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Final Draft Script Writing LabLesson 2Story Development
The Set Up	A descriptive essay offers creative and colorful look at a particular topic. Consider the settings movies offer us.  The images and locales we see on the screen enhance the film, cinematography and backdrop for the characters.  The same is true for our creative writing projects. We must paint a picture with our words, to get our readers to visualize through our descriptive and figurative language.  In addition, utilizing the five senses as descriptors also enhances the imagery of our writing. But we have rules!
Writing Rule #1: Dont tell the action, show the actionIts all about the show! We love the show, want more show, go to the show, the show must go on and the show never ends.  Show me the SHOW!1) Eliminate the linking verbs.  We will have nothing to do with is, are, am, was, were. They dont help us and offer no description.  If you are using them, youre telling the action.2) Make your subject do something.  To do this, we need action verbs.Linking verb: The sun was hot. Boring.  Make your hot sun do something.  Active verb: The hot sun scorched the dry desert floor.
Writing Rule #2: Strong VerbsWe dont say, we wont walk, and we definitely refuse to seeWhile we dont say, we will utter, mutter, whisper, shout, bellow, cry and even question.Dont walk, run to your nearest and best strong verb: race, amble, trot, dash, cruise, saunter, crawl and skip, if you must.Look and see: spot, glare, stare, spy, espy, peek, gaze squint, and glimpse.
Writing Rule #3: Figurative LanguageEnhance any creative writing assignment with simile, metaphor, personification, alliteration, idiom, onomatopoeia.Onomatopoeia? Sounds like something you shouldnt do. (on-uh-mat-uh-pee-uh, mah-tuh)1. the formation of a word, as cuckoo 油or boom, 油by imitation of a sound made by or associated with its referent. 2. a word so formed. 3. Rhetoric . the use of imitative and naturally suggestive words for rhetorical effect.
Defining Figurative LanguageSimile- Comparison using like or asJoey ran as fast as a cheetah when a cheetah chased him.Metaphor- Comparison without using like or asSally was a tornado of energy after nineteen cups of coffee.Personification- Giving human qualities to objects or animalsThe icy wind slapped Franks face as he trudged through the snow.Idiom- Another way to say something.  Great alternatives to avoid being on the nose when writing dialogue. Take your best shot. (Give your best effort.)Hold your horses. (Wait.)Onomatopoeia- A word that sounds like the sound that it describes.Moo. Bang. Crash. Pop.
Writing Rule #4: Five Senses ImageryThe five senses are sight, sound, smell, touch and taste. Using these descriptions in our writing greatly enhances what our readers will imagine and feel.  Use the Five Senses Poem.Happiness is yellow.It looks like the sun peeking from behind the clouds.It sounds like birds chirping on a crisp cool morning.It smells like popcorn popping.It tastes like sweet honey.It feels like whispers in your ear.
Writing Rule #5: Prove it!		Describe your action, subject or passage without naming the topic. It was raining. Dont use rain in your description.Under the torment of the late October storm, Saids 	umbrella offered little protection, slipping from his frozen 	fingers.  His black leather shoes squeaked and sloshed their 	way home as he traversed the maze of muddy puddles.
Writing ExercisesThe exercises for this session are:Word Wheel: Use dictionary.com or thesaurus to find alternative words for the words on the wheel provided.Figurative Language: fill in the blankFive senses poem: Choose an emotion, pair it with a color. Then complete the poem (it looks like, sounds like etc.)Prove It! Describe scenes without using certain words.  (eg rain without using the word rain)Write descriptive essay. Share with each other and/or turn it in at Circulation Desk to be put in Devans mailbox.
Next MonthVisual StorytellingWe will learn about storyboards and short filmWriting exercise will be to write a short project (something under 5 minutes that you could actually produce).RESOURCES:Final Draft K12 Teacher Workbook.

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Final draft script writing lab

  • 1. Final Draft Script Writing LabLesson 2Story Development
  • 2. The Set Up A descriptive essay offers creative and colorful look at a particular topic. Consider the settings movies offer us. The images and locales we see on the screen enhance the film, cinematography and backdrop for the characters. The same is true for our creative writing projects. We must paint a picture with our words, to get our readers to visualize through our descriptive and figurative language. In addition, utilizing the five senses as descriptors also enhances the imagery of our writing. But we have rules!
  • 3. Writing Rule #1: Dont tell the action, show the actionIts all about the show! We love the show, want more show, go to the show, the show must go on and the show never ends. Show me the SHOW!1) Eliminate the linking verbs. We will have nothing to do with is, are, am, was, were. They dont help us and offer no description. If you are using them, youre telling the action.2) Make your subject do something. To do this, we need action verbs.Linking verb: The sun was hot. Boring. Make your hot sun do something. Active verb: The hot sun scorched the dry desert floor.
  • 4. Writing Rule #2: Strong VerbsWe dont say, we wont walk, and we definitely refuse to seeWhile we dont say, we will utter, mutter, whisper, shout, bellow, cry and even question.Dont walk, run to your nearest and best strong verb: race, amble, trot, dash, cruise, saunter, crawl and skip, if you must.Look and see: spot, glare, stare, spy, espy, peek, gaze squint, and glimpse.
  • 5. Writing Rule #3: Figurative LanguageEnhance any creative writing assignment with simile, metaphor, personification, alliteration, idiom, onomatopoeia.Onomatopoeia? Sounds like something you shouldnt do. (on-uh-mat-uh-pee-uh, mah-tuh)1. the formation of a word, as cuckoo 油or boom, 油by imitation of a sound made by or associated with its referent. 2. a word so formed. 3. Rhetoric . the use of imitative and naturally suggestive words for rhetorical effect.
  • 6. Defining Figurative LanguageSimile- Comparison using like or asJoey ran as fast as a cheetah when a cheetah chased him.Metaphor- Comparison without using like or asSally was a tornado of energy after nineteen cups of coffee.Personification- Giving human qualities to objects or animalsThe icy wind slapped Franks face as he trudged through the snow.Idiom- Another way to say something. Great alternatives to avoid being on the nose when writing dialogue. Take your best shot. (Give your best effort.)Hold your horses. (Wait.)Onomatopoeia- A word that sounds like the sound that it describes.Moo. Bang. Crash. Pop.
  • 7. Writing Rule #4: Five Senses ImageryThe five senses are sight, sound, smell, touch and taste. Using these descriptions in our writing greatly enhances what our readers will imagine and feel. Use the Five Senses Poem.Happiness is yellow.It looks like the sun peeking from behind the clouds.It sounds like birds chirping on a crisp cool morning.It smells like popcorn popping.It tastes like sweet honey.It feels like whispers in your ear.
  • 8. Writing Rule #5: Prove it! Describe your action, subject or passage without naming the topic. It was raining. Dont use rain in your description.Under the torment of the late October storm, Saids umbrella offered little protection, slipping from his frozen fingers. His black leather shoes squeaked and sloshed their way home as he traversed the maze of muddy puddles.
  • 9. Writing ExercisesThe exercises for this session are:Word Wheel: Use dictionary.com or thesaurus to find alternative words for the words on the wheel provided.Figurative Language: fill in the blankFive senses poem: Choose an emotion, pair it with a color. Then complete the poem (it looks like, sounds like etc.)Prove It! Describe scenes without using certain words. (eg rain without using the word rain)Write descriptive essay. Share with each other and/or turn it in at Circulation Desk to be put in Devans mailbox.
  • 10. Next MonthVisual StorytellingWe will learn about storyboards and short filmWriting exercise will be to write a short project (something under 5 minutes that you could actually produce).RESOURCES:Final Draft K12 Teacher Workbook.