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Ben Howard-Small things
00:00-00:09: Close upof the male protagonistthenthe camerarevolvesaroundhim90 degrees.The
shotthencuts on the beat.
Jump cut
00:09-00:11: Quick extreme close upof male protagonistshandwiththe camerashakingandbeing
Jump cut
00:11-00:12: Close upof the male protagonistsfootwiththe camerabeingunsteadyandshaky
Jump cut
00:12-00:14: Still close upof the male protagonistsface.
Jump cut
Oh my Mind
00:14-00:18: Mid-shotof the male protagonistandthenhave the cameraslowlymovingbackwards.
Hedgeswill be eitherside of him,focusinghimascentre shot.
Jump cut
I walk down Mayflower road again
00:18-00:22: A still establishingshotof the countryside of Clutton.
Jump cut
The wailing sun, Echoes from the park seem so absurd
00:22-00:28: Mid-shotand thenslowzoomoutof the male protagonistsittingdownonthe sofaand
Jump cut
The bus takes hours
00:28-00:33: Have a QuickTime shotintownof the busesquicklygoingpast.
Jump cut
I knew it would but I cant shake the sting
00:33-00:38: Mid-shotof the male protagonistwalkingwithacrabbingeffect.Camerashaking
slightlywiththe walkof the protagonist.
Jump cut
Cant spend my time
00:38-00:40: Mid-shotof the back of the male protagonistsittingonthe sofa.Guitarshowninthe
corner of the shot.
Jump cut
On everybody else
00:40-00:43: A low-angle close upof the feetof the male protagonistandthe guitarto the leftof
these feet.Matchon actionshotwiththe previousshot.
Jump cut
If buildings fell
00:43-00:47: Wide shot of the male protagonistfrombehind.Trackinghimashe walksdowna road
witha hedgeseitherside.
Jump cut
At least wed be in matrimony
00:47-00:52: Pull focusshotof male protagonistintownandthenswitchingthe focustothe female
Jump cut
I cant control
00:52-00:54: Over the shouldershotof the male protagonistplayingthe guitarandperforming.
Jump cut
The words Kaleidoscope inside my head
00:54-01:00: Mid shot of the male protagonistperformingandsigningthe wordstothe camera
while playingthe guitar.
Jump cut
01:00-01:05: Establishingwide shotof the Cluttoncountryside withthe male protagonistwalking
Jump cut
01:05-01:08: Close upof the male protagonistsface withamateurshaking.
Jump cut
01:08-01:12: Over the shouldertrackingshotof male protagonistwalkinginthe fieldsin Clutton.
Jump cut
Has the world gone mad?
01:12-01:18: Side on shotof the male protagonistplayingthe guitarandsigningthe lyricsinthe
Jump cut
Or is it me?
01:18-01:22: Mid-shotof male protagonistlookingatandsingingtothe camera.The camera will
thenslowlyzoomintohimashe performs.
Jump cut
All these Small things
01:22-01:27: Close upshowingthe guitarwiththe male protagonistsmouthinframe atthe top. He
will alsobe singingthe songaswell asplayingthe guitar.
Jump cut
They gather round me, they gather round me
01:27-01:33: Mid-shotof the male protagonistplayingthe guitarandsinging.Slightcrabmovement
withthe camera as it revolvesaroundthe male 90 degrees.
Jump cut
Is it all so very bad?
01:33-01:40: Establishingshotof the house withthe fieldsinthe background.Male protagonist
Jump cut
I cant see, all these small things they gather round me, they gather round me
01:40-01:53: Shot starts witha close upof the male protagonistsface anditthenslowlyrevolves
aroundhimturningit intoan overthe shouldershotbefore revolvingaroundenoughtomake itinto
an establishingshot.
Jump cut
01:53-01:57: Shaky mid-shotof the male protagonistplayingthe guitar,satonthe sofa inthe
Jump cut
I saw the police
01:57-02:00: Extreme close upof male protagonistplayingthe stringsonthe guitar.
Jump cut
Screaming something trivial
02:00-02:05: Over the shouldershotof male protagonistplayingthe guitar.
Jump cut
Like keep the peace, the world moves on and you cant shake the sound
02:05-02:12: Establishingshotof the fieldsbefore aquickjumpcutto a close upof the male
protagonistlookingoff intothe distance.
Jump cut
I know shes home
02:12-02:14: Close upshot of the male protagonist.Stillcamerashotbutthenthe male protagonist
movesoutof frame.
Jump cut
Waiting on somebody
02:14-02:17: Mid shot froma side onangle of the male protagonistsatinthe coffee shopwithhead
Jump cut
Loathe in light
02:17-02:19: Extreme close upof the male protagonistsfingerstappingonthe side of acoffee mug.
All in my mind
02:19-02:21: Extreme close up of the male protagonist.
Jump cut
The anvil and the weight upon my back
02:21-02:26: Wide shot of male protagonistleddownona hill withsunintopcorner of the frame.
Jump cut
02:26-02:31: QuickTime shotof the Cluttoncountryside throughoutthe day.
Jump cut
02:31-02:35: Close upof the male protagonistwithslightlyshakymovement.
Jump cut
02:35-02:41: Mid-shotof the back of the protagonistsbackand playingthe guitar.
Jump cut
Has the world gone mad?
02:41-02:45: A highangle shotof the male protagonistthroughthe coffee shopwindow looking
Jump cut
Or is it me?
02:45-02:49: Over the shouldershotof the male protagonistwithbothhandsoncoffee muglooking
leftwards.Matchon actionwiththe previousshot.
Jump cut
All these small things that gather round me, they gather round me.
02:49-02:56: Close upof the male protagonistplayingthe guitarandsinging.Slightlyshakycamera
Jump cut
02:56-03:00: Extreme close upof the male protagonistlyingdownandshowingthe movementof
the eye.
Jump cut
Is it all so very bad?
03:00-03:05: Mid-shot,slightzoom,focusedonthe male protagonistsurroundedbypeople intown.
Metaphorical aspectswiththisshot.
Jump cut
I cant see
03:05-03:10: Mid-shotof male protagonistata 45 degree angle playingthe guitarandsinging.
Jump cut
All these small things they gather round me
03:10-03:14: Mid-shotof the male protagonistplayingthe guitarandsinging.Frontonangle.
Jump cut
They gather round me
03:14-03:20: Slowzoomintothe sky.
Jump cut
03:20-03:23: Mid shot of the male protagonistfromaside (90 degrees) angle surroundedbypeople
Jump cut
03:23-03:26: Over the shoulderpull focusstartingwithfocusonmale protagonistsshoulderand
thenswitchingthe focustothe female protagonistinthe crowdof people,clearlyshowingfocuson
Jump cut
And I cant see my love
03:26-03:29: Extreme close upof the male protagonistseye movingfromlefttoright.
Jump cut
03:29-03:31: Still mid-shotof femaleprotagonistinacrowd of people intown.
Jump cut
03:31-03:38: Tracks the male protagonistputtingdownthe guitarandthenuse the slidertosee him
leave the room.
Cut to black.

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Film script

  • 2. Instrumental 00:00-00:09: Close upof the male protagonistthenthe camerarevolvesaroundhim90 degrees.The shotthencuts on the beat. Jump cut 00:09-00:11: Quick extreme close upof male protagonistshandwiththe camerashakingandbeing unsteady. Jump cut 00:11-00:12: Close upof the male protagonistsfootwiththe camerabeingunsteadyandshaky again. Jump cut 00:12-00:14: Still close upof the male protagonistsface. Jump cut Oh my Mind 00:14-00:18: Mid-shotof the male protagonistandthenhave the cameraslowlymovingbackwards. Hedgeswill be eitherside of him,focusinghimascentre shot. Jump cut I walk down Mayflower road again 00:18-00:22: A still establishingshotof the countryside of Clutton. Jump cut The wailing sun, Echoes from the park seem so absurd 00:22-00:28: Mid-shotand thenslowzoomoutof the male protagonistsittingdownonthe sofaand lookingdown. Jump cut The bus takes hours 00:28-00:33: Have a QuickTime shotintownof the busesquicklygoingpast. Jump cut I knew it would but I cant shake the sting 00:33-00:38: Mid-shotof the male protagonistwalkingwithacrabbingeffect.Camerashaking slightlywiththe walkof the protagonist. Jump cut Cant spend my time
  • 3. 00:38-00:40: Mid-shotof the back of the male protagonistsittingonthe sofa.Guitarshowninthe corner of the shot. Jump cut On everybody else 00:40-00:43: A low-angle close upof the feetof the male protagonistandthe guitarto the leftof these feet.Matchon actionshotwiththe previousshot. Jump cut If buildings fell 00:43-00:47: Wide shot of the male protagonistfrombehind.Trackinghimashe walksdowna road witha hedgeseitherside. Jump cut At least wed be in matrimony 00:47-00:52: Pull focusshotof male protagonistintownandthenswitchingthe focustothe female protagonistbehindhim. Jump cut I cant control 00:52-00:54: Over the shouldershotof the male protagonistplayingthe guitarandperforming. Cameraslightlyshaking. Jump cut The words Kaleidoscope inside my head 00:54-01:00: Mid shot of the male protagonistperformingandsigningthe wordstothe camera while playingthe guitar. Jump cut 01:00-01:05: Establishingwide shotof the Cluttoncountryside withthe male protagonistwalking intoshot. Jump cut 01:05-01:08: Close upof the male protagonistsface withamateurshaking. Jump cut 01:08-01:12: Over the shouldertrackingshotof male protagonistwalkinginthe fieldsin Clutton. Jump cut Chorus Has the world gone mad? 01:12-01:18: Side on shotof the male protagonistplayingthe guitarandsigningthe lyricsinthe bedroom.
  • 4. Jump cut Or is it me? 01:18-01:22: Mid-shotof male protagonistlookingatandsingingtothe camera.The camera will thenslowlyzoomintohimashe performs. Jump cut All these Small things 01:22-01:27: Close upshowingthe guitarwiththe male protagonistsmouthinframe atthe top. He will alsobe singingthe songaswell asplayingthe guitar. Jump cut They gather round me, they gather round me 01:27-01:33: Mid-shotof the male protagonistplayingthe guitarandsinging.Slightcrabmovement withthe camera as it revolvesaroundthe male 90 degrees. Jump cut Is it all so very bad? 01:33-01:40: Establishingshotof the house withthe fieldsinthe background.Male protagonist slowlywalksintoframe. Jump cut I cant see, all these small things they gather round me, they gather round me 01:40-01:53: Shot starts witha close upof the male protagonistsface anditthenslowlyrevolves aroundhimturningit intoan overthe shouldershotbefore revolvingaroundenoughtomake itinto an establishingshot. Jump cut 01:53-01:57: Shaky mid-shotof the male protagonistplayingthe guitar,satonthe sofa inthe bedroom. Jump cut I saw the police 01:57-02:00: Extreme close upof male protagonistplayingthe stringsonthe guitar. Jump cut Screaming something trivial 02:00-02:05: Over the shouldershotof male protagonistplayingthe guitar. Jump cut Like keep the peace, the world moves on and you cant shake the sound 02:05-02:12: Establishingshotof the fieldsbefore aquickjumpcutto a close upof the male protagonistlookingoff intothe distance.
  • 5. Jump cut I know shes home 02:12-02:14: Close upshot of the male protagonist.Stillcamerashotbutthenthe male protagonist movesoutof frame. Jump cut Waiting on somebody 02:14-02:17: Mid shot froma side onangle of the male protagonistsatinthe coffee shopwithhead down. Jump cut Loathe in light 02:17-02:19: Extreme close upof the male protagonistsfingerstappingonthe side of acoffee mug. All in my mind 02:19-02:21: Extreme close up of the male protagonist. Jump cut The anvil and the weight upon my back 02:21-02:26: Wide shot of male protagonistleddownona hill withsunintopcorner of the frame. Jump cut Instrumental 02:26-02:31: QuickTime shotof the Cluttoncountryside throughoutthe day. Jump cut 02:31-02:35: Close upof the male protagonistwithslightlyshakymovement. Jump cut 02:35-02:41: Mid-shotof the back of the protagonistsbackand playingthe guitar. Jump cut Has the world gone mad? 02:41-02:45: A highangle shotof the male protagonistthroughthe coffee shopwindow looking leftwards. Jump cut Or is it me? 02:45-02:49: Over the shouldershotof the male protagonistwithbothhandsoncoffee muglooking leftwards.Matchon actionwiththe previousshot. Jump cut
  • 6. All these small things that gather round me, they gather round me. 02:49-02:56: Close upof the male protagonistplayingthe guitarandsinging.Slightlyshakycamera movementwithaslowandsteadyzoom. Jump cut 02:56-03:00: Extreme close upof the male protagonistlyingdownandshowingthe movementof the eye. Jump cut Is it all so very bad? 03:00-03:05: Mid-shot,slightzoom,focusedonthe male protagonistsurroundedbypeople intown. Metaphorical aspectswiththisshot. Jump cut I cant see 03:05-03:10: Mid-shotof male protagonistata 45 degree angle playingthe guitarandsinging. Slightlyshakycameramovement. Jump cut All these small things they gather round me 03:10-03:14: Mid-shotof the male protagonistplayingthe guitarandsinging.Frontonangle. Jump cut They gather round me 03:14-03:20: Slowzoomintothe sky. Jump cut 03:20-03:23: Mid shot of the male protagonistfromaside (90 degrees) angle surroundedbypeople intown. Jump cut 03:23-03:26: Over the shoulderpull focusstartingwithfocusonmale protagonistsshoulderand thenswitchingthe focustothe female protagonistinthe crowdof people,clearlyshowingfocuson her. Jump cut And I cant see my love 03:26-03:29: Extreme close upof the male protagonistseye movingfromlefttoright. Jump cut 03:29-03:31: Still mid-shotof femaleprotagonistinacrowd of people intown. Jump cut
  • 7. 03:31-03:38: Tracks the male protagonistputtingdownthe guitarandthenuse the slidertosee him leave the room. Cut to black.