Terratrèmol i tsunami al japó [sólo lectura]SerradePrades
Presentació sobre l'estudi sobre el terratrèmol i el tsunami del Japó realitzat pels alumnes de cicle superior de l'Escola Serra de Prades. Treball realitzat a la sisena hora.
The document describes the SEGAP REST API for managing games and related data. It defines the base URL, authorization procedures using OAuth2.0, and services for administration, data collection, and querying the SPARQL dataset. Resources can be created, retrieved, updated, and deleted for users, games, themes, and their associated entities, variables, actions, conditions, and tips.
Web browser game development offers opportunities for social interaction and fun through online games. HTML5 is poised to become the standard for web games, allowing them to be played across browsers without plugins. Developing successful browser games requires considering the gamer experience and supporting multiple browsers. This document outlines designing a role-playing browser game using the GAMVAS framework, including the game world, player character, NPCs, and a demo.
The document provides information about the 2015 Great Lakes Conference Annual Celebration hosted by Faith Covenant Church in Farmington Hills, Michigan from April 24-25. It includes welcome messages highlighting the theme of "Building on the Missional Markers" and exploring ministry of compassion, justice and race relations. The schedule lists workshops, banquet, worship and business meetings. It also provides hotel accommodation details for attendees.
This document discusses browser game development, including popular web browsers, social networks, and types of browser games such as RPGs. It provides examples of browser games like Backyard Monsters and Travian, and components of RPGs like player characters and quests. The document promotes a demo RPG browser game and provides a link to play it.
The document provides information about the 2013 Great Lakes Conference Annual Celebration to be held April 18-19 at Camp Mission Meadows in Dewittville, NY. The schedule includes workshops on topics like spiritual gifts, leadership teams, and measuring church health. There will also be opportunities for service projects at the camp. The goal of the event is to celebrate what God has done in the past year and explore how to pursue Christ both individually and corporately to further the conference's mission. Hotels have blocked rooms for attendees near the camp location.
The document describes the different types of resources that will be available through RDF ontologies for a gaming platform. There are three main types: theme resources that describe a game's theme/content, game resources that are built on themes and define specific games, and player resources that represent individual gamers. Themes define the baseline structure for games and include general info, entities, variables, actions, and conditions. Games are derived from themes and provide general info as well as their own specific characteristics, conditions, and tips. Player profiles contain general user info as well as game-related stats and social connections.
This document provides an overview of the technologies used to implement the SEGAP system, including Jena for persisting ontologies, Spring for developing REST services, JSP for serving dynamic web pages, and OWL, RDF, and SPARQL for querying ontologies. Tools like Protege, Graphviz, ArgoUML, Google Docs, NetBeans, and Mockingbird are used for modeling, visualization, testing, documentation, and mockups. HTML5, CSS3, RDFa, JavaScript, and Ajax power the web interface and provide user information.
SEGAP is a semantic game platform that aims to improve the player experience by gathering information during gameplay. This information will be used to provide tips and strategies to players based on their behavior. Ontologies customized for games will facilitate sharing information globally in a common language. The platform will provide feedback and statistics to help players improve and find similarly skilled opponents. SPARQL queries will extract useful relationships from collected data to reveal helpful insights for players.
The document describes the SEGAP REST API for managing games and related data. It defines the base URL, authorization procedures using OAuth2.0, and services for administration, data collection, and querying the SPARQL dataset. Resources can be created, retrieved, updated, and deleted for users, games, themes, and their associated entities, variables, actions, conditions, and tips.
Web browser game development offers opportunities for social interaction and fun through online games. HTML5 is poised to become the standard for web games, allowing them to be played across browsers without plugins. Developing successful browser games requires considering the gamer experience and supporting multiple browsers. This document outlines designing a role-playing browser game using the GAMVAS framework, including the game world, player character, NPCs, and a demo.
The document provides information about the 2015 Great Lakes Conference Annual Celebration hosted by Faith Covenant Church in Farmington Hills, Michigan from April 24-25. It includes welcome messages highlighting the theme of "Building on the Missional Markers" and exploring ministry of compassion, justice and race relations. The schedule lists workshops, banquet, worship and business meetings. It also provides hotel accommodation details for attendees.
This document discusses browser game development, including popular web browsers, social networks, and types of browser games such as RPGs. It provides examples of browser games like Backyard Monsters and Travian, and components of RPGs like player characters and quests. The document promotes a demo RPG browser game and provides a link to play it.
The document provides information about the 2013 Great Lakes Conference Annual Celebration to be held April 18-19 at Camp Mission Meadows in Dewittville, NY. The schedule includes workshops on topics like spiritual gifts, leadership teams, and measuring church health. There will also be opportunities for service projects at the camp. The goal of the event is to celebrate what God has done in the past year and explore how to pursue Christ both individually and corporately to further the conference's mission. Hotels have blocked rooms for attendees near the camp location.
The document describes the different types of resources that will be available through RDF ontologies for a gaming platform. There are three main types: theme resources that describe a game's theme/content, game resources that are built on themes and define specific games, and player resources that represent individual gamers. Themes define the baseline structure for games and include general info, entities, variables, actions, and conditions. Games are derived from themes and provide general info as well as their own specific characteristics, conditions, and tips. Player profiles contain general user info as well as game-related stats and social connections.
This document provides an overview of the technologies used to implement the SEGAP system, including Jena for persisting ontologies, Spring for developing REST services, JSP for serving dynamic web pages, and OWL, RDF, and SPARQL for querying ontologies. Tools like Protege, Graphviz, ArgoUML, Google Docs, NetBeans, and Mockingbird are used for modeling, visualization, testing, documentation, and mockups. HTML5, CSS3, RDFa, JavaScript, and Ajax power the web interface and provide user information.
SEGAP is a semantic game platform that aims to improve the player experience by gathering information during gameplay. This information will be used to provide tips and strategies to players based on their behavior. Ontologies customized for games will facilitate sharing information globally in a common language. The platform will provide feedback and statistics to help players improve and find similarly skilled opponents. SPARQL queries will extract useful relationships from collected data to reveal helpful insights for players.
4. La velocitat de desplaçament de les ones sÃsmiques depèn de diverses
caracterÃstiques de les roques que travessen, com ara la rigidesa, la densitat i
tipus de superfÃcies.
Les ones ens donen informació:
• Informació dels materials
• Estat en el que estÃ
A determinades profunditats es produeixen canvis sobtats de velocitat i
direcció, els plans en els quals tenen lloc aquests canvis s’anomenen
discontinuïtats sÃsmiques.