El documento presenta datos demogr¨¢ficos de dos barrios que incluyen el n¨²mero de personas por grupo de edad y sexo, as¨ª como los porcentajes correspondientes. Luego, describe seis actividades para analizar y comparar gr¨¢ficamente los datos entre los barrios seg¨²n edad, sexo y porcentajes totales.
El documento describe cuatro playas espa?olas: Playa de Maro en Nerja, Playa de Burriana tambi¨¦n en Nerja, Playa de la Malagueta en M¨¢laga y Playa de la Torrecilla en Nerja. Se proporciona informaci¨®n sobre la ubicaci¨®n, tama?o, accesibilidad, nivel de ocupaci¨®n y caracter¨ªsticas de cada playa.
Sarath Thilakasiri Dissanayake is a Sri Lankan national working as an Assistant Commissioner at the Department of Inland Revenue in Sri Lanka. He has over 8 years of experience as a Tax Officer and Senior Tax Officer. He also has 10 years of experience working in roles such as a market research analyst, banking trainee, and teacher. Dissanayake holds post-graduate qualifications in education and an undergraduate degree in economics. He is proficient in computers and has received several professional awards for his work.
The document provides an overview of vibration dynamics and modeling. It discusses:
1) Vibrations are oscillations about an equilibrium position, which can be desirable or undesirable depending on the application.
2) Analyzing the dynamics of vibrating systems is important for all vibration control approaches, including passive, semi-active, and active controls.
3) Mathematical models of vibrations are introduced, starting with the simple single degree of freedom mass-spring-damper system and building in complexity to multi-degree of freedom systems and continuous structures.
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Ticketing system assists businesses to improve overall IT operations by managing internal IT issues, employees inquiries, customer support, Cloud server monitoring, Real time tracking and reporting. It enables the business to gain internal knowledge base and help your business to achieve exceptional customer service.
This document discusses experimental methods in psychology. It describes experiments as a quantitative method used to establish cause-and-effect relationships between variables under controlled conditions. An example experiment aims to determine if noise (the independent variable) affects one's ability to recall information (the dependent variable). The variables must be clearly operationalized by describing how they will be measured. The researcher would form a null hypothesis that noise has no effect and an experimental hypothesis that noise decreases recall. Various types of experiments and biases are also discussed.
This document provides an introduction to the field of psychology. It defines psychology as the scientific study of mental processes, behaviors, and how they are influenced by internal and external factors. It discusses how people use common sense psychology in their daily lives versus scientific psychology. It also summarizes Milgram's famous obedience experiment and provides examples of different areas of psychology like clinical, developmental, and social psychology. It explains that psychology takes a multidisciplinary approach, studying behavior and mental processes across biological, cognitive and sociocultural levels of analysis.
E-retailing in India: The Journey so FarRaja Sarkar
Online shopping is a modern era revolution. It¡®s the latest wonder child of technology. It has taken the entire world by storm. Our own country is also not an exception to that. Lives of the modern consumers have become much easier. They can virtually purchase anything from the comfort of their homes & offices and get them delivered to any location as per their convenience. It has also given them the power to compare the prices offered by different e-tailer and purchase from the one which offers the best deal according to them. Add with that the customer review of different products and you get customers who are more powerful today than the customers of previous decades. So convenience, comparison shopping & easy availability of consumer review is the three pillars of online shopping. But the most important of them all which sets the tongue wagging of all the online shoppers is the huge & astounding amount of discounts offered by these companies. It¡®s like adding more cream to your already existing delicious ice cream. So today¡®s customers are spoiled for choices. Getting quality products at affordable rates have become all the more easier. In this context, we are going to review the journey of the online shopping companies in India so far. We are also going to look at the future prospects of this industry.
Prezentacja przedstawiaj?ca dokonania SKN Homunculus wyg?oszona podczas Konferencji Studenckich K¨®? Naukowych, magistrant¨®w i doktorant¨®w, kt¨®ra mia?a miejsce na Wydziale Biologii Uniwersytetu Gda¨½skiego 10 maja 2013 r.
Praca w grupie, w kt¨®rej znajduj? si? dzieci w r¨®?nym przedziale wiekowym, ma swoje korzenie zar¨®wno w tradycji o?wiatowej jak i wsp¨®?czesnej edukacji. Takie grupy wyst?puj? w przedszkolach pracuj?cych metodami Marii Montessouri lub Rudolfa Steinera. Jakie szanse daje edukacja, kt¨®ra pozwala ??czy? dzieci w obr?bie jednej grupy r¨®?nej wiekowo? Jakie s? trudno?ci wynikaj?ce z pracy z dzie?mi w r¨®?nym wieku? Jak przygotowywa? zaj?cia, ?eby by?y atrakcyjne dla m?odszych i starszych? Prezentacja ma na calu przedstawienie charakterystyki grup r¨®?nowiekowych oraz wskazanie praktycznych wskaz¨®wek do pracy z dzie?mi. Prezentacja jest elementem szkolenia rad pedagogicznych "Grupy r¨®?nowiekowe w przedszkolu - jak efektywnie pracowa??"
This document discusses factors related to substance abuse and addiction. It notes that substance abuse involves continued use despite problems, while dependence involves craving and withdrawal symptoms. Addiction occurs through repeated use over time causing physical or biological dependence. Biological factors that can lead to nicotine addiction from smoking include changes in neurotransmitters and withdrawal symptoms. Sociocultural factors include modeling smoking behaviors from parents and peers, as well as the influence of tobacco marketing and advertising on youth attitudes and behaviors.
The document discusses health psychology and the biopsychosocial model of health and illness. It explains that stress is a negative emotional experience accompanied by physiological and psychological changes. Stressors are what cause stress. Chronic stressors that persist over long periods of time can damage the body by preventing it from returning to homeostasis. The document also discusses the physiological "fight or flight" stress response, as well as Selye's General Adaptation Syndrome model of the stages of stress. Finally, it covers cognitive appraisals of stressors and how social factors like poverty can impact stress levels and health.
This document discusses several non-experimental qualitative research methods, including interviews, observations, and case studies. It provides details on how each method is conducted and considerations for using each method ethically and effectively. Interviews can be structured, unstructured, or semi-structured and require informed consent. Observations can be participant or non-participant, and reactivity is a concern. Case studies provide rich insight but require protecting identities. Overall, the document outlines the purpose and process of key qualitative research techniques.
This document provides an overview of the research process in psychology. It discusses key aspects researchers must consider, including developing a plan with a clear aim and target population, establishing an ethical procedure for collecting and analyzing data, and interpreting findings. Random sampling is emphasized as the best method to obtain a representative sample. Validity, reliability, and evaluating findings are also covered. The document uses examples like the Pygmalion effect study to illustrate these concepts.
The document discusses several psychological theories. It explains that a theory is used to summarize, organize, and explain observations of psychological phenomena, and can be used to make predictions. Theories are built on concepts and must be tested. Theories in psychology are probabilistic rather than certain, so they must be evaluated by examining their strengths and limitations. It discusses Albert Bandura's theory of self-efficacy, which predicts that one's belief in their ability to succeed will influence how hard they try. It also discusses Carol Dweck's theory of fixed and growth mindsets, where those with a fixed mindset believe intelligence is static while those with a growth mindset believe intelligence can be developed. Dweck's research found that
3. Trzy rodzaje zmian wyr¨®?nionych
przez Helen Bee (1994):
? UNIWERSALNE ¨C zegar biologiczny i kulturowy, np.. Pojawienie si?
pytania ?kim jestem?¡± pomi?dzy dzieci¨½stwem a doros?o?ci?,
? WSP?LNE ¨C dla grupy (kultura, grupa spo?eczna, pokoleniowa,
rodzina ¨C ten sam czas historyczny, to samo ?rodowisko fizyczne,
ale inne ?rodowisko psychologiczne),
? INDYWIDUALNE ¨C zdarzenia traumatyczne, niepowtarzalne
4. Jakie cechy musi posiada? zmiana, aby
mo?na j? by?o nazwa? przejawem rozwoju?
? nie mo?e by? nag?a kr¨®tkotrwa?a i jednorazowa, ale musi to by?
zmiana wzgl?dnie trwa?a,
? nie mo?e to by? zmiana pojedyncza, ale musi pewien ci?g,
? nie jest to ci?g stale powtarzaj?cego si? cyklu, ale ci?g stale
rosn?cy lub malej?cy,
? zmiana dotyczy przeobra?e¨½ jako?ciowych,
? zmiany s? wzgl?dnie nieodwracalne,
? zmiany s? spontaniczne, a wi?c wewn?trzne.
5. Nie mo?na zobaczy?
zmian rozwojowych,
mo?na jedynie o nich wnioskowa?
na podstawie zmian zachowania
w r¨®?nych sytuacjach.
? POPRZECZNE (przekrojowe) ¨C badanie grup ludzi w r¨®?nym
wieku i por¨®wnanie uzyskanych wynik¨®w; ka?da osoba badana
jest tylko jeden raz (np.: w 2009 roku badanie grupy dzieci
urodzonych w 2001, 2002 i 2003 roku),
? POD?U?NE ¨C badanie tej samej grupy ludzi w kolejnych odst?-
pach czasu (np.: badanie tych samych dzieci gdy maj? 6, 7 i 8
? SEKWENCYJNE ¨C zbieranie danych od co najmniej dw¨®ch grup
pokoleniowych badanych nie mniej ni? w dw¨®ch odcinkach
czasu (np.: badanie 6 ¨C latk¨®w w 2001, 2006 i 2011 roku).
9. Rozw¨®j w r¨®?nych
koncepcjach psychologicznych:
Koncepcje psychologiczne dotycz? kilku kwestii:
? kim jest cz?owiek,
? jaki jest,
? jakie s? podstawowe mechanizmy jego dzia?ania,
? jakie s? podstawowe mechanizmy jego zachowania,
? jakie s? podstawowe mechanizmy jego rozwoju.