Masternaut LiveCHUCKLY SHYNGLEThe document discusses Connect live, a next-generation dynamic map-based tool that provides real-time visibility and reporting of fleets, employees, vehicles and assets. It allows users to track locations, set geo-fences and alerts, access dynamic timesheets and dashboards with key performance indicators. Connect live also offers configurable settings, upgrades and additional modules to expand telematics use as a business grows.
PNDCHUCKLY SHYNGLEThe Mission & Support Pro (MS Pro) is a comprehensive tracking and communication solution for mobile workforces. It provides satellite navigation, messaging capabilities, job scheduling, driver communication features, and real-time vehicle tracking in a single, integrated device. The MS Pro allows companies to efficiently communicate with field employees, send and receive messages, track vehicle locations, and schedule jobs without needing multiple devices installed in vehicles.
PSM IJakob Aabel This individual has demonstrated knowledge of Scrum roles, events, artifacts, and rules as described in the Scrum Guide. In recognition of passing this exam, has provided certification as a Professional Scrum Master I. The certification was issued on May 30, 2015 to Jakob Aabel Østergaard.
Cleaner production concepts for chemical processing of siAdane NegaThe document discusses cleaner production concepts for chemical processing of silk. It defines cleaner production as a preventative approach to environmental management that applies preventative measures for environmentally friendly production to increase process efficiency and reduce risks. Some key applications discussed are conserving raw materials, water and energy and reducing toxicity of emissions and wastewater. The benefits outlined are reduction in raw material and energy consumption, less waste generation, lower treatment costs, and improved efficiency and product quality. Pollution prevention through source reduction rather than treatment is positioned as the best strategy. Various pollution prevention techniques for the silk processing industry are also highlighted.
Indian railwaysADARSH NINAMOHINAThe document discusses the Railway Employees Sangh trade union formed in 1996 in Secunderabad, India to advocate for railway workers' rights and interests. It works to represent all four groups of railway employees - gazetted staff in groups A and B who hold higher positions, and non-gazetted staff in groups C and D for clerical/supervisory and technical/maintenance work. The document also briefly outlines the Trade Union Act of 1926 and Industrial Dispute Act of 1947 that provide legal recognition and protections for registered trade unions in India to safeguard workers' interests.
Ect kraft-papercircuscreativeThe document discusses the installation of a 550 kW energy conservation turbine (ECT) at a paper manufacturing plant in the United Arab Emirates. The ECT was installed in 2006 parallel to the steam header to recover energy from throttling steam. It generates 550 kW of power from 20 tons per hour of steam and saves the plant over $530,000 per year in energy costs. Over the turbine's 15-year lifespan, the total capital savings are estimated to be $7.9 million. The project achieved a payback period of less than one year and provides environmental benefits like reduced carbon emissions and improved process efficiency.
Keeping your files safe in the post-Snowden era with SXFSRobert WojciechowskiThis document describes SXFS, an encrypted distributed filesystem that allows for easy and secure file sharing. Some key points:
- SXFS uses client-side encryption with AES 256 and file deduplication to securely store and transfer files.
- It provides fault tolerance and scalability by backing the encrypted filesystem with the distributed SX object storage. Additional nodes can be added to increase speed and storage capacity.
- Setup involves installing SXFS on clients and servers, creating a user and volume, and mounting the encrypted filesystem on clients for easy access to shared files.
PNDCHUCKLY SHYNGLEThe Mission & Support Pro (MS Pro) is a comprehensive tracking and communication solution for mobile workforces. It provides satellite navigation, messaging capabilities, job scheduling, driver communication features, and real-time vehicle tracking in a single, integrated device. The MS Pro allows companies to efficiently communicate with field employees, send and receive messages, track vehicle locations, and schedule jobs without needing multiple devices installed in vehicles.
PSM IJakob Aabel This individual has demonstrated knowledge of Scrum roles, events, artifacts, and rules as described in the Scrum Guide. In recognition of passing this exam, has provided certification as a Professional Scrum Master I. The certification was issued on May 30, 2015 to Jakob Aabel Østergaard.
Cleaner production concepts for chemical processing of siAdane NegaThe document discusses cleaner production concepts for chemical processing of silk. It defines cleaner production as a preventative approach to environmental management that applies preventative measures for environmentally friendly production to increase process efficiency and reduce risks. Some key applications discussed are conserving raw materials, water and energy and reducing toxicity of emissions and wastewater. The benefits outlined are reduction in raw material and energy consumption, less waste generation, lower treatment costs, and improved efficiency and product quality. Pollution prevention through source reduction rather than treatment is positioned as the best strategy. Various pollution prevention techniques for the silk processing industry are also highlighted.
Indian railwaysADARSH NINAMOHINAThe document discusses the Railway Employees Sangh trade union formed in 1996 in Secunderabad, India to advocate for railway workers' rights and interests. It works to represent all four groups of railway employees - gazetted staff in groups A and B who hold higher positions, and non-gazetted staff in groups C and D for clerical/supervisory and technical/maintenance work. The document also briefly outlines the Trade Union Act of 1926 and Industrial Dispute Act of 1947 that provide legal recognition and protections for registered trade unions in India to safeguard workers' interests.
Ect kraft-papercircuscreativeThe document discusses the installation of a 550 kW energy conservation turbine (ECT) at a paper manufacturing plant in the United Arab Emirates. The ECT was installed in 2006 parallel to the steam header to recover energy from throttling steam. It generates 550 kW of power from 20 tons per hour of steam and saves the plant over $530,000 per year in energy costs. Over the turbine's 15-year lifespan, the total capital savings are estimated to be $7.9 million. The project achieved a payback period of less than one year and provides environmental benefits like reduced carbon emissions and improved process efficiency.
Keeping your files safe in the post-Snowden era with SXFSRobert WojciechowskiThis document describes SXFS, an encrypted distributed filesystem that allows for easy and secure file sharing. Some key points:
- SXFS uses client-side encryption with AES 256 and file deduplication to securely store and transfer files.
- It provides fault tolerance and scalability by backing the encrypted filesystem with the distributed SX object storage. Additional nodes can be added to increase speed and storage capacity.
- Setup involves installing SXFS on clients and servers, creating a user and volume, and mounting the encrypted filesystem on clients for easy access to shared files.
Temas de traballoLourdes PereiraEl documento presenta una lista de temas de trabajo relacionados con la astronomía, incluyendo la historia de la astronomía, las leyes y teorías como las de Newton y Einstein, la estructura y evolución del universo, los tipos de galaxias y la Vía Láctea, la evolución estelar y tipos de estrellas, y la exploración del universo a través de la observación y los instrumentos astronómicos.
Nematodos anélidos moluscosLourdes PereiraTraballo de aula 1º B
Os invertebrados mais simples1Lourdes PereiraEste documento resume los invertebrados más simples: las esponjas, los cnidarios y los platelmintos. Las esponjas son inmóviles pero se alimentan filtrando partículas del agua. Los cnidarios incluyen animales como las medusas y los pólipos, que se alimentan paralizando a sus presas con veneno. Los platelmintos son los animales más simples con órganos verdaderos e incluyen parásitos como las tenias y las planarias, que se reproducen alternativamente y viven en diferentes
3. Nome:Poriferarefírese aosporosexistentesna parede do corpo dasesponxas. OPoriferaouesponxasson animaissimples.Eles non teñen tecidosverdadeirosou órganose non teñensistema nervioso. Todos sonacuáticos(mariños ede auga doce) esésiles(vive prendido ásrochas,algas...).
4. tenreproduciónasexuale sexual. Se reproducen asexualmenteporfragmentación. Aoreproducirsesexualmente,a fertilizacióné externa.
5. O corpodas diferentes especies deesponxasé variable: saco,coroa,ramificado... Esponxassonanimais filtradores.A través dosporos,a auga entrano corpodo animale, polo tanto,a esponxafiltra amateria orgánicaque está ensuspensiónna auga e, así,aliméntase. As células quecaptana materiaen suspensiónson chamados coanocitos. Filtraaaugasaeao exteriora través dunorificiomaior chamadoosculo.
6. Debido aoseu modode alimentación,asesponxasprecisan vivir enaugas calmaspara capturarpartículasda auga. Teñenun esqueletoformado porsimple "espiñas ” chamadas espículasmicroscópicas. Estas espículaspode serde composicióndiferente:carbonato de calcio(caliza),fibrasde síliceouespongina(por exemplo,esponxa de baño)
7. Organización xeral Sistemática. Espículas calcáreas Esponjas CALCÁREAS Espículas de sílice Esponjas SILÍCEAS Espículas de espongina DESMOSPONJAS
9. Invertebrados que teñen unha abertura rodeada de tentáculos Poden ter forma de saco (pólipo) ou de parasol (medusa). Viven de ordinario no mar, formando colonias numerosas. Presentan dúas formas: A forma pólipo , que vive en colonias. A forma medusa , con forma de parasol e vida libre.
11. Os platihelmintos son animais que teñen verdadeiros organos, a maioría son parasitos e poden causar graves enfermidades. 1- As planarias son os platihelmintos de vida libre máis importantes. son carnívoras e viven en medios acuáticos. 2- As tenias, ou solitarias , son parasitas e viven no intestino de moitos animais. Constitúen un filo de animais invertebrados formado por aneis. .