Frida Kahlo was a Mexican painter known for her self-portraits dealing with themes of identity, the human body, and death. As a child, she contracted polio and suffered a serious bus accident that left her disabled. During her long recovery, she taught herself to paint. She joined the Mexican Communist Party where she met Diego Rivera, who she married. Kahlo's paintings explored her mixed Mexican and European heritage and dealt with personal struggles like miscarriages. Though she denied it, Kahlo is often considered a Surrealist painter due to the symbolic and psychological nature of her works like The Two Fridas. She gained prominence as a professor and continued painting self-portraits until her death,
Salvador Dali was a renowned Spanish artist and leader of the Surrealist movement. He attended the Royal Academy of Art in Madrid but felt he was more qualified than the teachers. Dali experimented with many different mediums, like oils and sculpture, and is renowned for works like The Persistence of Memory. In his later years, Dali opened his own museum in Figueres, Spain, which had originally been a municipal theater. He was forced into retirement due to health issues and passed away in 1989.
This document provides a summary of Frida Kahlo's life and artwork in 3 sentences:
Frida Kahlo was a Mexican painter known for her many self-portraits exploring her identity and pain from a tragic bus accident as a teenager that left her injured and unable to have children. She had a tumultuous marriage to muralist Diego Rivera where they divorced but remarried, with Rivera's affairs a source of heartbreak for Kahlo depicted in some of her paintings. Kahlo created over 100 paintings primarily in a folk art style focusing on themes of identity, post-colonialism, and feminism that have made her one of the most influential artists in Latin American art.
Frida Kahlo was a Mexican painter born in 1907 who is known for her self-portraits exploring her Mexican and indigenous heritage as well as experiences with pain and suffering. As a child, she contracted polio and survived a serious bus accident that left her disabled. This accident redirected her ambition to become a doctor and led her to begin painting during her recovery. Kahlo's paintings often depicted her turbulent marriage to Diego Rivera and related to her numerous medical operations over 30 surgeries throughout her life. Despite greater recognition after her death, Kahlo was less famous than her husband Rivera during her lifetime but is now considered one of Mexico's most influential artists known for her intensely personal and autobiographical works.
Presentanzione in P.P. del primo grande conflitto mondiale. Attraverso le illustrazioni d'epoca e le foto dei protagonisti si ripercorrono i momenti più salienti, con particolare riguardo al ruolo del nostro paese.
Auguste Rodin was a famous French sculptor born in 1840 who struggled early in his career but found great success later in life. He was rejected from art schools as a child due to poor vision. Though initially rejected from the Paris Salon, by 1900 he had become internationally renowned for works like The Thinker, The Gates of Hell, and The Burghers of Calais. Near the end of his life, Rodin arranged for his former home in Paris to be converted into a museum dedicated to displaying his works after his death.
Guillermo Kahlo was Frida Kahlo's father, born in Germany with debated Jewish/Hungarian or German ancestry. He moved to Mexico in 1891 and married Frida's mother Matilde Calderon y Gonzalez, a devout Catholic of indigenous Mexican and Spanish descent, after his first wife died. Frida was born in 1907 and at age 6 contracted polio. In 1925 she was in a devastating bus accident that left her disabled, after which she began painting to cope with pain. Her works reflected her physical and emotional suffering, as well as the turbulent relationship with her husband Diego Rivera, whom she divorced and remarried.
Frida Kahlo - Guida illustrata alle opere per bambini (Guida per bambini alla...ziobio
In occasione della mostra "Frida Kahlo oltre il mito" organizzata al Mudec di Milano, ho preparato una guida illustrata di 28 pagine, che illustra ai bambini alcune importanti opere esposte in questa mostra. La guida è scaricabile gratuitamente a questo link:
Frida Kahlo was a Mexican painter known for her self-portraits dealing with themes of identity, the human body, and death. As a child, she contracted polio and suffered a serious bus accident that left her disabled. During her long recovery, she taught herself to paint. She joined the Mexican Communist Party where she met Diego Rivera, who she married. Kahlo's paintings explored her mixed Mexican and European heritage and dealt with personal struggles like miscarriages. Though she denied it, Kahlo is often considered a Surrealist painter due to the symbolic and psychological nature of her works like The Two Fridas. She gained prominence as a professor and continued painting self-portraits until her death,
Salvador Dali was a renowned Spanish artist and leader of the Surrealist movement. He attended the Royal Academy of Art in Madrid but felt he was more qualified than the teachers. Dali experimented with many different mediums, like oils and sculpture, and is renowned for works like The Persistence of Memory. In his later years, Dali opened his own museum in Figueres, Spain, which had originally been a municipal theater. He was forced into retirement due to health issues and passed away in 1989.
This document provides a summary of Frida Kahlo's life and artwork in 3 sentences:
Frida Kahlo was a Mexican painter known for her many self-portraits exploring her identity and pain from a tragic bus accident as a teenager that left her injured and unable to have children. She had a tumultuous marriage to muralist Diego Rivera where they divorced but remarried, with Rivera's affairs a source of heartbreak for Kahlo depicted in some of her paintings. Kahlo created over 100 paintings primarily in a folk art style focusing on themes of identity, post-colonialism, and feminism that have made her one of the most influential artists in Latin American art.
Frida Kahlo was a Mexican painter born in 1907 who is known for her self-portraits exploring her Mexican and indigenous heritage as well as experiences with pain and suffering. As a child, she contracted polio and survived a serious bus accident that left her disabled. This accident redirected her ambition to become a doctor and led her to begin painting during her recovery. Kahlo's paintings often depicted her turbulent marriage to Diego Rivera and related to her numerous medical operations over 30 surgeries throughout her life. Despite greater recognition after her death, Kahlo was less famous than her husband Rivera during her lifetime but is now considered one of Mexico's most influential artists known for her intensely personal and autobiographical works.
Presentanzione in P.P. del primo grande conflitto mondiale. Attraverso le illustrazioni d'epoca e le foto dei protagonisti si ripercorrono i momenti più salienti, con particolare riguardo al ruolo del nostro paese.
Auguste Rodin was a famous French sculptor born in 1840 who struggled early in his career but found great success later in life. He was rejected from art schools as a child due to poor vision. Though initially rejected from the Paris Salon, by 1900 he had become internationally renowned for works like The Thinker, The Gates of Hell, and The Burghers of Calais. Near the end of his life, Rodin arranged for his former home in Paris to be converted into a museum dedicated to displaying his works after his death.
Guillermo Kahlo was Frida Kahlo's father, born in Germany with debated Jewish/Hungarian or German ancestry. He moved to Mexico in 1891 and married Frida's mother Matilde Calderon y Gonzalez, a devout Catholic of indigenous Mexican and Spanish descent, after his first wife died. Frida was born in 1907 and at age 6 contracted polio. In 1925 she was in a devastating bus accident that left her disabled, after which she began painting to cope with pain. Her works reflected her physical and emotional suffering, as well as the turbulent relationship with her husband Diego Rivera, whom she divorced and remarried.
Frida Kahlo - Guida illustrata alle opere per bambini (Guida per bambini alla...ziobio
In occasione della mostra "Frida Kahlo oltre il mito" organizzata al Mudec di Milano, ho preparato una guida illustrata di 28 pagine, che illustra ai bambini alcune importanti opere esposte in questa mostra. La guida è scaricabile gratuitamente a questo link:
Siamo due alunni della scuola secondaria di primo grado e grazie alla nostra professoressa di arte siamo riusciti a realizzare un presentazione riguardante Picasso.
1) The wavelength of light affects electron emission from metals. Shorter wavelengths (higher frequencies) are able to emit electrons from metals at lower thresholds.
2) Both the wavelength and intensity of light impact the photocurrent generated. Shorter wavelengths and higher intensities result in greater photocurrent.
3) There is a threshold frequency and energy for each metal, below which electron emission does not occur. Extra energy above the threshold is lost.
A.S. 2019/2020
Questa foto di Autore sconosciuto è concesso in licenza da CC BY-NC-ND
Questa foto di Autore sconosciuto è concesso in licenza da CC BY-SA
2. VITA:
L'artista Frida Kahlo nata in Messico 6 luglio 1907.
Studia presso il Colegio Alemà n. 1922 si iscrive alla
Escuola Nactional preparatoria. E’ stata considerata
una delle più grandi artiste messicane che ha iniziato
a dipingere per lo più autoritratti dopo essere stata
gravemente ferita in un incidente d'autobus. Kahlo
divenne in seguito politicamente attiva e sposò
l'artista comunista Diego Rivera nel 1929.
3. Il padre di Kahlo, Wilhelm
(chiamato anche Guillermo), era un
fotografo tedesco che era emigrato
in Messico dove aveva incontrato e
sposato sua madre Matilde. Aveva
due sorelle più grandi, Matilde e
Adriana, e sua sorella minore,
Cristina, nacque l'anno dopo Kahlo.
Espose i suoi dipinti a Parigi e in
Messico prima della sua morte nel
Il 17 settembre 1925, Kahlo e Alejandro Gómez
Arias, una compagna di scuola con cui era
romanticamente coinvolta, stavano viaggiando
insieme su un autobus quando il veicolo si scontrò
con un tram. A seguito della collisione, Kahlo fu
impalato da un corrimano d'acciaio, che le andò
all'anca e ne uscì dall'altra parte. Di conseguenza
ha subito diverse lesioni gravi, tra cui fratture alla
colonna vertebrale e al bacino.
Dopo essere stato all'ospedale della Croce Rossa a
Città del Messico per diverse settimane, Kahlo è
tornato a casa per riprendersi. Ha iniziato a
dipingere durante la sua guarigione e ha finito il
suo primo autoritratto l'anno successivo, che ha
dato a Gómez Arias.
Nel 1929, Kahlo e il famoso muralista messicano
Diego Rivera si sposarono. Kahlo e Rivera si
incontrarono per la prima volta nel 1922 quando
andò a lavorare a un progetto nel suo liceo. Kahlo
si ricollegò con Rivera nel 1928. Incoraggiò la sua
opera d'arte e i due iniziarono una relazione. 1929
si sposano. Mai un'unione tradizionale, Kahlo e
Rivera si tenevano separati, ma case e studi
adiacenti a San Angel. Fu rattristata dalle sue
numerose infedeltà , compresa una relazione con
sua sorella Cristina, quindi 1939 divorziano. In
risposta a questo tradimento familiare, Kahlo ha
tagliato la maggior parte dei suoi lunghi capelli
scuri. Non rimasero divorziati a lungo,
risposandosi nel 1940. La coppia continuò a
condurre una vita in gran parte separata, entrambi
coinvolti con altre persone nel corso degli anni.
Kahlo ha mostrato questo dipinto alla sesta mostra
annuale della Society of Women Artist di San
Francisco, la città in cui viveva con Rivera all'epoca.
Nell'opera, dipinta due anni dopo che la coppia si è
sposata, Kahlo tiene leggermente la mano di Rivera
mentre afferra una tavolozza e pennelli con l'altra,
una posa rigidamente formale che suggerisce la
futura relazione tumultuosa della coppia. L'opera ora
è situata al San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.
FORD (1932)
Nel 1932, Kahlo incorporò elementi
grafici e surreali nel suo lavoro. In
questo dipinto, un nudo Kahlo
appare su un letto d'ospedale con
diversi oggetti - un feto, una lumaca,
un fiore, un bacino e altri - che
fluttuano attorno a lei e collegati a
lei da corde rosse e simili a vene.
Come per i suoi precedenti
autoritratti, il lavoro era
profondamente personale,
raccontando la storia del suo
secondo aborto.
Una delle opere più famose di
Kahlo, il dipint mostra due versioni
dell'artista seduti fianco a fianco,
con entrambi i loro cuori esposti.
Una Frida è vestita quasi
interamente di bianco e ha un
cuore danneggiato e macchie di
sangue sui suoi vestiti. L'altro
indossa abiti dai colori vivaci e ha
un cuore intatto. Si ritiene che
queste figure rappresentino
versioni "non amate" e "amate" di