Pti del piano strategico salute mentale regioneRaffaele Barone
Il Piano di Azione Locale (PAL) per la Salute MentaleRaffaele Barone
Il Piano di Azione Locale (PAL) per la Salute Mentale 竪 uno strumento di pianificazione dal carattere fortemente innovativo in quanto prevede che esso debba essere adottato dalle Direzioni Generali delle ASP, non in forma monocratica ma attraverso pratiche di concertazione con tutte le Agenzie del proprio territorio (Distretti, Enti Locali, Imprese sociali e imprenditoriali, Associazioni dei familiari e degli utenti, organizzazioni del mondo del lavoro e sindacali, volontariato e organizzazioni culturali, ricreative e del mondo della formazione e dellistruzione, dei servizi legali e giudiziari).
Developing a Patron-Driven Acquisition Service at the University of DenverMichael Levine-Clark
The document summarizes the development of a patron-driven acquisition service at the University of Denver. It discusses why the university implemented such a service, data on historical consortial non-use of titles, and how the new service profiles titles for patron discovery and ordering. The user experience, questions to consider, profile creation, record and order workflows, pricing model, and ways to measure success are also outlined.
This document defines different types of shots used in filmmaking including extreme close up, close up, middle shot, long shot, extreme long shot, high angle, and low angle shots.
The document discusses deploying Java EE applications to Platform as a Service (PaaS) and outlines key concepts. It covers:
- The benefits of PaaS including simplified deployment and automatic management of services.
- How Java EE principles map well to PaaS through features like declarative references and scalable components.
- New roles defined in Java EE 7 to support PaaS scenarios, and how applications and services are modeled and specified to enable automatic provisioning and wiring.
- A demonstration of deploying a sample conference planning application to a PaaS runtime.
The changing landscape of display & what smart marketers need to knowIABmembership
This document provides an overview and agenda for a webinar on how display advertising has evolved and what smart marketers need to know. The webinar will include presentations from representatives of Netmining, Chango Inc, and Evidon on topics such as the real-time bidding environment, the role of big data and programmatic buying, audience targeting via real-time bidding, and the importance of transparency and consumer privacy in online advertising.
This document provides examples of different shot angles used in filmmaking, including high angle shots, long shots, low angle shots, and extreme close ups, with an example image shown for each type of shot angle. It concludes by thanking the reader for their time.
際際滷s from my talk at CoDeOSL 2015,
We are witnessing perhaps the most disruptive and innovative period in IT in our time. Those not transforming their IT organizations towards DevOps and Continuous Delivery (CD) risk being left behind to die. This talk will place DevOps and CD in a historical context and explain how and why this paradigm shift will radically change how businesses acquire customers and deliver value to them.
This document summarizes a presentation about tuning parallel code on Solaris. It discusses:
1) Using tools like DTrace, prstat, and vmstat to analyze performance issues like thread scheduling and I/O problems in parallel applications on Solaris.
2) Two examples of using DTrace to analyze thread scheduling and troubleshoot I/O performance problems in a virtualized Windows server.
3) How the examples demonstrated using DTrace to identify unbalanced thread scheduling and discover that a domain controller was disabling disk write caching, slowing performance.
This document discusses how language ability affects fitting into a community. It notes that transactional language is needed to get tasks done, expressive language is for expressing feelings, and social language is important for communicating and relating to others in the community. The document also discusses how non-verbal communication, history and culture of a place, time spent in the country, and one's effort to adapt all influence how well one can fit into a new community where the main language is not their own.
La atm坦sfera terrestre est叩 dividida en diferentes capas definidas por su altura y los fen坦menos que ocurren en ellas: la ex坦sfera se extiende desde 500-1000 km y es una zona de vac鱈o casi absoluto donde orbitan sat辿lites; la termosfera y mes坦sfera desde 90-500 km donde se producen iones, auroras y rayos c坦smicos; la estratosfera y trop坦sfera desde 0-25 km donde ocurren los fen坦menos meteorol坦gicos como nubes y lluvia.
This document outlines a student's pre-production work for a short film project about a deadly dare. It discusses the chosen idea, storyboards, script, potential problems and solutions, permissions, budget, equipment, costumes, props, health and safety considerations, and a pitch for why the idea should be selected. The student selected the deadly dare idea because it is original and basic to act out. They created a storyboard and script that are each at least two minutes long but could be improved. They have a plan to use a backdrop of an old house and find actors to play the parts in order to overcome location and casting challenges.
This document defines and describes different types of camera shots including extreme close up, close up, medium shot, high angle shot, low angle shot, long shot, and extreme long shot. An extreme close up focuses on extreme detail of a subject. A close up focuses on a part of the subject. A medium shot shows some detail while including the whole subject. A high angle shot looks down on a subject while a low angle shot looks up. A long shot includes the subject and their environment while an extreme long shot shows an establishing view from far away without including the subject.
The document discusses how a media product represents social groups through its main character Elizabeth Fritzl, a woman who was repeatedly sexually abused by her father from a young age. It analyzes two other media representations of similar themes: a storyline in Eastenders about a character named Whitney Dean who was abused by her stepfather, and a charity advertisement about child prostitution. Both provided examples of how to represent the vulnerability and innocence of Elizabeth's character as a sexually abused child.
Det er mye buzz rundt kontinuerlige leveranser og DevOps blant utviklere for tiden. Men hvorfor er dette ogs奪 interessant for forretning? Hva gir det av verdi?
This document defines different types of shots used in filmmaking including extreme close up, close up, middle shot, long shot, extreme long shot, high angle, and low angle shots.
The document discusses deploying Java EE applications to Platform as a Service (PaaS) and outlines key concepts. It covers:
- The benefits of PaaS including simplified deployment and automatic management of services.
- How Java EE principles map well to PaaS through features like declarative references and scalable components.
- New roles defined in Java EE 7 to support PaaS scenarios, and how applications and services are modeled and specified to enable automatic provisioning and wiring.
- A demonstration of deploying a sample conference planning application to a PaaS runtime.
The changing landscape of display & what smart marketers need to knowIABmembership
This document provides an overview and agenda for a webinar on how display advertising has evolved and what smart marketers need to know. The webinar will include presentations from representatives of Netmining, Chango Inc, and Evidon on topics such as the real-time bidding environment, the role of big data and programmatic buying, audience targeting via real-time bidding, and the importance of transparency and consumer privacy in online advertising.
This document provides examples of different shot angles used in filmmaking, including high angle shots, long shots, low angle shots, and extreme close ups, with an example image shown for each type of shot angle. It concludes by thanking the reader for their time.
際際滷s from my talk at CoDeOSL 2015,
We are witnessing perhaps the most disruptive and innovative period in IT in our time. Those not transforming their IT organizations towards DevOps and Continuous Delivery (CD) risk being left behind to die. This talk will place DevOps and CD in a historical context and explain how and why this paradigm shift will radically change how businesses acquire customers and deliver value to them.
This document summarizes a presentation about tuning parallel code on Solaris. It discusses:
1) Using tools like DTrace, prstat, and vmstat to analyze performance issues like thread scheduling and I/O problems in parallel applications on Solaris.
2) Two examples of using DTrace to analyze thread scheduling and troubleshoot I/O performance problems in a virtualized Windows server.
3) How the examples demonstrated using DTrace to identify unbalanced thread scheduling and discover that a domain controller was disabling disk write caching, slowing performance.
This document discusses how language ability affects fitting into a community. It notes that transactional language is needed to get tasks done, expressive language is for expressing feelings, and social language is important for communicating and relating to others in the community. The document also discusses how non-verbal communication, history and culture of a place, time spent in the country, and one's effort to adapt all influence how well one can fit into a new community where the main language is not their own.
La atm坦sfera terrestre est叩 dividida en diferentes capas definidas por su altura y los fen坦menos que ocurren en ellas: la ex坦sfera se extiende desde 500-1000 km y es una zona de vac鱈o casi absoluto donde orbitan sat辿lites; la termosfera y mes坦sfera desde 90-500 km donde se producen iones, auroras y rayos c坦smicos; la estratosfera y trop坦sfera desde 0-25 km donde ocurren los fen坦menos meteorol坦gicos como nubes y lluvia.
This document outlines a student's pre-production work for a short film project about a deadly dare. It discusses the chosen idea, storyboards, script, potential problems and solutions, permissions, budget, equipment, costumes, props, health and safety considerations, and a pitch for why the idea should be selected. The student selected the deadly dare idea because it is original and basic to act out. They created a storyboard and script that are each at least two minutes long but could be improved. They have a plan to use a backdrop of an old house and find actors to play the parts in order to overcome location and casting challenges.
This document defines and describes different types of camera shots including extreme close up, close up, medium shot, high angle shot, low angle shot, long shot, and extreme long shot. An extreme close up focuses on extreme detail of a subject. A close up focuses on a part of the subject. A medium shot shows some detail while including the whole subject. A high angle shot looks down on a subject while a low angle shot looks up. A long shot includes the subject and their environment while an extreme long shot shows an establishing view from far away without including the subject.
The document discusses how a media product represents social groups through its main character Elizabeth Fritzl, a woman who was repeatedly sexually abused by her father from a young age. It analyzes two other media representations of similar themes: a storyline in Eastenders about a character named Whitney Dean who was abused by her stepfather, and a charity advertisement about child prostitution. Both provided examples of how to represent the vulnerability and innocence of Elizabeth's character as a sexually abused child.
Det er mye buzz rundt kontinuerlige leveranser og DevOps blant utviklere for tiden. Men hvorfor er dette ogs奪 interessant for forretning? Hva gir det av verdi?
Le problematiche della tossicodipendenza legate agli oneri connessi alla funzione di madre e l'organizzazione del Servizio residenziale per mamme tossicodipendenti "Casa Aurora".
Il ruolo dello psicologo presso le RSA in ItaliaErika Ongaro
Lo psicologo in RSA, quali sono gli obiettivi e l'impotanza della figura professionale nel rapporo con le persone affete da demenza, con i familiari e con il resto dell'竪quipe socio-sanitaria
GPMF e Open Dialogue, Strumenti di una PsicoTerapia di ComunitRaffaele Barone
際際滷 di Raffaele Barone e Angela Volpe durante il secondo Convegno Nazionale del Laboratorio di Psicoanalisi MultiFamiliare tenuto a Roma 2016.
L'Open Dialogue e il Gruppo di Psicoanalisi MultiFamiliare (GPMF) vengono da tempo applicati nella distretto Calatino Sud-Simeto come strumenti di Psicoterapia di Comunit nella Salute Mentale pi湛 Umana.
Un esempio unico ed un esperienza da replicare nei Dipartimenti di Salute Mentale (DSM) Italiani e nel Mondo.
Visita il sito ---> <--->argomento.
Lo scopo del progetto 竪 quello di incentivare forme sempre maggiori di autonomia anche nella pratica dello sport che porti ad un atteggiamento di apertura di tutta la comunita . E una progettualita innovativa che risponde ai bisogni educativi, con iniziative basate sul fare. E anche sui corretti stili di vita da adottare per migliorare la qualit e il benessere anche della persona con disabilit.
Lo scopo dunque 竪 quello di esaminare i bisogni quotidiani della persona con disabilit come individuo, convinti che non 竪 cos狸 difficile aiutare a rendere migliore la vita di un disabile mentale,, basta rendergli il quotidiano pi湛 comodo e semplice. Pi湛 vivibile.
Gli obiettivi che i proponiamo sono dunque:
1. attivare percorsi integrati scuola-famiglia- servizio sanitario-associazioni sportive al fine di mettere in atto corretti stili di comunicazione e di relazione, evitando linsorgenza di rischi psicopatologici secondari;
2. attivare attivit sportive in gruppo per promuovere un maggiore senso di efficacia individuale, una maggiore autonomia operativa, e il potenziamento delle abilit cognitive e/o adattive.
3. definizione di un Protocollo dIntesa fra Regione Molise, MIUR, ASREM e Associazioni Sportive.
The document summarizes the work of the non-profit organization "Progetto Accoglienza" located in northern Florence, Italy. It has been providing reception and integration services to refugee families since 1992, including housing, healthcare, education, job assistance, and psychological support. The organization operates several facilities such as "Villaggio La Brocchi" which provides workshops and cultural activities to help refugees build community and skills.
The document summarizes the system of services for non-self sufficient elderly people in the area of Florence, Italy. It describes the demographic context of aging population in the region. Non-self sufficient individuals are defined as those who have lost independence. The system aims to improve care services and promote independent living. Services are funded through regional and municipal sources and require co-payments based on income. Eligibility is determined through needs assessments. Services include home care, day centers, caregiver support, and residential facilities.
The document discusses a project called "Back on Track" which aims to encourage young adults who have dropped out of school to resume their studies or find employment using an open-air museum and cultural heritage. The project partners with various local organizations and is funded by the European Social Fund. It works by having participants get inspired by culture, try different occupations at the museum, visit schools, and receive support to improve self-esteem and identify life goals. An evaluation found the project to be successful and that these types of initiatives can benefit society. There is discussion of continuing the project permanently and expanding it to other museums.
The document discusses the functions and tasks of the Provincial Administration of Florence, Italy. It oversees 44 municipalities and coordinates planning and development. It manages services like vocational training and employment. It receives funding from national and EU sources to provide training to different groups like unemployed adults, employed adults seeking skills upgrades, at-risk youth, people with disabilities, and those in poverty or prisons. Training includes qualifications, specializations, and short courses to improve skills and job opportunities.
The cooperative L'Inchiostro offers various educational and recreational services for children and teenagers in the Valdarno Fiorentino area, including school support, summer camps, and afterschool programs. One program, called La coop-erta di Linus, provides afterschool activities from Monday to Friday aimed at school support, socialization, and positive use of free time for children ages 7-13. A typical day includes study support, group activities, free time, games, and role-playing to support social and life skills development. The cooperative works with families and social services to help children facing difficulties and promote social inclusion.
Jamtli Museum is a child and family museum located in J辰mtland, Sweden that consists of Historyland, an open-air museum, and interactive exhibits. The museum uses role playing guides to immerse visitors in authentic historical settings from different eras through their senses. In addition to experiencing history firsthand, visitors can participate in activities like an open pre-school, network meetings, and a play park to learn through play.
The document summarizes Italy's integrated social services system. It describes how responsibilities for health, assistance, and social policy are divided between the national, regional, and local levels according to the country's constitution. The system aims to provide universal social services through cooperation between public and private organizations at the local level, coordinated by regional social plans. Key goals include defining minimum assistance standards, accrediting third sector organizations, and promoting education for social workers.
The document describes the Integration Service organization in a municipality. It has 10 employees including a manager, caseworkers, assistants, coordinators, an administrator, and receptionist. Their responsibilities include coordinating refugee integration work, providing initial housing and financial assistance, Swedish classes, and helping refugees become self-sufficient within 24 months through employment or education. They provide open intake sessions on Mondays to help newly arrived refugees practically and guide them through the process from reception to establishment over two years.
stersund is the capital of J辰mtland County in central Sweden. It has approximately 59,300 inhabitants and is known as the "winter city" due to its emphasis on winter sports. Some key facts about stersund include:
- It has a long history of military presence but now focuses on being an educational and administrative center after the military downsized. Many old military buildings have been converted to university, housing, and offices.
- Winter sports are a major part of the local economy and identity, with world-class skiing and biathlon venues. Events like the Alpine World Championships in 2007 and IBU Biathlon World Championships in 2008 were held there.
The document introduces Jamtli, a regional museum in stersund, Sweden. Jamtli operates not only as a traditional museum that collects, preserves, and exhibits cultural heritage, but also serves broader social functions. It aims to be entertaining and promote social inclusion. Jamtli has received several awards for its work and seeks to be a model for European museums in regional development through networking, exhibitions, and collaboration on projects.
The EURO SOCIAL Network project aims to:
1) Promote the public/private management of health, social, and education services in Florence to other European countries.
2) Exchange best practices on social services (e.g. residences, home care, child care) between Tuscany and partners in Sweden, Spain, and Bulgaria.
3) Develop a shared social enterprise model to be promoted through international cooperative associations.
The project involves research, exchange visits, worker mobility, and training to share experiences on social policies and the third sector across Europe.
The Euro Social Network project aims to:
1) Promote the public/private management of health, social, and education services in Florence to other European countries.
2) Exchange best practices on social services (residences, home care, child care) between Tuscany and partners in Sweden, Spain, and Bulgaria.
3) Develop a shared social enterprise model to be promoted through international cooperative associations.
The project involves research, exchange visits, worker mobility, and training to share Florence's social cooperative experience with transnational partners.
The Euro Social Network project was approved by the Region of Tuscany to enhance transnational cooperation on managing health, social, and education services. The project aims to transfer good practices from Florence, Italy in private management of services like elderly homes and childcare to partners in Sweden, Spain, and Bulgaria. Activities include research on social enterprise regulations, study visits between partners, worker exchanges, and training experiences to share models of social enterprise development across Europe.
The cooperative Giovani Valdarno provides public health, educational, and training services. It founded a project called "Argento vivo e dintorni" to support elderly residents of Montevarchi. The project offers social activities twice a week at a community center to reduce social isolation and encourage socialization. Activities include exercise, games, films, and dances. It aims to connect elderly people to social services and create a support network through partnerships with volunteer organizations.
The document discusses a housing model for non-EU workers implemented by the Municipality of Calenzano, Italy. It hosted 40 non-EU citizens in 12 flats, costing a total of 1.9 million, with various government funding sources. Residents pay reduced rent of around 7/sqm per month. While the housing intervention itself is financially self-sustaining, local municipalities struggle under the pressure of providing social services to immigrants, which account for 25-40% of users but only 6% of the population. A long-term stabilization model is advocated to improve immigrants' lives and reduce costs to municipalities over time.
Back on Track (BoT) is a program that aims to support and encourage young people outside the labor market to pursue further studies, employment, or other meaningful occupations. It does this by improving social skills and strengthening self-image and self-confidence through a three-step action plan of introduction, follow-up, and closure. "Talks" are held when an individual is ready for the next step. Recurring features and the culture and history of BoT are discussed. Difficulties include motivating participants and themselves, while rewards include seeing participants enjoy BoT and the difference it makes. Results showed that of 21 participants aged 18-24, over 70% of ex-participants had positive outcomes.
The document summarizes a Navigatorcentrum project in stersund, Sweden that aims to help youth ages 16-25 who are not in education or employment. The project creates an accessible center for cooperation, coaching, and providing a path to jobs, education, or other planned activities. Over the course of the project, 660 youth participated, 70% of whom obtained jobs, education, or otherwise strengthened their position. The project has been successful due to cooperation between multiple authorities and treats youth with humor, objectivity, and commitment.
The Community Health Partnership of north-west Florence is a public consortium between 8 municipalities and the local health unit that was created in 2004 to better integrate social and health services. It aims to improve access to services for disadvantaged groups like immigrants. By joining resources, it reduces costs while increasing opportunities. Examples of joint projects address issues like social exclusion, disability, and services for minors. The partnership allows for more complex projects involving private entities to meet area needs. However, volunteering and the third sector also play an important role in meeting demand due to insufficient public services alone.
Dimensione dello sviluppo:
andare incontro alla persona al livello del suo sviluppo
emozionale interagendo con lui/lei in accordo alle sue
necessit emozionali di base.
Dimensione sociale:
informare ed educare lambiente al fine di permettere un
adattamento ottimale di interazioni in accordo con i bisogni
della persona.
Dimensione psicologica:
con il training o la psicoterapia aiutare la persona ad attivare
la sua capacit di risolvere i problemi e ad adattarsi alle
circostanze ambientali.
Dimensione biologica:
farmaci psicotropi diretti allobiettivo se necessari come
supporto ai tentativi di trattamento sulle altre dimensioni.
(Dosen, 2006)
La prevalenza di disturbi psichiatrici nella popolazione con
Disabilit Intellettiva (DI) 竪 molto pi湛 alta di quella della
popolazione generale.
La prevalenza di disturbi psichiatrici nella popolazione adulta
con DI riportata in letteratura varia ampiamente fra il 10% e il
(Bertelli M., 2004)
La diagnosi psichiatrica, gi complessa nella popolazione
generale, diviene di ancor pi湛 difficile attuazione nella persona
con DI, soprattutto nei gradi grave e gravissimo.
Nelle persone con DI i problemi psichiatrici e comportamentali
possono essere causa di gravi ostacoli al processo di
integrazione sociale
Migliorare la qualit della cura fornita alle persone con disabilit
intellettiva e problemi di salute mentale
Evitare una prospettiva limitata in cui determinati
comportamenti problema o psicopatologie sono interpretati
soltanto come caratteristiche relative alla persona
Estendere le strategie di intervento modificando i fattori
Migliorare le procedure diagnostiche in quanto permette di
comprendere levoluzione delle modalit di coping del soggetto,
le sue motivazioni e necessit emozionali.
L'impostazione metodologica e organizzativa intende riferirsi
a modelli di tipo cognitivo emotivo comportamentale,
secondo i criteri pi湛 attuali in materia di trattamento dei
Disturbi dello Spettro Autistico e Disabilit Intellettiva.
Questo modello si integra, nel nostro caso gi da anni, al
modello sulla Qualit di Vita con un approccio al trattamento
Qualit di Vita
Dare al nostro ospite lopportunit di poter scegliere quale attivit sia
per lui importante e significativa da svolgere per la propria
soddisfazione personale.
Il modo pi湛 completo ed efficace di valutare la Qualit di Vita 竪
costituito dalla relazione tra la percezione individuale dellimportanza
attribuita a determinati ambiti di vita e la percezione individuale della
soddisfazione provata negli stessi.
Qualit di Vita
(La Malfa,2008)
della salute
Vulnerabilit Supporti
Lavoro sulle
Programma complessivo di presa in carico
Viene costruito sulla base delle caratteristiche
individuali del soggetto, dellet, tenendo conto delle
variabili familiari.
Deve prevedere anche unintegrazione con le risorse
presenti nel territorio (scuole, palestre, ludoteche, ecc).
Responsabile del Programma 竪 il Medico
Neuropsichiatria Infantile o lo Psichiatra
Programma complessivo di presa in carico : Elementi essenziali
Individua gli operatori professionali coinvolti nel progetto;
Individua altri operatori, agenzie educative e le risorse del territorio da
coinvolgere nel progetto
Considera in maniera globale i bisogni, le disabilit e soprattutto i punti di
Definisce le modalit di frequenza al centro;
Definisce gli esiti desiderati esplicitando gli obiettivi a breve e lungo termine
e le modalit di attuazione;
E di riferimento per ogni intervento svolto dallequipe riabilitativa;
E condiviso dalla famiglia dellospite e i servizi territoriali.
Piano ri-abilitativo
Alla costruzione del piano abilitativo/riabilitativo individuale
partecipano tutti gli operatori del centro, ciascuno per la parte di
propria competenza.
La nostra caratteristica principale risiede nella possibilit di proporre
alle famiglie, ai servizi e alle persone con disabilit intellettiva una
vasta gamma di realt di vita abitativa, ricreativa, educativa e
riabilitativa, grazie alle risorse del territorio e del Gruppo CTE.
Responsabile del PRI 竪 lo psicologo coordinatore insieme allo
Psichiatra o Neuropsichiatra Infantile
Percorso Alta intensitPercorso Alta intensit
Prevede laccoglienza di utenti con scompenso
comportamentale e/o comorbilit psichiatrica (provenienti da
famiglie, Centri e Ospedale) supportata da un progetto
individuale condiviso tra Dipartimento di Salute Mentale
famiglia e lequipe medico-psico-pedagogica del C.T.E.
Il progetto prevede una valutazione iniziale dellutente,
incontri con cadenza regolare tra i vari attori del progetto, un
supporto intensivo sia sullutente che sulla famiglia
La famiglia 竪 supportata dal servizio di psicologia interno al
C.T.E e gli incontri sono fissati con cadenza mensile.
Percorso Alta intensitPercorso Alta intensit
Il supporto emotivo-terapeutico allutente 竪 garantito
da personale formato e in formazione continua, ed 竪
composto da: psicologi, educatori, logopedista,
fisioterapista, infermieri, OSS-S.
Attraverso lanalisi funzionale ABC, viene
monitorizzato il comportamento adattivo/disadattivo
dellutente e gli eventuali sintomi psichiatrici presenti.
Per ogni ospite inserito nel percorso ad alta intensit
sono previste due figure di supporto individuali (tutors
formati) nella giornata, supervisionati dal care manager.
Percorso Bassa intensitPercorso Bassa intensit
Prevede laccoglienza di utenti con Disabilit Intellettiva
Medio-Lieve, con bassa frequenza e intesit di
comportamenti problema e se necessario, compensati
farmacologicamente riguardo alla comorbidit con disturbi
Il progetto prevede una valutazione iniziale dellutente,
incontri con cadenza regolare tra i vari attori del progetto
La famiglia 竪 supportata dal servizio di psicologia interno al
C.T.E e gli incontri sono fissati con cadenza mensile.
Percorso FARM Diurno Residenziale: criteri essenzialiPercorso FARM Diurno Residenziale: criteri essenziali
Qualit di vita con la promozione della partecipazione,
dellattivit lavorativa e dellabitare.
Promuovere attivit reali concrete con una produzione
tangibile , anche commestibile o artigianale che hanno
significato per la vita collettiva riveste un grande valore
esperienziale e simbolico per i nostri ospiti .
Percorso FARM Diurno Residenziale: Obiettivo Generale
Lobiettivo generale 竪 il raggiungimento di un livello di
autonomia che permetta il parziale inserimento o
reinserimento sociale dei soggetti in cura o un
miglioramento generalizzato della loro qualit di vita
Percorso FARM Diurno Residenziale: Attivit
Le attivit manuali e creative di vario genere sono
articolate in laboratori, quali il laboratorio di vimini,
quello di decorazione, quello di giardinaggio, orticoltura
quello di cura degli animali da fattoria e di negozio,
laboratorio di falegnameria, tessitura e mosaico, attivit
sociali, ed anche integrazione con il territorio
E previsto per tutta la durata del progetto un counseling di
sostegno alla funzione genitoriale con incontri periodici con lo
Psicologo del CTE
Obiettivo degli incontri sar:
valutazione e promozione della Qualit di Vita allinterno del
nucleo familiare;
coinvolgimento dei familiari nel percorso e scambio di
ripristinare delle dinamiche accettabili ed utili per tutti i
componenti del nucleo familiare;
verifica delle strategie, degli obiettivi e dei risultati
Promuovere formazione e inserimento lavorativo tramite
training in accordo con altre istituzioni e enti come scuola
e Provincia:
in ambito agricolo per soggetti con DI
in ambito sanitario assistenziale per soggetti neurotipici
In linea con gli interventi del CTE e con le richieste effettuate
dalle normative previste per riconoscimento
dellaccreditamento da parte della ASL, il personale del CTE
竪 costantemente invitato a svolgere formazione, sia offerta
dalla struttura stessa che allesterno, per esempio con
facilitazioni degli orari e con permessi.
Dal 2002 a tuttoggi il CTE 竪 provider ECM.
Allinterno dei corsi gi effettuati sono sempre stati trattati
argomenti relativi alla disabilit, e in specifico alla sindrome