MAC-2012-006 用三個人的力量去關愛地球人 (Love Others by the Power of Three Persons)Design for Change Macau
Love Others by the Power of Three Persons
We often saw some children being isolated and turned down in the school. They didn’t have care from their parents, or any concern from the teachers. We often saw some aged people kept alone in the street. They hadn’t got love from their children because they had to go to work and some hadn’t even accompanied with any relative. We felt heart-broken to all these. Therefore we paid a visit to the elderly, homes for the elderly, and kindergartens. We didn’t only let them feel that there’s still love in the world, but also taught them to bless other people with love by creating paper-planes and blessing cards. Also, we brought them joy and happiness by sending them presents.
The document contains several Bible verses about finding truth, guidance, hope, and happiness through obeying God's word and commands. It discusses delighting in God's laws, hiding his word in one's heart to avoid sin, meditating on his decrees despite pressure from others, and finding refuge and comfort in his promises. It requests wisdom and understanding of God's instructions, to be guided along his path and turned from worthless things through his word.
Mit CSS3 Media Queries ist es m?glich, die Einbindung von CSS nicht nur von einem bestimmten Medium abh?ngig zu machen, sondern auch davon, ob das Medium oder Ausgabeger?t bestimmte Merkmale aufweist oder nicht. Webautoren k?nnen so beispielsweise auf die Breite des Browserfensters reagieren und ein Spaltenlayout aufl?sen, wenn die Breite für die mehrspaltige Darstellung nicht mehr ausreicht. Oder sie k?nnen spezielle Stylesheets für die Darstellung auf dem iPhone oder iPad bereitstellen, abh?ngig davon, wie das Ger?t in der Hand gehalten wird. Dieser Vortrag führt ein in die Funktionsweise von CSS Media Queries und zeigt aktuelle Anwendungsbeispiele, die in (fast) allen aktuellen Browsern funktionieren.
MAC-2012-006 用三個人的力量去關愛地球人 (Love Others by the Power of Three Persons)Design for Change Macau
Love Others by the Power of Three Persons
We often saw some children being isolated and turned down in the school. They didn’t have care from their parents, or any concern from the teachers. We often saw some aged people kept alone in the street. They hadn’t got love from their children because they had to go to work and some hadn’t even accompanied with any relative. We felt heart-broken to all these. Therefore we paid a visit to the elderly, homes for the elderly, and kindergartens. We didn’t only let them feel that there’s still love in the world, but also taught them to bless other people with love by creating paper-planes and blessing cards. Also, we brought them joy and happiness by sending them presents.
The document contains several Bible verses about finding truth, guidance, hope, and happiness through obeying God's word and commands. It discusses delighting in God's laws, hiding his word in one's heart to avoid sin, meditating on his decrees despite pressure from others, and finding refuge and comfort in his promises. It requests wisdom and understanding of God's instructions, to be guided along his path and turned from worthless things through his word.
Mit CSS3 Media Queries ist es m?glich, die Einbindung von CSS nicht nur von einem bestimmten Medium abh?ngig zu machen, sondern auch davon, ob das Medium oder Ausgabeger?t bestimmte Merkmale aufweist oder nicht. Webautoren k?nnen so beispielsweise auf die Breite des Browserfensters reagieren und ein Spaltenlayout aufl?sen, wenn die Breite für die mehrspaltige Darstellung nicht mehr ausreicht. Oder sie k?nnen spezielle Stylesheets für die Darstellung auf dem iPhone oder iPad bereitstellen, abh?ngig davon, wie das Ger?t in der Hand gehalten wird. Dieser Vortrag führt ein in die Funktionsweise von CSS Media Queries und zeigt aktuelle Anwendungsbeispiele, die in (fast) allen aktuellen Browsern funktionieren.
Global Gaming Factory X AB ha acquisito Pirate BaySilvio De Rossi
The software company Global Gaming Factory X AB acquires The Pirate Bay website and the technology company Peerialism to develop new business models for compensation of content providers and copyright owners. GGF will pay SEK 60 million to acquire The Pirate Bay and SEK 100 million to acquire Peerialism, with part of the consideration in cash and part in newly issued GGF shares. Peerialism has developed new peer-to-peer distribution technology that can now be introduced on The Pirate Bay to create new value for stakeholders and business opportunities while allowing faster downloads and better quality for file sharers.
Most colonial farms were self-sufficient, growing the food needed to survive without outside help. The average colonial farm was 60 acres, divided between a house lot, wood lot, meadow, pasture, tillage fields, and orchard. Families relied on these different areas of land to provide housing, firewood, grazing land, food crops, and fruit to sustain their households of 4-8 children, parents, and other relatives throughout the year.
The document outlines the process for how a bill becomes a law in Congress. It goes through several steps including being introduced in the House or Senate, referred to a committee, debated, possibly amended, voted on, and if passed sent to the other chamber to repeat the process before being sent to the President to be signed into law. If vetoed by the President, Congress can still pass it into law with a two-thirds majority vote in both houses.
CNMI pubblica i risultati dello studio effettuato nel primo semestre del 2016 sull'andamento dell'?industria della moda (tessile, abbigliamento, pelle, pelletteria, calzature, occhialeria, gioielleria e cosmetica).
The document discusses the need to slow down and eliminate hurry from life. It notes that business information is doubling every few years, requiring people to do more in less time. Several quotes encourage rest and finding balance, including Jesus saying his yoke is easy and burden light. The story of Mary and Martha is discussed, with Jesus saying Mary discovered the one thing worth being concerned about.
This document discusses strategies for conducting a literature search and finding statistics and data for an econometrics course project. It outlines using keywords, journals, dates, and databases to search literature and recommends leveraging data from reviewed literature. Sources of statistical data include U.S. and foreign government agencies, international organizations, private associations, and free or subscription-based aggregators. Examples of specific data needed for consumer spending models are provided.
Presentatie van Tom Verhoeve (@tomv) over sociale digitale vaardigheden. Dit product van Proven Partners is gelanceerd op de dag van de Ambtenaar 2.0 d.d. 16-02-2011.
This document provides an overview of important artists and works from the Early Renaissance, High Renaissance, Northern Renaissance, and Baroque periods. It lists the names of multiple influential 15th-16th century Italian artists such as Brunelleschi, Ghiberti, Donatello, Masaccio, Botticelli, and da Vinci. It also highlights works by Michelangelo, Raphael, Bosch, Bruegel, Durer, Bernini and Caravaggio from the 14th to 17th centuries. The document serves as a survey of major developments and influential figures across Renaissance and Baroque art history.
The document describes a trading simulation game where players represent countries trying to establish trade routes to the wealthy country of Chilling. However, the route is blocked by the powerful Matsuzakan empire, which charges high fees to transport goods. Players must decide whether to pay the fees, find alternative routes, or give up on trading with Chilling. The choices have consequences, like war, economic struggles, or discovering new lands. Players roll dice to determine if their trade expeditions are successful or encounter obstacles like pirates or shipwrecks. The goal is to eventually find a direct route to Chilling and bypass the Matsuzakan fees to prosper economically.
The document discusses the organization and structure of the periodic table. It explains that the periodic table is arranged by increasing atomic number and that new rows are added as elements exhibit repeating properties in each column. It then discusses various models that were developed to explain the organization and placement of electrons in atoms, including the Bohr model, quantum mechanical model, electron orbitals, and electron configurations.
The document discusses the metric system and scientific notation. It provides details on:
- The metric system is based on units of meters, liters, and grams with prefixes like kilo and centi to denote multiples or fractions of the base units.
- Scientific notation expresses very large or small numbers as a number between 1 and 10 with an exponent of 10. This makes concise expressions like 2.898 x 108 for 289,800,000.
- Conversions within the metric system move the decimal point left or right based on moving to a larger or smaller unit, following powers of 10.
The document discusses concepts related to building a social graph and fan base online, including the idea of having 1000 true fans, the difference between .com and Facebook, true and virtual experiences, and the gift economy model. It provides examples and discusses how these concepts have evolved since the 1990s and their implications for using social networks like Facebook to engage followers.
The document discusses an individual named Krist sending emails from their personal email address to a work email address, and copying their personal email on emails between their work and personal accounts, potentially mixing personal and work communications. It suggests signing out of the personal email account when using work accounts to avoid confusion between the two.
The document appears to be notes from a presentation comparing the Keynote, iPod Touch, and iPhone. It lists the products and contains repeated questions of "why" and "then" suggesting points being made about the products, followed by how's and but's that may outline challenges or limitations. The document ends with a note about a pointer or remote.
This document appears to be notes for a presentation using Keynote. It includes topics like themes, fonts, making presentations better, showing videos from YouTube, and using tools like Skitch. It also discusses keeping presentations concise with less text and includes examples from Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Psychological theories are briefly mentioned at the end related to behaviorism, structuralism, functionalism, and cognitive-behavioral theories.
18. 分享重點 跑新聞的趣事 ? 從記者到主播 學會判斷問題、學會問問題、問題好好講、著重應對進退 自信心:準備充分、樂觀進取、盡情發揮 努力:應該做的 如何訓練好口條:聽看學、多讀書、多涉獵 How to show you ? Know you 、 Like you 、 Trust you 、 Love you