizzy. The Superlizzy provides several benefits over traditional bins including being smaller in size, requiring only one collection point, automatically separating liquids and compacting waste. This reduces cleaning time, the number of bag changes, and transportation time of waste, saving an estimated two hours of work per day. The Superlizzy also encourages better waste separation by customers and improves hygiene by containing liquids.
DS design Architects is a full-service architectural firm established in 1990 that provides exceptional design services to residential, commercial, and retail clients. The firm has a staff of 12 that includes registered architects, interior designers, and LEED accredited professionals. DS design Architects is dedicated to exceeding client expectations by efficiently delivering high-quality design and construction documents. Recent project experience includes single-family homes, senior housing, mixed-use developments, and corporate offices.
The document discusses three case studies of companies that received assistance from Advanse to meet their international business needs. In the first case study, Advanse provided executive internships in the US to prepare managers for a new power plant in Egypt. The second case involved offering training programs in Washington DC to develop the skills of Italian youth. The third highlighted assisting a French aerospace manufacturer to form a partnership to produce proprietary products in the US. In all cases, Advanse's solutions helped the clients achieve their goals of gaining experience, developing skills, and successfully expanding operations internationally.
This document summarizes Max Firtman's presentation on breaking limits with HTML5 on mobile. The presentation covered hacks for improving the user interface, such as making the screen full screen, supporting high resolution canvases, and handling different screen densities. It also discussed hacks for enhancing device interaction like accessing the device's camera and notifications. Finally, it provided ways to enhance apps through tricks like customizing the home screen title and live tiles. The overall presentation focused on pushing the boundaries of HTML5's capabilities on mobile through creative coding techniques.
1. Esler
Als technisch projectenbureau streven wij naar het verhogen van
de flexibiliteit van onze klanten met behulp van onze hoog
gekwalificeerde technische professionals (vanaf HBO niveau).
We zijn actief in de Chemische Industrie, de Levensmiddelen
Industrie en de Railbranche.
Vanuit de specialisaties Elektrotechniek, Werktuigbouwkunde en
Procesautomatisering zijn we bij onze relaties een gewaardeerde
partner die meedenkt over de best mogelijke oplossingen.
Kwaliteit en persoonlijk contact zijn voor ons essenti?le waarden.
Als werkgever staan we voor onze mensen en stellen we goed
werkgeverschap centraal.
Centraal in onze dienstverlening staat de inzet van
hoogwaardige professionals op tijdelijke basis. Onze
dienstverlening onderscheidt zich doordat wij kwaliteitsbewust
zijn en de belangen van onze relaties centraal stellen.
Onze relaties beschouwen Esler als een no nonsense partner
met verstand van zaken. Ook ontvangen we positieve feedback
over de wijze waarop wij met onze opdrachtgevers
samenwerken, de kwaliteit van onze medewerkers en het
persoonlijk contact.
Tot onze klanten rekenen we productiebedrijven, technisch
dienstverleners voor engineering, installatie en onderhoud en
openbaar vervoer organisaties.
2. Branches en vakdisciplines
We werken hoofdzakelijk vanuit de vakdisciplines E/I, W en
Procesautomatisering. Binnen deze vakdisciplines werken wij in
zowel specialistische rollen als constructeur of engineer als in meer
generiek rollen als project engineer of projectmanager.
Esler is actief in de volgende Branches:
? Chemische-, Farmaceutische- en Levensmiddelen Industrie:
? Ondersteuning bij Revisie, Nieuwbouw van Machinepark,
Utilities en aanverwante installaties. O.a. op engineering,
constructie en het voorbereiden en managen van de
? Ondersteuning van project- of lijnorganisatie met project
engineering, werkvoorbereiding, projectmanagement of
? Ondersteuning op gebied van procesautomatisering met E/I
en applicatie engineering of op de aansturing hiervan vanaf
werkvoorbereider tot lead engineer / projectmanager.
? Rail Industrie
? Ondersteuning bij project- en regie/procesmanagement
nieuwbouw systemen en installaties in stationsomgeving;
? Ondersteuning bij Onderhoud en Revisie (vanaf concept
engineering, system engineering en constructies t/m
? Ondersteuning bij Nieuwbouw (warranty management,
technisch onderzoek, project engineering);
? Ondersteuning met specialisten in beveiliging van
3. Kwaliteit
Binnen Esler wordt er veel tijd en aandacht besteed aan het zeker
stellen van onze kwaliteitsstandaard. Zo zijn onze werkprocessen
slim ingericht en maken wij gebruik van degelijke automatisering ter
ondersteuning van onze bedrijfsprocessen. Ook zijn onze
accountmanagers echte vakspecialisten en hebben ze veel ervaring
binnen hun werkveld. Bovenop onze hoge kwaliteitsstandaard,
beschikken we over de volgende certificeringen:
Nen 4400-1 Certificering
Esler is gecertificeerd conform het NEN 4400-1 keurmerk. Dit is een
betrouwbaarheidskeurmerk voor ondernemingen die
arbeidskrachten ter beschikking stellen en (onder)aannemers van
werk. Bij Esler is dus geborgd dat de inrichting van de administratie
voldoet aan de wettelijke regels en afdracht van verschuldigde
loonheffingen en omzetbelasting tijdig en correct plaatsvindt. Het
voordeel is dat als opdrachtgever er van verzekerd bent dat u met
Esler een betrouwbare partner in huis haalt!
VCU Certificering
Esler is gecertificeerd conform de eisen van de VCU, de Veiligheids
Checklist Uitzend- en detacheringbureaus. Dit betekent dat wij een
adequaat beleid voeren op het gebied van veiligheid en
gezondheid. Onze consultants op kantoor zijn VIL-VCU
gecertificeerd (Veiligheid voor intercedenten en Leidinggevenden).
Zij zorgen voor tijdige en juiste voorlichting en instructie. Met
opdrachtgevers stemmen zij af wat de omstandigheden op de
werkplek zijn en welke mogelijke risicos van toepassing zijn. Door
deze afstemming kunnen wij onze professionals tijdig informeren en
samen met u de eventueel benodigde maatregelen treffen.
Door ons VCU Certificaat kunt u er van op aan dat wij een adequaat
beleid volgen op het gebied van Veiligheid, Gezondheid, Welzijn en
4. Focusgebieden
Om onze kwaliteit te kunnen borgen, zijn binnen Esler een aantal focusgebieden
benoemd . Binnen deze focusgebieden zijn wij volwaardig gesprekspartner en
selecteren wij de beste mensen. Onze mensen beschikken over een technisch HBO en
/ of een WO diploma.
Project controlling Projectmanagement
Kwaliteitsmanagement Directievoering
Procesoptimalisatie Werkvoorbereiding
Document controlling Calculatie
Quality en Safety Engineering Planning
Co?rdinatie & toezicht
Tekenen en constructiewerk Planning en organisatie
Ontwerp/engineering Maintenance engineering
Stress / Structural engineering Asset management
Process engineering Contractmanagement
Project engineering Supervisie
Cost engineering Stilstandmanagement
Sales engineering Reliability engineering
PLC Software engineering
DCS/MES Engineering
5. Waarom zou u kiezen voor Esler?
We zijn dagelijks bezig met specialisten en opdrachtgevers binnen
uw branche. Daardoor weten we het kaf van het koren te scheiden
en begrijpen we waar u als opdrachtgever mee te maken heeft.
Bij ons bent u geen A, B of C klant. We hebben een persoonlijke
benadering en zijn als organisatie toegewijd met uw vraagstuk bezig.
Door onze jarenlange ervaring is goede samenwerking en hoge
kwaliteit gegarandeerd.
Wij bieden altijd maatwerk dankzij:
? Diepgaand inzicht en interesse in werknemers en werkgevers op
deze markt vanuit focus en vakkennis;
? Zorgvuldige voorselectie en profielopmaak van kandidaten,
functies en opdrachtgevers
? Constant streven naar de beste kwaliteit tegen de scherpste prijs
Daarom zijn zowel opdrachtgevers als medewerkers bij ons
verzekerd van een bevredigend resultaat op korte en lange termijn.
6. Wilt u meer weten?
Wilt u weten wat Esler voor uw organisatie kan betekenen? Wij
staan u graag te woord! Wij zijn bereikbaar op
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