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H.NO. A-629, Sector 11-A, North Karachi, Karachi
Cell: +92-345-6163804, Phone: +92-21-36976909.
E-mail: seemahad@hotmail.com
Fahad Arsalan
OBJECTIVE To pursue a challenging career in a dynamic organization, where I can utilize my
expertise and creativity while developing and accruing new ones.
 Programming Languages.
Visual Basic 6.0, C/ C++, SQL, HTML/ DHTML, VB Script & ASP.
Fox-Pro for Ms DOS 2.5/ 2.6, Visual Fox-Pro 7.0 for Ms Windows,
Ms Access, Oracle & RDBMS.
 Operating Systems.
o CLI (Command Line Interface)
Ms DOS, Unix & Novell NetWare 4.11.
o GUI (Graphical user Interface)
Ms Windows 3.2/ 95/ 98/ NT 4.0/ Me/ 2000/ XP & Linux.
 Miscellaneous Tools/ Applications.
Urdu Inpage 2009, Ms Office, Auto CAD 2004, Crystal Report, Ms
FrontPage 2003, Adobe Photoshop 6.0/ 7.0, Dream weaver 4.0 &
Macromedia Flash 5.0.
Still Working in Pakland Housing (Pvt.) Ltd., as Admin & Procurement Executive
Admin Responsibilities:
 Meeting and Greeting Clients and visitors to the office.
 Supervising the work of office juniors and assigning work for them.
 Typing documents and distributing memos.
 Updating & maintain the holidays, absence and attendance records of
 Typing circulars and office memos and distribute to all staff.
 Monitoring inventory, office stock and ordering supplies as necessary.
 Creating and modifying documents as per required.
 Organize and coordinating meetings and conferences.
 Updating, processing and filling of all Documents.
Procurement Responsibilities:
 Discover the most profitable suppliers and initiate business
 Negotiate with external vendors to secure the most advantageous
 Prepare purchase orders and send copies to suppliers and to
departments originating requests.
 Determine if inventory quantities are sufficient for needs.
 Respond to requisitioner and supplier inquiries about order status,
changes, or cancellations.
 Contact suppliers in order to schedule or expedite deliveries and to
resolve shortages, missed or late deliveries, and other problems.
 Collaborate with key persons to ensure the clarity of the
specifications and expectations of the company.
 Foresee alterations in the comparative negotiating ability of suppliers
and clients.
 Approve the ordering of necessary goods and services.
 Finalize details of orders and deliveries.
Worked in Magna Steel (Pvt.) Ltd., as an Admin & Procurement Assistant.
MAY 2004 TO OCTOBER 2006
Admin Responsibilities:
 Supervising the work of office juniors and assigning work for them.
 Updating & maintain the holidays, absence and attendance records of
 Typing circulars and office memos and distribute to all staff.
 Monitoring inventory, office stock and ordering supplies as necessary.
 Creating and modifying documents as per required.
 Organize and coordinating meetings and conferences.
 Updating, processing and filling of all Documents.
 Filing documents as per the department requirement.
 Supporting the reception desk.
 Restore backed up data when necessary.
Procurement Responsibilities:
 Prepare purchase orders on behalf of the regarding Department.
Page 2 Fahad Arsalan
 I also reviewed prices and product specifications from various suppliers
to determine which would provide the best deal.
 In other duties might include creating and maintaining purchasing files
and price lists.
 Sometimes physically check shipments to ensure the appropriate items
were delivered.
 Also answer the supplier and the department inquiries about order
changes or cancellations and check requisition orders for accuracy.
Worked in Seamnia Digicure Solutions., as Jr. Computer Programmer.
 Work with Senior Programmers, Support Staff, Product Manager to
plan program code enhancements and changes.
 Create, test and maintain program codes.
 Create labels and reports using Crystal Reports.
 Provide assistance to technical support to staff when they are unable
to resolve a program, database, or IT issue by themselves.
 Occasionally contact clients as may be needed to clarify the intent of
a new feature or resolve a problem.
Worked in Data Processor Collegiate, as an Computer Consultant/ Instructor
 Participate in student recruitment, registration, and placement
 Serve on academic or administrative committees that deal with institutional
policies, departmental matters, and academic issues.
 Act as advisers to student organizations.
 Perform administrative duties such as serving as department head.
 Conduct research in a particular field of knowledge, and publish findings in
professional journals, books, and/or electronic media.
 Participate in campus and community events.
 Evaluate and grade students' class work, laboratory work, assignments, and
 Maintain student attendance records, grades, and other required records.
 Prepare and deliver lectures to students on topics such as programming, data
structures, and software.
 Prepare course materials such as syllabi, homework assignments, and handouts.
 Keep abreast of developments in their field by reading current literature, talking
with colleagues, and participating in professional conferences.
 Initiate, facilitate, and moderate classroom discussions.
Page 3 Fahad Arsalan
 Supervise students' laboratory work.
EDUCATION Bachelor in Commerce
Karachi University _ 2003
Diploma Information Technology (DIT)
Skill Development Council _ 2001
Intermediate (Science)
Pakistan Ship owners Govt. College _ 2000
SSC (Science)
Little Flower Secondary School, Karachi _ 1998
Fathers Name Late Muhammad Naseer.
C.N.I.C 42101-8499356-7.
Passport No.
Marital status Single.
Religion Islam.
Date of birth 02nd
November, 1982
Highly energetic, recognized as a team player with strong communication
skills in synchronizing work with other members of the group.
Expertise in Documentation, Maintain Filling Record & Maintain Excel
sheet using Microsoft Office.
Good communication and presentation skills, English & Urdu.
Page 4 Fahad Arsalan

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  • 1. H.NO. A-629, Sector 11-A, North Karachi, Karachi Cell: +92-345-6163804, Phone: +92-21-36976909. E-mail: seemahad@hotmail.com Fahad Arsalan OBJECTIVE To pursue a challenging career in a dynamic organization, where I can utilize my expertise and creativity while developing and accruing new ones. SKILLS & ABILITIES Programming Languages. Visual Basic 6.0, C/ C++, SQL, HTML/ DHTML, VB Script & ASP. Databases. Fox-Pro for Ms DOS 2.5/ 2.6, Visual Fox-Pro 7.0 for Ms Windows, Ms Access, Oracle & RDBMS. Operating Systems. o CLI (Command Line Interface) Ms DOS, Unix & Novell NetWare 4.11. o GUI (Graphical user Interface) Ms Windows 3.2/ 95/ 98/ NT 4.0/ Me/ 2000/ XP & Linux. Miscellaneous Tools/ Applications. Urdu Inpage 2009, Ms Office, Auto CAD 2004, Crystal Report, Ms FrontPage 2003, Adobe Photoshop 6.0/ 7.0, Dream weaver 4.0 & Macromedia Flash 5.0. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Still Working in Pakland Housing (Pvt.) Ltd., as Admin & Procurement Executive NOVEMBER 2006 TO PRESENT Admin Responsibilities: Meeting and Greeting Clients and visitors to the office. Supervising the work of office juniors and assigning work for them. Typing documents and distributing memos. Updating & maintain the holidays, absence and attendance records of staff. Typing circulars and office memos and distribute to all staff. Monitoring inventory, office stock and ordering supplies as necessary. Creating and modifying documents as per required.
  • 2. Organize and coordinating meetings and conferences. Updating, processing and filling of all Documents. Procurement Responsibilities: Discover the most profitable suppliers and initiate business partnerships. Negotiate with external vendors to secure the most advantageous terms. Prepare purchase orders and send copies to suppliers and to departments originating requests. Determine if inventory quantities are sufficient for needs. Respond to requisitioner and supplier inquiries about order status, changes, or cancellations. Contact suppliers in order to schedule or expedite deliveries and to resolve shortages, missed or late deliveries, and other problems. Collaborate with key persons to ensure the clarity of the specifications and expectations of the company. Foresee alterations in the comparative negotiating ability of suppliers and clients. Approve the ordering of necessary goods and services. Finalize details of orders and deliveries. Worked in Magna Steel (Pvt.) Ltd., as an Admin & Procurement Assistant. MAY 2004 TO OCTOBER 2006 Admin Responsibilities: Supervising the work of office juniors and assigning work for them. Updating & maintain the holidays, absence and attendance records of staff. Typing circulars and office memos and distribute to all staff. Monitoring inventory, office stock and ordering supplies as necessary. Creating and modifying documents as per required. Organize and coordinating meetings and conferences. Updating, processing and filling of all Documents. Filing documents as per the department requirement. Supporting the reception desk. Restore backed up data when necessary. Procurement Responsibilities: Prepare purchase orders on behalf of the regarding Department. Page 2 Fahad Arsalan
  • 3. I also reviewed prices and product specifications from various suppliers to determine which would provide the best deal. In other duties might include creating and maintaining purchasing files and price lists. Sometimes physically check shipments to ensure the appropriate items were delivered. Also answer the supplier and the department inquiries about order changes or cancellations and check requisition orders for accuracy. Worked in Seamnia Digicure Solutions., as Jr. Computer Programmer. JUNE 2002 TO FEBRUARY 2004 Work with Senior Programmers, Support Staff, Product Manager to plan program code enhancements and changes. Create, test and maintain program codes. Create labels and reports using Crystal Reports. Provide assistance to technical support to staff when they are unable to resolve a program, database, or IT issue by themselves. Occasionally contact clients as may be needed to clarify the intent of a new feature or resolve a problem. Worked in Data Processor Collegiate, as an Computer Consultant/ Instructor SEPTEMBER 2000 TO APRIL 2002 Participate in student recruitment, registration, and placement activities. Serve on academic or administrative committees that deal with institutional policies, departmental matters, and academic issues. Act as advisers to student organizations. Perform administrative duties such as serving as department head. Conduct research in a particular field of knowledge, and publish findings in professional journals, books, and/or electronic media. Participate in campus and community events. Evaluate and grade students' class work, laboratory work, assignments, and papers. Maintain student attendance records, grades, and other required records. Prepare and deliver lectures to students on topics such as programming, data structures, and software. Prepare course materials such as syllabi, homework assignments, and handouts. Keep abreast of developments in their field by reading current literature, talking with colleagues, and participating in professional conferences. Initiate, facilitate, and moderate classroom discussions. Page 3 Fahad Arsalan
  • 4. Supervise students' laboratory work. EDUCATION Bachelor in Commerce Karachi University _ 2003 Diploma Information Technology (DIT) Skill Development Council _ 2001 Intermediate (Science) Pakistan Ship owners Govt. College _ 2000 SSC (Science) Little Flower Secondary School, Karachi _ 1998 PERSONAL INFORMATION Fathers Name Late Muhammad Naseer. C.N.I.C 42101-8499356-7. Passport No. Marital status Single. Religion Islam. Date of birth 02nd November, 1982 Summary Highly energetic, recognized as a team player with strong communication skills in synchronizing work with other members of the group. Expertise in Documentation, Maintain Filling Record & Maintain Excel sheet using Microsoft Office. Good communication and presentation skills, English & Urdu. Page 4 Fahad Arsalan