Peek analytics social audience reports digitalmktgguru _apr_20_2013Yewande Odusanwo
The document analyzes the Twitter audience of the account @digitalmktgguru. It finds that the account has 303 followers, with an audience pull of 8x, meaning it has more influential followers than average. The audience is majority male, between ages 26-35, with interests in business, technology, and fashion. Geographically, most followers are from New York and the United States.
This document discusses recruitment strategies for two open positions at a company. It outlines a process for outsourcing recruitment to consultants who will shortlist candidates, coordinate interviews, and handle negotiations. The two positions are for a Software Engineer, seeking fresh or experienced candidates with onsite opportunities, and a Regional Manager with 8-12 years of experience covering Southeast Asia. Requirements and locations for each role are specified. The recruitment process involves a 6-month induction period with stipends and incentives to evaluate candidates for selection by clients. Strategies for advertising the positions, especially targeting less experienced software engineers through social media, are also mentioned.
1. The document discusses a questionnaire survey of Finnish upper secondary school geography teachers regarding their readiness and ability to use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in their classrooms.
2. The survey found that most teachers were not familiar with GIS and had not received training in its educational uses. A lack of training, funds, computers and teaching materials were seen as major barriers.
3. However, around half of teachers saw potential benefits of GIS for enhancing student problem-solving and spatial thinking skills. There was overall interest in innovative teaching methods when given proper support.
4. The implications are that universities will need to provide substantial in-service GIS training for teachers to help them incorporate it pedag
The document lists the various products and services offered by Tata, categorized into different industries. It includes beverages (4 products), information technology (7 services), telecommunications (5 services), automotive industry (5 products/services), engineering (5 services), energy (5 services), chemicals (6 products), financial services (7 services), other services (5 services), industrial equipment (6 products), food products (2 products), hospitality (5 services), Tata Steel (8 products/services), and agricultural products (4 services). In total, Tata offers 74 products and services across 14 categories.
It was case study presentation prepared by my Friend
Ms. Padmini (IBA College).
The case study is about Maruti Suzuki strike. It was related to Employee Relation Subject...
Once You download the PPT then you can see the magic in slides fully creative slides by her..You can use this slides in any of the presentations by editing them..
How to use Earthworm Composting Techniques to Increase your Gardens Yields an...sodj49v
This document provides links to numerous resources about composting with earthworms and vermiculture, including books, websites, and guides. Many of the resources discuss using earthworms and vermicompost to improve soil quality and fertility for organic gardening and farming. The document contains over 50 separate links to materials about topics like worm composting, vermiculture techniques, earthworm ecology, and using compost teas and other organic fertilizers.
What's Your Poison: Putting Your Lawn and Garden Into Detoxsodj49v
This document discusses alternatives to using pesticides in lawns and gardens. It provides tips for preventing pest problems through natural methods like companion planting, using pest-resistant plants, and encouraging beneficial insects. Simple recipes are given for making organic fertilizers and sprays to control weeds, diseases and insects without chemicals. The hazards of pesticide use are outlined, and it is noted that many pest problems can be avoided or addressed without the use of toxic chemicals that endanger health and the environment.
This document provides a list of 100 wild edible plant species found in the Midwest region of North America. For each plant entry, it lists the scientific name, common name, and edible parts. It then provides tips for safely identifying and harvesting wild plants, including cautionary notes about some toxic lookalikes or plant parts. Recommended reference books on wild edible plants are also listed.
1. The document discusses a questionnaire survey of Finnish upper secondary school geography teachers regarding their readiness and ability to use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in their classrooms.
2. The survey found that most teachers were not familiar with GIS and had not received training in its educational uses. A lack of training, funds, computers and teaching materials were seen as major barriers.
3. However, around half of teachers saw potential benefits of GIS for enhancing student problem-solving and spatial thinking skills. There was overall interest in innovative teaching methods when given proper support.
4. The implications are that universities will need to provide substantial in-service GIS training for teachers to help them incorporate it pedag
The document lists the various products and services offered by Tata, categorized into different industries. It includes beverages (4 products), information technology (7 services), telecommunications (5 services), automotive industry (5 products/services), engineering (5 services), energy (5 services), chemicals (6 products), financial services (7 services), other services (5 services), industrial equipment (6 products), food products (2 products), hospitality (5 services), Tata Steel (8 products/services), and agricultural products (4 services). In total, Tata offers 74 products and services across 14 categories.
It was case study presentation prepared by my Friend
Ms. Padmini (IBA College).
The case study is about Maruti Suzuki strike. It was related to Employee Relation Subject...
Once You download the PPT then you can see the magic in slides fully creative slides by her..You can use this slides in any of the presentations by editing them..
How to use Earthworm Composting Techniques to Increase your Gardens Yields an...sodj49v
This document provides links to numerous resources about composting with earthworms and vermiculture, including books, websites, and guides. Many of the resources discuss using earthworms and vermicompost to improve soil quality and fertility for organic gardening and farming. The document contains over 50 separate links to materials about topics like worm composting, vermiculture techniques, earthworm ecology, and using compost teas and other organic fertilizers.
What's Your Poison: Putting Your Lawn and Garden Into Detoxsodj49v
This document discusses alternatives to using pesticides in lawns and gardens. It provides tips for preventing pest problems through natural methods like companion planting, using pest-resistant plants, and encouraging beneficial insects. Simple recipes are given for making organic fertilizers and sprays to control weeds, diseases and insects without chemicals. The hazards of pesticide use are outlined, and it is noted that many pest problems can be avoided or addressed without the use of toxic chemicals that endanger health and the environment.
This document provides a list of 100 wild edible plant species found in the Midwest region of North America. For each plant entry, it lists the scientific name, common name, and edible parts. It then provides tips for safely identifying and harvesting wild plants, including cautionary notes about some toxic lookalikes or plant parts. Recommended reference books on wild edible plants are also listed.
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izen horren pean parte hartzeko.
Behin barruan egonik, kazetari munduari dagokionez, sare sozialaren erabilera bideoak
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dezake. Prozesu hau oso erraza eta eramangarria da.
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nahi duzuna idatzi, linka gehitu eta publikatu botoiari eman behar zaio. Bestela,
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jakin ahal izango dute zuk hedatu duzun momentuan bertan. Zure publikazioa, nondik
egina den, eta nori zuzendu nahi zaion ere aukeratu daiteke. Nori zuzendu nahi zaion
esaten denean, mezuaren irakurlea edo publikoa nor izan nahi den aukeratu daitekeela
esan nahi da.
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Bestalde, edozein pertsonarekin kontaktatzeko ere balio diezaioke facebook sare sozialak
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Azkenik, esan beharra dago gaur egun munduko kazeta enpresa edo hedabide gehienak
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asko jarraitzea, horrela norbere albisteek hedapen edo ohiartzun handiagoa eskuratu