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The avearge amount of hours that a child or teenager dedicates weekly to consumption
of the diet served by the communication media (television, internet, videogames, radio,
magazines, etc.) greatly exceeds the number of hours they spend at school.
(Kaiser Family Foundation Reports 2005, 2010; Rapporto della Societ Italiana di
Pediatria 2008)
The Medias Influence
The Medias Influence
TV series that target young people shape their lifetyles and family patterns, and they do so
with great persuasive power found in captivating narrative techniques.
(Paolo Braga, ER. Sceneggiatura e personaggi. Analisi della serie che ha cambiato la Tv,
Franco Angeli, Milano 2008)
 young people create their ideas about family and personal relatioships from popular
television programs. Many of them are educated about sexuality more by soap-operas and
sitcoms than by parents or schools.
(Irene Meijer y Marjolein van Vossen. The Ethos of Television Relationships. Why Popular
Drama Persistently Worry Television Scholars )
Strength of Penetration
Familyandmedia is an international, university level research team that studies the
family in the sphere of social communications. It studies with a double focus: how
families are portrayed in the media (fiction and news) and how institutions that
promote the family communicate their message and help to build proposals for
families in the public sphere.
About Us
The research team and project Family and Media was born in Rome in February
2005, on the occasion of the first interdisciplinary workshop about family and media
held at the University of the Holy Cross.
In addition to the Holy Cross faculty, professors from the following universities helped
begin the project:
- University of Navarre (Spain),
- Catholic University of Milan,
- Austral (Argentina)
- CEU San Pablo of Madrid.
Since its beginning, the research team has added new members from the following
- CEU San Pablo of Valencia and Madrid,
- University of Italian Switzerland,
- Catholic University of Argentina,
- University of the Most Holy Conception (Concepci坦n, Chile).
About Us
Norberto Gonz叩lez Gaitano (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, Italy) 
Project Coordinator
Jos辿 Mar鱈a La Porte (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, Italy)
Fabrizio Piciarelli (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, Italy)  Web Editor
Armando Fumagalli (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, Italy)
Maria Teresa T辿ramo (Catholic University of Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Maria Jos辿 Pou (University CEU San Pablo, Valencia, Spain)
Silvia de Ascaniis (University of Italian Switzerland, Lugano)
Alfredo Garc鱈a Luarte (Catholic University of the Most Holy Conception, Chile)
Luciano Elizalde (Austral University, Argentina)
Juan Camilo D鱈az Boh坦rquez (La Sabana University, Colombia)
V鱈ctor Manuel P辿rez Mart鱈nez (University San Jorge, Spain)
Enrique Fuster (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, Italy)
Jorge Mil叩n (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, Italy)
Fabrizio Piciarelli (Rome)
Manuel Uzal (Chile)
Vittorio Romano (Naples)
Piotr Studniki (Poland)
Corinne Mannella (United States)
Paolo Braga (Milan)
Antonio Malo (Rome)
Giuseppe Romano (Milan)
Carmen Conde (Spain)
Cecilia Galatolo (Rome)
Rafael Hurtado (Guadalajara, Mexico)
 10.656 unique visitors
 12.911 sessions
 30.512 page views
 00:01:35 average session duration
Source: Google Analytics from 01/01/2016 to 30/06/2016
Italian: 51 %
Spanish: 33 %
English: 16 %
AUDIENCE (language)
Desktop 63 %
Mobile 29 %
Tablet 8 %
About Us
The project's goal is to study how the family is represented in the mass media through
the analysis of the roots of social behavior, also known by the name of social "virtues."
The concept of the family that serves as the project's foundation is based in Christian
anthropology, which finds its confirmation in relational sociology.
The analytical perspective used to study how relationships are depicted in the different
texts (either informative or entertainment) is to select from the speech the
anthropological and cultural common places, or "topoi," that rae related to the social
Operational goal: to use the results of empirical research to promote a positive vision of
the family's natural anthropology. We do not focus on specific initiatives, but offer a
"framework" that, over the long term, can guide the communicative actions of
organizations that are dedicated to promoting the family.
A study was commissioned by the Forum of Family Associations for the Family and Media
research team, with a representative sample of 31 associations.
The main objective of the study was to focus on the image that the family itself wants to offer--
as an alternative to the image proposed by mainstream culture, and in particular by certain
communication media dominant in the public arena.
The associations' communication
strategies were identified and analyzed,
and a proposal was created suggesting
how to increase the efficacy of their work in
society. The study was also meant to raise
awareness within these same associations
about the importance of having a structured
communications plan.
The study created a map of the national family
associations in Italy, obtaining a precise
panorama of their presence in the region, their
activities, and the extent of the association
phenomena in Italy.
Strategic Goal
Descriptive Goal
Most popular articles
1) The Pixar in Venice 80.123
2) The Shallows: What the internet is Doing To Our Brains 24.146
3) Films with Family Values Produced in Recent Years 24.141
4) Bagger Vance: Coaching As Education 20.745
5) The Educative Challenge 20.536
6) Adolescence and adultescence 20.524
7) Educational Emergency and Reading 20.187
8) Values and Advertising 18.479
9) Global Sexual Revolution and Gender Ideology 18.011
10) Can Pinocchio teach a lesson to parents of digital natives? 17.122
 Over 500 articles
 Monthly Newsletter
 International networking
In 8 Years of Activity
MEDIA Website backlinks
The Project
The "portrayal," or social organization, of both the mass media and the family has been
changing, among other reasons, due to the effects of the change generated by the
relationship between the two "institutions."
Men and societies are made according to the image they have of themselves,
and these change according to the image of their own development.
The Project
The Family and Media project is found wihtin this general framework. It seeks to help
understand this existing connection, and to offer analytical tools and interpretive
keys for reading the changes occuring in our society.
It is now clear that the behavior of the members of the nuclear family can be influenced by
the close link that exists today between society and the mass media.
Through popular fiction and news articles viewers and spectators are either educated or
Schools and sages have never attained to the gravity which dwells in the eyes of a
baby of three months old. It is the gravity of astonishment at the universe, and
astonishment at the universe is not mysticism, but a transcendent common sense.
The fascination of children lies in this: that with each of them all things are remade,
and the universe is put again upon its trial. As we walk the streets and see below us
those delightful bulbous heads, three times too big for the body, which mark these
human mushrooms, we ought always to remember that within every one of these
heads there is a new universe, as new as it was on the seventh day of creation.
The Project

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  • 2. FAMILY AND MEDIA The avearge amount of hours that a child or teenager dedicates weekly to consumption of the diet served by the communication media (television, internet, videogames, radio, magazines, etc.) greatly exceeds the number of hours they spend at school. (Kaiser Family Foundation Reports 2005, 2010; Rapporto della Societ Italiana di Pediatria 2008) The Medias Influence
  • 3. The Medias Influence TV series that target young people shape their lifetyles and family patterns, and they do so with great persuasive power found in captivating narrative techniques. (Paolo Braga, ER. Sceneggiatura e personaggi. Analisi della serie che ha cambiato la Tv, Franco Angeli, Milano 2008) young people create their ideas about family and personal relatioships from popular television programs. Many of them are educated about sexuality more by soap-operas and sitcoms than by parents or schools. (Irene Meijer y Marjolein van Vossen. The Ethos of Television Relationships. Why Popular Drama Persistently Worry Television Scholars ) FAMILY AND MEDIA
  • 5. Familyandmedia is an international, university level research team that studies the family in the sphere of social communications. It studies with a double focus: how families are portrayed in the media (fiction and news) and how institutions that promote the family communicate their message and help to build proposals for families in the public sphere. About Us FAMILY AND MEDIA
  • 6. The research team and project Family and Media was born in Rome in February 2005, on the occasion of the first interdisciplinary workshop about family and media held at the University of the Holy Cross. In addition to the Holy Cross faculty, professors from the following universities helped begin the project: - University of Navarre (Spain), - Catholic University of Milan, - Austral (Argentina) - CEU San Pablo of Madrid. Since its beginning, the research team has added new members from the following universities: - CEU San Pablo of Valencia and Madrid, - University of Italian Switzerland, - Catholic University of Argentina, - University of the Most Holy Conception (Concepci坦n, Chile). About Us FAMILY AND MEDIA
  • 7. TEAM E COLLABORATORI Norberto Gonz叩lez Gaitano (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, Italy) Project Coordinator Jos辿 Mar鱈a La Porte (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, Italy) Fabrizio Piciarelli (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, Italy) Web Editor Armando Fumagalli (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, Italy) Maria Teresa T辿ramo (Catholic University of Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina) Maria Jos辿 Pou (University CEU San Pablo, Valencia, Spain) Silvia de Ascaniis (University of Italian Switzerland, Lugano) Alfredo Garc鱈a Luarte (Catholic University of the Most Holy Conception, Chile) Luciano Elizalde (Austral University, Argentina) Juan Camilo D鱈az Boh坦rquez (La Sabana University, Colombia) V鱈ctor Manuel P辿rez Mart鱈nez (University San Jorge, Spain) FAMILY AND MEDIA Team
  • 8. TEAM E COLLABORATORI Enrique Fuster (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, Italy) Jorge Mil叩n (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, Italy) Fabrizio Piciarelli (Rome) Manuel Uzal (Chile) Vittorio Romano (Naples) Piotr Studniki (Poland) Corinne Mannella (United States) Paolo Braga (Milan) Antonio Malo (Rome) Giuseppe Romano (Milan) Carmen Conde (Spain) Cecilia Galatolo (Rome) Rafael Hurtado (Guadalajara, Mexico) FAMILY AND MEDIA Team Collaborators
  • 9. 10.656 unique visitors 12.911 sessions 30.512 page views 00:01:35 average session duration Source: Google Analytics from 01/01/2016 to 30/06/2016 AUDIENCE Italian: 51 % Spanish: 33 % English: 16 % AUDIENCE (language) Website DEVICE Desktop 63 % Mobile 29 % Tablet 8 % FAMILY AND MEDIA
  • 10. About Us The project's goal is to study how the family is represented in the mass media through the analysis of the roots of social behavior, also known by the name of social "virtues." The concept of the family that serves as the project's foundation is based in Christian anthropology, which finds its confirmation in relational sociology. The analytical perspective used to study how relationships are depicted in the different texts (either informative or entertainment) is to select from the speech the anthropological and cultural common places, or "topoi," that rae related to the social virtues. Operational goal: to use the results of empirical research to promote a positive vision of the family's natural anthropology. We do not focus on specific initiatives, but offer a "framework" that, over the long term, can guide the communicative actions of organizations that are dedicated to promoting the family. FAMILY AND MEDIA
  • 11. A study was commissioned by the Forum of Family Associations for the Family and Media research team, with a representative sample of 31 associations. The main objective of the study was to focus on the image that the family itself wants to offer-- as an alternative to the image proposed by mainstream culture, and in particular by certain communication media dominant in the public arena. Research The associations' communication strategies were identified and analyzed, and a proposal was created suggesting how to increase the efficacy of their work in society. The study was also meant to raise awareness within these same associations about the importance of having a structured communications plan. The study created a map of the national family associations in Italy, obtaining a precise panorama of their presence in the region, their activities, and the extent of the association phenomena in Italy. Strategic Goal Descriptive Goal FAMILY AND MEDIA
  • 13. Most popular articles FAMILY AND MEDIA 1) The Pixar in Venice 80.123 2) The Shallows: What the internet is Doing To Our Brains 24.146 3) Films with Family Values Produced in Recent Years 24.141 4) Bagger Vance: Coaching As Education 20.745 5) The Educative Challenge 20.536 6) Adolescence and adultescence 20.524 7) Educational Emergency and Reading 20.187 8) Values and Advertising 18.479 9) Global Sexual Revolution and Gender Ideology 18.011 10) Can Pinocchio teach a lesson to parents of digital natives? 17.122
  • 14. Website Over 500 articles Monthly Newsletter International networking In 8 Years of Activity FAMILY AND MEDIA
  • 16. The Project The "portrayal," or social organization, of both the mass media and the family has been changing, among other reasons, due to the effects of the change generated by the relationship between the two "institutions." Men and societies are made according to the image they have of themselves, and these change according to the image of their own development. Montagu FAMILY AND MEDIA
  • 17. The Project The Family and Media project is found wihtin this general framework. It seeks to help understand this existing connection, and to offer analytical tools and interpretive keys for reading the changes occuring in our society. It is now clear that the behavior of the members of the nuclear family can be influenced by the close link that exists today between society and the mass media. Through popular fiction and news articles viewers and spectators are either educated or miseducated. FAMILY AND MEDIA
  • 18. Schools and sages have never attained to the gravity which dwells in the eyes of a baby of three months old. It is the gravity of astonishment at the universe, and astonishment at the universe is not mysticism, but a transcendent common sense. The fascination of children lies in this: that with each of them all things are remade, and the universe is put again upon its trial. As we walk the streets and see below us those delightful bulbous heads, three times too big for the body, which mark these human mushrooms, we ought always to remember that within every one of these heads there is a new universe, as new as it was on the seventh day of creation. Chesterton FAMILY AND MEDIA The Project