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Functional Styles of theFunctional Styles of the
English languageEnglish language
 1.Classification of1.Classification of Functional StylesFunctional Styles
 2.Substyles2.Substyles ofof Functional StylesFunctional Styles
 3.Functions and features3.Functions and features ofof
Functional StylesFunctional Styles
 1. Belles-letters style1. Belles-letters style
 2. Publicist style2. Publicist style
 3. Newspaper style3. Newspaper style
 4. Scientific style4. Scientific style
 5. Official style5. Official style
 1. Belles-letters style1. Belles-letters style
 1. The language of poetry1. The language of poetry
 2. Emotive Prose2. Emotive Prose
 3. The language of the drama3. The language of the drama
2. Publicist style2. Publicist style
 1. The language of oratory1. The language of oratory
 2. The language of essay2. The language of essay
 3. The language of articles3. The language of articles
3. Newspaper style3. Newspaper style
 1. Brief News Items1. Brief News Items
 2. Headlines2. Headlines
 3. Advertisements and announcements3. Advertisements and announcements
 4. The Editorial4. The Editorial
4.Official style4.Official style
 1. The language of diplomatic documents1. The language of diplomatic documents
 2. The language of business documents2. The language of business documents
 3. The language of legal documents3. The language of legal documents
 4. The language of military documents4. The language of military documents
5.5. Scientific styleScientific style
 1. The language of Humanitarian1. The language of Humanitarian
 2. The language of exact sciences2. The language of exact sciences
 3. The language of popular scientific3. The language of popular scientific
 1. Belles-letters style  aesthetic, cognitive function1. Belles-letters style  aesthetic, cognitive function
 2. Publicist style  social influence and public opinion2. Publicist style  social influence and public opinion
 3. Newspaper style  to influence public opinion on3. Newspaper style  to influence public opinion on
political and other matterspolitical and other matters
 4. Scientific style  to prove a hypothesis, to create new4. Scientific style  to prove a hypothesis, to create new
concepts to disclose the internal laws of existence,concepts to disclose the internal laws of existence,
development, relationship between different phenomenadevelopment, relationship between different phenomena
 5. Official style  to achieve the agreement between5. Official style  to achieve the agreement between
contrasting parts (the state and the citizen, citizen andcontrasting parts (the state and the citizen, citizen and
citizen, the society and its members)citizen, the society and its members)
 Features of Functional StylesFeatures of Functional Styles
Belles-letters style Belles-letters style 
 Use of words in contextual and very often in more thanUse of words in contextual and very often in more than
one dictionary meaningone dictionary meaning
 A peculiar individual selection of vocabulary and syntax,A peculiar individual selection of vocabulary and syntax,
a kind of lexical and syntactical idiosyncrasya kind of lexical and syntactical idiosyncrasy
 Individual, distinctive properties, aesthetic, cognitiveIndividual, distinctive properties, aesthetic, cognitive
 The introduction of the typical features of colloquialThe introduction of the typical features of colloquial
 Publicist stylePublicist style
 Interchange of standard and expressiveness, affective,Interchange of standard and expressiveness, affective,
impressive characterimpressive character
 Combination of logical argumentation and emotiveCombination of logical argumentation and emotive
 Coherent and logical syntactical structureCoherent and logical syntactical structure
 Use of words with emotive meaningUse of words with emotive meaning
 Brevity of expressionBrevity of expression
 Features common with the style of scientific proseFeatures common with the style of scientific prose
 Newspaper styleNewspaper style
 Priority of neutral and bookish vocabulary, abundance ofPriority of neutral and bookish vocabulary, abundance of
statistics, proper names, facts and data, means ofstatistics, proper names, facts and data, means of
evaluation, a great number of international wordsevaluation, a great number of international words
 Newspaper cliche, abbreviations, neologismsNewspaper cliche, abbreviations, neologisms
 specific word order- five w - h- pattern rule (who- what-specific word order- five w - h- pattern rule (who- what-
why- how-where-when)why- how-where-when)
 Headlines are the most conciseHeadlines are the most concise
 Special political and economic termsSpecial political and economic terms
 Complex sentences with a developed system of clausesComplex sentences with a developed system of clauses
 Considerable amount of appraisalConsiderable amount of appraisal
 Scientific styleScientific style
 The use of nouns and verbs in abstract meaning, specialThe use of nouns and verbs in abstract meaning, special
reference words-absence of non-literary vocabularyreference words-absence of non-literary vocabulary
 Clarity of expressionsClarity of expressions
 Logical coherence of ideasLogical coherence of ideas
 Use of terms specific to each given branch of scienceUse of terms specific to each given branch of science
 Impersonality, use of passive constructionsImpersonality, use of passive constructions
 Precision, clarity and logical cohesionPrecision, clarity and logical cohesion
 Logical sequence of utterancesLogical sequence of utterances
 Quotations and referencesQuotations and references
 Official styleOfficial style
 Imperative nature, stereotyped ways ofImperative nature, stereotyped ways of
 Absence of subjective emotional appraisalAbsence of subjective emotional appraisal
 Conventionality of expressionConventionality of expression
 Use of words in their logical-dictionary meaningUse of words in their logical-dictionary meaning
 Large number of abbreviations, termsLarge number of abbreviations, terms
New WordsNew Words
 Lampoons - 仗舒从于亳仍Lampoons - 仗舒从于亳仍
 Idiosyncrasy- 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂, 舒舒从亠仆舒 亠舒Idiosyncrasy- 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂, 舒舒从亠仆舒 亠舒
 Oratory- 亳仂亳从舒, 从舒仆仂亠亳亠Oratory- 亳仂亳从舒, 从舒仆仂亠亳亠
 Editorial- 仗亠亠亟仂于舒 舒Editorial- 仗亠亠亟仂于舒 舒
 Dichotomy-亟亳仂仂仄亳 ( 亟于亠 舒亳)Dichotomy-亟亳仂仂仄亳 ( 亟于亠 舒亳)
 Coherent  于磶仆亶Coherent  于磶仆亶
 Coherence - 于磶Coherence - 于磶
 Cohesion- 亠仍仆仂Cohesion- 亠仍仆仂
 thesis, monograph, article, report,thesis, monograph, article, report,
annotations, review, brochuresannotations, review, brochures
 Lampoons, essays, slogans, leaflets, briefLampoons, essays, slogans, leaflets, brief
news, talk show, reality show, game shownews, talk show, reality show, game show
 Laws, orders, contracts, pacts,Laws, orders, contracts, pacts,
declarations, instructionsdeclarations, instructions

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Functional styles of the english language

  • 1. Functional Styles of theFunctional Styles of the English languageEnglish language OrazbayevaOrazbayeva G.D.G.D.
  • 2. 1.Classification of1.Classification of Functional StylesFunctional Styles 2.Substyles2.Substyles ofof Functional StylesFunctional Styles 3.Functions and features3.Functions and features ofof Functional StylesFunctional Styles
  • 3. StylesStyles 1. Belles-letters style1. Belles-letters style 2. Publicist style2. Publicist style 3. Newspaper style3. Newspaper style 4. Scientific style4. Scientific style 5. Official style5. Official style
  • 4. SubstylesSubstyles 1. Belles-letters style1. Belles-letters style 1. The language of poetry1. The language of poetry 2. Emotive Prose2. Emotive Prose 3. The language of the drama3. The language of the drama
  • 5. 2. Publicist style2. Publicist style 1. The language of oratory1. The language of oratory 2. The language of essay2. The language of essay 3. The language of articles3. The language of articles
  • 6. 3. Newspaper style3. Newspaper style 1. Brief News Items1. Brief News Items 2. Headlines2. Headlines 3. Advertisements and announcements3. Advertisements and announcements 4. The Editorial4. The Editorial
  • 7. 4.Official style4.Official style 1. The language of diplomatic documents1. The language of diplomatic documents 2. The language of business documents2. The language of business documents 3. The language of legal documents3. The language of legal documents 4. The language of military documents4. The language of military documents
  • 8. 5.5. Scientific styleScientific style 1. The language of Humanitarian1. The language of Humanitarian sciencessciences 2. The language of exact sciences2. The language of exact sciences 3. The language of popular scientific3. The language of popular scientific proseprose
  • 9. FunctionsFunctions 1. Belles-letters style aesthetic, cognitive function1. Belles-letters style aesthetic, cognitive function 2. Publicist style social influence and public opinion2. Publicist style social influence and public opinion manipulationmanipulation 3. Newspaper style to influence public opinion on3. Newspaper style to influence public opinion on political and other matterspolitical and other matters 4. Scientific style to prove a hypothesis, to create new4. Scientific style to prove a hypothesis, to create new concepts to disclose the internal laws of existence,concepts to disclose the internal laws of existence, development, relationship between different phenomenadevelopment, relationship between different phenomena 5. Official style to achieve the agreement between5. Official style to achieve the agreement between contrasting parts (the state and the citizen, citizen andcontrasting parts (the state and the citizen, citizen and citizen, the society and its members)citizen, the society and its members)
  • 10. Features of Functional StylesFeatures of Functional Styles Belles-letters style Belles-letters style Use of words in contextual and very often in more thanUse of words in contextual and very often in more than one dictionary meaningone dictionary meaning A peculiar individual selection of vocabulary and syntax,A peculiar individual selection of vocabulary and syntax, a kind of lexical and syntactical idiosyncrasya kind of lexical and syntactical idiosyncrasy Individual, distinctive properties, aesthetic, cognitiveIndividual, distinctive properties, aesthetic, cognitive effecteffect The introduction of the typical features of colloquialThe introduction of the typical features of colloquial languagelanguage
  • 11. Publicist stylePublicist style Interchange of standard and expressiveness, affective,Interchange of standard and expressiveness, affective, impressive characterimpressive character Combination of logical argumentation and emotiveCombination of logical argumentation and emotive appealappeal Coherent and logical syntactical structureCoherent and logical syntactical structure Use of words with emotive meaningUse of words with emotive meaning Brevity of expressionBrevity of expression Features common with the style of scientific proseFeatures common with the style of scientific prose
  • 12. Newspaper styleNewspaper style Priority of neutral and bookish vocabulary, abundance ofPriority of neutral and bookish vocabulary, abundance of statistics, proper names, facts and data, means ofstatistics, proper names, facts and data, means of evaluation, a great number of international wordsevaluation, a great number of international words Newspaper cliche, abbreviations, neologismsNewspaper cliche, abbreviations, neologisms specific word order- five w - h- pattern rule (who- what-specific word order- five w - h- pattern rule (who- what- why- how-where-when)why- how-where-when) Headlines are the most conciseHeadlines are the most concise Special political and economic termsSpecial political and economic terms Complex sentences with a developed system of clausesComplex sentences with a developed system of clauses Considerable amount of appraisalConsiderable amount of appraisal
  • 13. Scientific styleScientific style The use of nouns and verbs in abstract meaning, specialThe use of nouns and verbs in abstract meaning, special reference words-absence of non-literary vocabularyreference words-absence of non-literary vocabulary Clarity of expressionsClarity of expressions Logical coherence of ideasLogical coherence of ideas Use of terms specific to each given branch of scienceUse of terms specific to each given branch of science FootnotesFootnotes Impersonality, use of passive constructionsImpersonality, use of passive constructions Precision, clarity and logical cohesionPrecision, clarity and logical cohesion Logical sequence of utterancesLogical sequence of utterances Quotations and referencesQuotations and references
  • 14. Official styleOfficial style Imperative nature, stereotyped ways ofImperative nature, stereotyped ways of expressionsexpressions Absence of subjective emotional appraisalAbsence of subjective emotional appraisal Conventionality of expressionConventionality of expression Use of words in their logical-dictionary meaningUse of words in their logical-dictionary meaning Large number of abbreviations, termsLarge number of abbreviations, terms
  • 15. New WordsNew Words Lampoons - 仗舒从于亳仍Lampoons - 仗舒从于亳仍 Idiosyncrasy- 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂, 舒舒从亠仆舒 亠舒Idiosyncrasy- 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂, 舒舒从亠仆舒 亠舒 Oratory- 亳仂亳从舒, 从舒仆仂亠亳亠Oratory- 亳仂亳从舒, 从舒仆仂亠亳亠 Editorial- 仗亠亠亟仂于舒 舒Editorial- 仗亠亠亟仂于舒 舒 Dichotomy-亟亳仂仂仄亳 ( 亟于亠 舒亳)Dichotomy-亟亳仂仂仄亳 ( 亟于亠 舒亳) Coherent 于磶仆亶Coherent 于磶仆亶 Coherence - 于磶Coherence - 于磶 Cohesion- 亠仍仆仂Cohesion- 亠仍仆仂
  • 16. VariantsVariants thesis, monograph, article, report,thesis, monograph, article, report, annotations, review, brochuresannotations, review, brochures Lampoons, essays, slogans, leaflets, briefLampoons, essays, slogans, leaflets, brief news, talk show, reality show, game shownews, talk show, reality show, game show Laws, orders, contracts, pacts,Laws, orders, contracts, pacts, declarations, instructionsdeclarations, instructions