О товарной аналитике на GuruConf-2017Taras GushchaАлексей Данилин рассказал на GuruConf-2017 о товарной аналитике и ценообразовании для интернет-магазинов. Доклад будет полезен онлайн-ритейлу и специалистам по SEO и PPC.
Курсы по веб-аналитике Академии Ашманова - Debugging в GA, Worst practice, тестKirill BushevSampling, cardinality, confidence interval, google analytics debugging
Мастеркласс по GTM на Google EventKirill BushevThis document provides an overview of using Google Tag Manager (GTM) to track events on a website. It includes:
- An agenda that allocates 70 minutes to go over GTM theory, create a measurement plan, and do practical exercises.
- An explanation of the basic structure of GTM including containers, tags, and rules.
- Details on the different types of tags and macros available in GTM for tracking clicks, forms, links, timers and other events.
- Examples of how to use DOM properties, custom HTML, and JavaScript in GTM tags and macros.
Курсы по веб-аналитике Академии Ашманова - пользовательские параметры и показ...Kirill BushevCustom dimensions and metrics
Dimension Widening
Measurement Protocol
Think Insurance with GoogleKirill BushevAcme Insurance appears to be communicating with a client about an issue that needs to be resolved. The message indicates that the situation will be fixed and everything will be sorted out soon. The name and logo "Acme Insurance" is included, suggesting this is part of an official correspondence from the insurance company to a customer regarding a problem or claim.
American studentsFedor OvchinnikovDodo Pizza was founded in 2011 in Syktyvkar, Russia and has since expanded to 9 countries with over 101 locations. They have experienced rapid growth, starting with 1 store in 2011 and growing to 101 stores by May 2016. Dodo Pizza attributes their success to their IT system and transparency, with a web-based information system and use of technology like tablets and mobile devices to increase efficiency and transparency in their pizza delivery business.
Додо Пицца: презентация для владельцев помещенийFedor OvchinnikovСветлана Фарафонова, Презентация для арендодателей в помощь розничным сетям Додо Пицца
Вебинар «Анализируем рекламу и повышаем ее эффективность с помощью Google Ana...eLama.ruВы узнаете о возможностях Google Analytics, научитесь создавать отчеты, настраивать ремаркетинг и др. Запись можно посмотреть здесь: http://goo.gl/qONTCf
Анализ больших данных с помощью инструментов GoogleNetpeakПрезентация доклада на конференции «ФинМаркет», Киев, 06/10/2015.
Докладчик: Алексей Данилин – Senior SEO Specialist Netpeak.
184. взгляд со стороныJulia SuvorovaВзгляд со стороны или как люди из разных стран смотрят на одну и ту же веб-страницу. Юлия Суворова расскажет о том, какой интересный опыт для проектирования интерфейсов можно почерпнуть из кросскультурных исследований.
Dodo Pizza 2016 - Corporate PresentationFedor OvchinnikovDodo Pizza is an international pizza chain founded in Russia in 2011 that focuses on franchising. As of August 2016, it had 113 stores across 9 countries generating $2.7 billion in annual sales, up 57% year-over-year. It aims to have over 170 stores globally by end of 2016 and over 400 by end of 2017. Dodo Pizza utilizes an asset-light business model and proprietary cloud-based IT platform to support its franchisees. It has experienced strong growth and expects continued expansion internationally and in Russia.
Мастеркласс по GTM на Google EventKirill BushevThis document provides an overview of using Google Tag Manager (GTM) to track events on a website. It includes:
- An agenda that allocates 70 minutes to go over GTM theory, create a measurement plan, and do practical exercises.
- An explanation of the basic structure of GTM including containers, tags, and rules.
- Details on the different types of tags and macros available in GTM for tracking clicks, forms, links, timers and other events.
- Examples of how to use DOM properties, custom HTML, and JavaScript in GTM tags and macros.
Курсы по веб-аналитике Академии Ашманова - пользовательские параметры и показ...Kirill BushevCustom dimensions and metrics
Dimension Widening
Measurement Protocol
Think Insurance with GoogleKirill BushevAcme Insurance appears to be communicating with a client about an issue that needs to be resolved. The message indicates that the situation will be fixed and everything will be sorted out soon. The name and logo "Acme Insurance" is included, suggesting this is part of an official correspondence from the insurance company to a customer regarding a problem or claim.
American studentsFedor OvchinnikovDodo Pizza was founded in 2011 in Syktyvkar, Russia and has since expanded to 9 countries with over 101 locations. They have experienced rapid growth, starting with 1 store in 2011 and growing to 101 stores by May 2016. Dodo Pizza attributes their success to their IT system and transparency, with a web-based information system and use of technology like tablets and mobile devices to increase efficiency and transparency in their pizza delivery business.
Додо Пицца: презентация для владельцев помещенийFedor OvchinnikovСветлана Фарафонова, Презентация для арендодателей в помощь розничным сетям Додо Пицца
Вебинар «Анализируем рекламу и повышаем ее эффективность с помощью Google Ana...eLama.ruВы узнаете о возможностях Google Analytics, научитесь создавать отчеты, настраивать ремаркетинг и др. Запись можно посмотреть здесь: http://goo.gl/qONTCf
Анализ больших данных с помощью инструментов GoogleNetpeakПрезентация доклада на конференции «ФинМаркет», Киев, 06/10/2015.
Докладчик: Алексей Данилин – Senior SEO Specialist Netpeak.
184. взгляд со стороныJulia SuvorovaВзгляд со стороны или как люди из разных стран смотрят на одну и ту же веб-страницу. Юлия Суворова расскажет о том, какой интересный опыт для проектирования интерфейсов можно почерпнуть из кросскультурных исследований.
Dodo Pizza 2016 - Corporate PresentationFedor OvchinnikovDodo Pizza is an international pizza chain founded in Russia in 2011 that focuses on franchising. As of August 2016, it had 113 stores across 9 countries generating $2.7 billion in annual sales, up 57% year-over-year. It aims to have over 170 stores globally by end of 2016 and over 400 by end of 2017. Dodo Pizza utilizes an asset-light business model and proprietary cloud-based IT platform to support its franchisees. It has experienced strong growth and expects continued expansion internationally and in Russia.
Академия интернет-маркетинга Ашманова, funnels, enhanced e-commerce, api, gtm
1. 12 ноября - 3 часа
● Основные отчеты по конверсиям
Применение расширенной
отчетности анализ визуализации
● Использование дополнений
● Знакомство с контейнером тегов
настройка тега