The document discusses the Family and Media research project. It aims to study how families are portrayed in media and how family promotion organizations communicate. The project was founded in 2005 and has expanded to include universities worldwide. It publishes articles and newsletters about topics like media influence, family values in films, and education/reading trends. The goal is to better understand the relationship between families and media and offer tools to analyze societal changes.
This document summarizes a research project that aims to understand how media products influence generational identity and sense of belonging. The researchers identified 45 popular media products from different genres and collected over 3,000 blog posts that discussed these products. By analyzing the content, they found that media products can trigger generational discourses in two ways: by allowing individuals to narrate personal experiences, and by sparking wider reflections that link the product to a shared generational perspective.
Not Only Serving, but Solving: Cultivating Problem-Solving Citizens with Solu...Bonner Foundation
Presented during the 2019 Bonner Summer Leadership Institute at Waynesburg University by Paul Niebrzydowski (Solutions U). This workshop taught students to create modules to engage in thinking about social change.
Purpose of Media Essay example
media and culture Essay examples
The Power of Media Essay
Media and Society Essay
Essay on The News Media
Essay on War and the Media
media Essay examples
The Evolution of Media Essay
Advantages of Using Facebook Essay Example | Facebook and whatsapp - Free Essay Example | Essay about Facebook. Facebook Essay | Essay on Facebook in India for Students and Children .... Facebook History Essay: [Essay Example], 1041 words | EssayPay. Essay of facebook - South Florida Painless Breast Implants by Dr Paul .... Facebook as a social media company - Free Essay Example | 3facebook - Why I Hate Facebook Essay Analyzing Arguments - English .... Growth and Development of Facebook Essay Example | Topics and Well .... The Business of Facebook - 鏝 Essay about facebook. Advantages and Disadvantages using facebook by .... About Facebook inc. - Free Essay Example | Facebook Essay & Paragraph 損 All Paragraph. ARTMISC - Facebook Argumentative Essay.docx - Facebook Argumentative .... 7 Keys to Writing Killer Facebook Posts That Bring Clicks. Essay on Facebook in English for Students | 500 Words Essay. Facebook Persuasive Essay Sample - Pros & Cons Examples. Excellent Argumentative Essay About Facebook ~ Thatsnotus. Facebook essay ideas. Facebook vs. Twitter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays .... An Impact of Facebook News Feed on Facebook Users - Free Essay Example .... Essays on facebook addiction. The Catling Mindswipe: How-to: Write an Essay in Facebook - and Why You .... Read 束Facebook損 Essay Sample for Free at Opinion essay about facebook Facebook Essay
The document summarizes research on how Italian media establishes social meanings around infertility. It analyzes 373 newspaper articles on infertility from 1998-2008 and grassroots communication online. Traditional media builds reflexivity and references experts, while online communication empowers citizens to share stories and build understanding through conversation. Both spheres influence culture around reproductive health.
This document contains two lesson plans about global media cultures and the globalization of religion. The first lesson defines media and traces its evolution from oral communication to modern digital media. It discusses how media drives cultural globalization by transmitting cultural products and forming social networks. The second lesson explains how globalization has impacted religion by allowing religions to spread worldwide through improved communication and transportation. It also examines how globalization relates to both global religious conflicts and cooperation. Both lessons provide learning objectives, readings, discussion questions, and suggested multimedia resources.
This document discusses research on intercultural competences and social media. It covers several topics:
1. Social media monitoring tools can be used to analyze online discussions about intercultural topics like the Erasmus program and gain insights into public attitudes.
2. A "third culture" model suggests that social media may be developing its own universal communication styles that bridge different cultures. Memetic communication uses multimedia to make comments more attractive and understandable globally.
3. Cultural differences can still be observed in online behaviors, like what types of content people from individualistic versus collective cultures prefer to share.
4. Overall, while social media may be developing some shared communication norms, it also enables the externalization
This document discusses the importance of developing a global perspective through education. It outlines 5 dimensions that can help foster a global perspective:
1. Perspective consciousness - The awareness that one's own view of the world is shaped by influences and is not universally shared. Others have profoundly different views.
2. "State of the planet" awareness - Awareness of prevailing world conditions, trends, developments regarding issues like population, resources, technology, conflicts.
3. Cross-cultural awareness - Understanding and appreciating other national cultures and cultures within one's own nation.
4. Knowledge of global dynamics - Understanding the ways nations, organizations, populations and groups are interconnected and interact worldwide.
French Essay.pdfFrench Essay. French a level essay help - writefiction581.web...Nicole Heinen
Describe Your Vacation in French Essay - Moses-has-Stout. Causes of the French Revolution - Free Essay Example French Cuisine Essay Example - french essay - GCSE Modern Foreign Languages - Marked by Sample essay on france. French school - GCSE Modern Foreign Languages - Marked by Unique Essay About France Thatsnotus. How To Write French Essay. French essay phrases pdf. The French Revolution 1st essay. essay examples: french revolution essay. French Essay - 1. How To Write A French Essay A Level - Ahern Scribble. French a level essay help - French essay titles for AS Teaching Resources. Frightening Essay In French Thatsnotus. 30 Useful French Essay Phrases and Transition Words in French. French essay phrases a level - My favourite sports essay in french. 003 Essay Example In French Thatsnotus. 7 NEW GCSE FRENCH SAMPLE ESSAYS WITH TRANSLATION Teaching Resources. 30 Useful French Essay Phrases and Transition Words in French 于 How .... Pin on Writing. French Essay - 2. French essay sample - French Essay - International Baccalaureate Languages - Marked by .... AS French - how to write an essay Teaching Resources. Gcse french essay health - French Essay French Essay. French a level essay help -
The document summarizes several audience theory models:
1) The effects model views audiences as passive recipients of media messages. More recent models see audiences as more active.
2) Uses and gratifications theory sees audiences as active in selecting media to fulfill needs like entertainment and social interaction.
3) The active audience model recognizes that audiences can interpret media messages in different, sometimes opposing ways.
4) The ethnographic model examines audience behaviors and preferences through qualitative research like interviews in cultural contexts.
Schools Essay | Essay on Schools for Students and Children in English .... Excellent Essay On School ~ Thatsnotus. Essay on school - The Writing Center.. 007 My School Essay Example ~ Thatsnotus.
This document discusses how globalization and advances in technology and transportation have led to increased cultural integration and homogenization around the world. It describes how mainstream Western media like CNN and Hollywood films promote Western ideas and values globally. While globalization allows for more cultural exchange, it also threatens local cultures and languages as developing countries adjust their policies and cultures are eroded. The internet and social media in particular have accelerated this process by facilitating the spread of Western cultural production and connecting people globally in Marshall McLuhan's "global village".
I love my bones! self-harm and dangerous eating youth behaviours in Por...Teresa Sofia Castro
This document summarizes a research paper that analyzed 11 Portuguese-speaking blogs written by teenagers aged 13-19 who promoted anorexic lifestyles. The analysis found that peer pressure, need for acceptance, and family conflicts revealed how young people internalize thin ideals from sociocultural messages. Content was organized into three categories: common content in pro-anorexic blogs, celebrities/models worshipped as "thinspiration", and how youth deal with social pressures. The study aimed to increase understanding of problematic online content consumed by young people and raise awareness of its potential effects.
Global Engagement in an Interconnected WorldSummarized from a p.docxwhittemorelucilla
Global Engagement in an Interconnected World
*Summarized from a paper by the same title, authored by Dr. John Lee, Associate Professor of Social Studies, N.C. State University
A mother sits with her son at a computer. Music fills the room as stylishly dressed kids dance on a computer screen. The scene is a house in the Western African country of Senegal where an encouraging mother is watching a music video with her son and offering her opinion of her sons favorite new musical group, Rania. The group is from South Korea and is part of a music phenomenon called Korean Pop (or K-Pop) that fuses electronic, hip hop, rock and R&B musical forms. The young man made a video of his mothers opinion of the group and put it on YouTube. A South Korean musical group, singing music online that emerged in black American culture, is being shared by an African boy on a global commercial video sharing network. How did we get to this point and what are the implications of this interconnected and overlapping world for this young mans future and the future of young people in the United States?
A certain vision of the future is already here, although unevenly represented around the world. This future is cross-cultural and supported by a global economic system of multinational interests delivered through a decentralized communications network. Young people today are growing up in an interconnected world with access to information through a wide variety of mediums and devices that support the exchange of ideas and opinions. Given that these systems for communication are in constant flux and are being rapidly developed, children must prepare for a future that will look different than the world of their parents.
Trends in Youth Global Engagement
There are six trends that will shape the global engagement of Generation Z over the next decade. Each of them is outlined below.
Trend #1 The Emergence of an Online Global Identity
Online social networks connect people and create avenues for extending our identity. Identity is connected to our physical being, but increasingly young people are crafting online identities using social networks. Manuel Castells describes this phenomenon in his recent trilogy The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture. Castells argues that the organization of global economics, political and social institutions prompts individuals to create meaning in their lives through collective action. This explains why networks such as Facebook have become so popular (500 million active users), so fast (Facebook went online in 2004). The attraction of Facebook is the human interaction and collective action that it facilitates. The technology is much less important than the human activities that the technologies enable. In fact, actual interfaces such as Facebook come and go rather quickly (e.g. AOL and MySpace, both with explosive growth and quick declines). These global networks allow people to be free of their other identities - ...
Futures, communication and social innovationMario Guillo
This paper presents the results of a comparative pilot study of images of the future in youngsters from 2 different European countries: Spain and Finland. The survey of two groups of university students -from both countries- tries to look into identified cultural values and the message sources that can influence the way we look at the (expected and desired) future.
The importance of this project, that has been developed using the web platform, a pilot project funded by FECYT (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology), relies on the idea that communication and exchange of information about images of the future through social networks will empower new generations for facing the challenge of building a desired future.
Research Report on "Sexual Content on Television and Youth in Malaysia"Aditi Verma
A research report on "Sexual Content on Television and Youth in Malaysia."
RQ1: To what extent is the youth population exposed to sexual content shown on television today in Malaysia?
RQ2: How does sexual content on television affect the youth of Malaysian Society in terms of beliefs, behaviour, and emotions?
RQ3: What is the attitude and level of acceptance among the youth in Malaysian Society towards the amount of sexual content shown on television today?
(Though no actual research was carried out, so there are no results and discussions in this paper, although all the other elements of a research paper are present - This is more like a project proposal in depth).
Shareology and Social Media in Academia #SussexTELSue Beckingham
This document discusses sharing and social media in academia. It begins by quoting Ivan Illich who said education should empower all who want to share what they know and all who want to learn. It discusses how traditionally students learned alone but now collaboration and sharing are important for innovation. It says schools need to prepare students for a global world where issues transcend borders. Andreas Schleicher is quoted saying education used to be about knowledge but now it's about skills to navigate an uncertain world. The document discusses what people share online like personal photos and why like to feel connected. It covers leading social networks and how quickly some grew. It discusses motivations for sharing like managing information, relationships and self-fulfillment. In the end it
Proposal for an International Research Project on Children and Media to Creat...FELAFACS
The document proposes an international research project to develop indicators for a Media Social Responsibility Index (MSRI) based on previous international charters and declarations, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the UN Millennium Development Goals, and the UN Global Compact initiative. The project would involve three phases: 1) researching children's views of media, 2) developing the MSRI, and 3) negotiating its adoption with media companies. It outlines comprehensive research involving surveys, focus groups, and creative activities with children ages 8-17 in different countries to understand children's media usage and viewpoints to inform measurable MSRI indicators.
Michelangelo Essay Free Essay Example. Michelangelo as the most influential artist - Free Essay Example .... Michelangelos Sculpture: Selected Essays, Steinberg, Schwartz, Neer. Michelangelo. Essays On Michelangelo
畛 xem full ti li畛u Xin vui long li棚n h畛 page 畛 動畛c h畛 tr畛
tai lieu tong hop, thu vien luan van, luan van tong hop, do an chuyen nganh
Medium theory proposes that the medium used to deliver a message influences how people receive and understand that message. McLuhan argued that a medium's content takes on the characteristics of the medium itself. Cultivation theory suggests that heavy television viewers are more likely to perceive the real world as similar to how it is portrayed on television. Both theories may be applicable to social media today, as the platforms themselves shape the nature of interactions and content exchanged through their technical features and design.
Attention-Gaining StrategiesHere are some top attention-gainin.docxjasoninnes20
Attention-Gaining Strategies
Here are some top attention-gaining strategies to try in your upcoming speeches:
Ask a question
Ask insightful, meaningful questions. Better yet, ask a series of questions designed to draw the audience further and further into your speech. When you ask your audience a question, they have to think. In the process of thinking, they are paying attention. Even if your question does not call for an oral reply, they will be thinking what they would answer if called upon.
Find a quotation
It could be a historical quote, a humorous one, even a song lyric. Ensure you credit the originator of the quote. Ensure the quote is relevant to your topic.
Shock the audience
Use a startling statistic or a shocking statement. Share a personal revelation.
Find a direct connection to the audience
Reference a local event, place, or activity. Use a recent news story, tragedy, or occurrence that your audience would be sure to油recall.
Tell a story
Engage us, draw us in, and make the details of the story vivid and real to us.
If you ever listened to a scary story told by a camp counselor at night when all were sitting near a camp fire, you know the power of a good story. Religious leaders know the power of a good story also. That is why they often include Bible stories in their sermons. Plan to tell your audience a story, and you will have them listening as attentively to you as campers listen to a counselors scary story. Use vivid details to paint a mental picture in the minds of your listeners. You want them to relateto smell the cookies baking, to see the tears in your Grandmothers eyes, to feel the softness of a baby in your arms.
Find a compelling visual aid
Your visual aid could be poignant, shocking, and/or funny. Remember, a picture IS worth a thousand words.
* A photo of a homeless child
* A picture of a crystal clear lake and油mountain range
* A cartoon depicting a political news油story
Public Administration and Information
Volume 10
Series Editor
Christopher G. Reddick
San Antonio, Texas, USA
More information about this series at
Marijn Janssen Maria A. Wimmer
Ameneh Deljoo
Policy Practice and Digital
Integrating Complex Systems, Social
Simulation and Public Administration
in Policy Research
Marijn Janssen Ameneh Deljoo
Faculty of Technology, Policy, and Faculty of Technology, Policy, and
Management Management
Delft University of Technology Delft University of Technology
Delft Delft
The Netherlands The Netherlands
Maria A. Wimmer
Institute for Information Systems Research
University of Koblenz-Landau
ISBN 978-3-319-12783-5 ISBN 978-3-319-12784-2 (eBook)
Public Administration and Information Technology
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-12784-2
Library of Congress Control Number: 2014956771
Springer Cham Heidelberg New York London
息 Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
This work is subject t ...
Afrikaans essay on poverty - Assessering: Toespraak Wat armoede beteken .... Essay about myself in afrikaans language. Afrikaans essays. Write My Essay Online for Cheap - afrikaans essays for grade 9 - 2017/09/29. Narrative essay: Narrative essay in afrikaans. Afrikaans Gr.3 Begripstoets, Werkkaart ... | Afrikaans, Comprehension .... Afrikaans Articles That Are Easy To Read : April 2016 Article In The .... Afrikaans essay on my dreams for the future - Google Docs. How To Write An Essay In Afrikaans - Acker Script. Afrikaans - Sample Page Foundation for Inner Peace: Publisher of A .... Afrikaans essays The Friary School. Afrikaanse Gedigte Oor Emosies / Idiome | Afrikaans Is Maklik. Pin on Afrikaans. An essay about myself in afrikaans. Afrikaans essay topics for grade 10. Friendly Letter Written In Afrikaans : Letter Writing Connection In .... Afrikaans essays for grade 8 - Grade 10 Afrikaans Essay Topics - School Essay WritingGrade 8-12 .... Afrikaans oral grade 12 - Goeie more aan almal. Lank gelede was daar .... Scholarship essay: Afrikaans essays. Afrikaans descriptive essay - Afrikaans First Additional Language - Stuvia. Definition essay: Narrative essay in afrikaans. Afrikaans language products. 900+ Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele taal ideas in 2021 | afrikaans .... (PDF) Chasing a phantom: Afrikaans in higher education in the .... Afrikaans Articles That Are Easy To Read : You, just more beautiful .... Gekry op FB | Afrikaans, Afrikaans language, Learning strategies. Afrikaans essays for grade 9 - Afrikaans Essays
Afrikaans essay on poverty - Assessering: Toespraak Wat armoede beteken .... Essay about myself in afrikaans language. Afrikaans essays. Write My Essay Online for Cheap - afrikaans essays for grade 9 - 2017/09/29. Narrative essay: Narrative essay in afrikaans. Afrikaans Gr.3 Begripstoets, Werkkaart ... | Afrikaans, Comprehension .... Afrikaans Articles That Are Ea
Electronic media has become the leading source that society uses to obtain information on current events, surpassing print media. Radio and television grew from providing news and entertainment to complex platforms. Radio evolved from navigation to include various content. Television also expanded its small screen to include more. While electronic media has benefits like instant access, it also has risks like prioritizing entertainment over substance and weakening societal values. The dominance of electronic media shapes how people understand world events now more than print media.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
This document discusses research on intercultural competences and social media. It covers several topics:
1. Social media monitoring tools can be used to analyze online discussions about intercultural topics like the Erasmus program and gain insights into public attitudes.
2. A "third culture" model suggests that social media may be developing its own universal communication styles that bridge different cultures. Memetic communication uses multimedia to make comments more attractive and understandable globally.
3. Cultural differences can still be observed in online behaviors, like what types of content people from individualistic versus collective cultures prefer to share.
4. Overall, while social media may be developing some shared communication norms, it also enables the externalization
This document discusses the importance of developing a global perspective through education. It outlines 5 dimensions that can help foster a global perspective:
1. Perspective consciousness - The awareness that one's own view of the world is shaped by influences and is not universally shared. Others have profoundly different views.
2. "State of the planet" awareness - Awareness of prevailing world conditions, trends, developments regarding issues like population, resources, technology, conflicts.
3. Cross-cultural awareness - Understanding and appreciating other national cultures and cultures within one's own nation.
4. Knowledge of global dynamics - Understanding the ways nations, organizations, populations and groups are interconnected and interact worldwide.
French Essay.pdfFrench Essay. French a level essay help - writefiction581.web...Nicole Heinen
Describe Your Vacation in French Essay - Moses-has-Stout. Causes of the French Revolution - Free Essay Example French Cuisine Essay Example - french essay - GCSE Modern Foreign Languages - Marked by Sample essay on france. French school - GCSE Modern Foreign Languages - Marked by Unique Essay About France Thatsnotus. How To Write French Essay. French essay phrases pdf. The French Revolution 1st essay. essay examples: french revolution essay. French Essay - 1. How To Write A French Essay A Level - Ahern Scribble. French a level essay help - French essay titles for AS Teaching Resources. Frightening Essay In French Thatsnotus. 30 Useful French Essay Phrases and Transition Words in French. French essay phrases a level - My favourite sports essay in french. 003 Essay Example In French Thatsnotus. 7 NEW GCSE FRENCH SAMPLE ESSAYS WITH TRANSLATION Teaching Resources. 30 Useful French Essay Phrases and Transition Words in French 于 How .... Pin on Writing. French Essay - 2. French essay sample - French Essay - International Baccalaureate Languages - Marked by .... AS French - how to write an essay Teaching Resources. Gcse french essay health - French Essay French Essay. French a level essay help -
The document summarizes several audience theory models:
1) The effects model views audiences as passive recipients of media messages. More recent models see audiences as more active.
2) Uses and gratifications theory sees audiences as active in selecting media to fulfill needs like entertainment and social interaction.
3) The active audience model recognizes that audiences can interpret media messages in different, sometimes opposing ways.
4) The ethnographic model examines audience behaviors and preferences through qualitative research like interviews in cultural contexts.
Schools Essay | Essay on Schools for Students and Children in English .... Excellent Essay On School ~ Thatsnotus. Essay on school - The Writing Center.. 007 My School Essay Example ~ Thatsnotus.
This document discusses how globalization and advances in technology and transportation have led to increased cultural integration and homogenization around the world. It describes how mainstream Western media like CNN and Hollywood films promote Western ideas and values globally. While globalization allows for more cultural exchange, it also threatens local cultures and languages as developing countries adjust their policies and cultures are eroded. The internet and social media in particular have accelerated this process by facilitating the spread of Western cultural production and connecting people globally in Marshall McLuhan's "global village".
I love my bones! self-harm and dangerous eating youth behaviours in Por...Teresa Sofia Castro
This document summarizes a research paper that analyzed 11 Portuguese-speaking blogs written by teenagers aged 13-19 who promoted anorexic lifestyles. The analysis found that peer pressure, need for acceptance, and family conflicts revealed how young people internalize thin ideals from sociocultural messages. Content was organized into three categories: common content in pro-anorexic blogs, celebrities/models worshipped as "thinspiration", and how youth deal with social pressures. The study aimed to increase understanding of problematic online content consumed by young people and raise awareness of its potential effects.
Global Engagement in an Interconnected WorldSummarized from a p.docxwhittemorelucilla
Global Engagement in an Interconnected World
*Summarized from a paper by the same title, authored by Dr. John Lee, Associate Professor of Social Studies, N.C. State University
A mother sits with her son at a computer. Music fills the room as stylishly dressed kids dance on a computer screen. The scene is a house in the Western African country of Senegal where an encouraging mother is watching a music video with her son and offering her opinion of her sons favorite new musical group, Rania. The group is from South Korea and is part of a music phenomenon called Korean Pop (or K-Pop) that fuses electronic, hip hop, rock and R&B musical forms. The young man made a video of his mothers opinion of the group and put it on YouTube. A South Korean musical group, singing music online that emerged in black American culture, is being shared by an African boy on a global commercial video sharing network. How did we get to this point and what are the implications of this interconnected and overlapping world for this young mans future and the future of young people in the United States?
A certain vision of the future is already here, although unevenly represented around the world. This future is cross-cultural and supported by a global economic system of multinational interests delivered through a decentralized communications network. Young people today are growing up in an interconnected world with access to information through a wide variety of mediums and devices that support the exchange of ideas and opinions. Given that these systems for communication are in constant flux and are being rapidly developed, children must prepare for a future that will look different than the world of their parents.
Trends in Youth Global Engagement
There are six trends that will shape the global engagement of Generation Z over the next decade. Each of them is outlined below.
Trend #1 The Emergence of an Online Global Identity
Online social networks connect people and create avenues for extending our identity. Identity is connected to our physical being, but increasingly young people are crafting online identities using social networks. Manuel Castells describes this phenomenon in his recent trilogy The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture. Castells argues that the organization of global economics, political and social institutions prompts individuals to create meaning in their lives through collective action. This explains why networks such as Facebook have become so popular (500 million active users), so fast (Facebook went online in 2004). The attraction of Facebook is the human interaction and collective action that it facilitates. The technology is much less important than the human activities that the technologies enable. In fact, actual interfaces such as Facebook come and go rather quickly (e.g. AOL and MySpace, both with explosive growth and quick declines). These global networks allow people to be free of their other identities - ...
Futures, communication and social innovationMario Guillo
This paper presents the results of a comparative pilot study of images of the future in youngsters from 2 different European countries: Spain and Finland. The survey of two groups of university students -from both countries- tries to look into identified cultural values and the message sources that can influence the way we look at the (expected and desired) future.
The importance of this project, that has been developed using the web platform, a pilot project funded by FECYT (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology), relies on the idea that communication and exchange of information about images of the future through social networks will empower new generations for facing the challenge of building a desired future.
Research Report on "Sexual Content on Television and Youth in Malaysia"Aditi Verma
A research report on "Sexual Content on Television and Youth in Malaysia."
RQ1: To what extent is the youth population exposed to sexual content shown on television today in Malaysia?
RQ2: How does sexual content on television affect the youth of Malaysian Society in terms of beliefs, behaviour, and emotions?
RQ3: What is the attitude and level of acceptance among the youth in Malaysian Society towards the amount of sexual content shown on television today?
(Though no actual research was carried out, so there are no results and discussions in this paper, although all the other elements of a research paper are present - This is more like a project proposal in depth).
Shareology and Social Media in Academia #SussexTELSue Beckingham
This document discusses sharing and social media in academia. It begins by quoting Ivan Illich who said education should empower all who want to share what they know and all who want to learn. It discusses how traditionally students learned alone but now collaboration and sharing are important for innovation. It says schools need to prepare students for a global world where issues transcend borders. Andreas Schleicher is quoted saying education used to be about knowledge but now it's about skills to navigate an uncertain world. The document discusses what people share online like personal photos and why like to feel connected. It covers leading social networks and how quickly some grew. It discusses motivations for sharing like managing information, relationships and self-fulfillment. In the end it
Proposal for an International Research Project on Children and Media to Creat...FELAFACS
The document proposes an international research project to develop indicators for a Media Social Responsibility Index (MSRI) based on previous international charters and declarations, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the UN Millennium Development Goals, and the UN Global Compact initiative. The project would involve three phases: 1) researching children's views of media, 2) developing the MSRI, and 3) negotiating its adoption with media companies. It outlines comprehensive research involving surveys, focus groups, and creative activities with children ages 8-17 in different countries to understand children's media usage and viewpoints to inform measurable MSRI indicators.
Michelangelo Essay Free Essay Example. Michelangelo as the most influential artist - Free Essay Example .... Michelangelos Sculpture: Selected Essays, Steinberg, Schwartz, Neer. Michelangelo. Essays On Michelangelo
畛 xem full ti li畛u Xin vui long li棚n h畛 page 畛 動畛c h畛 tr畛
tai lieu tong hop, thu vien luan van, luan van tong hop, do an chuyen nganh
Medium theory proposes that the medium used to deliver a message influences how people receive and understand that message. McLuhan argued that a medium's content takes on the characteristics of the medium itself. Cultivation theory suggests that heavy television viewers are more likely to perceive the real world as similar to how it is portrayed on television. Both theories may be applicable to social media today, as the platforms themselves shape the nature of interactions and content exchanged through their technical features and design.
Attention-Gaining StrategiesHere are some top attention-gainin.docxjasoninnes20
Attention-Gaining Strategies
Here are some top attention-gaining strategies to try in your upcoming speeches:
Ask a question
Ask insightful, meaningful questions. Better yet, ask a series of questions designed to draw the audience further and further into your speech. When you ask your audience a question, they have to think. In the process of thinking, they are paying attention. Even if your question does not call for an oral reply, they will be thinking what they would answer if called upon.
Find a quotation
It could be a historical quote, a humorous one, even a song lyric. Ensure you credit the originator of the quote. Ensure the quote is relevant to your topic.
Shock the audience
Use a startling statistic or a shocking statement. Share a personal revelation.
Find a direct connection to the audience
Reference a local event, place, or activity. Use a recent news story, tragedy, or occurrence that your audience would be sure to油recall.
Tell a story
Engage us, draw us in, and make the details of the story vivid and real to us.
If you ever listened to a scary story told by a camp counselor at night when all were sitting near a camp fire, you know the power of a good story. Religious leaders know the power of a good story also. That is why they often include Bible stories in their sermons. Plan to tell your audience a story, and you will have them listening as attentively to you as campers listen to a counselors scary story. Use vivid details to paint a mental picture in the minds of your listeners. You want them to relateto smell the cookies baking, to see the tears in your Grandmothers eyes, to feel the softness of a baby in your arms.
Find a compelling visual aid
Your visual aid could be poignant, shocking, and/or funny. Remember, a picture IS worth a thousand words.
* A photo of a homeless child
* A picture of a crystal clear lake and油mountain range
* A cartoon depicting a political news油story
Public Administration and Information
Volume 10
Series Editor
Christopher G. Reddick
San Antonio, Texas, USA
More information about this series at
Marijn Janssen Maria A. Wimmer
Ameneh Deljoo
Policy Practice and Digital
Integrating Complex Systems, Social
Simulation and Public Administration
in Policy Research
Marijn Janssen Ameneh Deljoo
Faculty of Technology, Policy, and Faculty of Technology, Policy, and
Management Management
Delft University of Technology Delft University of Technology
Delft Delft
The Netherlands The Netherlands
Maria A. Wimmer
Institute for Information Systems Research
University of Koblenz-Landau
ISBN 978-3-319-12783-5 ISBN 978-3-319-12784-2 (eBook)
Public Administration and Information Technology
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-12784-2
Library of Congress Control Number: 2014956771
Springer Cham Heidelberg New York London
息 Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
This work is subject t ...
Afrikaans essay on poverty - Assessering: Toespraak Wat armoede beteken .... Essay about myself in afrikaans language. Afrikaans essays. Write My Essay Online for Cheap - afrikaans essays for grade 9 - 2017/09/29. Narrative essay: Narrative essay in afrikaans. Afrikaans Gr.3 Begripstoets, Werkkaart ... | Afrikaans, Comprehension .... Afrikaans Articles That Are Easy To Read : April 2016 Article In The .... Afrikaans essay on my dreams for the future - Google Docs. How To Write An Essay In Afrikaans - Acker Script. Afrikaans - Sample Page Foundation for Inner Peace: Publisher of A .... Afrikaans essays The Friary School. Afrikaanse Gedigte Oor Emosies / Idiome | Afrikaans Is Maklik. Pin on Afrikaans. An essay about myself in afrikaans. Afrikaans essay topics for grade 10. Friendly Letter Written In Afrikaans : Letter Writing Connection In .... Afrikaans essays for grade 8 - Grade 10 Afrikaans Essay Topics - School Essay WritingGrade 8-12 .... Afrikaans oral grade 12 - Goeie more aan almal. Lank gelede was daar .... Scholarship essay: Afrikaans essays. Afrikaans descriptive essay - Afrikaans First Additional Language - Stuvia. Definition essay: Narrative essay in afrikaans. Afrikaans language products. 900+ Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele taal ideas in 2021 | afrikaans .... (PDF) Chasing a phantom: Afrikaans in higher education in the .... Afrikaans Articles That Are Easy To Read : You, just more beautiful .... Gekry op FB | Afrikaans, Afrikaans language, Learning strategies. Afrikaans essays for grade 9 - Afrikaans Essays
Afrikaans essay on poverty - Assessering: Toespraak Wat armoede beteken .... Essay about myself in afrikaans language. Afrikaans essays. Write My Essay Online for Cheap - afrikaans essays for grade 9 - 2017/09/29. Narrative essay: Narrative essay in afrikaans. Afrikaans Gr.3 Begripstoets, Werkkaart ... | Afrikaans, Comprehension .... Afrikaans Articles That Are Ea
Electronic media has become the leading source that society uses to obtain information on current events, surpassing print media. Radio and television grew from providing news and entertainment to complex platforms. Radio evolved from navigation to include various content. Television also expanded its small screen to include more. While electronic media has benefits like instant access, it also has risks like prioritizing entertainment over substance and weakening societal values. The dominance of electronic media shapes how people understand world events now more than print media.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
- Autonomy, Teams and Tension
- Oliver Randall & David Bovis
- Own Your Autonomy
Oliver Randall
Consultant, Tribe365
Oliver is a career project professional since 2011 and started volunteering with APM in 2016 and has since chaired the People Interest Network and the North East Regional Network. Oliver has been consulting in culture, leadership and behaviours since 2019 and co-developed HPTM速an off the shelf high performance framework for teams and organisations and is currently working with SAS (Stellenbosch Academy for Sport) developing the culture, leadership and behaviours framework for future elite sportspeople whilst also holding down work as a project manager in the NHS at North Tees and Hartlepool Foundation Trust.
David Bovis
Consultant, Duxinaroe
A Leadership and Culture Change expert, David is the originator of BTFA and The Dux Model.
With a Masters in Applied Neuroscience from the Institute of Organisational Neuroscience, he is widely regarded as the Go-To expert in the field, recognised as an inspiring keynote speaker and change strategist.
He has an industrial engineering background, majoring in TPS / Lean. David worked his way up from his apprenticeship to earn his seat at the C-suite table. His career spans several industries, including Automotive, Aerospace, Defence, Space, Heavy Industries and Elec-Mech / polymer contract manufacture.
Published in Londons Evening Standard quarterly business supplement, James Caans Your business Magazine, Quality World, the Lean Management Journal and Cambridge Universities PMA, he works as comfortably with leaders from FTSE and Fortune 100 companies as he does owner-managers in SMEs. He is passionate about helping leaders understand the neurological root cause of a high-performance culture and sustainable change, in business.
Session | Own Your Autonomy The Importance of Autonomy in Project Management
#OwnYourAutonomy is aiming to be a global APM initiative to position everyone to take a more conscious role in their decision making process leading to increased outcomes for everyone and contribute to a world in which all projects succeed.
We want everyone to join the journey.
#OwnYourAutonomy is the culmination of 3 years of collaborative exploration within the Leadership Focus Group which is part of the APM People Interest Network. The work has been pulled together using the 5 HPTM速 Systems and the BTFA neuroscience leadership programme.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
Reordering Rules in Odoo 17 Inventory - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In Odoo 17, the Inventory module allows us to set up reordering rules to ensure that our stock levels are maintained, preventing stockouts. Let's explore how this feature works.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
The avearge amount of hours that a child or teenager dedicates weekly to consumption
of the diet served by the communication media (television, internet, videogames, radio,
magazines, etc.) greatly exceeds the number of hours they spend at school.
(Kaiser Family Foundation Reports 2005, 2010; Rapporto della Societ Italiana di
Pediatria 2008)
The Medias Influence
3. The Medias Influence
TV series that target young people shape their lifetyles and family patterns, and they do so
with great persuasive power found in captivating narrative techniques.
(Paolo Braga, ER. Sceneggiatura e personaggi. Analisi della serie che ha cambiato la Tv,
Franco Angeli, Milano 2008)
young people create their ideas about family and personal relatioships from popular
television programs. Many of them are educated about sexuality more by soap-operas and
sitcoms than by parents or schools.
(Irene Meijer y Marjolein van Vossen. The Ethos of Television Relationships. Why Popular
Drama Persistently Worry Television Scholars )
5. Familyandmedia is an international, university level research team that studies the
family in the sphere of social communications. It studies with a double focus: how
families are portrayed in the media (fiction and news) and how institutions that
promote the family communicate their message and help to build proposals for
families in the public sphere.
About Us
6. The research team and project Family and Media was born in Rome in February
2005, on the occasion of the first interdisciplinary workshop about family and media
held at the University of the Holy Cross.
In addition to the Holy Cross faculty, professors from the following universities helped
begin the project:
- University of Navarre (Spain),
- Catholic University of Milan,
- Austral (Argentina)
- CEU San Pablo of Madrid.
Since its beginning, the research team has added new members from the following
- CEU San Pablo of Valencia and Madrid,
- University of Italian Switzerland,
- Catholic University of Argentina,
- University of the Most Holy Conception (Concepci坦n, Chile).
About Us
Norberto Gonz叩lez Gaitano (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, Italy)
Project Coordinator
Jos辿 Mar鱈a La Porte (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, Italy)
Fabrizio Piciarelli (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, Italy) Web Editor
Armando Fumagalli (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, Italy)
Maria Teresa T辿ramo (Catholic University of Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Maria Jos辿 Pou (University CEU San Pablo, Valencia, Spain)
Silvia de Ascaniis (University of Italian Switzerland, Lugano)
Alfredo Garc鱈a Luarte (Catholic University of the Most Holy Conception, Chile)
Luciano Elizalde (Austral University, Argentina)
Juan Camilo D鱈az Boh坦rquez (La Sabana University, Colombia)
V鱈ctor Manuel P辿rez Mart鱈nez (University San Jorge, Spain)
Enrique Fuster (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, Italy)
Jorge Mil叩n (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, Italy)
Fabrizio Piciarelli (Rome)
Manuel Uzal (Chile)
Vittorio Romano (Naples)
Piotr Studniki (Poland)
Corinne Mannella (United States)
Paolo Braga (Milan)
Antonio Malo (Rome)
Giuseppe Romano (Milan)
Carmen Conde (Spain)
Cecilia Galatolo (Rome)
Rafael Hurtado (Guadalajara, Mexico)
9. 10.656 unique visitors
12.911 sessions
30.512 page views
00:01:35 average session duration
Source: Google Analytics from 01/01/2016 to 30/06/2016
Italian: 51 %
Spanish: 33 %
English: 16 %
AUDIENCE (language)
Desktop 63 %
Mobile 29 %
Tablet 8 %
10. About Us
The project's goal is to study how the family is represented in the mass media through
the analysis of the roots of social behavior, also known by the name of social "virtues."
The concept of the family that serves as the project's foundation is based in Christian
anthropology, which finds its confirmation in relational sociology.
The analytical perspective used to study how relationships are depicted in the different
texts (either informative or entertainment) is to select from the speech the
anthropological and cultural common places, or "topoi," that rae related to the social
Operational goal: to use the results of empirical research to promote a positive vision of
the family's natural anthropology. We do not focus on specific initiatives, but offer a
"framework" that, over the long term, can guide the communicative actions of
organizations that are dedicated to promoting the family.
11. A study was commissioned by the Forum of Family Associations for the Family and Media
research team, with a representative sample of 31 associations.
The main objective of the study was to focus on the image that the family itself wants to offer--
as an alternative to the image proposed by mainstream culture, and in particular by certain
communication media dominant in the public arena.
The associations' communication
strategies were identified and analyzed,
and a proposal was created suggesting
how to increase the efficacy of their work in
society. The study was also meant to raise
awareness within these same associations
about the importance of having a structured
communications plan.
The study created a map of the national family
associations in Italy, obtaining a precise
panorama of their presence in the region, their
activities, and the extent of the association
phenomena in Italy.
Strategic Goal
Descriptive Goal
13. Most popular articles
1) The Pixar in Venice 80.123
2) The Shallows: What the internet is Doing To Our Brains 24.146
3) Films with Family Values Produced in Recent Years 24.141
4) Bagger Vance: Coaching As Education 20.745
5) The Educative Challenge 20.536
6) Adolescence and adultescence 20.524
7) Educational Emergency and Reading 20.187
8) Values and Advertising 18.479
9) Global Sexual Revolution and Gender Ideology 18.011
10) Can Pinocchio teach a lesson to parents of digital natives? 17.122
14. Website
Over 500 articles
Monthly Newsletter
International networking
In 8 Years of Activity
16. The Project
The "portrayal," or social organization, of both the mass media and the family has been
changing, among other reasons, due to the effects of the change generated by the
relationship between the two "institutions."
Men and societies are made according to the image they have of themselves,
and these change according to the image of their own development.
17. The Project
The Family and Media project is found wihtin this general framework. It seeks to help
understand this existing connection, and to offer analytical tools and interpretive
keys for reading the changes occuring in our society.
It is now clear that the behavior of the members of the nuclear family can be influenced by
the close link that exists today between society and the mass media.
Through popular fiction and news articles viewers and spectators are either educated or
18. Schools and sages have never attained to the gravity which dwells in the eyes of a
baby of three months old. It is the gravity of astonishment at the universe, and
astonishment at the universe is not mysticism, but a transcendent common sense.
The fascination of children lies in this: that with each of them all things are remade,
and the universe is put again upon its trial. As we walk the streets and see below us
those delightful bulbous heads, three times too big for the body, which mark these
human mushrooms, we ought always to remember that within every one of these
heads there is a new universe, as new as it was on the seventh day of creation.
The Project