Análisis de las técnicas más relevantes en el marketing industrial y B2B y nuevas tendencias del marketing en el sector con consejos para su implantación.
Ponencia de Eduardo Lorenzo en la 3? jornada profesional del marketing industrial de Madrid, IndusMarketing.
El documento habla sobre los factores que contribuyen a la satisfacción laboral de los empleados. Identifica seis factores principales: 1) que el trabajo ofrezca reto y variedad, 2) un sistema justo de recompensas y salarios, 3) buenas condiciones laborales, 4) apoyo de compa?eros, 5) compatibilidad del puesto con la personalidad, y 6) retroalimentación sobre el desempe?o. También discute la importancia de que los empleados se sientan satisfechos, ya que esto mejora su productividad y comprom
Writing power shell the right tool for the jobJaap Brasser
Last Friday I presented at the PowerShell Meetup of the Microsoft User Groups based in Singapore. Having been a speakers at the PowerShell Conference Asia, which is also held in Singapore, for the past two years, it was nice to virtually be present in the Microsoft offices again.
Npppd is a VPN daemon in OpenBSD that supports PPTP, L2TP and PPPoE. It can authenticate using local files or RADIUS and tunnel IP packets. Npppd first appeared in OpenBSD 5.3 and its configuration file format has changed over time. Example configurations show how to set up basic and advanced npppd VPN tunnels using PPTP or L2TP with IPsec, and how to monitor active sessions. Future work may include better packet filtering and ARP cache integration.
Frans M?yr?: Tosi ja virtuaalinen - liikett? maailmojen v?lill?Frans M?yr?
Alustus, Nuorten filosofiatapahtuma 2017 (Helsinki, 21.1.2017)
Les types de psychothérapies et de psychothérapeutesArgos2savoies
Les points de la présentation
? Présentation brève des modèles de psychothérapies;
? Les deux orientations des psychothérapies;
? Le modèle contextuel (un modèle de synthèse et
? Les bons et les mauvais psy;
? La position du patient;
? Exemple pratique pour la maladie bipolaire: la
thérapie bipolaire (par Dr Dan Niculescu);
? Recommandation pour les patients bipolaires;
? Recommandation pour les psy.Les psychothérapies dominantes
? La psychothérapie psychanalytique (Freud, Adler,
Young, Karen Horney);
? La psychothérapie comportementale (Pavlov, Skinner,
Wolpe, etc.) ;
? La psychothérapie systémique;
? La thérapie cognitive et comportementale (TCC,
Beck).Les psychothérapies min
Date and time can be complicated due to different perspectives of local time versus coordinated universal time and assumptions that do not always hold true. Time zones are political and subject to change, and date and time calculations involve subtleties around daylight saving time transitions, leap years, and distinguishing between date math and time math. To properly work with dates and times, it is important to consider all perspectives, make no assumptions, use a quality library like Moment.js that handles time zone and parsing complexities, and remember that time zones are not fixed and can change rapidly.
This document discusses various perspectives on date and time, including absolute time, local time, time zones, and assumptions that can lead to problems. It notes that date and time concepts like time zones are political and can change. Time and date math work differently, and dates may not exist in all time zones. Quality libraries like Moment.js can help avoid issues with the JavaScript Date object. Overall, the document emphasizes considering multiple perspectives, distinguishing between absolute and local time, remembering time zones are not static, and avoiding assumptions regarding dates and times.
El documento describe los ataques terroristas del 11 de septiembre de 2001 en Estados Unidos. Miembros de Al Qaeda secuestraron aviones comerciales y estrellaron dos de ellos contra las Torres Gemelas en Nueva York, matando a casi 3,000 personas. Estos hombres estaban imbuidos de una ideología religiosa fundamentalista que les impedía sentir compasión. El documento analiza la falta de compasión humana en estos grupos terroristas y lo que significa realmente la compasión.
Este documento discute los cambios en las costumbres de género relacionadas con cambiar pa?ales. Históricamente, esta tarea era exclusiva de las mujeres, pero ahora más hombres participan en el cuidado de los hijos. Aunque algunos aún ven esto como una responsabilidad femenina, otros ven los beneficios de compartir las tareas del hogar entre ambos padres a medida que más mujeres trabajan fuera del hogar. El documento también analiza las leyes y campa?as que promueven el cambio de pa?ales por parte de los hombres.
adaptTo() 2014 - Integrating Open Source Search with CQ/AEMtherealgaston
A presentation by Gaston Gonzalez at adaptTo() 2014 describing several approaches for integrating Apache Solr with AEM. It starts with an introduction to various pull and push indexing strategies (e.g., Sling Eventing, content publishing and web crawling). The topic of content ingestion is followed by an approach for delivering rapid search front-end experiences using AEM Solr Search.
DropTrax is a software system that tracks slot machine money containers and prints control documents on demand. It has been supporting casino drop and count needs for over 10 years. The software helps casinos improve management of drop and count activities by reducing errors, tracking money containers in and out of machines, and reducing time to complete the process. It prints labels for machines and containers and documents to attach to bundled money for audit tracking without needing to pre-print or pre-position documents.
Active Directory Delegation - By @rebootusercamsec
Active Directory delegation allows administrators to grant users limited permissions without adding them to privileged groups like Domain Admins. The document discusses enumerating Active Directory delegation permissions and exploiting them to escalate privileges. It describes using tools like PowerShell and ACL Scanner to find groups with delegation rights, then leveraging those rights to change passwords, modify group memberships, and ultimately compromise privileged accounts.
The full version of my presentation at the CCA / SFAI panel in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA on 9 September, 2015:
Join CCA and SFAI in a discussion about the global issue of Immigration/Emigration. With Santa Fe acting as a de facto Sanctuary City, questions around immigration, migration, and cultural authenticity, purity, and diversity are particularly relevant to our community. Who immigrates/emigrates and why? How do the journeys of migrants contribute to who we are as a collective community? How do we define sanctuary in the current socio-political context? Who is impacted by Santa Fe’s role as a sanctuary?
Join us for a panel discussion that aims to unpack the complexities of immigration as relevant to our city and beyond. Moderated by Sanjit Sethi (Santa Fe Art Institute), the panelists will be Dr. Rebecca Schrieber (American Studies, UNM), Carlos Juan Deosos (Santa Fe Mountain Center), Sylvia Arthur (UK-based journalist), Heidi McKinnon (Director of Curators Without Borders), and Marcela Diaz (Somos un Pueblo Unido).
Análisis de las técnicas más relevantes en el marketing industrial y B2B y nuevas tendencias del marketing en el sector con consejos para su implantación.
Ponencia de Eduardo Lorenzo en la 3? jornada profesional del marketing industrial de Madrid, IndusMarketing.
El documento habla sobre los factores que contribuyen a la satisfacción laboral de los empleados. Identifica seis factores principales: 1) que el trabajo ofrezca reto y variedad, 2) un sistema justo de recompensas y salarios, 3) buenas condiciones laborales, 4) apoyo de compa?eros, 5) compatibilidad del puesto con la personalidad, y 6) retroalimentación sobre el desempe?o. También discute la importancia de que los empleados se sientan satisfechos, ya que esto mejora su productividad y comprom
Writing power shell the right tool for the jobJaap Brasser
Last Friday I presented at the PowerShell Meetup of the Microsoft User Groups based in Singapore. Having been a speakers at the PowerShell Conference Asia, which is also held in Singapore, for the past two years, it was nice to virtually be present in the Microsoft offices again.
Npppd is a VPN daemon in OpenBSD that supports PPTP, L2TP and PPPoE. It can authenticate using local files or RADIUS and tunnel IP packets. Npppd first appeared in OpenBSD 5.3 and its configuration file format has changed over time. Example configurations show how to set up basic and advanced npppd VPN tunnels using PPTP or L2TP with IPsec, and how to monitor active sessions. Future work may include better packet filtering and ARP cache integration.
Frans M?yr?: Tosi ja virtuaalinen - liikett? maailmojen v?lill?Frans M?yr?
Alustus, Nuorten filosofiatapahtuma 2017 (Helsinki, 21.1.2017)
Les types de psychothérapies et de psychothérapeutesArgos2savoies
Les points de la présentation
? Présentation brève des modèles de psychothérapies;
? Les deux orientations des psychothérapies;
? Le modèle contextuel (un modèle de synthèse et
? Les bons et les mauvais psy;
? La position du patient;
? Exemple pratique pour la maladie bipolaire: la
thérapie bipolaire (par Dr Dan Niculescu);
? Recommandation pour les patients bipolaires;
? Recommandation pour les psy.Les psychothérapies dominantes
? La psychothérapie psychanalytique (Freud, Adler,
Young, Karen Horney);
? La psychothérapie comportementale (Pavlov, Skinner,
Wolpe, etc.) ;
? La psychothérapie systémique;
? La thérapie cognitive et comportementale (TCC,
Beck).Les psychothérapies min
Date and time can be complicated due to different perspectives of local time versus coordinated universal time and assumptions that do not always hold true. Time zones are political and subject to change, and date and time calculations involve subtleties around daylight saving time transitions, leap years, and distinguishing between date math and time math. To properly work with dates and times, it is important to consider all perspectives, make no assumptions, use a quality library like Moment.js that handles time zone and parsing complexities, and remember that time zones are not fixed and can change rapidly.
This document discusses various perspectives on date and time, including absolute time, local time, time zones, and assumptions that can lead to problems. It notes that date and time concepts like time zones are political and can change. Time and date math work differently, and dates may not exist in all time zones. Quality libraries like Moment.js can help avoid issues with the JavaScript Date object. Overall, the document emphasizes considering multiple perspectives, distinguishing between absolute and local time, remembering time zones are not static, and avoiding assumptions regarding dates and times.
El documento describe los ataques terroristas del 11 de septiembre de 2001 en Estados Unidos. Miembros de Al Qaeda secuestraron aviones comerciales y estrellaron dos de ellos contra las Torres Gemelas en Nueva York, matando a casi 3,000 personas. Estos hombres estaban imbuidos de una ideología religiosa fundamentalista que les impedía sentir compasión. El documento analiza la falta de compasión humana en estos grupos terroristas y lo que significa realmente la compasión.
Este documento discute los cambios en las costumbres de género relacionadas con cambiar pa?ales. Históricamente, esta tarea era exclusiva de las mujeres, pero ahora más hombres participan en el cuidado de los hijos. Aunque algunos aún ven esto como una responsabilidad femenina, otros ven los beneficios de compartir las tareas del hogar entre ambos padres a medida que más mujeres trabajan fuera del hogar. El documento también analiza las leyes y campa?as que promueven el cambio de pa?ales por parte de los hombres.
adaptTo() 2014 - Integrating Open Source Search with CQ/AEMtherealgaston
A presentation by Gaston Gonzalez at adaptTo() 2014 describing several approaches for integrating Apache Solr with AEM. It starts with an introduction to various pull and push indexing strategies (e.g., Sling Eventing, content publishing and web crawling). The topic of content ingestion is followed by an approach for delivering rapid search front-end experiences using AEM Solr Search.
DropTrax is a software system that tracks slot machine money containers and prints control documents on demand. It has been supporting casino drop and count needs for over 10 years. The software helps casinos improve management of drop and count activities by reducing errors, tracking money containers in and out of machines, and reducing time to complete the process. It prints labels for machines and containers and documents to attach to bundled money for audit tracking without needing to pre-print or pre-position documents.
Active Directory Delegation - By @rebootusercamsec
Active Directory delegation allows administrators to grant users limited permissions without adding them to privileged groups like Domain Admins. The document discusses enumerating Active Directory delegation permissions and exploiting them to escalate privileges. It describes using tools like PowerShell and ACL Scanner to find groups with delegation rights, then leveraging those rights to change passwords, modify group memberships, and ultimately compromise privileged accounts.
The full version of my presentation at the CCA / SFAI panel in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA on 9 September, 2015:
Join CCA and SFAI in a discussion about the global issue of Immigration/Emigration. With Santa Fe acting as a de facto Sanctuary City, questions around immigration, migration, and cultural authenticity, purity, and diversity are particularly relevant to our community. Who immigrates/emigrates and why? How do the journeys of migrants contribute to who we are as a collective community? How do we define sanctuary in the current socio-political context? Who is impacted by Santa Fe’s role as a sanctuary?
Join us for a panel discussion that aims to unpack the complexities of immigration as relevant to our city and beyond. Moderated by Sanjit Sethi (Santa Fe Art Institute), the panelists will be Dr. Rebecca Schrieber (American Studies, UNM), Carlos Juan Deosos (Santa Fe Mountain Center), Sylvia Arthur (UK-based journalist), Heidi McKinnon (Director of Curators Without Borders), and Marcela Diaz (Somos un Pueblo Unido).
また、このコミュニティは日本でほぼ初めてLirhium Community Platformを利用しており、その特長についても分り易く説明されていますので、ぜひご覧ください。
This document discusses several questions regarding complying with personal information protection regulations in various countries when operating services and sharing data internationally. It addresses questions about managing user/customer data from overseas in Japan, sharing employee data globally in a cloud system, and ensuring proper procedures for reporting and decision-making processes that involve personal data from foreign branches. The expert emphasizes the need to carefully research and understand regulations in all relevant countries to identify risk, ensure proper data handling, and establish global policies in compliance with local rules.
12. 11
EU データ保護指令が指定する標準ひな形を使用
Standard Contractual Clauses (processors)
- Definitions - Liability
- Details of the transfer - Cooperation with supervisory authorities
- Third-party beneficiary clause - Governing Law
- Obligations of the data exporter - Variation of the contract
- Obligations of the data importer - Sub processing
Standard Contractual Clause
13. 12
1. EU 域外への適用(日本所在の日本企業に適用される要件の拡大)
① 物理的施設(現地法人?支店?代理店?サーバなど)
② EU 域内に居住する個人に商品や、サービスを提供する場合
③ EU 域内に居住する個人の行動を監視する場合