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Essay about German Nazi: The Holocaust
Final Problem in Germany Germany had many huge problems throughout their years as a country,
but one major problem that made a huge impact was the Holocaust. The Holocaust refers to a time
period where Adolf Hitlers becomes chancellor and there's a mass killing in the certain minorities
Hitler found responsible for his losses. Hitler mainly looked at the Jews responsible for his losses
which led to a mass killing and destruction towards the Jews and Jewish community. This mass
killing took out two–thirds of European Jewry and one–third of all entire worlds Jewry.
These Jews that were murdered and sent to concentration camps were not ones that were involved
...show more content...
The Nazi Party was against communism and managed to use propaganda in favor for the Nazis and
against the communists as well as the blamed Jews and the weak Weimar
government."(jewishvirtuallibrary.org) Basically once Hitler was chancellor of Germany it just went
downward from there. Conservatives believed appointing Hitler as Chancellor would bring stability
to the unstable German government even after World War 1 and the weak unsuccessfulWeimar
Republic, The people who appointed Hitler didn't want a Nazi Germany, just a strong authoritarian
central government, and they believed they would be able to control him as a leader. In about a
year and a half later, Hitler managed to establish a one–party dictatorship. He called for new
elections. Then in March 1933, Hitler passes the Enabling Act, which basically puts Hitler in total
power. Under this act the cabinet can make laws; anything can be decreed as long as it doesn't
interfere with the Reichstag, and the laws were prepared by Hitler. The government created special
courts to by–pass the established justice system so they can basically do whatever they want. All
political parties except for the NSDAP then dissolved which put Germany in an awful
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The Holocaust and Genocide Essay
"Why is the killing of 1 million a lesser crime then the killing of one person?" (Scream Bloody
Murder). Throughout history groups of people have been killed by ruling powers, but the unlawful
acts went without title until recent events in the
1940Кјs. The mass killings in Germany activated against the Jews created a new word, genocide.
"Genocide refers to the widespread murder and other acts committed by governments or other groups
with the intent to destroy – in whole or in part– a national, racial, religious or ethnic group" (Choices
Program 1). This definition was placed by international governments, but the word was developed by
a single man in response to the Holocaust. Grappling for a way to express the magnitude of the
...show more content...
"The worldКјs foremost superpower, America, has almost never acted to stop a race of people from
being exterminated, even when confronted with overwhelming evidence"
(Rusesabagina 137). ItКјs hard to reach out in so many different areas, but itКјs also hard to see
countries allowing genocide to continue when they could help end it. Many lives couldКјve been
saved if America had helped to end the Holocaust, but it chose to avoid the involvement. The world
closed its eyes, closed its ears, and turned its back on what was happening (Rusesabagina 98). The
Holocaust went on for years and people couldКјve chosen to investigate, but instead they left it to its
World War II and the Holocaust was the result of harsh conditions in Germany after the conclusion
of World War I. The war "ended in disaster for the German nation...not only the economy, but the
spirit of the country was destroyed by the
Versailles Treaty of 1919" (Rossel 9). The rules set up for Germany were unfair because fault for war
cannot be placed on a single country. More problems arose in the 1930Кјs when the Depression
spread. "By 1932 over three million Germans were out of work...More and more the military leaders
looked to Hitler for an answer" (Rossel 17).
They needed a leader, and HitlerКјs power in Germany was growing by using the peopleКјs pent up
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The Jewish Holocaust Essay
The Jewish Holocaust could be, and is, widely accepted as one of the most brutal and damaging
atrocities ever to occur in the history of humanity. The level of brutality brought on by this atrocity is
to such a degree that whenever the word "Holocaust" is mentioned it is not the Greek origins of
"offer burning" that comes to mind; but, instead, the thought that resonates is the death of
approximately 6 million Jews and other minorities brought on by racial hatred, radical ideology,
and established prejudice (p. vii). There is no question that a main goal, and often argued by
historians as Hitler's topmost priority, in order to create Third Reich, that would supposedly last
1,000 years, was to expel Europe of any Jewish presence. Nonetheless, similar to that of any large
scale operation, an expulsion of Jews from Europe would take time and different phases to achieve
efficiently and effectively. The Nazi program, according to Bergen's 'War and Genocide", would
attempt to accomplish this through five phases: support and encourage public oppression of Jews,
isolation of Jews from the community, mass killings, and, lastly, the "Final Solution."
However, there was a small road block prior to beginning the expulsion of Jews from Europe;
despite being a minority group, Jews still were large enough that their outright persecution would be
met with some public scrutiny. Hitler, being the political leader he was, knew and acknowledged
that public support was required in order to begin
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Essay about The Holocaust
The Holocaust was the murder and persecution of approximately 6 million Jews and many others
by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. The Nazis came to power in Germany in January of 1933.
The Nazis thought that the "inferior" Jews were a threat to the "racially superior" German racial
community. The death camps were operated from 1941 to 1945, and many people lost their lives
or were forced to work in concentration camps during these years. The story leading up to the
Holocaust, how the terrible event affected people's lives, and how it came to and end are all topics
that make this historic event worth learning about. Hatred towards the Jews didn't start with the
Holocaust. There is evidence that hostility towards the Jews as far back...show more content...
While in prison, he wrote "Mein Kamf" (Which means "My Struggle"). "Mein Kamf" was a memoir
and propaganda tract in which he predicted "the extermination of the Jewish Race in Germany" after
a general European war. About ten years after he was released from prison, Hitler arose from
obscurity to power after taking advantage of the weaknesses of his enemies. On January 20 of
1933, he was named chancellor of Germany. When President Paul von Hindenburg died in 1934,
Adolf appointed himself as Germany's ruler. At first, the Nazis were only killing political
opponents like Communists and/or Social Democrats, for which their harshest persecution was
used. Many of the first prisoners sent to Dachau (The first official concentration camp opened
near Munich in March of 1933) were communists. By July, the concentration camps run by the
Germans held around 27,000 people in what they called "protective custody." The Nazis had huge
rallies and acts of symbolism such as burning of books by Jews. During the years of 1933 to 1939,
the hundreds of thousands of Jews who were able to leave Germany got out quickly, but many were
left behind, and they lived their lives in a constant state of uncertainty and fear. During the fall of
1939, Hitler started the so–called Euthanasia Program. The Euthanasia Program allowed Nazi
officials to select around 70,000 German citizens institutionalized for mental illnesses or disabilities.
These Germans were to be gassed to death. After prominent German
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Essay About The Holocaust
The Holocaust was one of the lowest points in the history of this world, which anyone and everyone
can agree on. Although, without it I wouldn't have been able to learn the following lessons.
To begin, because of the beliefs of one man, it has affected a lot of history. For example, Hitler had
believed that the cause of all evil was due to the Jews. To support this, Hitler had made many laws
and even made sure that the Jews didn't get the right to own anything no matter what it was.
Furthermore, Hitler also believed that the best look for anyone to have would be blue eyes and
blond hair. This relates to the topic because, Hitler preferred if every single person had that type of
look so they met his standards. In addition, Hitler had killed...show more content...
For instance, the Jews as well as others had been put into concentration camps. These people
include anyone who is disabled in any sense. This is proving my point because, most people who
are disabled were born like that and weren't able to fix the problem ahead of time. In addition to
that, people who were gay or "not straight" were also put into the camps. Much like the disabled,
gays were born the way they were and can't help this fact, so they are being judged harshly by
something they can't stop. Finally, the other people, besides Jews, that were put into the
concentration camps were anyone of a different race. Like the other people I have talked about,
people of a different culture were born that way and couldn't control what they were born into. In
order to prove all of these reasons, it states, "...the Nuremberg Laws extends the prohibition on
marriage or sexual relations between people who could produce 'racially suspect' offspring. A
week later, the minister of the interior interprets this to mean relations between 'those of German or
related blood' and Roma (Gypsies), blacks, or their offspring" (The Nuremberg Race Laws). This
quote relates back to the topic because, the Nuremberg Laws had caused people to constantly judge
anyone who was slightly different from the way they were born. In summary, the lesson that I had
learned from this was, to never judge someone
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Holocaust Survivors Essay
Holocaust Survivors
Who survived the holocaust? What are their lives like today? What has been the government's
response towards those who survived after World War II? Have the survivors kept their faith? How
has the survivors next generation been affected? The survivors of the holocaust were deeply effected
by the trauma they encountered. This unforgettable experience influenced their lives, those around
them, and even their descendants.
When the infamous Hitler began his reign in Germany in 1933, 530,000 Jews were settled in his
land. In a matter of years the amount of Jews greatly decreased. After World War II, only 15,000
Jews remained. This small population of Jews was a result of inhumane killings and also the fleeing
of...show more content...
A voluntary relief organization was issued. This group collected food, clothing, and other goods to
help those persecuted Jews get back on their feet. They also offered special housing to allow the
survivors a place to start again. Along with this relief program, a new legislation was created to
return confiscated Jewish assets to their lawful owners. The German government even began paying
the returning victims $1,500 to show their sympathy. Though these programs helped Jews, Germans
needed to develop a new attitude to earn respect from the Jews. To state the government's new
intentions in writing, Article III was created and added to the German constitution, called the
Grundgesetz. This addition solemnly proclaimed the "equality of all men before the law: no one
could be discriminated against because of sex, race, nationality, ethnic origins, faith, or political
views". However, most Germans and Jews wanted action, instead of merely a declaration of what
should be done. In order to take action towards their goal of equality, the whole community needed
education in "the spirit of human and religious tolerance". 3
The holocaust greatly effected the population of the Jews and their families. The Jew mortality rate
after the second World War was two times that of the general German population. This was due to
health problems provoked during the holocaust and the persecution on their will to
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Essay About The Holocaust

  • 1. Essay about German Nazi: The Holocaust Final Problem in Germany Germany had many huge problems throughout their years as a country, but one major problem that made a huge impact was the Holocaust. The Holocaust refers to a time period where Adolf Hitlers becomes chancellor and there's a mass killing in the certain minorities Hitler found responsible for his losses. Hitler mainly looked at the Jews responsible for his losses which led to a mass killing and destruction towards the Jews and Jewish community. This mass killing took out two–thirds of European Jewry and one–third of all entire worlds Jewry. These Jews that were murdered and sent to concentration camps were not ones that were involved ...show more content... The Nazi Party was against communism and managed to use propaganda in favor for the Nazis and against the communists as well as the blamed Jews and the weak Weimar government."(jewishvirtuallibrary.org) Basically once Hitler was chancellor of Germany it just went downward from there. Conservatives believed appointing Hitler as Chancellor would bring stability to the unstable German government even after World War 1 and the weak unsuccessfulWeimar Republic, The people who appointed Hitler didn't want a Nazi Germany, just a strong authoritarian central government, and they believed they would be able to control him as a leader. In about a year and a half later, Hitler managed to establish a one–party dictatorship. He called for new elections. Then in March 1933, Hitler passes the Enabling Act, which basically puts Hitler in total power. Under this act the cabinet can make laws; anything can be decreed as long as it doesn't interfere with the Reichstag, and the laws were prepared by Hitler. The government created special courts to by–pass the established justice system so they can basically do whatever they want. All political parties except for the NSDAP then dissolved which put Germany in an awful Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 2. The Holocaust and Genocide Essay "Why is the killing of 1 million a lesser crime then the killing of one person?" (Scream Bloody Murder). Throughout history groups of people have been killed by ruling powers, but the unlawful acts went without title until recent events in the 1940Кјs. The mass killings in Germany activated against the Jews created a new word, genocide. "Genocide refers to the widespread murder and other acts committed by governments or other groups with the intent to destroy – in whole or in part– a national, racial, religious or ethnic group" (Choices Program 1). This definition was placed by international governments, but the word was developed by a single man in response to the Holocaust. Grappling for a way to express the magnitude of the ...show more content... "The worldКјs foremost superpower, America, has almost never acted to stop a race of people from being exterminated, even when confronted with overwhelming evidence" (Rusesabagina 137). ItКјs hard to reach out in so many different areas, but itКјs also hard to see countries allowing genocide to continue when they could help end it. Many lives couldКјve been saved if America had helped to end the Holocaust, but it chose to avoid the involvement. The world closed its eyes, closed its ears, and turned its back on what was happening (Rusesabagina 98). The Holocaust went on for years and people couldКјve chosen to investigate, but instead they left it to its undoing. World War II and the Holocaust was the result of harsh conditions in Germany after the conclusion of World War I. The war "ended in disaster for the German nation...not only the economy, but the spirit of the country was destroyed by the Versailles Treaty of 1919" (Rossel 9). The rules set up for Germany were unfair because fault for war cannot be placed on a single country. More problems arose in the 1930Кјs when the Depression spread. "By 1932 over three million Germans were out of work...More and more the military leaders looked to Hitler for an answer" (Rossel 17). They needed a leader, and HitlerКјs power in Germany was growing by using the peopleКјs pent up anger Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 3. The Jewish Holocaust Essay The Jewish Holocaust could be, and is, widely accepted as one of the most brutal and damaging atrocities ever to occur in the history of humanity. The level of brutality brought on by this atrocity is to such a degree that whenever the word "Holocaust" is mentioned it is not the Greek origins of "offer burning" that comes to mind; but, instead, the thought that resonates is the death of approximately 6 million Jews and other minorities brought on by racial hatred, radical ideology, and established prejudice (p. vii). There is no question that a main goal, and often argued by historians as Hitler's topmost priority, in order to create Third Reich, that would supposedly last 1,000 years, was to expel Europe of any Jewish presence. Nonetheless, similar to that of any large scale operation, an expulsion of Jews from Europe would take time and different phases to achieve efficiently and effectively. The Nazi program, according to Bergen's 'War and Genocide", would attempt to accomplish this through five phases: support and encourage public oppression of Jews, isolation of Jews from the community, mass killings, and, lastly, the "Final Solution." However, there was a small road block prior to beginning the expulsion of Jews from Europe; despite being a minority group, Jews still were large enough that their outright persecution would be met with some public scrutiny. Hitler, being the political leader he was, knew and acknowledged that public support was required in order to begin Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 4. Essay about The Holocaust The Holocaust was the murder and persecution of approximately 6 million Jews and many others by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. The Nazis came to power in Germany in January of 1933. The Nazis thought that the "inferior" Jews were a threat to the "racially superior" German racial community. The death camps were operated from 1941 to 1945, and many people lost their lives or were forced to work in concentration camps during these years. The story leading up to the Holocaust, how the terrible event affected people's lives, and how it came to and end are all topics that make this historic event worth learning about. Hatred towards the Jews didn't start with the Holocaust. There is evidence that hostility towards the Jews as far back...show more content... While in prison, he wrote "Mein Kamf" (Which means "My Struggle"). "Mein Kamf" was a memoir and propaganda tract in which he predicted "the extermination of the Jewish Race in Germany" after a general European war. About ten years after he was released from prison, Hitler arose from obscurity to power after taking advantage of the weaknesses of his enemies. On January 20 of 1933, he was named chancellor of Germany. When President Paul von Hindenburg died in 1934, Adolf appointed himself as Germany's ruler. At first, the Nazis were only killing political opponents like Communists and/or Social Democrats, for which their harshest persecution was used. Many of the first prisoners sent to Dachau (The first official concentration camp opened near Munich in March of 1933) were communists. By July, the concentration camps run by the Germans held around 27,000 people in what they called "protective custody." The Nazis had huge rallies and acts of symbolism such as burning of books by Jews. During the years of 1933 to 1939, the hundreds of thousands of Jews who were able to leave Germany got out quickly, but many were left behind, and they lived their lives in a constant state of uncertainty and fear. During the fall of 1939, Hitler started the so–called Euthanasia Program. The Euthanasia Program allowed Nazi officials to select around 70,000 German citizens institutionalized for mental illnesses or disabilities. These Germans were to be gassed to death. After prominent German Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 5. Essay About The Holocaust The Holocaust was one of the lowest points in the history of this world, which anyone and everyone can agree on. Although, without it I wouldn't have been able to learn the following lessons. To begin, because of the beliefs of one man, it has affected a lot of history. For example, Hitler had believed that the cause of all evil was due to the Jews. To support this, Hitler had made many laws and even made sure that the Jews didn't get the right to own anything no matter what it was. Furthermore, Hitler also believed that the best look for anyone to have would be blue eyes and blond hair. This relates to the topic because, Hitler preferred if every single person had that type of look so they met his standards. In addition, Hitler had killed...show more content... For instance, the Jews as well as others had been put into concentration camps. These people include anyone who is disabled in any sense. This is proving my point because, most people who are disabled were born like that and weren't able to fix the problem ahead of time. In addition to that, people who were gay or "not straight" were also put into the camps. Much like the disabled, gays were born the way they were and can't help this fact, so they are being judged harshly by something they can't stop. Finally, the other people, besides Jews, that were put into the concentration camps were anyone of a different race. Like the other people I have talked about, people of a different culture were born that way and couldn't control what they were born into. In order to prove all of these reasons, it states, "...the Nuremberg Laws extends the prohibition on marriage or sexual relations between people who could produce 'racially suspect' offspring. A week later, the minister of the interior interprets this to mean relations between 'those of German or related blood' and Roma (Gypsies), blacks, or their offspring" (The Nuremberg Race Laws). This quote relates back to the topic because, the Nuremberg Laws had caused people to constantly judge anyone who was slightly different from the way they were born. In summary, the lesson that I had learned from this was, to never judge someone Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 6. Holocaust Survivors Essay Holocaust Survivors Who survived the holocaust? What are their lives like today? What has been the government's response towards those who survived after World War II? Have the survivors kept their faith? How has the survivors next generation been affected? The survivors of the holocaust were deeply effected by the trauma they encountered. This unforgettable experience influenced their lives, those around them, and even their descendants. When the infamous Hitler began his reign in Germany in 1933, 530,000 Jews were settled in his land. In a matter of years the amount of Jews greatly decreased. After World War II, only 15,000 Jews remained. This small population of Jews was a result of inhumane killings and also the fleeing of...show more content... A voluntary relief organization was issued. This group collected food, clothing, and other goods to help those persecuted Jews get back on their feet. They also offered special housing to allow the survivors a place to start again. Along with this relief program, a new legislation was created to return confiscated Jewish assets to their lawful owners. The German government even began paying the returning victims $1,500 to show their sympathy. Though these programs helped Jews, Germans needed to develop a new attitude to earn respect from the Jews. To state the government's new intentions in writing, Article III was created and added to the German constitution, called the Grundgesetz. This addition solemnly proclaimed the "equality of all men before the law: no one could be discriminated against because of sex, race, nationality, ethnic origins, faith, or political views". However, most Germans and Jews wanted action, instead of merely a declaration of what should be done. In order to take action towards their goal of equality, the whole community needed education in "the spirit of human and religious tolerance". 3 The holocaust greatly effected the population of the Jews and their families. The Jew mortality rate after the second World War was two times that of the general German population. This was due to health problems provoked during the holocaust and the persecution on their will to Get more content on HelpWriting.net