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Module: PSY30203
Group Member:
Tengku Syakira 0323079
Low Wing Chun 0323315
Ho Hong Lok 0323949
Yong Ai Yi 0321977
Session: Monday 3.30pm
Lecturer: Mr. Shankar Thiruchelvam
SubmissionDate: 1st
Feb 2016
First, we would like to thank our Social Psychology Lecturer, Mr. Shankar who lead us and
guide us throughout this semester. Under his guidance, we are able to understanding the
concepts and objective in this project.
Next, we would like to thank our friends who helped us in the project. Other than that, we
would like to thank our member that gave corporation and support in this project.
Final, we want to thank Syakira who helped us on video editing and Wing Chun who act as
our main character in our video.
Table of Content
Topic Page
In this group project, we were divided into 4 students in one group. We have Syakira, Wing
Chun, Hong lok and Ai Yi in our group. We were assigned to create a short video clip that
required 5 concepts in one story. Other than that, we need to produce a report and present
our video during class. After several discussion, we decided to create a video with a title of
¡°Johnny¡¯s First Day on Campus¡±. It is about a freshman who was having his very first day in
his college life. He thought that it would be very cool and exciting day in his life, but sweet life
does not come to you easily. He had faced some problems that related to friendships. The
concepts we are using in this video are stereotyping, bystander effect, egoistic models of
helping, indirect verbal aggression and counterfactual thinking (downward counterfactual).
Last but not least, we hope that this video can let more people understand the concepts that
we trying to apply in this video.
Apparatus used:
Props Used:
1. Bag
2. Laptop
3. SmartPhones
4. Drawing Book
5. Can drinks
6. Pen
Software used:
1. iMovie
We had a short meeting and discussed our storyline together on campus. After we agreed
together with the story that perfectly conveys the 5 concepts that we have chosen, we
proceeded to recording the videos.
During the process, we encountered some problems with the storyline and the recordings.
We improvised and slightly changed the story. We had some help from the other groups to
complete our video. We filmed our video within Taylor¡¯s University Lakeside Campus because
we find it most convenient for all of us. It took us about 2 hours.
After the filming is done, we distributed tasks among ourselves. Syakira would be
responsible for the video editing, Ai Yi and Kang Le are responsible for the reports and Low
Wing Chun is responsible for the presentation slides.
29th Jan 2016
? Before we conduct a meeting, we actually discussed in Whatsapp that we are going to
finishthis project in one day. So we meet on 29th Jan, around 10am in Taylor¡¯s Lakeside
campus. In this meeting we discuss about the concepts we are going to use in this
video. Then 4 of us come out 5 concepts and a storyline that we can apply in it. After
that, we started our filming in campus around 1pm. We finished filming at 4pm and
we organized works to every members.
It was a first day for Johnnie in Taylor¡¯s University. He was taking Foundation in Built and
Environment program. He was trying to be a cool guy and expect everyone was nice and
friendly to him but in reality he was being ignored by all the student, not even a person
wanted to great or talked to him in person.
On the same day, Johnnie went to his orientation¡¯s class room. When he reached the
classroom, lecturer asked him to take a sit between those groups and choose the group that
he liked. So Johnnie decided to choose the group that looks cool rather than the group that
was lamed. But when he joined the cooler group they all try to avoid Johnnie and let him felt
he was left out.
By the break time, Johnnie and the ¡®cool¡¯ group having their lunch together. Unfortunately,
Johnnie was stomach-ache and suddenly he farted along the group. The ¡®cool¡¯ group did not
helped him and then just go away like nothing was happened.
Luckily there was a girl name Syakira with the ¡®lame¡¯ group come along to help Johnnie. They
were friendlier and concern about him rather than the other group.
Two hours later, after feeling well from stomach-ache, Johnnie went to a table that was
located outside the library and start drawing. Suddenly Syakira appeared and asked whether
Johnnie always like to draw. Johnnie said thanks to Syakira because Syakira was helping him
cure from stomach-ache just now. Then after that Syakira asked him about the ITD project
whether Johnnie has a group or not. Then Johnnie replied that he wanted to join the group
that come along with boy that name Drake. Syakira was totally shocked that he willjoin Drake
group that was not helping him at all when he was stomach-ache. So she decided to bring
along Johnnie to her group without letting Johnnie make a consideration.
Few weeks later, the result of ITD marks has come out. Johnnie group got an A. Johnnie and
his group was satisfied with their marks while Drake and his group were argued with each
other, But Drake said that he only knows how to fart if he join their group.
1. Stereotyping
? A general beliefaboutagroup of people.Differsfromprejudiceinthatitcan have positive or
negative connotations.Runsthe riskof becomingprejudicialandleadingtodiscrimination.In
the video, Johnnie was seen stereotyping when he judged the 2 groups of people basedon
whathe sawwithoutproperinformation.
2. Bystandereffect
? The bystander effect, or bystander apathy,is a social psychological phenomenon that refers
to casesinwhichindividualsdonotofferanymeansof helptoavictimwhenother people are
present.The probabilityof helpisinverselyrelatedtothe numberof bystanders.Inthe video,
Drake¡¯s group did not help Johnnie when he had stomach-ache as they assumed somebody
else wouldtake the initiativetoassistJohnnieandlaterlefthimalone.
3. Egoisticmodelsof helping
? Egoism encourages helping because of a concern about the costs to one¡¯s self if help is not
provided. Egoism seeksto reduce personal distress.Egoism highlights the potential rewards
for helping others. In other words, a selfish help. In the video, Syakira was seen helping
Johnnie whenhe wasunwell.Butshe wasdoingitonlyforthe sake to getcloserto himso he
wouldjoinhergroupand helpherachieve agoodgrade.
4. Indirectverbal aggression
? The aggression is not clearly derived from aggressor towards the victim, which the victim is
unclear about it and was done verbally. For example, spreading rumours,gossiping and etc.
In the video, Drake¡¯s group were gossiping about how Syakira was beingrude and unethical
for takingJohnnie intohergrouponlytohelpherachieve hertargets.
5. Counterfactual thinking(downwardcounterfactual)
? Imagining different outcomes for an event that has already occurred. Is usually associated
with bad or negative events. Can be used to improve or worsen your mood. In the video,
Drake¡¯sgrouprealizedthatSyakiraandJohnnie bothgotA andtheydidnot.To improve their
ownmood,theystatedthatif Johnnie weretojoin them, he wouldbe fartingall the timeand
not doingwork.
1. Oxford Bibliography. (2015). Retrieved Jan 29,2016, from
2. KHANACADEMY. (2014). Retrieved Jan 29, 2016, from
3. CSUS. (n.d). Retrieved Jan 29, 2016, from
4. Quizlet. (n.d). Retrieved Jan 29, 2016, from

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  • 1. SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING AND DESIGN FOUNDATION IN NATURAL AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Module: PSY30203 Group Member: Tengku Syakira 0323079 Low Wing Chun 0323315 Ho Hong Lok 0323949 Yong Ai Yi 0321977 Session: Monday 3.30pm Lecturer: Mr. Shankar Thiruchelvam SubmissionDate: 1st Feb 2016
  • 2. Acknowledgement First, we would like to thank our Social Psychology Lecturer, Mr. Shankar who lead us and guide us throughout this semester. Under his guidance, we are able to understanding the concepts and objective in this project. Next, we would like to thank our friends who helped us in the project. Other than that, we would like to thank our member that gave corporation and support in this project. Final, we want to thank Syakira who helped us on video editing and Wing Chun who act as our main character in our video.
  • 3. Table of Content Topic Page Acknowledgment Introduction Method Procedure Discussion Plot Script Concepts Reference
  • 4. Introduction In this group project, we were divided into 4 students in one group. We have Syakira, Wing Chun, Hong lok and Ai Yi in our group. We were assigned to create a short video clip that required 5 concepts in one story. Other than that, we need to produce a report and present our video during class. After several discussion, we decided to create a video with a title of ¡°Johnny¡¯s First Day on Campus¡±. It is about a freshman who was having his very first day in his college life. He thought that it would be very cool and exciting day in his life, but sweet life does not come to you easily. He had faced some problems that related to friendships. The concepts we are using in this video are stereotyping, bystander effect, egoistic models of helping, indirect verbal aggression and counterfactual thinking (downward counterfactual). Last but not least, we hope that this video can let more people understand the concepts that we trying to apply in this video.
  • 5. Method Apparatus used: 1. Props Used: 1. Bag 2. Laptop 3. SmartPhones 4. Drawing Book 5. Can drinks 6. Pen Software used: 1. iMovie
  • 6. Procedure We had a short meeting and discussed our storyline together on campus. After we agreed together with the story that perfectly conveys the 5 concepts that we have chosen, we proceeded to recording the videos. During the process, we encountered some problems with the storyline and the recordings. We improvised and slightly changed the story. We had some help from the other groups to complete our video. We filmed our video within Taylor¡¯s University Lakeside Campus because we find it most convenient for all of us. It took us about 2 hours. After the filming is done, we distributed tasks among ourselves. Syakira would be responsible for the video editing, Ai Yi and Kang Le are responsible for the reports and Low Wing Chun is responsible for the presentation slides.
  • 7. Discussion 29th Jan 2016 ? Before we conduct a meeting, we actually discussed in Whatsapp that we are going to finishthis project in one day. So we meet on 29th Jan, around 10am in Taylor¡¯s Lakeside campus. In this meeting we discuss about the concepts we are going to use in this video. Then 4 of us come out 5 concepts and a storyline that we can apply in it. After that, we started our filming in campus around 1pm. We finished filming at 4pm and we organized works to every members.
  • 8. Plot It was a first day for Johnnie in Taylor¡¯s University. He was taking Foundation in Built and Environment program. He was trying to be a cool guy and expect everyone was nice and friendly to him but in reality he was being ignored by all the student, not even a person wanted to great or talked to him in person. On the same day, Johnnie went to his orientation¡¯s class room. When he reached the classroom, lecturer asked him to take a sit between those groups and choose the group that he liked. So Johnnie decided to choose the group that looks cool rather than the group that was lamed. But when he joined the cooler group they all try to avoid Johnnie and let him felt he was left out. By the break time, Johnnie and the ¡®cool¡¯ group having their lunch together. Unfortunately, Johnnie was stomach-ache and suddenly he farted along the group. The ¡®cool¡¯ group did not helped him and then just go away like nothing was happened. Luckily there was a girl name Syakira with the ¡®lame¡¯ group come along to help Johnnie. They were friendlier and concern about him rather than the other group. Two hours later, after feeling well from stomach-ache, Johnnie went to a table that was located outside the library and start drawing. Suddenly Syakira appeared and asked whether Johnnie always like to draw. Johnnie said thanks to Syakira because Syakira was helping him cure from stomach-ache just now. Then after that Syakira asked him about the ITD project whether Johnnie has a group or not. Then Johnnie replied that he wanted to join the group that come along with boy that name Drake. Syakira was totally shocked that he willjoin Drake group that was not helping him at all when he was stomach-ache. So she decided to bring along Johnnie to her group without letting Johnnie make a consideration. Few weeks later, the result of ITD marks has come out. Johnnie group got an A. Johnnie and his group was satisfied with their marks while Drake and his group were argued with each other, But Drake said that he only knows how to fart if he join their group.
  • 10. Concepts 1. Stereotyping ? A general beliefaboutagroup of people.Differsfromprejudiceinthatitcan have positive or negative connotations.Runsthe riskof becomingprejudicialandleadingtodiscrimination.In the video, Johnnie was seen stereotyping when he judged the 2 groups of people basedon whathe sawwithoutproperinformation. 2. Bystandereffect ? The bystander effect, or bystander apathy,is a social psychological phenomenon that refers to casesinwhichindividualsdonotofferanymeansof helptoavictimwhenother people are present.The probabilityof helpisinverselyrelatedtothe numberof bystanders.Inthe video, Drake¡¯s group did not help Johnnie when he had stomach-ache as they assumed somebody else wouldtake the initiativetoassistJohnnieandlaterlefthimalone. 3. Egoisticmodelsof helping ? Egoism encourages helping because of a concern about the costs to one¡¯s self if help is not provided. Egoism seeksto reduce personal distress.Egoism highlights the potential rewards for helping others. In other words, a selfish help. In the video, Syakira was seen helping Johnnie whenhe wasunwell.Butshe wasdoingitonlyforthe sake to getcloserto himso he wouldjoinhergroupand helpherachieve agoodgrade. 4. Indirectverbal aggression ? The aggression is not clearly derived from aggressor towards the victim, which the victim is unclear about it and was done verbally. For example, spreading rumours,gossiping and etc. In the video, Drake¡¯s group were gossiping about how Syakira was beingrude and unethical for takingJohnnie intohergrouponlytohelpherachieve hertargets. 5. Counterfactual thinking(downwardcounterfactual) ? Imagining different outcomes for an event that has already occurred. Is usually associated with bad or negative events. Can be used to improve or worsen your mood. In the video, Drake¡¯sgrouprealizedthatSyakiraandJohnnie bothgotA andtheydidnot.To improve their ownmood,theystatedthatif Johnnie weretojoin them, he wouldbe fartingall the timeand not doingwork.
  • 11. Reference 1. Oxford Bibliography. (2015). Retrieved Jan 29,2016, from http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199828340/obo- 9780199828340-0017.xml 2. KHANACADEMY. (2014). Retrieved Jan 29, 2016, from https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/mcat/behavior/social- psychology/v/bystander-effect 3. CSUS. (n.d). Retrieved Jan 29, 2016, from http://www.csus.edu/indiv/g/gaskilld/ethics/EMP%20chapter%205.htm 4. Quizlet. (n.d). Retrieved Jan 29, 2016, from https://quizlet.com/32427675/161-examples-of-direct-and-indirect-physical-verbal- relational-aggression-flash-cards/