This document provides analysis of three campaign posters. It asks students to identify the main message and target audience of each poster and determine how effective each poster is at communicating its message. For poster 1 about the NSPCC, the target audience is children under 16 and the poster is not effective due to too much text and dull colors. Poster 2 about quitting smoking is effective because the image clearly conveys being hooked on cigarettes and the text message is concise. Poster 3 about drinking and driving shows the consequences, and its target audience is those who drink and drive.
1. The document provides biographical information about Hang Xie and describes his interests which include bike travelling, poetry, programming, and working with the Kinect sensor.
2. It discusses several Kinect programming concepts and demos including getting depth and RGB images, working with point clouds and skeleton data, and creating augmented reality and gesture-based applications.
3. The document recommends several resources for learning Kinect programming including OpenNI, SimpleOpenNI, and various code examples and tutorials available online. It encourages exploring ways to create new applications using Kinect.
This document discusses deploying resources for a school festival. It includes:
- A festival timetable showing when and where each event will take place.
- A list of resources needed for each event, crosschecked against the timetable. Events include refreshments, an art exhibition, film room, face painting, dancing, talks, photography, bouncy castles, rock band, and information stalls.
- Instructions to divide into groups and produce a detailed plan for setting up and running a single festival event, drawing from the resource list and timetable.
The White House was built in 1800 to serve as a home and office for the President of the United States. It is a large, tall white building where the President lives and works. Important functions like living quarters for the President and operations of the executive branch of government take place within the White House.
This document discusses planning resources for a school festival. It includes a proposed festival timetable layout listing various event locations and times. A list of specific resource needs is provided for each event, such as hiring professionals, buying equipment, and setting up decorations. Students are instructed to cross-check the event resource list with the timetable to ensure all needs will be met. They are also asked to divide into groups and create a detailed plan for setting up and running one of the festival events, focusing on resource deployment and logistics.
The document provides an introduction to the Kinect sensor. It discusses Kinect hardware, including its RGB camera, IR depth sensor, and IR projector. It explains the Kinect's time-of-flight depth sensing technology. The document also discusses the OpenNI and NITE middleware for accessing Kinect sensor data. It provides code examples for retrieving depth maps and skeletal tracking data from the Kinect. Overall, the document aims to educate readers on developing applications using the Kinect by exploring its technical capabilities and available development platforms.
ProfitAbility, the power of Learning through Doingsophiemills
We provide experiential learning through business simulations. Simulations allow participants to learn through experiencing the consequences of business decisions in a risk-free environment. This experiential learning has been shown to profoundly impact businesses and increase employees' business acumen. We offer both classic off-the-shelf simulations like ProfitAbility and custom simulations tailored to a specific industry or company. Our simulations are based on real-world business conditions. Participating in our simulations provides benefits such as testing business knowledge, developing skills, and learning lessons that transfer to the workplace.
The document describes how to summarize line graphs in 3 sentences or less. It explains identifying the topic, general trends, important data, and using introductory, overview, and detail sentences. The example graph shows the number of visitors to two music websites over 15 days, with Pop Parade decreasing then increasing and Music Choice fluctuating then increasing.
The document is a report created by Group 103 consisting of 5 members - Agustín Contreras, Cassandra Willman, Gilberto Robles, Jesús Sánchez, and Daniel Vásquez. The report includes a section analyzing the elements, colors, symbols, and their meanings for a proposed Greek shield. It represents the protection and strength of Greece and its people. The report also cites 8 relevant bibliographic references.
1) O documento discute quest?es de seguran?a no GNU/Linux, abordando tópicos como vírus, rootkits, hardening e instala??o de softwares.
2) ? apresentado que vírus para GNU/Linux existem, embora sejam menos comuns que para Windows, e exemplos como o Bliss s?o citados.
3) Técnicas de hardening como desativar servi?os desnecessários, manter atualiza??es e usar SELinux s?o recomendadas para aumentar a seguran?a.
Sell Your Home With Only Way Carolina and Have Your Home Advertised HereKenneth "Kip" Nance
Only A Sample of SOME of the Website nd print Publications your home will be advertised on when you allow us to sell your home
Lista exonerados beto_richa_portalcaiuaportalcaiua
Este documento contiene 118 filas con información sobre nombre, cargo, nivel y área de trabajo de empleados del gobierno de Paraná, Brasil. Proporciona detalles sobre funcionarios como directores, jefes de departamento, asistentes, agentes administrativos y otros cargos en diferentes áreas como salud, educación, transporte y seguridad pública.
This document contains a chemistry, life science, oceanography, or biology daily log from April 4th to April 26th, 2016. Each day's entry includes 1-2 chemistry, biology, or other science problems and questions, as well as instructions to identify pictures under a microscope and label them 1-5. The answers to the microscopic pictures are provided at the end of each entry.
The document describes the American flag and what it represents. It establishes that the flag was created in 1776 and features a red, white, and blue design. The colors of the flag each symbolize important American values - red for hardiness and valor, white for purity and innocence, and blue for vigilance, perseverance, and justice. The flag serves as an important national symbol for Americans.
This document summarizes internship opportunities in Krakow, Poland and other European cities. It describes internships involving working with children through activities and foreign language lessons in Krakow, presenting on different cultures to promote tolerance in an international project, and facilitating personal development workshops for students in Prague. The internships provide accommodation and some meals, last 6-8 weeks, and involve tasks like organizing activities, presentations on one's home country, and educational workshops.
Este cart?o de aniversário deseja um feliz aniversário para 笔补迟谤í肠颈补, dizendo que o dia nasceu mais alegre e as flores mais coloridas para celebrar a ocasi?o especial. A mensagem encoraja 笔补迟谤í肠颈补 a continuar sendo uma pessoa maravilhosa e acreditando no amor, esperan?a e seu próprio caminho, pois ela é um presente precioso para quem a ama.
This document summarizes a population analytics platform that provides concise overviews in 3 sentences or less:
The document outlines potential user types, interaction proposals including task flows and patterns, and a cross-device experience design for the analytics platform. It proposes a modular design approach to improve complexity management and cross-device experiences. A FX WonderBoard digital display platform is introduced as a potential output method for the modular analytics exports.
The document discusses the differences between traditional marketing and content marketing on Facebook. It provides details on how Facebook ranks posts through its EdgeRank algorithm, which considers factors like the type of post, user engagement, and the relationship between the poster and audience. The document then lists several local Facebook pages and their number of fans. It ends by posing questions for a Facebook pages manager around monitoring the page, responding to posts, signing posts, handling spammy or controversial content, and resolving conflicts.
ELECCIONES AL CONSEJO NACIONAL DE LA MAGISTRATURA. La ONPE ha hecho público el Padrón de los Profesionales Nutricionistas que deberán participar en las Elecciones de Consejeros del Consejo Nacional de la Magistratura por los miembros de los Colegios de Abogados y los Colegios Profesionales del País 2010. Se tiene alli, el nombre completo, el DNI, Mesa de Sufragio, Miembro de Mesa, Departamento, Provincia Distrito, Local y Dirección DONDE CADA PROFESIONAL DEBE IR A VOTAR.
ProfitAbility, the power of Learning through Doingsophiemills
We provide experiential learning through business simulations. Simulations allow participants to learn through experiencing the consequences of business decisions in a risk-free environment. This experiential learning has been shown to profoundly impact businesses and increase employees' business acumen. We offer both classic off-the-shelf simulations like ProfitAbility and custom simulations tailored to a specific industry or company. Our simulations are based on real-world business conditions. Participating in our simulations provides benefits such as testing business knowledge, developing skills, and learning lessons that transfer to the workplace.
The document describes how to summarize line graphs in 3 sentences or less. It explains identifying the topic, general trends, important data, and using introductory, overview, and detail sentences. The example graph shows the number of visitors to two music websites over 15 days, with Pop Parade decreasing then increasing and Music Choice fluctuating then increasing.
The document is a report created by Group 103 consisting of 5 members - Agustín Contreras, Cassandra Willman, Gilberto Robles, Jesús Sánchez, and Daniel Vásquez. The report includes a section analyzing the elements, colors, symbols, and their meanings for a proposed Greek shield. It represents the protection and strength of Greece and its people. The report also cites 8 relevant bibliographic references.
1) O documento discute quest?es de seguran?a no GNU/Linux, abordando tópicos como vírus, rootkits, hardening e instala??o de softwares.
2) ? apresentado que vírus para GNU/Linux existem, embora sejam menos comuns que para Windows, e exemplos como o Bliss s?o citados.
3) Técnicas de hardening como desativar servi?os desnecessários, manter atualiza??es e usar SELinux s?o recomendadas para aumentar a seguran?a.
Sell Your Home With Only Way Carolina and Have Your Home Advertised HereKenneth "Kip" Nance
Only A Sample of SOME of the Website nd print Publications your home will be advertised on when you allow us to sell your home
Lista exonerados beto_richa_portalcaiuaportalcaiua
Este documento contiene 118 filas con información sobre nombre, cargo, nivel y área de trabajo de empleados del gobierno de Paraná, Brasil. Proporciona detalles sobre funcionarios como directores, jefes de departamento, asistentes, agentes administrativos y otros cargos en diferentes áreas como salud, educación, transporte y seguridad pública.
This document contains a chemistry, life science, oceanography, or biology daily log from April 4th to April 26th, 2016. Each day's entry includes 1-2 chemistry, biology, or other science problems and questions, as well as instructions to identify pictures under a microscope and label them 1-5. The answers to the microscopic pictures are provided at the end of each entry.
The document describes the American flag and what it represents. It establishes that the flag was created in 1776 and features a red, white, and blue design. The colors of the flag each symbolize important American values - red for hardiness and valor, white for purity and innocence, and blue for vigilance, perseverance, and justice. The flag serves as an important national symbol for Americans.
This document summarizes internship opportunities in Krakow, Poland and other European cities. It describes internships involving working with children through activities and foreign language lessons in Krakow, presenting on different cultures to promote tolerance in an international project, and facilitating personal development workshops for students in Prague. The internships provide accommodation and some meals, last 6-8 weeks, and involve tasks like organizing activities, presentations on one's home country, and educational workshops.
Este cart?o de aniversário deseja um feliz aniversário para 笔补迟谤í肠颈补, dizendo que o dia nasceu mais alegre e as flores mais coloridas para celebrar a ocasi?o especial. A mensagem encoraja 笔补迟谤í肠颈补 a continuar sendo uma pessoa maravilhosa e acreditando no amor, esperan?a e seu próprio caminho, pois ela é um presente precioso para quem a ama.
This document summarizes a population analytics platform that provides concise overviews in 3 sentences or less:
The document outlines potential user types, interaction proposals including task flows and patterns, and a cross-device experience design for the analytics platform. It proposes a modular design approach to improve complexity management and cross-device experiences. A FX WonderBoard digital display platform is introduced as a potential output method for the modular analytics exports.
The document discusses the differences between traditional marketing and content marketing on Facebook. It provides details on how Facebook ranks posts through its EdgeRank algorithm, which considers factors like the type of post, user engagement, and the relationship between the poster and audience. The document then lists several local Facebook pages and their number of fans. It ends by posing questions for a Facebook pages manager around monitoring the page, responding to posts, signing posts, handling spammy or controversial content, and resolving conflicts.
ELECCIONES AL CONSEJO NACIONAL DE LA MAGISTRATURA. La ONPE ha hecho público el Padrón de los Profesionales Nutricionistas que deberán participar en las Elecciones de Consejeros del Consejo Nacional de la Magistratura por los miembros de los Colegios de Abogados y los Colegios Profesionales del País 2010. Se tiene alli, el nombre completo, el DNI, Mesa de Sufragio, Miembro de Mesa, Departamento, Provincia Distrito, Local y Dirección DONDE CADA PROFESIONAL DEBE IR A VOTAR.
1. 南开大学在线程序裁判系统快速上手指南
Fast Guide to Nankai Online Judge
版本:0.01 Beta
Fast Guide to Nankai University Online Judge
2. 南开大学在线程序裁判系统快速上手指南
南开大学在线程序裁判系统快速上手指南 .......................................................................................1
Fast Guide to Nankai Online Judge ........................................................................................................1
页面组成介绍 .........................................................................................................................................4
注册新的账号 .........................................................................................................................................6
开始使用 .................................................................................................................................................8
解答问题 ...............................................................................................................................................10
使用 Status 页面 ...................................................................................................................................13
常见问题 ...............................................................................................................................................14
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4. 南开大学在线程序裁判系统快速上手指南
1. 【主菜单(含子菜单) 】从左往右依次是:
a) Home :点击转向主页
i. Home :主页
ii. Bookmark This Page :将本页加入书签(收藏夹)
iii. Rss Feed :Rss 发布
iv. Register :注册
v. Login :登录
b) Contest :点击转向我为程序狂页面
i. 我为程序狂 :每年一度的南开大学程序设计竞赛
ii. Scheduled Contests :计划中的竞赛
iii. All Contests :全部的竞赛(包含已经结束的竞赛)
c) Problems :点击转向题目列表页面
i. Problems List :题目列表
ii. Problem Sources :题目来源列表
iii. Search :根据关键字搜索题目
iv. Submit :提交题目对应的程序代码
Fast Guide to Nankai University Online Judge
5. 南开大学在线程序裁判系统快速上手指南
v. Top 50 (by AC) :列出前 50 道题目(根据 AC 的数量由大到小)
vi. Top 50 (by Submit) :列出前 50 道题目(根据 Submit 的数量由大到小)
vii. Top 50 (by Ratio) :列出前 50 道题目(根据正确率由大到小)
d) Status :点击转向全部提交状态页面
i. All Status :显示全部解答提交的结果,按照时间排序
ii. Sharing Code :全部的共享代码页
e) Ranklist :点击转向 Ranked Users
i. Ranked Users :同 All Users,但不包含 AC 为 0 的账号
ii. All Users :账号列表,根据正确解答题目的数量排序
f) Discuss :点击转向 Discuss Board 版面
i. F.A.Q. :常见问题解答
ii. Discuss Board :讨论版面
iii. Contact Admin :利用站内通信联系管理员
2. 站内通知
3. 注册与登录链接
4. 常用页面的链接 :同主菜单相同部分
5. 排名前 10 的 ID
6. 最新添加题目的来源
7. 快速登录与注册
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6. 南开大学在线程序裁判系统快速上手指南
单击上图 4 中的 Register,进入注册页面
填完必填内容后即可单击下方的 Register(注册)按键,等待完成注册。注意各部分的要求,
Fast Guide to Nankai University Online Judge
8. 南开大学在线程序裁判系统快速上手指南
在拥有 NKOJ 的 ID 之后,就可以使用 NKOJ 的在线评测功能了。
在主页下方输入账号和密码,点击 Login,即可登陆。
右上角会显示出你登录的 ID,Member 菜单和 Logout 按钮。
Member 与你的个人信息有关,其的子菜单是 My Message(个人站内通信)、My Password
和 My Information(更改密码和个人信息)
主菜单和主页下方也会发生某些变化。其中最重要的的是 Status 菜单中会添加 Status for Me
第一次登陆时在右方可以看到 这样的图片,表示你有新的信息。
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9. 南开大学在线程序裁判系统快速上手指南
单击 Member 或者是 Member 子菜单 My Message 都可以进入站内通信界面。
点击下方的 Reply 即可回信。第 1 封邮件是系统自动发送的,提供简单的介绍。
Fast Guide to Nankai University Online Judge
10. 南开大学在线程序裁判系统快速上手指南
点击 Problem,进入 Problem List,选择 Volume 1,1001:A + B Problem。
下面表格的第一行表示题目的列表数,一个列表最多有 50 道题目。
题目数据的类型有 D、M 和 S。D 表示多个输入文件并显示每种结果对应的数量;M 表示有
多个输入文件;S 表示有 Special Judge(特别裁判)。
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13. 南开大学在线程序裁判系统快速上手指南
使用 Status 页面
Status 页面有很多有用的信息,其中显示了所有的解答的结果,包括程序的运行时间等。
你可以在 Code 一栏中点击查看你自己的代码,也可以查看别人共享的代码(黄色底色)
Fast Guide to Nankai University Online Judge
14. 南开大学在线程序裁判系统快速上手指南
问:那些返回的信息是什么意思?如 Runtime Error?
Fast Guide to Nankai University Online Judge