This document summarizes the development of a public toilet search system using open data and chatbots in Tokyo, Japan. The system allows users to search for the nearest public toilet by sending their location or address to a chatbot on the LINE messaging app. The chatbot searches a Voronoi diagram built using open data on public toilet locations from Tokyo and two cities. Search results include the toilet name and a photo link. While evaluated positively, challenges remain in adding search filters, transportation directions, and internationalizing the system and data.
MediaEval 2016 - LAPI @ 2016 Retrieving Diverse Social Images Task: A Pseudo-...multimediaeval
Presenter: Bogdan Boteanu,
LAPI @ 2016 Retrieving Diverse Social Images Task: A Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Diversification Perspective In Working Notes Proceedings of the MediaEval 2016 Workshop, Hilversum, Netherlands, October 20-21, (2016) by Bogdan Boteanu, Mihai G. Constantin, Bogdan Ionescu
Abstract: In this paper we present the results achieved during the 2016 MediaEval Retrieving Diverse Social Images Task, using an approach based on pseudo-relevance feedback, in which human feedback is replaced by an automatic selection of images. The proposed approach is designed to have in priority the diversification of the results, in contrast to most of the existing techniques that address only the relevance. Diversification is achieved by exploiting a hierarchical clustering scheme followed by a diversification strategy. Methods are tested on the benchmarking data and results are analyzed. Insights for future work conclude the paper.
Putting up our learning as volunteer for nearly 6 months , for a political party , for a Assembly Constituency in recently held Karnataka State election ,,, into a product.
There are many AI projects underway in Japanese public administrations to improve services for citizens and increase efficiency. Some examples include AI chatbots to answer common citizen inquiries, AI to optimize nursery school assignments, and AI to recommend customized care plans. While many projects are still in proof-of-concept stages, some cities have full services using AI for applications like infrastructure inspection and crime prediction. Challenges remain around data quality and standardization, as well as developing human resources, but AI is seen as essential for public administrations to address issues like an aging population.
The document describes an election portal web application created by Nepal College of Information Technology students Ashish Tiwari, Nischal Lal Shrestha, and Sagar Devkota. The portal aims to digitize election activities in Nepal by storing candidate, constituency, and election result data and allowing users to access the information. It also enables authorized volunteers to update election results in real-time. The document outlines the system's design including use case diagrams, classes, development timeline, and technologies used.
Linked Statistical Data: does it actually pay off?Oscar Corcho
Invited keynote at the ISWC2015 Workshop on Semantics and Statistics (SemStats 2015).
The release of the W3C RDF Data Cube recommendation was a significant milestone towards improving the maturity of the area of Linked Statistical Data. Many Data Cube-based datasets have been released since then. Tools for the generation and exploitation of such datasets have also appeared. While the benefits for the usage of RDF Data Cube and the generation of Linked Data in this area seem to be clear, there are still many challenges associated to the generation and exploitation of such data. In this talk we will reflect about them, based on our experience on generating and exploiting such type of data, and hopefully provoke some discussion about what the next steps should be.
Sii-Mobility Km4City Smart City API and AppPaolo Nesi
Service search near GPS position
Service search within a GPS area
Service search within a WKT described area
Service search within a stored WKT described area
Service search by municipality
Service search by query id
Full text search
Event search
Address and geometry search by GPS
Service info
Generic Service
Parking service
Traffic sensor
Weather Forecast
Bus station
Fuel Station
First aid
Smart waste container
Smart bench
Smart irrigator
Energy meter
Recharge station
Smart street light
Air quality monitoring station
(Bus) Agency list
(Bus) Lines list
(Bus) Routes list
(Bus) Stop list
Search (Bus) Routes in a geographic area
Estimated Bus position
Rating and comment API
Service Photo API
Last contributions API
Recommender API
Shortest path finder API
Image caching API
The document discusses China's shared bicycle programs and provides an analysis of data related to the Mobike bike sharing program. It describes how shared bikes work, notes that Hangzhou was the first program and now many cities have competing services. It then details the data sources used, including news articles, social media and Mobike GPS data. Charts are presented showing positive sentiment toward shared bikes and popular docking locations are identified to help users. Further analysis of usage patterns and comparisons between brands are recommended.
Publishing Data to the Socrata Open Data Platform with FMESafe Software
This document discusses how the City and County of San Francisco uses FME software to easily publish geospatial data to their Socrata open data platform. It introduces Jeff Johnson and his role managing the city's GIS program and open data. It provides background on the history of publishing city data and describes how the FME Socrata writer streamlines the process of extracting, transforming, and loading spatial data from various sources directly into the open data site without any programming. The presentation demonstrates publishing 311 service request data from the city's system to the open data site using FME.
Asia SEM (Search Engine Marketing) - An Overview By Sozon aradovic
Asia SEM (Search Engine Marketing) - An Overview, contains includes a collection of research and findings on the search engine landscape within Asia, focusing mainly on Japan, Korea and China. Useful for any marketer, agency or researcher, looking to better understand the SEM landscape in Asia.
Tweets by Congressional District for Predicting PartisanshipDavis Grubin
The document discusses using Twitter data to predict the partisanship of congressional districts by filtering tweets to those originating from within each district's boundaries. Over 2 million tweets were gathered and analyzed using machine learning classifiers like SVM and Naive Bayes. The classifiers achieved accuracies between 66-75% at predicting whether a district leans Republican or Democratic based on the language in tweets from that district. Next steps discussed include using more advanced features and neural networks to potentially improve accuracy and enable "nowcasting" partisan leanings using tweets along with polls.
Presentation for the Architecture of Smart Cities course of Polimi, Piacenza (IMM designlab, prof. Massimo Tadi).
Notice: The majority of the material and findings presented in this presentation has been created within the European Commission study ‘APIs4DGov’. Thanks to the whole ’APIs4DGov extended team’ (Vaccari Lorenzino, Posada Monica, Boyd Mark, Gattwinkel Dietmar, Mavridis Dimitris, Smith Robin Sinclair, Santoro Mattia, Nativi Stefano, Medjaoui Mehdi, Reusa Isabelle, Switzer Shelby, Friis-Christensen Anders) and to many colleagues and external experts that contributed in various ways to the study.
The document describes the development of a chatbot for the Indian railway system using Dialog Flow. It aims to provide railway information such as schedules, fares and seat availability to users through messaging applications without needing to download additional applications. The proposed chatbot architecture involves using interfaces like Facebook Messenger to send messages to the Dialog Flow natural language processing engine. The engine will understand user queries and intents and return relevant responses based on its trained railway data. The chatbot is intended to save users time by providing quick railway assistance without having to visit websites or other apps.
This document discusses INEGI's use of Twitter as a source of big data. It outlines INEGI's process for collecting over 260 million geo-tagged tweets from Twitter's API and analyzing them using Apache Spark. The tweets are analyzed to extract sentiment indicators and examine mobility patterns. INEGI has also integrated tweets with other data sources and is exploring various applications of the Twitter data like tracking tourism, migration, and subjective wellbeing.
The document outlines plans for a Tokyo Metro app project team to develop a web app using train and station data from Tokyo Metro for a contest. It discusses opportunities for team members to gain startup experience through participating. The app aims to make Tokyo Metro users' lives more convenient. Two preliminary app concepts are described - a metro app targeted at foreigners to make travel easier, and a metro social networking app to share travel experiences. Features of each concept are listed, including profile-based interactions and anonymous local sharing for the SNS app.
Presentation given by Jaime Ventura, Porto Digital, at Open & Agile Smart Cities' annual Connected Smart Cities & Communities Conference 2020 on 23 January in Brussels, Belgium.
Location Based Service in Social Media: An Overview of Application Yuyun Wabula
This paper presents a literature review on the use of geolocation data on social media. Geolocation is one of the feature on the social media which utilize the GPS devices embedded in the smartphones, tablets, or computers gadget that can show a user’s location map. This is related to a virtual user activity in the parts of the world, when and where they are. The main objective of this research is to investigate the extent to which spread of articles related to the application of location-based data on social media, such as problem issues, techniques applied, problem solved especially in urban environment context, published from 2010 to 2016. We analyzed 35 references which accordance with this field. The attribute prepared based on the application area, years, and author's parts to simplify the organizing of geolocation data applications. Then, the data format summarized in the tabular form for helping a readers. Authors find that three important issues that we have identified related to this field; distances, locations, and movements. Our research can contribute for the researchers for them future work regarding to the developments and limitations of each articles.
Introduction of History and Community of GTFS-JPMasaki Ito
1) GTFS (General Transit Feed Specification) is an open data format for public transportation schedules and maps that has become a global standard.
2) In 2014, Japan lacked open transit data in the GTFS format despite many transit apps, but worked to establish a system for commercial sharing of train schedules.
3) In 2015, researchers published the first GTFS open data for minibuses in Japan, starting efforts to promote more open transit data nationwide.
The document proposes creating a mobile application to market interactive events in downtown Grand Rapids. It outlines goals to research existing event apps, analyze how people learn about local events, and design a template for a Grand Rapids app. Research included reviewing 16 similar apps, surveying how people find out about events, and determining app costs. The recommendation is not to create a mobile app currently due to low app usage for events and high costs, but instead utilize the Arena District website, keep it updated and advertise it on social media. is a real-time mobile analytics tool that has been in development for around a year and a half. It allows users to track metrics like active users, sessions, device information, and app version to understand how an application is being used. The free tier supports up to 10,000 sessions per month, while higher pricing tiers that support more data start at $69 per month for 500,000 sessions. The document evaluates positively, noting its clear visualizations and valuable analytics data, though expresses concern that usage could exceed free limits. It recommends as a good starting point for analytics.
Urban Data Talks #4 Presentation - Presentation by Jaime Ventura (Porto Digital) providing insights into the creation of Porto's open data platform, its internal workings and use cases realised on top of it.
1) The document proposes a novel approach called DigiCities to identify the location referenced in tweets based on information in the tweet content rather than just metadata.
2) DigiCities links the digital world represented in tweets to the physical world by mapping real world cities to digital profiles composed of related people, organizations, and places mentioned through handles and hashtags.
3) An experiment applying DigiCities to tweets in 8 Alberta cities found it significantly improved classification of tweets by location compared to using just metadata, with improvements up to 22% for k-nearest neighbor algorithms.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Transportation SystemIRJET Journal
This document describes the development of an artificial intelligence chatbot to provide transportation information to users. The chatbot asks users for their current location and destination and uses natural language processing and deep learning to understand the user's query and provide bus numbers, routes, and arrival times to help users reach their destination. It was created using Python with Keras and Tkinter libraries and can understand both text and voice queries, responding with text or voice as well. The goal is to help travelers easily and safely navigate public transportation without feeling lost.
This webinar covered tools from the UK Data Service Census Support for working with UK census data, boundaries, and postcodes. It demonstrated how to use the Boundary Data Selector to download census boundaries, the Thematic Mapper to create choropleth maps from census data, and the Postcode Data Selector to extract postcode data and add lookups to other geographies. The webinar provided an overview of the UK census and types of data available, and explained how these online tools can be used to access and visualize UK census and geographic data.
Open Data Seminar
Department of Public Expenditure and Reform
D/Public Expenditure and reform, Government Buildings,
Merrion Street, Dublin 2
Conference Room 0.2, South Block
2.00pm, Wednesday 11 February 2015
Tracey P. Lauriault and Rob Kitchin
Programmable City Project, NIRSA, Maynooth University
Mobile Device Application to locate an Interest Point using Google MapsEditor IJCATR
Location-based service is a service mechanism that generates geographical location information. This service will certainly
give much benefit as there are many people who would like to find public facilities quickly and easily. The needs to know the
existence of public facilities quickly and easily is of great demands in the society. Based on the above problems, it is necessary to
develop an application that can get any access to the geographical location in mobile phones. Information from this application is
expected to help searching for such public facilities. This Searching for interest point information was read using the Location API in
Xcode IOS 4.2. The resulting information was displayed on the application of the iPhone. From the test results, the information of the
position was influenced by the availability of the information service provider, carrier signal strength, and mobile phone capabilities.
Publishing Data to the Socrata Open Data Platform with FMESafe Software
This document discusses how the City and County of San Francisco uses FME software to easily publish geospatial data to their Socrata open data platform. It introduces Jeff Johnson and his role managing the city's GIS program and open data. It provides background on the history of publishing city data and describes how the FME Socrata writer streamlines the process of extracting, transforming, and loading spatial data from various sources directly into the open data site without any programming. The presentation demonstrates publishing 311 service request data from the city's system to the open data site using FME.
Asia SEM (Search Engine Marketing) - An Overview By Sozon aradovic
Asia SEM (Search Engine Marketing) - An Overview, contains includes a collection of research and findings on the search engine landscape within Asia, focusing mainly on Japan, Korea and China. Useful for any marketer, agency or researcher, looking to better understand the SEM landscape in Asia.
Tweets by Congressional District for Predicting PartisanshipDavis Grubin
The document discusses using Twitter data to predict the partisanship of congressional districts by filtering tweets to those originating from within each district's boundaries. Over 2 million tweets were gathered and analyzed using machine learning classifiers like SVM and Naive Bayes. The classifiers achieved accuracies between 66-75% at predicting whether a district leans Republican or Democratic based on the language in tweets from that district. Next steps discussed include using more advanced features and neural networks to potentially improve accuracy and enable "nowcasting" partisan leanings using tweets along with polls.
Presentation for the Architecture of Smart Cities course of Polimi, Piacenza (IMM designlab, prof. Massimo Tadi).
Notice: The majority of the material and findings presented in this presentation has been created within the European Commission study ‘APIs4DGov’. Thanks to the whole ’APIs4DGov extended team’ (Vaccari Lorenzino, Posada Monica, Boyd Mark, Gattwinkel Dietmar, Mavridis Dimitris, Smith Robin Sinclair, Santoro Mattia, Nativi Stefano, Medjaoui Mehdi, Reusa Isabelle, Switzer Shelby, Friis-Christensen Anders) and to many colleagues and external experts that contributed in various ways to the study.
The document describes the development of a chatbot for the Indian railway system using Dialog Flow. It aims to provide railway information such as schedules, fares and seat availability to users through messaging applications without needing to download additional applications. The proposed chatbot architecture involves using interfaces like Facebook Messenger to send messages to the Dialog Flow natural language processing engine. The engine will understand user queries and intents and return relevant responses based on its trained railway data. The chatbot is intended to save users time by providing quick railway assistance without having to visit websites or other apps.
This document discusses INEGI's use of Twitter as a source of big data. It outlines INEGI's process for collecting over 260 million geo-tagged tweets from Twitter's API and analyzing them using Apache Spark. The tweets are analyzed to extract sentiment indicators and examine mobility patterns. INEGI has also integrated tweets with other data sources and is exploring various applications of the Twitter data like tracking tourism, migration, and subjective wellbeing.
The document outlines plans for a Tokyo Metro app project team to develop a web app using train and station data from Tokyo Metro for a contest. It discusses opportunities for team members to gain startup experience through participating. The app aims to make Tokyo Metro users' lives more convenient. Two preliminary app concepts are described - a metro app targeted at foreigners to make travel easier, and a metro social networking app to share travel experiences. Features of each concept are listed, including profile-based interactions and anonymous local sharing for the SNS app.
Presentation given by Jaime Ventura, Porto Digital, at Open & Agile Smart Cities' annual Connected Smart Cities & Communities Conference 2020 on 23 January in Brussels, Belgium.
Location Based Service in Social Media: An Overview of Application Yuyun Wabula
This paper presents a literature review on the use of geolocation data on social media. Geolocation is one of the feature on the social media which utilize the GPS devices embedded in the smartphones, tablets, or computers gadget that can show a user’s location map. This is related to a virtual user activity in the parts of the world, when and where they are. The main objective of this research is to investigate the extent to which spread of articles related to the application of location-based data on social media, such as problem issues, techniques applied, problem solved especially in urban environment context, published from 2010 to 2016. We analyzed 35 references which accordance with this field. The attribute prepared based on the application area, years, and author's parts to simplify the organizing of geolocation data applications. Then, the data format summarized in the tabular form for helping a readers. Authors find that three important issues that we have identified related to this field; distances, locations, and movements. Our research can contribute for the researchers for them future work regarding to the developments and limitations of each articles.
Introduction of History and Community of GTFS-JPMasaki Ito
1) GTFS (General Transit Feed Specification) is an open data format for public transportation schedules and maps that has become a global standard.
2) In 2014, Japan lacked open transit data in the GTFS format despite many transit apps, but worked to establish a system for commercial sharing of train schedules.
3) In 2015, researchers published the first GTFS open data for minibuses in Japan, starting efforts to promote more open transit data nationwide.
The document proposes creating a mobile application to market interactive events in downtown Grand Rapids. It outlines goals to research existing event apps, analyze how people learn about local events, and design a template for a Grand Rapids app. Research included reviewing 16 similar apps, surveying how people find out about events, and determining app costs. The recommendation is not to create a mobile app currently due to low app usage for events and high costs, but instead utilize the Arena District website, keep it updated and advertise it on social media. is a real-time mobile analytics tool that has been in development for around a year and a half. It allows users to track metrics like active users, sessions, device information, and app version to understand how an application is being used. The free tier supports up to 10,000 sessions per month, while higher pricing tiers that support more data start at $69 per month for 500,000 sessions. The document evaluates positively, noting its clear visualizations and valuable analytics data, though expresses concern that usage could exceed free limits. It recommends as a good starting point for analytics.
Urban Data Talks #4 Presentation - Presentation by Jaime Ventura (Porto Digital) providing insights into the creation of Porto's open data platform, its internal workings and use cases realised on top of it.
1) The document proposes a novel approach called DigiCities to identify the location referenced in tweets based on information in the tweet content rather than just metadata.
2) DigiCities links the digital world represented in tweets to the physical world by mapping real world cities to digital profiles composed of related people, organizations, and places mentioned through handles and hashtags.
3) An experiment applying DigiCities to tweets in 8 Alberta cities found it significantly improved classification of tweets by location compared to using just metadata, with improvements up to 22% for k-nearest neighbor algorithms.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Transportation SystemIRJET Journal
This document describes the development of an artificial intelligence chatbot to provide transportation information to users. The chatbot asks users for their current location and destination and uses natural language processing and deep learning to understand the user's query and provide bus numbers, routes, and arrival times to help users reach their destination. It was created using Python with Keras and Tkinter libraries and can understand both text and voice queries, responding with text or voice as well. The goal is to help travelers easily and safely navigate public transportation without feeling lost.
This webinar covered tools from the UK Data Service Census Support for working with UK census data, boundaries, and postcodes. It demonstrated how to use the Boundary Data Selector to download census boundaries, the Thematic Mapper to create choropleth maps from census data, and the Postcode Data Selector to extract postcode data and add lookups to other geographies. The webinar provided an overview of the UK census and types of data available, and explained how these online tools can be used to access and visualize UK census and geographic data.
Open Data Seminar
Department of Public Expenditure and Reform
D/Public Expenditure and reform, Government Buildings,
Merrion Street, Dublin 2
Conference Room 0.2, South Block
2.00pm, Wednesday 11 February 2015
Tracey P. Lauriault and Rob Kitchin
Programmable City Project, NIRSA, Maynooth University
Mobile Device Application to locate an Interest Point using Google MapsEditor IJCATR
Location-based service is a service mechanism that generates geographical location information. This service will certainly
give much benefit as there are many people who would like to find public facilities quickly and easily. The needs to know the
existence of public facilities quickly and easily is of great demands in the society. Based on the above problems, it is necessary to
develop an application that can get any access to the geographical location in mobile phones. Information from this application is
expected to help searching for such public facilities. This Searching for interest point information was read using the Location API in
Xcode IOS 4.2. The resulting information was displayed on the application of the iPhone. From the test results, the information of the
position was influenced by the availability of the information service provider, carrier signal strength, and mobile phone capabilities.
- The document describes Yoichi Kayama's work extending spatial data functionality to the CKAN open data platform to support the Japanese government's open data and spatial information initiatives.
- Key extensions to CKAN implemented include improving the spatial resource preview function, adding spatial data processing tools using GDAL/OGR, overlay mapping of multiple spatial resources, and enabling purchase of spatial data products from private companies through the system.
- Future plans include public launch of the system in November along with incorporating paid data from private sector vendors.
近年QGISの利用者,開発者が増加するにつれ多くの機能やアイデアがQGISに集積してきています.Wired誌の昨年のOpen Source Rookie Of the Year awardにはQGISの災害対策用プラグインInaSAFEが選出されました.10月21日には無料版のGoogle Maps Engineの発表とともにQGISとの(ESRIもですが)統合がGoogleからアナウンスされGoogle Maps Engine Connector for QGIS Version 1.0がリリースされました.Webやクラウドでは処理できない多種多様な空間データ操作はQGISにまかせてクラウドと統合していこういう動きです.レガシーテクノロジーであるデスクトップGISがなぜかここにきて脚光をあびています.オープンデータの動きが加速化する中で空間データを扱うための高機能プラットフォームとしてQGISが注目を集めているのでしょう.FOSS4G2013開催中の9月20日にリリースされたQGIS2.0は高い性能と豊富な機能、拡張性をそなえFOSS4Gの新たな利用シーンを牽引していくソフトウェアとなっています.本発表ではQGIS2.0のリリースまでの過程とそれを取り巻く新たな利用環境について述べたいです.
1) The document introduces a web site created by Yoichi Kayama to provide public information about a disaster using open source tools and open data.
2) The site included satellite images, oblique photos of damage areas, and results from image analysis displayed on an OSM map. It also included a search function to find related disaster information by address.
3) Using open data, open source software, and cloud computing allowed the site to be created quickly to benefit the public in the aftermath of a major earthquake in Japan.
Introduction of flood evacuation route search system using QGIS,PostGIS,GRASS...Yoichi Kayama
The document describes a flood evacuation route search system that uses QGIS, PostGIS, GRASS and pgRouting. Raster flood area data from LIDAR is converted to vector polygons in GRASS and loaded into PostGIS. PgRouting is then used to search for evacuation routes while avoiding flooded roads using the spatial queries in PostGIS. The results are displayed on maps in QGIS to help identify safe evacuation routes over time as flooding progresses. Open source GIS tools were crucial for building this system to analyze spatial data and flooding scenarios.
1. Development of a public toilet search
system using open data and chatbots
Yoichi Kayama
OSGeo Foundation Japan Chapter
Aero Asahi Corporation
2. Self introduction
? OSGeo.JP member
? Charter member
? A member of GIS Association of Japan
(Also a member of FOSS4G SIG)
? A Coordinator of QGIS Japanese translation team
? GIS Programer and Researcher
at Aeroasahi Corporation
Twitter ID @pokopen
? A member of ITDART
? A member of Code for Japan
5. At 2017,Several themes were presented by
the organizers at the contest.
There was a theme to make it easier to find public toilets
6. I thought that a toilet search system could be
created using the FOSS4G tool if toilet location
data was published
7. There were multiple toilet location data in the public
data archive in Tokyo Metropolitan government
8. I found 4 toilet data in the Tokyo archive
Toilet data for parks and public facilities
owned by Tokyo metropolitan government.
Data on public toilets owned by Shinagawa City
and Taito City(Special wards in Tokyo)
9. Each data had coordinates. But those data
had different attribute data formats
10. Items of public toilet information which
in the public facilities and parks owned
by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Name of facility
Toilet name
Coordinate system
Existence of taxiway
Position navigation using voice
Door type
Wheelchair access
turn in a wheelchair
Equipment for ostomate
Large bed
Facilities for
changing infants' diapers
Baby chair
Picture URL
12. Items of public toilet information which
in the public facilities and parks owned
by the Shinagawa City
Name of facility
Name of facility
(In English)
Number of men's toilets
Number of wemen's toilets
Number of unisex toilets
Number of barrier-free toilets
Baby bed
Equipment for ostomate
Open time
Close Time
latitude longitude Picture URL
Description (English)
13. Items of public toilet information which
in the public facilities and parks owned
by the Taito City
Major classification
Small classification
phone number
Toilet information
14. I created index data for searching toilets and
attribute data attached to it separately
Public toilet index
With location data
Toilets attribute data
of Tokyo
Metropolitan Gov
Toilets attribute data
of Shinagawa city
Toilets attribute data
of Taito city
15. I created a Voronoi diagram using the toilet
location as an index to search for public toilets
16. We can find the nearest toilet by searching
the Voronoi diagram.
I installed the Voronoi diagram on GeoServer
If you use GetFeatureInfo on the Voronoi diagram using the location,
you can get the index information of the toilet near that location
"name":"野川公園 地上 6号トイレ"}}],
GetfeatureInfo (query with location)
Query result( index of toilet data record)
17. The toilet index information contains the
name of the seat to be referenced and the
index of the data in it
Different sheets have different attribute data
Use this information to get information about
public toilets that users can see
You can use this method to return search
results even if the data structure is different
"name":"野川公園 地上 6号トイレ"}}],
18. Public toilet search mechanism I created
Location info
from GNSS
Search to
using location
Get a Public
Public toilet
Google Spread Sheet
(Tokyo Metropolitan
Public toilet
Google Spread Sheet
(Shinagawa city)
Public toilet
Google Spread Sheet
(Taito City)
19. I had to create a user interface for this mechanism
Location info
from GNSS
Search to
using location
Get a Public
Public toilet
Google Spread Sheet
(Tokyo Metropolitan
Public toilet
Google Spread Sheet
(Shinagawa city)
Public toilet
Google Spread Sheet
(Taito City)
20. What is required of the user interface of this
The ability to use this
function on a smartphone
Usage is not complicated
21. I thought
it would be nice to create a toilet
search system using the message
application for smartphones
that many people use
22. There is a chat system called LINE
with many users in Japan
24. We can post text, location information, etc,
in LINE chat.
location Text picture etc
25. In LINE, we can create a program called
chatbot and let the program respond to users
Chatbot Program
Send information
Send information
26. I thought that if I sent location information to a
chatbot on LINE, I could search for nearby toilets
using that location and display the results.
Search to
using location
Get a Public
Public toilet
Google Spread Sheet
(Tokyo Metropolitan
Public toilet
Google Spread Sheet
(Shinagawa city)
Public toilet
Google Spread Sheet
(Taito City)
Display result
28. The first location information input method is to
send the current location information acquired
using the smartphone's GNSS to the chatbot.
29. The second location input method is to send
the address text to the chatbot
Enter the address string
Entered address
Searched toilet information
30. System configuration
Search to
using location
Get a Public
Public toilet
Google Spread Sheet
(Tokyo Metropolitan
Public toilet
Google Spread Sheet
(Shinagawa city)
Public toilet
Google Spread Sheet
(Taito City)
Input location
Input location Address String
34. What was the result of the contest?
I'm not in
the photo of
the award
35. What was the result of the contest?
my system was
highly evaluated
by the judges
for the location
information search
system using the chat system.
36. Problems and challenges
? Conditional search is not implemented
? The use of transportation means should be included in the search for
nearby toilets
? Not internationalized(Most of the data is only in Japanese)
? There are few toilets in the data of Tokyo and the data of two cities
(This year, data including toilet data of railway operators was
37. New Application using LINE
? System development using LINE is increasing in
? I have created an information reporting system
when a disaster occurs using the LINE
? Building a system using LINE can reduce the coding
effort for the user interface and communication
38. Conclusion
? If we have data with location information and FOSS4G tool, it is easy
to create a search tool
? We can easily create a data management mechanism using cloud
services such as Google Spread Sheet.
? We can easily create a user interface with Line chatbots. In particular,
we can easily create a user interface for a system using a smartphone
with a LINE chatbot.
? It is difficult for us to internationalize the system unless usage data is