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Session: Monday 2pm – 4pm
Module: Social Psychology (PSY30203)
Lecturer: Mr. Shankar Thiruchelevam
Group Members: Ignatius Gee (0320069)
Aaron Chong (0320270)
Chau Xet Nee (0320222)
Le Jia Nian (0319957)
First and foremost, all of my group member would like to express to our
deepest appreciation to all those who had lend a helping hand to us especially Mr
Shankar as he contributed us in stimulating suggestions, encouragement and
coordinate our given assignment. We sincerely thank to Mr Shankar due to his
guidance during this project and favoured us with valuable suggestions regarding the
social psychology theories apply.
Moreover, the video filming would not be successful without the advance
facilities of Taylor’s University such as X-space, classroom, projector, computer lab
and so on which are comfortable and convenience for us to complete our project.
Taylor’s also provide us an extremely lake view. This helped us to enhance ours video
background. I would felt proud for studying in Taylor’s.
In a nutshell, we would likely to take this opportunity to acknowledge the
students in Taylor’s University due to their corporation in the video even they did not
involve in the video shooting. Special thanks to those friends who make our video a
better quality and extended much understanding, patience and support.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT………………………………………… 2
INTRODUCTION………………………………………………… 4
SUMMARY………………………………………………………… 5
DISCUSSION………………………………………………………. 7
CONCLUSION…………………………………………………….. 9
REFERENCES…………………………………………………….. 10
What is social psychology? An American psychologist often considered as
‘the father of experimental social psychology’ – Floyd Henry Allport. He played a
key role in the creation of social psychology as a legitimate field of behavioural
science. His hard work impacted all future writings in psychology field. He focused
on exploration of these topics through survey research. Social psychology is all
around us, as we to observe and identity ourselves from the present of our knowledge
on psychology.
Initially, we held a discussion on our real life experiences and share to every
of our members. The purpose of this discussion is to convert our real life experiences
into a short film. Then, we identify various type of concepts we learnt in social
psychology in class and compile 5 concepts into a short film to fulfil the requirement
which is a minimum of 5 psychology concepts applied in the storyline. A report is
made regarding the video clip and also a presentation of the video with a requirement
of 1500 of words.
This report is written regarding on how we incorporate our real life
experiences base on our understanding on psychology concepts into our video. The
psychology used are first impression, social influence, stereotype, operant
conditioning and CORFing.
Scene 1:
Taylor’s University just intake a new batch of students which are studying Foundation
in Natural and Built Environment (FNBE). Everyone either focus on their smartphone
or chit chatting around the class and give no attention on the messages that given by
lecturer in front. Zhao and Iggy noticed that only Roy and his friend paying attention
to the lecture and having discussion on what they had researched from the internet.
Zhao and Iggy noticed on what Roy and his friend did. They started to have
conversation between each other and have a same idea between each other. They etch
their perception on Roy in their mind and hope that they could be friend with Roy as
they could improve their academic on the semester.
Scene 2:
A few days later, Zhao and Iggy able to differentiate their course mates and know
which group of people worth for them to mix with. There are 2 groups of people in
their perception, a hardworking and responsible group and a group that always bully
and disturbing people around. Fortunately, Roy joined the positive group. He loves to
do handcraft, discussing assignment and have a positive mind together. Zhao and Iggy
started to prejudice and hold a negative beliefs of the other group.
Scene 3:
A month later, a lot of assignments is flooding towards Roy so he stays up late for the
assignments. Suddenly, 2 of his course mates coming towards him and offer him for
trying a cigarette. Roy is in hesitant on whether trying or not. After thinking a few
seconds, he agrees to have a try on it. At the moment, Zhao and Iggy witness Roy
taking the cigarette and ruin their good impression towards Roy.
Scene 4:
Later on, Roy is addicted with cigarette and start joining the other group which
offered him a cigarette before. He starts using rude words and not paying attentions in
the class. He always playing his iPad, listens to music than the lectures, sits with an
inappropriate way and those bad attitudes. When they pass by Zhao and invite her for
having a lunch together, Zhao flashes back on what Roy did. She does want to be
friend with Roy anymore as Roy is no longer a good person in her perception and she
decline his offer.
Scene 5:
As what a smoker usually do is to smoke after lunch. His friend request Roy for a
smoke and trying to smoke in non-smoking area due to commercial block is too far
away from their classroom. They cannot predict that security guard is walking the
stairs and saw what they did as there is the place which rarely people walk through.
They are trying to run away from the security guard that chasing towards them.
Unfortunately, they got caught.
Scene 6:
The security brings them to the superior of security for a consultation. The superior
confiscates their cigarettes and warn them for never try to smoke in non-smoking
area. He also offers Roy and his friend either get barred from the school or get fine for
RM50. Both of them agree on the amount to get fine and pay to the superior. This is
because, both of them are fear on this message will pass to their parents.
Scene 7:
Roy and his friend messed up their presentation and request for a smoke again. His
friend never get fear on those punishments taken and offered Roy to just smoke
around here. But, Roy is terrified on the punishment and decline the request. Roy
rather goes to smoking area than repeating the same mistake again.
In our video incorporated 5 concepts which is first impression, social influence,
stereotype, operant conditioning and CORFing. Our video is related to an individual
have a bad behaviours when another have a good impression on him. Each party
involved in one sub concept of the main concept.
1. First impression
The term applied to the initial impression we have of another individual when we
meet them for the first time. There are 2 ways we have which either is positive or
negative impression. Even the individual never speak or having conversation with
you, it will cross you a mind that what kind of them are. All these impression is come
from a sense of physical and psychological features. We cannot conclude their
attitude base on our first impression. Sometimes it can be true but sometimes we can
also make a mistake as people usually say: ‘time reveals a person’s heart’.
In the first scene emphasizes on both Zhao and Iggy have a good impression on Roy
as what he did in the class is focusing to the lecturer and having research together
with his friend. This shows that they have a well first impression towards Roy even
though they don’t know about Roy. They judge Roy by his action and outward
2. Stereotype
Stereotype represent the positive or negative beliefs that we hold about the
characteristics of the other social groups. The principle of stereotype has include also
prejudice and discrimination. At first, people have a kind of cognition which is
stereotyping. With these kind of cognition will affect an individual via prejudice and
in group favouritism. Then, will affect the behaviour of an individual and create a
perception of discrimination. The relationships between stereotypes and prejudice
have a pervasive and often pernicious.
Zhao and Iggy are holding both positive and negative beliefs on the characteristics of
their course mates. They differentiate their course mates into 2 group which is a
hardworking and responsible group and another group is always bully and disturbing
people around. Zhao and Iggy ignored on the ‘bad guy group’ and wants to join
together with Roy’s group which is a ‘good guy group’.
3. Social influence
When a person or group applies any type of social power to change the attitude,
thoughts, feelings or behaviour of others in particular direction, they have been into a
theory of psychology – social influence. This is a process by which individuals make
real changes on themselves as a result of interaction with others who are perceive to
be similar. People adjust their beliefs whom they feel want to be similar with.
Besides, when an individual holds on a particular attitude which affected by others,
they will more likely acquire it as well.
Roy is actually a good person. His behaviours in primary school and secondary school
is excellent just like the first scene. Before he steps into college, he pays attention to
lecturer and in a polite manners. He has his bad habit is because he is influence by
4. CORFing
CORFing means that ‘Cut Off Reflected Failure’ which is representing an individual
attempt to distance or separate themselves from some failure that lead them a negative
impact on their self-esteem. It usually happens when an individual blames on external
factors to hide themselves from the mistakes or loses they made. On the other hand,
CORFing is not necessary mentioning escaping responsibility, it also means that an
individual will distance themselves from others who have failed or behaved badly in
front of them.
Zhao decline the offer by Roy because she attempts to distance herself from those bad
habit people. Roy is one of it as he behaved badly in front of her and she witnesses it.
She thinks that she cannot be friend with Roy anymore.
5. Operant conditioning
The purpose of operant conditioning is to take certain action did to the individual
since they have to carry their consequence after making the mistakes. It is a
reinforcement or punishment to strengthen or weaken a particular behaviours. After
that, it has to depend on the perception of the individual, whether is likely or unlikely
to occur again. The term applied based on the fundamental idea that enforce the
negative behaviours tend to continue, while behaviours that are punished will
eventually end.
After a consultation by a superior security, Roy behaved himself on following the
rules in the school by not smoking in non-smoking zone. He is terrified with it and he
refuses to break the law again when his friend asks him to just smoke around again.
After Roy been himself in this incident, he enforces the negative behaviours tend to
continue and respect the rules set by school authorities.
In a nutshell, through this assignment we are able to identify the connections among
the concepts and perspectives within social psychology. Besides, we manage to relate
the components we learnt in social psychology base on our real life experiences into a
short video. Before making this short video, we ran through relentless process of
analysis, evaluation on concepts and so on to make a better quality of video.
On the other hand, we learnt to present a video in a creative way by looking how the
Youtubers’ came out a good video. We had learnt to shoot a video in a different
angles to contrast the main character and the sub characters. Although there were
many obstacles during the video shooting but my members and I tried our best to
tackle the problems. Throughout this assignment, my members and I were the first
time to edit video using different software such as Premiere Pro and iMovie.
In my opinion, this assignment guide us to learn more about social psychology
theories. Besides, it also tighten the bond between members as we solve the problems
together and make a lot of fun during video shooting.
1. Hilton, J. L., and W. von Hippel, (1996). Stereotypes. Annual Review of
Psychology from
2. Huitt, W., & Hummel, J. (1997). An introduction to operant (instrumental)
conditioning. Educational Psychology Interactive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta
State University. Retrieved [date] from,
3. Charles, S. Principles of Social Psychology, v.1.0 Chapter 12. Retrieved from

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Final video report

  • 1. 1 SCHOOL OF ARHCHITECTURE, BUILDING AND DESIGN FOUNDATION IN NATURAL AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT Session: Monday 2pm – 4pm Module: Social Psychology (PSY30203) Lecturer: Mr. Shankar Thiruchelevam Group Members: Ignatius Gee (0320069) Aaron Chong (0320270) Chau Xet Nee (0320222) Le Jia Nian (0319957)
  • 2. 2 Acknowledgement First and foremost, all of my group member would like to express to our deepest appreciation to all those who had lend a helping hand to us especially Mr Shankar as he contributed us in stimulating suggestions, encouragement and coordinate our given assignment. We sincerely thank to Mr Shankar due to his guidance during this project and favoured us with valuable suggestions regarding the social psychology theories apply. Moreover, the video filming would not be successful without the advance facilities of Taylor’s University such as X-space, classroom, projector, computer lab and so on which are comfortable and convenience for us to complete our project. Taylor’s also provide us an extremely lake view. This helped us to enhance ours video background. I would felt proud for studying in Taylor’s. In a nutshell, we would likely to take this opportunity to acknowledge the students in Taylor’s University due to their corporation in the video even they did not involve in the video shooting. Special thanks to those friends who make our video a better quality and extended much understanding, patience and support.
  • 3. 3 CONTENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT………………………………………… 2 INTRODUCTION………………………………………………… 4 SUMMARY………………………………………………………… 5 DISCUSSION………………………………………………………. 7 CONCLUSION…………………………………………………….. 9 REFERENCES…………………………………………………….. 10
  • 4. 4 INTRODUCTION What is social psychology? An American psychologist often considered as ‘the father of experimental social psychology’ – Floyd Henry Allport. He played a key role in the creation of social psychology as a legitimate field of behavioural science. His hard work impacted all future writings in psychology field. He focused on exploration of these topics through survey research. Social psychology is all around us, as we to observe and identity ourselves from the present of our knowledge on psychology. Initially, we held a discussion on our real life experiences and share to every of our members. The purpose of this discussion is to convert our real life experiences into a short film. Then, we identify various type of concepts we learnt in social psychology in class and compile 5 concepts into a short film to fulfil the requirement which is a minimum of 5 psychology concepts applied in the storyline. A report is made regarding the video clip and also a presentation of the video with a requirement of 1500 of words. This report is written regarding on how we incorporate our real life experiences base on our understanding on psychology concepts into our video. The psychology used are first impression, social influence, stereotype, operant conditioning and CORFing.
  • 5. 5 SUMMARY Scene 1: Taylor’s University just intake a new batch of students which are studying Foundation in Natural and Built Environment (FNBE). Everyone either focus on their smartphone or chit chatting around the class and give no attention on the messages that given by lecturer in front. Zhao and Iggy noticed that only Roy and his friend paying attention to the lecture and having discussion on what they had researched from the internet. Zhao and Iggy noticed on what Roy and his friend did. They started to have conversation between each other and have a same idea between each other. They etch their perception on Roy in their mind and hope that they could be friend with Roy as they could improve their academic on the semester. Scene 2: A few days later, Zhao and Iggy able to differentiate their course mates and know which group of people worth for them to mix with. There are 2 groups of people in their perception, a hardworking and responsible group and a group that always bully and disturbing people around. Fortunately, Roy joined the positive group. He loves to do handcraft, discussing assignment and have a positive mind together. Zhao and Iggy started to prejudice and hold a negative beliefs of the other group. Scene 3: A month later, a lot of assignments is flooding towards Roy so he stays up late for the assignments. Suddenly, 2 of his course mates coming towards him and offer him for trying a cigarette. Roy is in hesitant on whether trying or not. After thinking a few seconds, he agrees to have a try on it. At the moment, Zhao and Iggy witness Roy taking the cigarette and ruin their good impression towards Roy. Scene 4: Later on, Roy is addicted with cigarette and start joining the other group which offered him a cigarette before. He starts using rude words and not paying attentions in the class. He always playing his iPad, listens to music than the lectures, sits with an inappropriate way and those bad attitudes. When they pass by Zhao and invite her for having a lunch together, Zhao flashes back on what Roy did. She does want to be friend with Roy anymore as Roy is no longer a good person in her perception and she decline his offer.
  • 6. 6 Scene 5: As what a smoker usually do is to smoke after lunch. His friend request Roy for a smoke and trying to smoke in non-smoking area due to commercial block is too far away from their classroom. They cannot predict that security guard is walking the stairs and saw what they did as there is the place which rarely people walk through. They are trying to run away from the security guard that chasing towards them. Unfortunately, they got caught. Scene 6: The security brings them to the superior of security for a consultation. The superior confiscates their cigarettes and warn them for never try to smoke in non-smoking area. He also offers Roy and his friend either get barred from the school or get fine for RM50. Both of them agree on the amount to get fine and pay to the superior. This is because, both of them are fear on this message will pass to their parents. Scene 7: Roy and his friend messed up their presentation and request for a smoke again. His friend never get fear on those punishments taken and offered Roy to just smoke around here. But, Roy is terrified on the punishment and decline the request. Roy rather goes to smoking area than repeating the same mistake again.
  • 7. 7 DISCUSSION In our video incorporated 5 concepts which is first impression, social influence, stereotype, operant conditioning and CORFing. Our video is related to an individual have a bad behaviours when another have a good impression on him. Each party involved in one sub concept of the main concept. 1. First impression The term applied to the initial impression we have of another individual when we meet them for the first time. There are 2 ways we have which either is positive or negative impression. Even the individual never speak or having conversation with you, it will cross you a mind that what kind of them are. All these impression is come from a sense of physical and psychological features. We cannot conclude their attitude base on our first impression. Sometimes it can be true but sometimes we can also make a mistake as people usually say: ‘time reveals a person’s heart’. In the first scene emphasizes on both Zhao and Iggy have a good impression on Roy as what he did in the class is focusing to the lecturer and having research together with his friend. This shows that they have a well first impression towards Roy even though they don’t know about Roy. They judge Roy by his action and outward appearance. 2. Stereotype Stereotype represent the positive or negative beliefs that we hold about the characteristics of the other social groups. The principle of stereotype has include also prejudice and discrimination. At first, people have a kind of cognition which is stereotyping. With these kind of cognition will affect an individual via prejudice and in group favouritism. Then, will affect the behaviour of an individual and create a perception of discrimination. The relationships between stereotypes and prejudice have a pervasive and often pernicious. Zhao and Iggy are holding both positive and negative beliefs on the characteristics of their course mates. They differentiate their course mates into 2 group which is a hardworking and responsible group and another group is always bully and disturbing people around. Zhao and Iggy ignored on the ‘bad guy group’ and wants to join together with Roy’s group which is a ‘good guy group’.
  • 8. 8 3. Social influence When a person or group applies any type of social power to change the attitude, thoughts, feelings or behaviour of others in particular direction, they have been into a theory of psychology – social influence. This is a process by which individuals make real changes on themselves as a result of interaction with others who are perceive to be similar. People adjust their beliefs whom they feel want to be similar with. Besides, when an individual holds on a particular attitude which affected by others, they will more likely acquire it as well. Roy is actually a good person. His behaviours in primary school and secondary school is excellent just like the first scene. Before he steps into college, he pays attention to lecturer and in a polite manners. He has his bad habit is because he is influence by others. 4. CORFing CORFing means that ‘Cut Off Reflected Failure’ which is representing an individual attempt to distance or separate themselves from some failure that lead them a negative impact on their self-esteem. It usually happens when an individual blames on external factors to hide themselves from the mistakes or loses they made. On the other hand, CORFing is not necessary mentioning escaping responsibility, it also means that an individual will distance themselves from others who have failed or behaved badly in front of them. Zhao decline the offer by Roy because she attempts to distance herself from those bad habit people. Roy is one of it as he behaved badly in front of her and she witnesses it. She thinks that she cannot be friend with Roy anymore. 5. Operant conditioning The purpose of operant conditioning is to take certain action did to the individual since they have to carry their consequence after making the mistakes. It is a reinforcement or punishment to strengthen or weaken a particular behaviours. After that, it has to depend on the perception of the individual, whether is likely or unlikely to occur again. The term applied based on the fundamental idea that enforce the negative behaviours tend to continue, while behaviours that are punished will eventually end. After a consultation by a superior security, Roy behaved himself on following the rules in the school by not smoking in non-smoking zone. He is terrified with it and he refuses to break the law again when his friend asks him to just smoke around again. After Roy been himself in this incident, he enforces the negative behaviours tend to continue and respect the rules set by school authorities.
  • 9. 9 CONCLUSION In a nutshell, through this assignment we are able to identify the connections among the concepts and perspectives within social psychology. Besides, we manage to relate the components we learnt in social psychology base on our real life experiences into a short video. Before making this short video, we ran through relentless process of analysis, evaluation on concepts and so on to make a better quality of video. On the other hand, we learnt to present a video in a creative way by looking how the Youtubers’ came out a good video. We had learnt to shoot a video in a different angles to contrast the main character and the sub characters. Although there were many obstacles during the video shooting but my members and I tried our best to tackle the problems. Throughout this assignment, my members and I were the first time to edit video using different software such as Premiere Pro and iMovie. In my opinion, this assignment guide us to learn more about social psychology theories. Besides, it also tighten the bond between members as we solve the problems together and make a lot of fun during video shooting.
  • 10. 10 REFERENCES 1. Hilton, J. L., and W. von Hippel, (1996). Stereotypes. Annual Review of Psychology from http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo- 9780199828340/obo-9780199828340-0086.xml 2. Huitt, W., & Hummel, J. (1997). An introduction to operant (instrumental) conditioning. Educational Psychology Interactive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University. Retrieved [date] from, http://www.edpsycinteractive.org/topics/behavior/operant.html 3. Charles, S. Principles of Social Psychology, v.1.0 Chapter 12. Retrieved from http://catalog.flatworldknowledge.com/bookhub/2105?e=stangorsocial_1.0- ch12