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Focus Course:
Plan&Risk Classics
Corporate consulting
The niche
This is for you if you are:
 Looking for predictability
 Tired of missed deadlines, exceeded budgets
 Overwhelmed by micro and crisis management
 Looking for better planning and risk management
 Not sure Agile provides expected reliefs
 Looking for better processes/operations efficiency
 Ready for better proficiency
 Ready to change
Plan&Risk Classics
Major goals:
 Produce correct and complete Work Breakdown
Structures (WBS)
 Improve estimation accuracy for efforts, time, budget
 Meet contractual expectations
 Manage risks reasonably
 Remove major risks and problems at initial phases
 Increase project/service profitability
Plan&Risk Classics. Reality
We have in real life:
 Poor estimations, too big or too small
 Hardly explainable estimations on efforts, time and
 Missed timelines and lost money
 Mysterious risk reserves
 Mess with risks, problems, force majeure
 Little really working risk response plans
Plan&Risk Classics. Results
Tools, skills and approaches:
 Correct and complete WBS, which results into
 Correct effort, time, budget estimates
 Tools to compress schedules apart of Overtimes
 Definition of real risks based on project/service goals
 Implementing risk response plans into real life
 Selling risk management to Customers
 Behavioral patterns, problems and force majeure
Plan&Risk Classics. Materials
Good theory A lot of Practice
Works in real life Just do it principle
Plan&Risk Classics. Content
Module 1. Creating WBS, techniques
 Product and Project scope
 Work Breakdown Structure
 WBS creation techniques
 Requirements traceability
 Efforts estimations
Module 2. Transforming WBS into Schedule
 Schedule influencing factors
 WBS to Schedule evolution
 Gantt chart technique
 Network diagram
 Critical path, definition and importance
 Schedule compression techniques
 Performance forecasts, Earned Value Method, Burn up/down charts
Plan&Risk Classics. Content
Module 3. Risk management classics
 Definition of real risks and their sources + Risk Management Plan
 Risks identification and Stakeholders involvement
 Risks analysis, Risk response strategies + Risk Register
 How to include strategies into project plans and contracts
 Risks monitoring and control
 Risk Management quality
Module 4. Advanced Risk Management
 Risk Management techniques for Agile
 Risk mitigation at Project Initiation and initial planning
 How to disguise risk response plans
 Risks, behavioral patterns, problems, force majeure
 Visual Risk Management
Course duration 16 hours
Email: info@it-tuning.com
www: www.it-tuning.com
FB: it.tuning

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Focus Course: Planning & Risk Management Classics

  • 2. The niche This is for you if you are: Looking for predictability Tired of missed deadlines, exceeded budgets Overwhelmed by micro and crisis management Looking for better planning and risk management capabilities Not sure Agile provides expected reliefs Looking for better processes/operations efficiency Ready for better proficiency Ready to change 2 www.it-tuning.com
  • 3. Plan&Risk Classics Major goals: Produce correct and complete Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) Improve estimation accuracy for efforts, time, budget Meet contractual expectations Manage risks reasonably Remove major risks and problems at initial phases Increase project/service profitability 3 www.it-tuning.com
  • 4. Plan&Risk Classics. Reality We have in real life: Poor estimations, too big or too small Hardly explainable estimations on efforts, time and budget Missed timelines and lost money Mysterious risk reserves Mess with risks, problems, force majeure Little really working risk response plans 4 www.it-tuning.com
  • 5. Plan&Risk Classics. Results Tools, skills and approaches: Correct and complete WBS, which results into Correct effort, time, budget estimates Tools to compress schedules apart of Overtimes Definition of real risks based on project/service goals Implementing risk response plans into real life Selling risk management to Customers Behavioral patterns, problems and force majeure applicability 5 www.it-tuning.com
  • 6. Plan&Risk Classics. Materials 6 www.it-tuning.com Good theory A lot of Practice Works in real life Just do it principle
  • 7. Plan&Risk Classics. Content Module 1. Creating WBS, techniques Product and Project scope Work Breakdown Structure WBS creation techniques Requirements traceability Efforts estimations Module 2. Transforming WBS into Schedule Schedule influencing factors WBS to Schedule evolution Gantt chart technique Network diagram Critical path, definition and importance Schedule compression techniques Performance forecasts, Earned Value Method, Burn up/down charts 7 www.it-tuning.com
  • 8. Plan&Risk Classics. Content Module 3. Risk management classics Definition of real risks and their sources + Risk Management Plan Risks identification and Stakeholders involvement Risks analysis, Risk response strategies + Risk Register How to include strategies into project plans and contracts Risks monitoring and control Risk Management quality Module 4. Advanced Risk Management Risk Management techniques for Agile Risk mitigation at Project Initiation and initial planning How to disguise risk response plans Risks, behavioral patterns, problems, force majeure Visual Risk Management Course duration 16 hours 8 www.it-tuning.com