This document provides status updates for 20 students taking an English (American) Level 1 course, including each student's name, overall score, curriculum, last activity date, time spent, and current progress. It shows that students are at various points in the curriculum, with overall scores ranging from 0% to 100% and time spent ranging from under an hour to over 20 hours. Progress levels vary from just starting a lesson to being nearly complete with a level.
This document provides status updates for 16 learners taking an English (American) Level 1 course. It includes each learner's name, overall score, curriculum, last activity date, time spent, progress, and current activity. Progress ranges from 0% to 98% completed. Current activities include lessons, units, and milestones within the curriculum.
The document provides status updates for 20 students taking an English (American) Level 1 course, including their overall score, curriculum, last activity date, time spent, and current progress. It lists each student's name and current activity. Their scores range from 81-100%, time spent ranges from under an hour to over 28 hours, and progress ranges from 3-98% completed.
This document contains progress reports for 20 students taking an English course, providing each student's name, overall score, curriculum, date of last activity, total time spent, progress, and current activity. It shows that students are at various stages of progress through the curriculum, with overall scores ranging from 0% to 99% and time spent ranging from under an hour to over 35 hours. Their current activities include lessons, units, and reviews within the listed curriculum.
This document provides status updates for 16 students taking an English language course, including their overall score, curriculum, last activity date, time spent, and current progress. It shows that students are at various points in the curriculum, with overall scores ranging from 0% to 99% and time spent ranging from under an hour to over 40 hours. Their current activities include lessons, pronunciation exercises, listening exercises, and core lessons across the first few units of the Nivel II curriculum.
Ingl辿s americano finalll - nivel ii - 228975 (228975)MILTONZAGA
The document provides status updates for 26 students taking an English language course, including their overall score, curriculum, last activity date, time spent, and current progress. It shows each student's results and where they are in their individual curriculum.
This document provides status updates for 26 students taking an English (American) Level 1 course. It includes each student's name, overall score, curriculum, last activity date, time spent, progress, and current activity. Progress ranges from 3% to 100% completed, with most students between 10-30% completed. Current activities include lessons, units, and milestones within the curriculum.
Ingl辿s americano++ nivel 1-final - 228967MILTONZAGA
This document contains status reports for 20 students taking an English (American) Level 1 course, including each student's overall score, curriculum, last activity date, time spent, and progress within the current activity. It shows that students are at various stages of completion, with overall scores ranging from 0% to 99% and progress within activities ranging from 0% to 100% completed.
The document provides status updates for 20 students taking an English language course, including each student's name, overall score, curriculum, last activity date, time spent, progress, and current activity. It shows that students are at various stages of completing the Nivel II curriculum, with overall scores ranging from 0% to 99% and time spent ranging from under 1 hour to over 35 hours. Progress levels and current activities also vary across students.
The document provides status updates for 11 students taking an English (American) Level 1 course, including their overall score, curriculum, last activity date, overall time spent, progress, learner group, and current activity. It shows their varying levels of progress, from 0% completed to 96% completed, with activities ranging from core lessons to vocabulary to grammar to speaking.
This document contains progress reports for 15 students taking an English language course. It provides each student's name, overall score, curriculum, last activity date, time spent, and current activity and progress within the course. The scores range from 0% to 100% and time spent ranges from under an hour to over 30 hours. Students are at various points in the curriculum, with activities including core lessons, vocabulary, listening, and pronunciation.
The document provides status updates for 20 students taking an English (American) Level 1 course, including their overall score, curriculum, last activity date, time spent, and current progress. It lists each student's name, overall performance statistics, and details on their current activity and unit within the course.
Ingl辿s americano nivel 1 - 230845 (230845)Jose Pardo
The document provides information on the progress of various students in an English language learning program. It includes each student's name, overall score, curriculum, last activity date, time spent, progress through the curriculum, and current activity. The majority of students are progressing through Level 1 of the curriculum and have overall scores between 85-100%.
Ingl辿s americano nivel 1 - 230845 (230845)Jose Pardo
The document provides information on the progress of various students in an English language learning program. It includes each student's name, overall score, curriculum, last activity date, time spent, progress through the curriculum, and current activity. The majority of students are progressing through Level 1 of the curriculum and have overall scores between 85-100%.
The document provides status updates for 16 students taking an English course, including their overall score, curriculum, last activity date, time spent, and current activity. It shows that students are at various points in the curriculum, with overall scores ranging from 0% to 100% and time spent ranging from under 2 hours to over 40 hours. Their current activities include lessons, pronunciation exercises, and milestones within the first few units of the Nivel II curriculum.
Ingl辿s americano nivel ii - 228971 (228971)MILTONZAGA
The document provides status updates for 16 students taking an English (American) Level 3 course, including their overall score, last activity date, time spent, progress, and current activity for each student.
Curso virtual de ingl辿s sena & tell me more 275160 lista de aprobados y no ap...dahedi05
Este documento presenta una lista de 80 estudiantes con sus respectivas notas en las secciones de TMM (60%), Project (25%) y Communication (15%) de un curso virtual de ingl辿s, as鱈 como su nota ponderada total. De los 80 estudiantes, 17 fueron aprobados con notas entre 45-100%, mientras que los dem叩s no fueron aprobados con notas menores al 45%.
Curso Virtual de Ingl辿s SENA & Tell Me More: 273899. Lista de APROBADOS Y NO ...dahedi05
This document lists the results of students who took the Curso Virtual de Ingl辿s SENA & Tell Me More course. It shows their name, student ID, scores on different assessments, total weighted score, and whether they passed or failed. Of the 80 students listed, 17 students passed with scores over 60%, while the rest did not pass. The highest score was 97% and the lowest was 0%.
Este documento resume la configuraci坦n requerida para usar ordenadores en l鱈nea y participar en clases de conversaci坦n. Se requiere un procesador de 1.5 GHz o superior, 512 MB de RAM, 50 MB de espacio en disco y una conexi坦n a Internet de al menos 192 kbps. El sistema operativo debe ser Windows XP/Vista/7, Mac OS X 10.3+ o una versi坦n reciente de Linux. Se necesita un navegador compatible como Internet Explorer 6+, Firefox 3+ o Chrome 4+ con Flash Player 10+ y JavaScript habilitado. Para las clases de conversaci坦n tambi辿n se
The document is a lesson plan for an English language course focused on travel topics. It contains 34 exercises with vocabulary and sentences about locations, directions, and places. The exercises build upon each other to teach students about prepositions of place like "at", "in", "behind", and asking and giving directions.
This document appears to be a lesson plan for an English language course. It includes vocabulary, grammar structures, and example sentences organized into core lessons and milestones. The document provides the content and structure for teaching basics of the English language, including topics like greetings, foods, colors, occupations, and possession. It also provides review questions and interactive exercises to reinforce the material. The document is authored by Rosetta Stone and provides the full scope and sequence for their English language course at level 1.
This document appears to be a curriculum text for English language learners at level 2. It contains 19 units covering topics like comparisons, questions, states/activities, forms of address, measurements, travel, health, shopping and more. Each unit includes multiple lessons with examples, exercises and reviews to teach grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and cultural understanding of the English language.
This document contains the curriculum text for English US Level 1 from Rosetta Stone. It includes 12 units that cover basic English grammar, vocabulary and conversational skills. Each unit is divided into multiple lessons that introduce new words and concepts with examples and exercises. The document also includes an alphabet section and index at the end.
Este documento es una gu鱈a del usuario de Rosetta Stone que explica c坦mo usar el software de aprendizaje de idiomas. Incluye informaci坦n sobre la historia de Rosetta Stone, su m辿todo de ense単anza basado en la inmersi坦n y actividades interactivas, y proporciona instrucciones sobre c坦mo configurar y navegar el software.
Este resumen proporciona informaci坦n sobre los resultados de las actividades de un curso de ingl辿s. Indica que 183179 estudiantes completaron las unidades 1 a 5 del nivel b叩sico 1 y deben obtener al menos 20 puntos de 100. Algunos estudiantes no han completado todas las actividades necesarias como los exploras, pr叩cticas y tests. El tutor los invita a terminar el trabajo para aprovechar la oportunidad de aprender ingl辿s.
Este resumen proporciona informaci坦n sobre los resultados de las actividades de un curso de ingl辿s. Indica que 184536 estudiantes completaron las unidades 1 a 5 del nivel b叩sico 1, y que se califican sobre 20 puntos de 100. Algunos estudiantes no han completado todas las actividades necesarias como los exploras, pr叩cticas y tests. Se invita a esos estudiantes a completar las actividades restantes para mejorar su calificaci坦n.
Este resumen proporciona informaci坦n sobre los resultados de las actividades de un curso de ingl辿s. Indica que 183910 estudiantes completaron las unidades 1-5 del nivel b叩sico 1 y que deben completar las tres actividades de "explora", "pr叩ctica" y "test" para cada unidad con el fin de llenar su cuadro de progreso y mantener una calificaci坦n alta. Tambi辿n invita a los estudiantes que a炭n no han completado ninguna actividad a ponerse al d鱈a para aprovechar la oportunidad de aprender ingl辿s.
Este resumen proporciona informaci坦n sobre los resultados de las actividades de un curso de ingl辿s b叩sico 2. Indica que algunos estudiantes no han completado todas las actividades necesarias como los exploras, pr叩cticas y tests para llenar sus cuadros de progreso. Alienta a esos estudiantes a ponerse al d鱈a con las actividades restantes para mejorar su nota. Tambi辿n explica algunas razones por las que los cuadros de progreso no se llenan como salir de la plataforma de manera incorrecta o no confirmar las resp
Este resumen proporciona informaci坦n sobre los resultados de las actividades de un curso de ingl辿s b叩sico 2. Indica que algunos estudiantes no han completado todas las actividades necesarias como los exploras, pr叩cticas y tests para llenar sus cuadros de progreso. Alienta a esos estudiantes a ponerse al d鱈a con las actividades para aprovechar la oportunidad de aprender ingl辿s.
The document provides status updates for 11 students taking an English (American) Level 1 course, including their overall score, curriculum, last activity date, overall time spent, progress, learner group, and current activity. It shows their varying levels of progress, from 0% completed to 96% completed, with activities ranging from core lessons to vocabulary to grammar to speaking.
This document contains progress reports for 15 students taking an English language course. It provides each student's name, overall score, curriculum, last activity date, time spent, and current activity and progress within the course. The scores range from 0% to 100% and time spent ranges from under an hour to over 30 hours. Students are at various points in the curriculum, with activities including core lessons, vocabulary, listening, and pronunciation.
The document provides status updates for 20 students taking an English (American) Level 1 course, including their overall score, curriculum, last activity date, time spent, and current progress. It lists each student's name, overall performance statistics, and details on their current activity and unit within the course.
Ingl辿s americano nivel 1 - 230845 (230845)Jose Pardo
The document provides information on the progress of various students in an English language learning program. It includes each student's name, overall score, curriculum, last activity date, time spent, progress through the curriculum, and current activity. The majority of students are progressing through Level 1 of the curriculum and have overall scores between 85-100%.
Ingl辿s americano nivel 1 - 230845 (230845)Jose Pardo
The document provides information on the progress of various students in an English language learning program. It includes each student's name, overall score, curriculum, last activity date, time spent, progress through the curriculum, and current activity. The majority of students are progressing through Level 1 of the curriculum and have overall scores between 85-100%.
The document provides status updates for 16 students taking an English course, including their overall score, curriculum, last activity date, time spent, and current activity. It shows that students are at various points in the curriculum, with overall scores ranging from 0% to 100% and time spent ranging from under 2 hours to over 40 hours. Their current activities include lessons, pronunciation exercises, and milestones within the first few units of the Nivel II curriculum.
Ingl辿s americano nivel ii - 228971 (228971)MILTONZAGA
The document provides status updates for 16 students taking an English (American) Level 3 course, including their overall score, last activity date, time spent, progress, and current activity for each student.
Ingl辿s americano nivel ii - 228971 (228971)MILTONZAGA
More from dahedi05 (20)
Curso virtual de ingl辿s sena & tell me more 275160 lista de aprobados y no ap...dahedi05
Este documento presenta una lista de 80 estudiantes con sus respectivas notas en las secciones de TMM (60%), Project (25%) y Communication (15%) de un curso virtual de ingl辿s, as鱈 como su nota ponderada total. De los 80 estudiantes, 17 fueron aprobados con notas entre 45-100%, mientras que los dem叩s no fueron aprobados con notas menores al 45%.
Curso Virtual de Ingl辿s SENA & Tell Me More: 273899. Lista de APROBADOS Y NO ...dahedi05
This document lists the results of students who took the Curso Virtual de Ingl辿s SENA & Tell Me More course. It shows their name, student ID, scores on different assessments, total weighted score, and whether they passed or failed. Of the 80 students listed, 17 students passed with scores over 60%, while the rest did not pass. The highest score was 97% and the lowest was 0%.
Este documento resume la configuraci坦n requerida para usar ordenadores en l鱈nea y participar en clases de conversaci坦n. Se requiere un procesador de 1.5 GHz o superior, 512 MB de RAM, 50 MB de espacio en disco y una conexi坦n a Internet de al menos 192 kbps. El sistema operativo debe ser Windows XP/Vista/7, Mac OS X 10.3+ o una versi坦n reciente de Linux. Se necesita un navegador compatible como Internet Explorer 6+, Firefox 3+ o Chrome 4+ con Flash Player 10+ y JavaScript habilitado. Para las clases de conversaci坦n tambi辿n se
The document is a lesson plan for an English language course focused on travel topics. It contains 34 exercises with vocabulary and sentences about locations, directions, and places. The exercises build upon each other to teach students about prepositions of place like "at", "in", "behind", and asking and giving directions.
This document appears to be a lesson plan for an English language course. It includes vocabulary, grammar structures, and example sentences organized into core lessons and milestones. The document provides the content and structure for teaching basics of the English language, including topics like greetings, foods, colors, occupations, and possession. It also provides review questions and interactive exercises to reinforce the material. The document is authored by Rosetta Stone and provides the full scope and sequence for their English language course at level 1.
This document appears to be a curriculum text for English language learners at level 2. It contains 19 units covering topics like comparisons, questions, states/activities, forms of address, measurements, travel, health, shopping and more. Each unit includes multiple lessons with examples, exercises and reviews to teach grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and cultural understanding of the English language.
This document contains the curriculum text for English US Level 1 from Rosetta Stone. It includes 12 units that cover basic English grammar, vocabulary and conversational skills. Each unit is divided into multiple lessons that introduce new words and concepts with examples and exercises. The document also includes an alphabet section and index at the end.
Este documento es una gu鱈a del usuario de Rosetta Stone que explica c坦mo usar el software de aprendizaje de idiomas. Incluye informaci坦n sobre la historia de Rosetta Stone, su m辿todo de ense単anza basado en la inmersi坦n y actividades interactivas, y proporciona instrucciones sobre c坦mo configurar y navegar el software.
Este resumen proporciona informaci坦n sobre los resultados de las actividades de un curso de ingl辿s. Indica que 183179 estudiantes completaron las unidades 1 a 5 del nivel b叩sico 1 y deben obtener al menos 20 puntos de 100. Algunos estudiantes no han completado todas las actividades necesarias como los exploras, pr叩cticas y tests. El tutor los invita a terminar el trabajo para aprovechar la oportunidad de aprender ingl辿s.
Este resumen proporciona informaci坦n sobre los resultados de las actividades de un curso de ingl辿s. Indica que 184536 estudiantes completaron las unidades 1 a 5 del nivel b叩sico 1, y que se califican sobre 20 puntos de 100. Algunos estudiantes no han completado todas las actividades necesarias como los exploras, pr叩cticas y tests. Se invita a esos estudiantes a completar las actividades restantes para mejorar su calificaci坦n.
Este resumen proporciona informaci坦n sobre los resultados de las actividades de un curso de ingl辿s. Indica que 183910 estudiantes completaron las unidades 1-5 del nivel b叩sico 1 y que deben completar las tres actividades de "explora", "pr叩ctica" y "test" para cada unidad con el fin de llenar su cuadro de progreso y mantener una calificaci坦n alta. Tambi辿n invita a los estudiantes que a炭n no han completado ninguna actividad a ponerse al d鱈a para aprovechar la oportunidad de aprender ingl辿s.
Este resumen proporciona informaci坦n sobre los resultados de las actividades de un curso de ingl辿s b叩sico 2. Indica que algunos estudiantes no han completado todas las actividades necesarias como los exploras, pr叩cticas y tests para llenar sus cuadros de progreso. Alienta a esos estudiantes a ponerse al d鱈a con las actividades restantes para mejorar su nota. Tambi辿n explica algunas razones por las que los cuadros de progreso no se llenan como salir de la plataforma de manera incorrecta o no confirmar las resp
Este resumen proporciona informaci坦n sobre los resultados de las actividades de un curso de ingl辿s b叩sico 2. Indica que algunos estudiantes no han completado todas las actividades necesarias como los exploras, pr叩cticas y tests para llenar sus cuadros de progreso. Alienta a esos estudiantes a ponerse al d鱈a con las actividades para aprovechar la oportunidad de aprender ingl辿s.
Este resumen proporciona informaci坦n sobre los resultados de las actividades del curso de ingl辿s para 183179 estudiantes. Indica que si los rect叩ngulos al lado de sus nombres no est叩n llenos, es porque faltan actividades por completar. Recomienda a los estudiantes completar los tres pasos de "explora", "practica" y "test" para cada unidad para evitar que su calificaci坦n baje.
Este resumen proporciona informaci坦n sobre los resultados de las actividades del curso de ingl辿s para 183179 estudiantes. Indica que si los rect叩ngulos al lado de sus nombres no est叩n llenos, es porque faltan actividades por completar. Recomienda a los estudiantes completar los tres pasos de "explora", "practica" y "test" para cada unidad para evitar que sus calificaciones bajen.
Este resumen proporciona informaci坦n sobre los resultados de las actividades del curso de ingl辿s para 184536 estudiantes que completaron las unidades 1-3. Indica que si los rect叩ngulos junto a los nombres de los estudiantes no est叩n llenos, es porque faltan actividades por completar. Tambi辿n invita a los estudiantes que no han realizado ninguna actividad a ponerse al d鱈a para aprovechar la oportunidad de aprender ingl辿s.
Este resumen proporciona informaci坦n sobre los resultados de las actividades del curso de ingl辿s. Indica que 183910 estudiantes completaron las unidades 1 a 3 del nivel b叩sico 1 y que deben completar las tres actividades "explora", "pr叩ctica" y "test" de cada unidad para llenar su cuadro de progreso y no bajar su calificaci坦n. Tambi辿n invita a los estudiantes que a炭n no han completado ninguna actividad a ponerse al d鱈a para aprovechar la oportunidad de aprender ingl辿s.
Este resumen proporciona informaci坦n sobre los resultados de las actividades del curso de ingl辿s Basic 2 para 184880 estudiantes. Indica que si los rect叩ngulos al lado de sus nombres no est叩n llenos, es porque faltan actividades por completar. Recuerda a los estudiantes que deben completar los tres pasos de "explora", "pr叩ctica" y "prueba" para cada unidad para evitar que su calificaci坦n baje. Aquellos cuyos cuadros est叩n vac鱈os no han hecho ninguna actividad y los invita a ponerse al
Curso virtual de ingl辿s sena & tell me more 275160 lista de aprobados y no ap...dahedi05
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spotssystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AIthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
Finals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
SOCIAL CHANGE(a change in the institutional and normative structure of societ...DrNidhiAgarwal
This PPT is showing the effect of social changes in human life and it is very understandable to the students with easy this contents are Itroduction, definition,Factors affecting social changes ,Main technological factors, Social change and stress , what is eustress and how social changes give impact of the human's life.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
- Autonomy, Teams and Tension
- Oliver Randall & David Bovis
- Own Your Autonomy
Oliver Randall
Consultant, Tribe365
Oliver is a career project professional since 2011 and started volunteering with APM in 2016 and has since chaired the People Interest Network and the North East Regional Network. Oliver has been consulting in culture, leadership and behaviours since 2019 and co-developed HPTM速an off the shelf high performance framework for teams and organisations and is currently working with SAS (Stellenbosch Academy for Sport) developing the culture, leadership and behaviours framework for future elite sportspeople whilst also holding down work as a project manager in the NHS at North Tees and Hartlepool Foundation Trust.
David Bovis
Consultant, Duxinaroe
A Leadership and Culture Change expert, David is the originator of BTFA and The Dux Model.
With a Masters in Applied Neuroscience from the Institute of Organisational Neuroscience, he is widely regarded as the Go-To expert in the field, recognised as an inspiring keynote speaker and change strategist.
He has an industrial engineering background, majoring in TPS / Lean. David worked his way up from his apprenticeship to earn his seat at the C-suite table. His career spans several industries, including Automotive, Aerospace, Defence, Space, Heavy Industries and Elec-Mech / polymer contract manufacture.
Published in Londons Evening Standard quarterly business supplement, James Caans Your business Magazine, Quality World, the Lean Management Journal and Cambridge Universities PMA, he works as comfortably with leaders from FTSE and Fortune 100 companies as he does owner-managers in SMEs. He is passionate about helping leaders understand the neurological root cause of a high-performance culture and sustainable change, in business.
Session | Own Your Autonomy The Importance of Autonomy in Project Management
#OwnYourAutonomy is aiming to be a global APM initiative to position everyone to take a more conscious role in their decision making process leading to increased outcomes for everyone and contribute to a world in which all projects succeed.
We want everyone to join the journey.
#OwnYourAutonomy is the culmination of 3 years of collaborative exploration within the Leadership Focus Group which is part of the APM People Interest Network. The work has been pulled together using the 5 HPTM速 Systems and the BTFA neuroscience leadership programme.
1. Ailin Johana Garcia Leones
English (American) Level 1
To: Friday, April 22 2011 01:04 PM
Overall Score: Curriculum: Last Activity Date: Overall Time Spent:
99% Standard Mon 04 Apr 2011 3h1m
Progress: Learner Group: Current Activity:
7% 227908 - Ingl辿s AmericanoNivel 1 L3 Core Lesson
- U1
In Progress
English (American) Level 1
To: Friday, April 22 2011 01:04 PM
Overall Score: Curriculum: Last Activity Date: Overall Time Spent:
96% Standard Wed 20 Apr 2011 2h22m
Progress: Learner Group: Current Activity:
14% 227908 - Ingl辿s AmericanoNivel 1 L4 Core Lesson
- U1
In Progress
Arleth Marina Narvaez Gonzalez
English (American) Level 1
To: Friday, April 22 2011 01:04 PM
Overall Score: Curriculum: Last Activity Date: Overall Time Spent:
0% Standard Thu 17 Mar 2011 0h1m
Progress: Learner Group: Current Activity:
0% 227908 - Ingl辿s AmericanoNivel 1 L1 Pronunciation
- U1
In Progress
2. Carlos Andres Schlegel Ortega
English (American) Level 1
To: Friday, April 22 2011 01:04 PM
Overall Score: Curriculum: Last Activity Date: Overall Time Spent:
99% Standard Wed 23 Mar 2011 4h47m
Progress: Learner Group: Current Activity:
23% 227908 - Ingl辿s AmericanoNivel 1 L5 Milestone
- U1
Not Yet Started
Carmen Cecilia Contreras Diaz
English (American) Level 1
To: Friday, April 22 2011 01:04 PM
Overall Score: Curriculum: Last Activity Date: Overall Time Spent:
100% Standard Fri 18 Mar 2011 1h29m
Progress: Learner Group: Current Activity:
5% 227908 - Ingl辿s AmericanoNivel 1 L3 Pronunciation
- U1
In Progress
Danaide Arias Guerrero
English (American) Level 1
To: Friday, April 22 2011 01:04 PM
Overall Score: Curriculum: Last Activity Date: Overall Time Spent:
0% Standard Fri 01 Apr 2011 0h9m
Progress: Learner Group: Current Activity:
0% 227908 - Ingl辿s AmericanoNivel 1 L1 Core Lesson
- U1
In Progress
English (American) Level 1
To: Friday, April 22 2011 01:04 PM
Overall Score: Curriculum: Last Activity Date: Overall Time Spent:
100% Standard Mon 18 Apr 2011 22h39m
Progress: Learner Group: Current Activity:
98% 227908 - Ingl辿s AmericanoNivel 1 L2 Speaking
- U4
In Progress
Isabel Nallibe Vega Miranda
English (American) Level 1
To: Friday, April 22 2011 01:04 PM
Overall Score: Curriculum: Last Activity Date: Overall Time Spent:
0% Standard Tue 29 Mar 2011 0h0m
Progress: Learner Group: Current Activity:
0% 227908 - Ingl辿s AmericanoNivel 1
- N/A
Javier Alberto Alvis Arroyo
English (American) Level 1
To: Friday, April 22 2011 01:04 PM
Overall Score: Curriculum: Last Activity Date: Overall Time Spent:
90% Standard Tue 29 Mar 2011 2h43m
Progress: Learner Group: Current Activity:
9% 227908 - Ingl辿s AmericanoNivel 1 L4 Pronunciation
- U1
Not Yet Started
English (American) Level 1
To: Friday, April 22 2011 01:04 PM
Overall Score: Curriculum: Last Activity Date: Overall Time Spent:
0% Standard Sun 17 Apr 2011 0h51m
Progress: Learner Group: Current Activity:
0% 227908 - Ingl辿s AmericanoNivel 1
- N/A
Lianeth Estela Estrada Castro
English (American) Level 1
To: Friday, April 22 2011 01:04 PM
Overall Score: Curriculum: Last Activity Date: Overall Time Spent:
0% Standard Sun 03 Apr 2011 0h8m
Progress: Learner Group: Current Activity:
0% 227908 - Ingl辿s AmericanoNivel 1 L1 Core Lesson
- U1
In Progress
English (American) Level 1
To: Friday, April 22 2011 01:04 PM
Overall Score: Curriculum: Last Activity Date: Overall Time Spent:
97% Standard Wed 13 Apr 2011 18h34m
Progress: Learner Group: Current Activity:
70% 227908 - Ingl辿s AmericanoNivel 1 L1 Writing
- U4
In Progress
English (American) Level 1
To: Friday, April 22 2011 01:04 PM
Overall Score: Curriculum: Last Activity Date: Overall Time Spent:
90% Standard Wed 20 Apr 2011 21h4m
Progress: Learner Group: Current Activity:
50% 227908 - Ingl辿s AmericanoNivel 1 L2 Core Lesson
- U3
In Progress
English (American) Level 1
To: Friday, April 22 2011 01:04 PM
Overall Score: Curriculum: Last Activity Date: Overall Time Spent:
90% Standard Tue 05 Apr 2011 1h11m
Progress: Learner Group: Current Activity:
5% 227908 - Ingl辿s AmericanoNivel 1 L2 Vocabulary
- U1
English (American) Level 1
To: Friday, April 22 2011 01:04 PM
Overall Score: Curriculum: Last Activity Date: Overall Time Spent:
96% Standard Tue 12 Apr 2011 4h30m
Progress: Learner Group: Current Activity:
26% 227908 - Ingl辿s AmericanoNivel 1 L1 Grammar
- U2
English (American) Level 1
To: Friday, April 22 2011 01:04 PM
Overall Score: Curriculum: Last Activity Date: Overall Time Spent:
86% Standard Wed 20 Apr 2011 13h1m
Progress: Learner Group: Current Activity:
23% 227908 - Ingl辿s AmericanoNivel 1 L1 Vocabulary
- U2
In Progress
English (American) Level 1
To: Friday, April 22 2011 01:04 PM
Overall Score: Curriculum: Last Activity Date: Overall Time Spent:
99% Standard Fri 15 Apr 2011 1h9m
Progress: Learner Group: Current Activity:
5% 227908 - Ingl辿s AmericanoNivel 1 L3 Pronunciation
- U1
Not Yet Started
English (American) Level 1
To: Friday, April 22 2011 01:04 PM
Overall Score: Curriculum: Last Activity Date: Overall Time Spent:
96% Standard Mon 11 Apr 2011 3h26m
Progress: Learner Group: Current Activity:
24% 227908 - Ingl辿s AmericanoNivel 1 L1 Core Lesson
- U2
In Progress
English (American) Level 1
To: Friday, April 22 2011 01:04 PM
Overall Score: Curriculum: Last Activity Date: Overall Time Spent:
98% Standard Thu 21 Apr 2011 31h7m
Progress: Learner Group: Current Activity:
89% 227908 - Ingl辿s AmericanoNivel 1 L3 Pronunciation
- U4
Not Yet Started
English (American) Level 1
To: Friday, April 22 2011 01:04 PM
Overall Score: Curriculum: Last Activity Date: Overall Time Spent:
95% Standard Thu 14 Apr 2011 5h7m
Progress: Learner Group: Current Activity:
26% 227908 - Ingl辿s AmericanoNivel 1 L1 Vocabulary
- U2
Not Yet Started