User Stories vs. Use Cases
User Stories
仗亠亟亠仍亠仆亳亠 User Story
弌从舒 仗仂仍亰仂于舒亠仍从仂亶 亳仂亳亳
亳仆亳仗 仗仂于亠从亳 仆舒 从舒亠于仂 User Story
Use Cases
仗亠亟亠仍亠仆亳亠 Use Cases
弌从舒 Use Cases
亳仆亳仗 仂舒于仍亠仆亳 Use Cases
User Stories vs. Use Cases
User Stories
仗亠亟亠仍亠仆亳亠 User Story
弌从舒 仗仂仍亰仂于舒亠仍从仂亶 亳仂亳亳
亳仆亳仗 仗仂于亠从亳 仆舒 从舒亠于仂 User Story
Use Cases
仗亠亟亠仍亠仆亳亠 Use Cases
弌从舒 Use Cases
亳仆亳仗 仂舒于仍亠仆亳 Use Cases
Filtration technology is widely used but additive manufacturing has not yet been applied to filter production. The document proposes developing additive technologies for printing filters from metals and ceramics with controlled porosity. This would allow for more complex filter designs not possible with traditional methods. The plan involves developing specialized 3D printers then working with industrial partners to produce and test large filters.
The document discusses different types of masks and respirators, their construction, materials, and standards. It describes face masks as having minimum requirements and not for medical use. Medical face masks are tested according to standards and intended to prevent transmission of particles/droplets. Respirators are designed to filter both solid particles and liquid droplets for personal protective equipment. They are subject to standards like EN 149 and have features like tight fitting and volume design for breathing. Modern masks and respirators use multilayer construction with layers serving purposes like outer protection, inner comfort, and electrostatic filtration.
Additive manufacturing is currently at a rapid growth stage. New processes and technologies are being created, the old ones are being optimized.
There are already many companies in the market that produce various 3D printers, develop software and print parts.
Some perceive additive technologies as technologies to create new types of machine-tools, others as independent technologies.
But the commercial success of additive technologies has already caused discussion of different approaches. We're talking about the type of architecture. It's a closed and open architecture of devices for additive technologies.
Does it make sense to use open architecture in this sphere of technology?
Fine Systems Technologies provides technology consulting services such as product and technology development, requirements analysis, design, and project support. They work with clients to develop new devices, technologies, and production processes. Their team of engineers, designers, and technology specialists can complement a client's internal development department or handle full product development. Services are tailored to each project and may include consultation, concept development, prototyping, small production runs, and integration of electronics, optics, and other components.
In XWS sources light is produced by plasma
which emits light due to the continuous
energy input from a laser (optical discharge).
These light sources have been
developed as a replacement of traditional
gas discharge lamps (Deuterium-,
Tungsten-, Xenon- lamps etc.) and LEDs.
Compared to these, XWS sources have a
wider spectral range and higher spectral
brightness. Moreover, the technology of
plasma light sources allows developing
units with specific characteristics which
match special customer applications.
The document describes the structure of DNA and RNA molecules at the nucleotide level. It shows the phosphate backbone and sugar-phosphate groups that make up the structure, with nitrogenous bases bonding between strands in the DNA double helix or within RNA. Various DNA and RNA sequences are displayed.