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Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the
progression of it to the full product?

The area that I was strong in during the preliminary task was the filming of it. Getting
the camera in the correct position for the required shots, the movement of the camera
and the correct zoom on the actors.

An area that I found slightly more difficult was the match on action and the 180
degree rule.

 It was hard to remember to get it correct so that in the end we could edit it to look
good so that it would all fit together and flow properly. Luckily the mistakes I made
could be edited out to look slightly better. However, the editing part is what I found
most difficult about the whole task. This was because it was a totally new software
that I had ever used or even seen before, I had also never done any editing before so I
found it rather complicated to use at first.
The preliminary task helped us very little with the research and planning of our main
production. This is because we were given a script to work with, provided a target
audience and didnt need any particular costumes. Although, we did have to produce
storyboards. So this meant when it came to doing the research and planning of our
actual film we had no experience on what to do.

The preliminary task was all to do with the construction of a piece of work. When
constructing our film opening I took what I had learnt from the preliminary task and
used it in the film. This made it a lot easier when it came to making the film as it
wasnt my first time using the hardware and software and I had learnt about different
shots, match on action and 180 degree rule and I now knew how to apply them to my

It didnt help in the evaluation of my work either. It did help increase my knowledge
on how to use everything which meant I could write about what I had learnt all the
way through since I had done the preliminary task in my evaluation.

Doing the preliminary task first before producing my film opening did help a lot
because if I hadnt had done the task I wouldnt have had an idea on how to use the
correct shots or know how to do the 180 degree rule etc. and also using the editing
software so I wouldnt be able to produce the film as well.

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Evaluation 7

  • 1. Question 7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression of it to the full product? The area that I was strong in during the preliminary task was the filming of it. Getting the camera in the correct position for the required shots, the movement of the camera and the correct zoom on the actors. An area that I found slightly more difficult was the match on action and the 180 degree rule. It was hard to remember to get it correct so that in the end we could edit it to look good so that it would all fit together and flow properly. Luckily the mistakes I made could be edited out to look slightly better. However, the editing part is what I found most difficult about the whole task. This was because it was a totally new software that I had ever used or even seen before, I had also never done any editing before so I found it rather complicated to use at first.
  • 2. The preliminary task helped us very little with the research and planning of our main production. This is because we were given a script to work with, provided a target audience and didnt need any particular costumes. Although, we did have to produce storyboards. So this meant when it came to doing the research and planning of our actual film we had no experience on what to do. The preliminary task was all to do with the construction of a piece of work. When constructing our film opening I took what I had learnt from the preliminary task and used it in the film. This made it a lot easier when it came to making the film as it wasnt my first time using the hardware and software and I had learnt about different shots, match on action and 180 degree rule and I now knew how to apply them to my work. It didnt help in the evaluation of my work either. It did help increase my knowledge on how to use everything which meant I could write about what I had learnt all the way through since I had done the preliminary task in my evaluation. Doing the preliminary task first before producing my film opening did help a lot because if I hadnt had done the task I wouldnt have had an idea on how to use the correct shots or know how to do the 180 degree rule etc. and also using the editing software so I wouldnt be able to produce the film as well.