Este documento habla sobre la responsabilidad. Explica que la responsabilidad proviene del lat鱈n y significa ser sujeto de deuda u obligaci坦n. Un ejemplo es que los conductores son responsables por los da単os causados por sus veh鱈culos. Tambi辿n se単ala que la responsabilidad desde la filosof鱈a kantiana es la virtud de concebir libre y conscientemente los m叩ximos actos posibles. Finalmente, define a la persona responsable como aquella que act炭a conscientemente siendo la causa directa o indirecta de un hecho ocurrido y
The document discusses key changes introduced by the Companies Act 2013 relating to listed companies and corporate governance norms for listed companies proposed by SEBI. Some key points include:
1) The Act introduces stricter compliance requirements for listed companies regarding disclosures, reporting and transparency. It aligns listing agreement with the Act and lays out roadmaps for listed entities.
2) SEBI approved amendments to the listing agreement to strengthen corporate governance norms for listed companies in line with the Act. The amendments will be applicable from October 1, 2014.
3) The Act introduces new audit requirements for listed companies regarding secretarial audit and internal audit. It also changes terms of appointment for statutory auditors.
4) The
1 impact of companies act, 2013 on private companiesLokesh Sharma
The document compares key provisions relating to private companies under the Companies Act of 1956 and the new Companies Act of 2013. It finds that the 2013 Act has significantly reduced exemptions and increased compliance requirements for private companies. Notable changes include restricting the maximum number of members to 200, prohibiting acceptance of unsecured loans from relatives of directors, and mandating appointment of key managerial personnel for companies with paid-up capital over Rs. 5 crores. Overall, private companies now have to comply with many provisions that previously only applied to public companies.
Este documento define la responsabilidad como la virtud de reflexionar sobre las consecuencias morales de los propios actos y cumplir con las obligaciones. Explica que los conductores son responsables de los da単os causados por sus veh鱈culos y que la responsabilidad implica responder por algo o alguien. Tambi辿n resalta la importancia de entregar las tareas escolares a tiempo para mejorar el aprendizaje y las calificaciones.
Stephen Foster and His Modern Day DepictionJessieWyche
Stephen Foster was an American composer in the 1800s known as the "father of American music." He wrote over 200 songs that brought life to the American Antebellum South, including popular songs like "Oh! Susanna" and "Swanee River." Today, his legacy is commemorated at the Stephen Foster Folk Cultural Center and Stephen Foster Museum in White Springs, Florida. The museum contains exhibits like interactive dioramas that depict scenes from Foster's songs and the governor's table where he wrote "Swanee River." The cultural center aims to honor Foster and his contributions through presentations of his music and accurate representations of his life and work.
際際滷sShare es un servicio en l鱈nea para compartir presentaciones de diapositivas de manera similar a c坦mo YouTube comparte videos y Flickr comparte fotograf鱈as. Los usuarios pueden crear una cuenta, cargar presentaciones en formatos compatibles como PowerPoint y PDF, y configurar los par叩metros de privacidad. 際際滷sShare tambi辿n ofrece servicios adicionales como la capacidad de agregar narraci坦n o m炭sica a las presentaciones.
Makalah ini membahas tentang cacing pipih Planaria sp. Planaria termasuk hewan invertebrata yang hidup di air tawar dan memiliki daya regenerasi yang tinggi. Planaria bersifat hermafrodit dan berkembangbiak secara seksual maupun aseksual melalui pembelahan tubuh.
Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease caused by Plasmodium parasites. P. falciparum is the most dangerous species and a major cause of mortality in developing countries. It is transmitted via the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. Symptoms include fever, chills, and flu-like illness. Diagnosis involves examining blood films under a microscope for parasites. Treatment depends on the species and severity, but uncomplicated cases are typically treated with artemisinin-based combination therapies over 3 days. Nursing care, chemoprophylaxis, and controlling the mosquito vector are also important aspects of malaria control and management.
The document provides information about mood disorders including statistics, types of mood disorders, diagnostic criteria, and features of specific disorders. Some key points:
- 15% of those diagnosed with major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder commit suicide, making it a leading cause of death.
- Major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder are characterized by episodes of depression and for bipolar disorder, episodes of mania or hypomania.
- Dysthymic disorder involves chronic depressed mood for most of the day for at least two years.
- Bipolar I disorder includes manic episodes that cause severe symptoms and impairment in functioning. It has a lifetime prevalence of about 1% and often involves other conditions as well
1 impact of companies act, 2013 on private companiesLokesh Sharma
The document compares key provisions relating to private companies under the Companies Act of 1956 and the new Companies Act of 2013. It finds that the 2013 Act has significantly reduced exemptions and increased compliance requirements for private companies. Notable changes include restricting the maximum number of members to 200, prohibiting acceptance of unsecured loans from relatives of directors, and mandating appointment of key managerial personnel for companies with paid-up capital over Rs. 5 crores. Overall, private companies now have to comply with many provisions that previously only applied to public companies.
Este documento define la responsabilidad como la virtud de reflexionar sobre las consecuencias morales de los propios actos y cumplir con las obligaciones. Explica que los conductores son responsables de los da単os causados por sus veh鱈culos y que la responsabilidad implica responder por algo o alguien. Tambi辿n resalta la importancia de entregar las tareas escolares a tiempo para mejorar el aprendizaje y las calificaciones.
Stephen Foster and His Modern Day DepictionJessieWyche
Stephen Foster was an American composer in the 1800s known as the "father of American music." He wrote over 200 songs that brought life to the American Antebellum South, including popular songs like "Oh! Susanna" and "Swanee River." Today, his legacy is commemorated at the Stephen Foster Folk Cultural Center and Stephen Foster Museum in White Springs, Florida. The museum contains exhibits like interactive dioramas that depict scenes from Foster's songs and the governor's table where he wrote "Swanee River." The cultural center aims to honor Foster and his contributions through presentations of his music and accurate representations of his life and work.
際際滷sShare es un servicio en l鱈nea para compartir presentaciones de diapositivas de manera similar a c坦mo YouTube comparte videos y Flickr comparte fotograf鱈as. Los usuarios pueden crear una cuenta, cargar presentaciones en formatos compatibles como PowerPoint y PDF, y configurar los par叩metros de privacidad. 際際滷sShare tambi辿n ofrece servicios adicionales como la capacidad de agregar narraci坦n o m炭sica a las presentaciones.
Makalah ini membahas tentang cacing pipih Planaria sp. Planaria termasuk hewan invertebrata yang hidup di air tawar dan memiliki daya regenerasi yang tinggi. Planaria bersifat hermafrodit dan berkembangbiak secara seksual maupun aseksual melalui pembelahan tubuh.
Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease caused by Plasmodium parasites. P. falciparum is the most dangerous species and a major cause of mortality in developing countries. It is transmitted via the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. Symptoms include fever, chills, and flu-like illness. Diagnosis involves examining blood films under a microscope for parasites. Treatment depends on the species and severity, but uncomplicated cases are typically treated with artemisinin-based combination therapies over 3 days. Nursing care, chemoprophylaxis, and controlling the mosquito vector are also important aspects of malaria control and management.
The document provides information about mood disorders including statistics, types of mood disorders, diagnostic criteria, and features of specific disorders. Some key points:
- 15% of those diagnosed with major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder commit suicide, making it a leading cause of death.
- Major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder are characterized by episodes of depression and for bipolar disorder, episodes of mania or hypomania.
- Dysthymic disorder involves chronic depressed mood for most of the day for at least two years.
- Bipolar I disorder includes manic episodes that cause severe symptoms and impairment in functioning. It has a lifetime prevalence of about 1% and often involves other conditions as well
5. Berikut ini adalah gambar masing-masing cacat mata dan jangkauan penglihatannya.
1. Mata normal (Emetropia) : memiliki titik jauh (PR) pada jarak jauh tak berhingga dan titik dekat
(PP) = 25 cm, mata ini jangkauan penglihatannya paling lebar.
2. Rabun jauh (Miopia) : memiliki titik jauh (PR) terbatas/kurang dari tak berhingga dan titik dekat
(PP) = 25 cm.
3. Rabun dekat (Hipermetropia) : memiliki titik jauh (PR) tak berhingga, tetapi titik dekat (PP) > 25
4. Rabun jauh dan dekat (Presbiopia) : memiliki titik jauh (PR) kurang dari tak berhingga dan titik
dekat (PP) > 25 cm, cacat mata ini merupakan gabungan dari hipermetropi dan miopi, sering
disebut sebagai cacat mata tua.